Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 410 Underground God Corpse

"After you refine this bead, you will no longer need to go to the fixed foreign realm gate when you enter the foreign realm, and this bead can also help you find some unopened foreign realms."

"Put it away, hurry up and search for the next place, we can't stay here for too long, otherwise the power will be exhausted, haven't you noticed that the speed of the loss of power is starting to accelerate?"

Zhan Nian turned around and left, Zhang Xibao was not polite, he stuffed the Void Orb into the Tong Tian Bao Curry, followed by Zhan Nian and left the area.

"Zhan Nian, just now you said that the Void Orb can break through the gates of foreign lands. Does that mean that I can return directly to Great Xia or Kunlun Foreign Lands from this holy ruins?"

What Zhan Nian just said was relatively general, Zhang Xibao still didn't understand this orb.

You must know that the masters of the temple are blocking themselves at the gate of the Holy Ruins. If you can directly return to Kunlun or Daxia, you can save a lot of trouble.

Zhan Nian understood Zhang Xibao's meaning, but he shook his head: "It's a good idea, but it's not that simple. No matter how powerful this Void Orb is, it can only break through the void between two adjacent worlds, and it's impossible to jump across two or more worlds."

"For example, the planet you are on is a ball, and the Kunlun Foreign Land is a huge fragment that overlaps with the ball. The fragment of the Kunlun Foreign Land is connected to the small fragment of the Divine Court, and above the Divine Court is also connected to the Holy Ruins. This fragment."

"You can stand on the planet Earth and use the Void Orb to jump to any fragment that coincides with the ball, that is, Hao Cang Island, Kunlun Alien Land, Mi Kirishima and other foreign lands, but you cannot forcefully go through the three heavens directly from the Earth Star Holy Ruins, in this case, not only will your divine power be drained, but you will also fall into the void, unless..."

Zhan Nian paused: "Unless you have reached the level where you can change the laws of the world at will, of course if you have reached this level, do you still need the Void Orb? Lose."


Zhang Xibao pondered Zhan Nian's words for a while, then nodded: "Understood, I can open a hole to go out from the Holy Ruins, or I can open a hole in the Shenting to return to Kunlun Alien Land, that's not bad, I have to eat every bite!"

The two were communicating, when Zhan Nian suddenly stopped.

"What, found another one?"

Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands excitedly, he already earned a Void Orb, and he wouldn't mind picking up more treasures.


Zhan Nian stomped on the solid ground: "When the wild gods fought against the demons, there were indeed some fragments of the golden body of the gods or the corpses of the gods that were driven into the ground. It depends on your luck and what you can dig out."

"Okay, then dig and have a look!"

Saying that, Zhang Xibao took out the talisman bomb...

There was a loud bang, and the dead air in the valley seemed to be stirred by an invisible hand.

Zhang Xibao patted the dust on his hair, and walked over to have a look at the effect after the blasting.

There was a big bottomless hole in the ground, Zhang Xibao looked at the big black hole and muttered, "Why do I feel like we are robbing a tomb..."

"Isn't this more exciting than tomb robbery?"

Zhan Nian glanced at Zhang Xibao, and jumped straight into the hole, and Zhang Xibao also jumped down.

"This underground hole should have been created by something falling and bombarding it back then, and then the hole collapsed and was sealed, and was broken open by your talisman bomb. Good luck, it means that there must be something underground..."

The sound of Zhan Nian resounded faintly in the cave, the sound was ethereal, and the echo was transmitted far away, which indicated that the cave was very deep.

Zhang Xibao held the shiny cane to illuminate while dispelling the stale and poisonous gas in the cave, observing the surrounding environment.

The valley is full of dead energy, there are no alien plants or beasts at all, but the environment in this cave is completely different, alien plants began to appear in front of Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian.

This exotic plant was very strange, without leaves, like twisted gray-white thorns, the branches and thorns of the thorns crowded the hole, Zhang Xibao had to take out the Qilin sword to open the way for the two of them.


Qilin's sword swept across, and a large piece of gray and white thorns broke off, and the juice of the thorns was as red as blood.

Zhang Xibao picked up some thorn juice with the Qilin sword and sniffed it: "It smells fishy... Is this thing a plant?"

"There is no introduction of this kind of alien plant in Tongtian Dabaojian, Zhan Nian, do you know what this thing is?" Zhang Xibao turned his head and asked Zhan Nian.

Zhan Nian pinched a thorn and looked at it: "Interesting, this alien plant does not look like a species that grows in a normal alien territory, it is very likely to be a derivative."


Zhang Xibao asked: "Derived from what?"

"God Corpse."

Zhan Nian guessed: "There may be a god corpse that fell into the ground, forming a whole new ecosystem, and this alien plant grew under the influence of the god corpse."

"Ecosystem? Since there are xenoplants, there should be..."

Zhang Xibao paused, turned around abruptly and slashed Qilin's sword, a thing the size of a human head split in two and flew out backwards.

After doing this, Zhang Xibao spit out two words: "Alien beast!"

The corpses of the two halves of the alien beasts were picked up by Zhang Xibao with the tip of his sword.

The strange beast looks like a beetle, the size of a human head, covered with black armor, and has two rows of sharp claws on its abdomen.

Zhang Xibao inspected the residue in the belly of the alien beast, and found a lot of bright red juice from thorns. Sure enough, as Zhan Nian said, a unique ecological system has been formed underground.

"Is it a dead turtle or a flea?"

"The alien beast derived from the god corpse, is that all?"

Just as Zhang Xibao finished speaking, there were dense crawling sounds in front of him.


Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian looked at each other, the atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Zhan Nian's eyes clearly said the word crow's mouth.

"I'll solve it."

Zhang Xibao directly used Sifang Tianhuo to draw a circle around himself and Zhan Nian, the turtles were burned cracklingly, but they couldn't cross the forbidden zone drawn by Zhang Xibao.

"Go on and see which god fell here."

Zhan Nian and Zhang Xibao continued to explore inwardly, Zhang Xibao's sword chopped thorns and burned the insects, the speed of the two people's progress was not slow.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao felt a strong sense of death, he and Zhan Nian walked a few steps quickly, and saw a huge head at the end of the cave.

"Oh, it turned out to be Uncle Nu whose head had been beheaded..."

Seeing Zhan Nian's reaction, Zhang Xibao guessed that the owner of this head and Zhan Nian were old acquaintances.

"This guy is also a wild god. He is also a demon clan. He is a bison who becomes a spirit and then becomes a god. He can be regarded as a guy with good combat power in our camp back then!"

Zhang Xibao nodded, looked at the head, and found that there were horns on the head, but they were all cut off by sharp weapons.

Seeing this head, Zhan Nian sighed a little, Zhang Xibao stood aside and did not move, intending to hear how Zhan Nian would deal with this wild god's head.

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