Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 427 Master Bao's Cannon

"any solution?"

Qin Jiuyuan and other big shots stared at Zhang Xibao, curious about what method he was talking about.

After all, so many masters in the talisman world have nothing to do with this bonded talisman, what can the dark sage do?

Zhang Xibao brought Qin Jiuyuan and others to the window of the conference room, pointed to the huge art gallery in downtown E and said, "This is the way!"

The art museum in E City is shaped like an electric pressure cooker, probably this is art. Zhang Xibao noticed this huge venue when he flew here on a phoenix.

Just now he had an idea, and he came up with a way to deal with the bond talisman.

"What do you mean?" Some people still don't understand.

Zhang Xibao chuckled: "Since we can't solve the problem, let's change our thinking and solve the problem guy!"

"This huge art gallery, old gentlemen, does it look like a cover? My idea is that the gentlemen design a magic circle to block the connection between the bonded person and the bonded master, so that they cannot explode. I will then Go and kill the bond master, and the bond talisman will be unlocked naturally."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Qin Jiuyuan and the others frowned: "The dark sage's idea is fine, but it's all based on getting rid of the caster. Does the dark sage have the confidence to kill the caster?"

"Whether confidence is enough or not depends on whether the cannon is fierce or not!"

Zhang Xibao smiled: "Based on what I know about He Xiansheng, I should have enough confidence."

The design drawing of the art museum was quickly fetched, Zhang Xibao, Qin Jiuyuan and others carefully designed the details, and then the plan was finalized.

The art gallery is quite huge, which is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of believers. Similarly, the magic circle covering the art gallery is also quite huge, and the magic circle must be cast by divine power. North Xuanwu.

When Bei Xuanwu saw the design of the densely packed talisman circle, he couldn't help complaining: "I didn't expect that I would pick up the previous talisman knowledge and learn it again..."

"Hey, the confidence I have finally accumulated!" Xi Baihu couldn't help but sigh.

Zhang Xibao looked at Xuanwu and then at Baihu, and said with a smile: "Live to be old, learn to be old, we are saving the lives of tens of thousands of people, and what we are doing is a good thing for thousands of families to become Buddhas, work harder! !"

"Didn't I divide the virtual world for you, and your trust will increase really fast!"

"Hey, no, I have a headache. I want to change with Xiao Li'er. She is smarter than me. I'm a rough person who is suitable for arresting believers!"

Bei Xuanwu directly called Qin Li and asked her to replace him, while he cooperated with Qinglong to arrest the remaining believers.

Tang Yinghuang watched Xuanwu go away enviously, because no one could replace her.

In this way, the magic circle designed by Qin Jiuyuan and others and constructed by Zhang Xibao, Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang was completed. Nearly 10,000 believers were imprisoned in the art gallery, cutting off contact with the casters.

"Just wait for He Xiansheng..."

The five saints are very exhausted, because of building the magic circle, and because of arresting believers.

Two days later, Zhang Xibao received a message from He Xiansheng. He Xiansheng also looked tired, and only told Zhang Xibao two words: It's done!


Zhang Xibao said hello three times in a row.

"Contact my contractors, and bring Labor and Capital's Qilin number to City X!"

Zhang Xibao immediately contacted thousands of contractors through the contract. These high-level supernatural beings gathered in the imperial capital from all directions, and then a mighty and domineering huge attack ship flew across the sky from north to south.

"Go, take you to find that guy!"

Zhang Xibao slapped his hands and flew towards the Qilin with Tang Yinghuang and Qin Li.

Qinglong and Xuanwu had to stare at the believers on the side of the art gallery, so they had no chance to witness the moment of killing the gods.

『Welcome the Dark Saint to the Qilin! 』

A group of high-level abilities shouted on the Qilin.

"This is my ship, hey, it's my attack ship!"

Standing on the deck of the Qilin, Zhang Xibao caressed the warm flaming stones on the side of the ship, and said proudly to Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang.

