Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 465 Verifying The Answer

Zhan Nian narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand to feel Zhang Xibao's forehead, shook his head, and said, "Nothing unusual."

"You said Xitu didn't give you anything?"

Genyuan and Xuanming expressed doubts. After all, Zhang Xibao said that Xitu didn't give him any treasures. The two guys also wanted to check Zhang Xibao's sea of ​​consciousness, but Zhang Xibao refused.

"Are you sure Xi Tu didn't leave anything behind?" Xuan Ming asked again without giving up.

"Okay, the two of us chatted for a few words, and he disappeared."

Zhang Xibao looked at the two guys and explained: "These arrangements by Xitu are indeed for the purpose of resurrecting himself. He has no way or magic weapon to fight against the demons. We have found loneliness in this circle."

Gen Huan still had a look of disbelief, she went to check the big rock, and found that the stone had lost all magic, even the colorful lights around the stone were gone.

The two great gods were very unwilling. After searching for so long, they didn't even get a hair, and they couldn't bear to put it on anyone.

The four guys returned the same way, and the eyes of Genyuan and Xuanming were still rolling on Zhang Xibao. Zhang Xibao changed the subject and said, "You two, the gate of the demon will open in two years. Can you come to support then? After all, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold, you come to support , the remuneration is negotiable."

Genyuan was in a bad mood because of this trip, so he turned around and flew towards the foreign land, leaving a sentence: "Let's talk!"

Xuan Ming glanced at Zhan Nian and said, "Me too."

After the two great gods flew away, Zhang Xibao complained: "Two ruthless guys, they have no benefit to gain, so they immediately turned their faces and ruthless."

The two sat on the back of the phoenix and returned to Daxia.

"But Zhan Nian, you really didn't notice the abnormality in my body?" Zhang Xibao was still afraid that Xi Tu would leave something behind him, because he saw white light penetrate into his body with his own eyes.

"Nothing unusual."

Zhan Nian shook his head, then tried to take out Xitu's godhead, and found that the godhead fragments reacted to Zhang Xibao.

"I can't find any abnormalities, but it doesn't mean there are no abnormalities."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand after seeing Xitu's godhead fragment, "Keep that thing away from me..."

Zhan Nian didn't know why Zhang Xibao reacted so violently, he twisted the piece of godhead and asked, "You don't want this thing anymore?"

"No, no, take it away!"

Zhang Xibao moved to the side, told about his life experience, and told about the relationship between Zhan Nian's avatar seed and Xitu's deity.

"So it's like this. You evolved from the seed of the avatar. If Xitu's godhead is not broken, once you integrate into your body, you will become Xitu?"

Zhan Nian fell into deep thought again.

After a long time, Zhan Nian raised his head, stared at Zhang Xibao and said, "Let's sort it out..."

"The resurrection hand left by Xitu is the seed of avatar, you are one of them, if Xitu's godhead is not broken, you will become Xitu, but if the godhead is broken, Xitu will not do wrong things, that is to say, the godhead is broken In line with the right direction of things..."

"Looking back, after the recovery of the Qing Qi, the first foreign land was opened. Your mother Zhang Zhizi ate the seed of the clone by accident and gave birth to you. You were lucky enough to get the Tongtian Baojian. , woke me up again, and I'm Xitu's old friend again..."

"Is it possible that Old Man Tongtian also evolved from a clone seed?"

"Old Man Tongtian left two avatar seeds in the Great Xia Tribe, and then your mother swallowed them by mistake. Is this the right thing?"

"Coincidence after coincidence has made you who you are today. Are these coincidences really coincidences? These coincidences are the right thing!"

"Xitu couldn't predict these things, but Xitu is indeed related to these people and things!"

As Zhan Nian said these things like a jigsaw puzzle, Zhang Xibao felt like his head was going to explode. He muttered to himself: "Old Man Tongtian also evolved from a clone seed? If so, then it makes sense... Could it be?" Is this the existence of necessity in chance?"

"Oh, by the way, the old man Tongtian said that he also kept a clone!"

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered what the young Tongtian old man had said. Wasn't it the old man Tongtian who guided him to the path of being a supernatural being on the top of the mountain?

The jigsaw puzzle is almost complete, but the last piece is still missing - Old Man Tongtian!

When the phoenix flew into the land of Daxia, Zhang Xibao suddenly felt a throbbing. He closed his eyes and felt it, and found that the book spirit was restless.

"what happened?"

Zhang Xibao asked Shuling, and Shuling told Zhang Xibao that it sensed the breath of its master, and it was in a certain foreign territory in Daxia!

"Could it be the clone of Old Man Tongtian?!"

Zhang Xibao decided to check it out, he wanted to find the last piece of the puzzle, and verify his and Zhan Nian's guesses.

Zhan Nian wanted to refine the nine heavenly swords, accumulate divine power for the opening of the Heavenly Demon Gate two years later, and also erase the imprint in the seal of Xuqi God, so he did not follow Zhang Xibao to find the clone of Old Man Tongtian.

Looking at the back of Zhang Xibao going away, Zhan Nian muttered to himself: "Is this the right thing to do? Could it be that Zhang Xibao is the key to resisting the invasion of Heavenly Demon?"

According to Shuling's induction, Zhang Xibao came to City C in the south of Daxia. After entering the foreign land, he went straight to the place Shuling said.

"Old Man Tongtian was obviously born after the Great World collapsed, but how could his clone be in a different world?"

Zhang Xibao realized after a little thought that the old man Tongtian had found Fang Rui for hundreds of years on Haocang Island, and left a clone on Haocang Island, but the old man Tongtian had lived for ten thousand years. In so many places, it is possible that the large fragments of foreign lands that Old Man Tongtian was born with collapsed again, forming different foreign lands again.

"It's here..."

As soon as Zhang Xibao arrived at the place where the book was inspired, a golden magic circle opened automatically. Zhang Xibao stepped into it, and saw a clone of the old man Tongtian sitting cross-legged in the center of the magic circle.

The avatar was a little surprised when he saw Zhang Xibao, and he murmured to himself: "It turns out that he is of the rank of an immortal, no wonder he can open the magic circle."

The avatar thought that Zhang Xibao used divine power to forcibly open the magic circle, Zhang Xibao shook his head: "No, it was the magic circle opened by Tongtian Dabaojian."

The avatar's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Oh? Fellow Daoist, did you get the treasure I left behind?"

"Yeah, I've seen another clone of you on Haocang Island, oh, I forgot to ask if Old Man Tongtian stayed before Haocang Island or after Haocang Island, if it was before, You may not know that clone."

Zhang Xibao came over and sat cross-legged in front of this clone.

The avatar replied: "It was left behind, so I know that avatar!"

"That's easy to say."

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Do you know the Great God Xitu, do you know the clone seed?"

"Who the hell are you...?"

The avatar stared at Zhang Xibao for a while, then nodded: "I know it all, and I also got part of Xitu's godhead, so I have part of his wisdom..."

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