Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 481 The Thing Behind The Door

"Fang Rui, you've seen all the tricks you used to kill Nian just now, what skills do you have?"

Zhang Xibao patted the divine bird under his seat, and a human figure with five sense organs was split from the divine bird's back.

Fang Rui scratched his head and replied, "Master, I don't know those skills..."

"It shouldn't be!"

Zhang Xibao was a little puzzled: "Can the clone be stronger than the real body?"

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Then what would you order?"

Fang Rui replied: "Become the master's body armor, transform into various forms, duplicate clones, devour demons, gone..."

Hearing what Fang Rui said, Zhang Xibao fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Xibao finally realized one thing, that is, it was not Fang Rui who pulled his hips, but himself...

Fangrui is like a super-plastic material, and the people who use it are like designers. With the same material, some designers can make aircraft and cannons, while others can only make pots and pans.

The way of Zhan Nian is the way of swordsmanship, he can use Fang Rui's avatar to absorb the black stone core, and achieve the effect of firing ten thousand swords at once.

At present, Zhang Xibao can only use Fang Rui to transform into armor, mounts, amulets, or devour demons. He thinks these methods are too extensive and not refined enough!

"Well, it seems that I have to develop you well..."

Zhang Xibao smacked his lips and patted the divine bird under his seat.

Laboratory building.

Zhang Xibao found He Xiansheng, and showed him the video of Zhan Nian absorbing the stone core and using the stone core.

He Xiansheng was also so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time. He thought that the stone core was just to activate the material of Fang Rui's avatar, and then he could make all kinds of cold weapons to kill demons. He didn't expect that it could also be used as an energy weapon?

As an experimenter, He Xiansheng's focus is different from Zhang Xibao's.

Zhan Nian only absorbed five stone cores, and created a sword array that could kill wild gods. How rich the energy is contained in this stone core!

In addition, Zhan Nian has a high rate of power to the stone core. The laboratory currently consumes a stone core for each experiment, but it is impossible to release such a large amount of energy!

He Xiansheng was very excited, because another train of thought was opened, as long as you start, you will always find a way later! .seven

He Xiansheng copied a video taken by Zhang Xibao, and then hurried down to study the material of Fang Rui's avatar and the black stone core.

Zhang Xibao didn't intend to be idle, he planned to study the Heavenly Demon Gate again.

Minami, fans of Kirishima.

Although the celestial demons here have been cleaned up by Zhang Xibao, there will be another wave if they are not kept clean, so the supernatural beings on the second line of defense did not let down their vigilance.

Zhang Xibao floated in front of the Heavenly Demon Gate.

The gate of the demon is open, and there is deep darkness inside.

Zhang Xibao first threw in a Qingqi attack plane, and as expected, the attack plane lost contact with the mother plane as soon as it entered the Heavenly Demon Gate.

The attack aircraft made of ordinary materials will not work, Zhang Xibao wonders if it can be replaced with the attack aircraft made by Fang Rui's avatar.

So he took out a third-generation attack plane made with Fang Rui's avatar. This attack plane was specially used to investigate the situation in foreign lands after the gate of the demon was opened.

The attack plane did not enter the gate of the demon, and the screen only lasted for a moment, and then the attack plane lost contact again.

"Is the picture recorded?"

Zhang Xibao asked Shu Ling in his mind to record the footage taken by the attack aircraft. The footage was very short, only a dozen or so frames, and the total duration was less than one second.

The ten frames were completely dark, Zhang Xibao flipped through them one by one, shaking his head helplessly: "It's completely black, nothing..."

"However, this shows one thing. The attack plane made by Fang Rui's avatar can operate in the world of Heavenly Demon, but why did they lose contact?"

"Maybe it's because the Heavenly Demon World doesn't have clean air at all?"

Zhang Xibao recalled that the operation principle of the Qingqi attack aircraft is powered by the Qingqi all over the world. If the Heavenly Demon World is a completely different world from the Earth Star, then all the laws of the Earth Star will no longer apply.

"Why don't you let Fang Rui split a clone and try it..."

Zhang Xibao controlled Fang Rui to split a clone, but this clone didn't completely separate from the main body, but could be sensed by Fang Rui all the way.

"In this way, let your avatar go and have a look, and it would be even better if you can bring back something."

The avatar was like a pilot out of the cabin, dragging a "wire" behind him, and slowly walked into the gate of the demon.

"very dark……"

This was the first thing Fang Rui told Zhang Xibao.

"If you can't see clearly, then try to bring something back!"

Fang Rui continued to control the avatar, following Zhang Xibao's instructions, let the avatar squat down slowly, and grope around on the ground.

Fang Rui said to Zhang Xibao: "I touched something..."

Zhang Xibao urged: "Come back quickly!"


Something the size of a fingernail was thrown out from behind the door.

Fang Rui told Zhang Xibao: "The clone was cut off..."

Fang Rui's avatar touched something behind the gate of the demon, and the moment it threw that thing back, Fang Rui's avatar was cut off by something else!

Zhang Xibao frowned, staring fixedly at the deep darkness of the Heavenly Demon Gate, and asked, "Do you dare to come here?"

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

There was no response from behind the door.

But Zhang Xibao can be sure that there is definitely something behind the door!

And that thing is not a celestial demon, because the celestial demon has no entity at all, it is just an illusory shadow!

I don't know if that thing heard Zhang Xibao's words, but Zhang Xibao yelled at the door again: "Wait for me to go over and kill you!"

The door still didn't respond.

Zhang Xibao stayed for a while, and after spreading thousands of third-model attack aircraft in the fan of Kirishima, he picked up the thing that Fang Rui's avatar grabbed from the gate of the demon and left.

What Fang Rui's avatar threw out was a yellow stone in the shape of a canine tooth.

Zhang Xibao looked at the stone over and over again, but he didn't find anything interesting. He planned to ask the guys from the Blue Dragon Society to test the specific composition of the stone.

When he came to the laboratory building, Zhang Xibao threw the yellow stone to Wang Xiao: "Test the composition of this thing, and see what kind of substance it is, and how long has it existed?"

"Brother, I'm not an archaeologist. This is obviously a fossil of something, right?"

Wang Xiao picked up the stone and looked at it, muttering, "Looks like teeth?"

"Fossil teeth?!"

Zhang Xibao was startled, wondering if there are humans in the demon world?

The thing that cut off Fang Rui's clone was a creature from another world?

That’s not right, the Heavenly Demon world is completely different from the Earth Star, how could there be human beings, and in that kind of Heavenly Demon density, there is no living thing to survive at all.

"Stop talking nonsense and test it for me!"

Zhang Xibao took out the Qilin token, and Wang Xiao took a deep breath: "No, no, I'll find an instrument to test right away..."

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