Isn't this thing more powerful than a Ferrari? !

He Xiansheng also came along, because the supernatural gunboat had no way to test fire, so he wanted to witness the scene where Zhang Xibao controlled the gunboat to launch, only in this way could he record the various parameters of the gunboat.

"Old He, where's the cannon, where's my cannon?!"

Zhang Xibao patrolled around, only seeing ordinary naval cannons on the hull of the attacking French ship, but not the Taiyi fine gold cannon that he was thinking about.

"Pull the cannon out!"

He Xiansheng greeted, and the beast head on the bow of the Qilin opened its mouth, revealing a naval gun.

"I'm knocking, when did you transform the animal's mouth, it's very creative!"

Zhang Xibao gave He Xiansheng a thumbs up, and then excitedly ran to watch the Taiyi fine gold naval gun.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao yelled: "This cannon... the barrel is so solid!"

He Xiansheng smiled triumphantly, and adjusted his glasses: "Because I have carried out the third design, and specially designed a solid barrel to improve the power of the naval gun and the strength of the barrel. It has no shells, and only emits pure divine power!"

He Xiansheng took out a Qingqi pager, and the magic circle screen spread out in mid-air, with the design drawing of the barrel on it.

"The barrel is a solid barrel, engraved with one hundred thousand guiding and strengthening inscriptions. After the divine power is injected into the naval gun, it will flow through these inscriptions, converge and launch at the barrel mouth. I dare not imagine its power, because it is A god-killing weapon!"

After He Xiansheng finished speaking, Zhang Xibao was also a little surprised. After a moment of silence, Zhang Xibao asked uncertainly, "Will this shot, fuck me?"

"With Lord Bao's unfathomable strength, it shouldn't be possible?" He Xiansheng was not too sure.

Zhang Xibao swallowed his saliva and said: "Okay, it seems that I will be beaten if I don't!"

The Qilin sailed smoothly into the strange land of Nanyue in City X.

Qin Li pointed to the white-robed team on the ground and said, "Is there a fish that slipped through the net?"

A group of believers in white robes was marching on the ground. These guys were all supernatural beings, so they avoided arrest and fled into a foreign land. They were probably going to make a pilgrimage to their Guiyi God.

"Don't worry about them, our Dharma boat is fast, and when I bombard Gui Yishen to death, these guys haven't arrived yet!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and the Qilin flew at full speed.

After flying at full speed for half a day, Zhang Xibao ordered the flight to stop, and the Qilin stopped ahead of a huge mountain range.

"The so-called Guiyi God is hiding under this mountain. It is estimated that he has just recovered and has not yet broken free from the shackles of the mountain."

The Taiyi fine gold naval gun protruded from the mouth of the beast. Zhang Xibao came to the naval gun control room, aimed at Yamane, and said with a sneer, "Let me give it a big surprise!"

The sight is similar to an aircraft joystick, Zhang Xibao held the naval gun sight with both hands, and began to inject divine power.


The Taiyi fine gold naval gun trembled, and even the Qilin trembled. Only He Xiansheng was stuck on the deck like a nail, staring at the gun barrel with scorching eyes.

He Xiansheng said excitedly: "It's started..."

The golden divine power was continuously poured into the naval gun, and the illusory divine power that was originally like light began to change, becoming like a viscous liquid. They flowed along the hundreds of thousands of dense and strange inscriptions, and converged at the muzzle of the gun through different routes.

The Qilin continued to hum, as if the Qilin animal head was roaring.


The air was shredded, and everyone on board felt their ears ringing.

While the sky was spinning, someone lay on the side of the boat and looked towards the giant mountain.

The mountains as tall as giants disappeared!

The place where the root of the mountain was located turned into a big hole like a circle. The bottom of the big hole was bottomless, and there was a continuous roar coming up from the depths of the ground.

"Tuigui, this cannon pierced the earth..."

The crew member with supernatural ability muttered in a low voice.

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