A crazy idea came to Zhang Xibao's mind!

If he can use the Xuqi God Seal to refine the entire Heavenly Demon World into his virtual world, then the earth and stars will no longer be threatened.

The battlefield is transferred from reality to the virtual game, and Zhang Xibao distributes Fang Rui weapons to the players through the system rewards, and the players in the virtual world will all become the nemesis of the Omen!

The combination of God Seal and God Domain, the collision of reality and illusion!

As soon as this idea popped up, Zhang Xibao couldn't forget it anymore, because it was so tempting!

But Zhan Nian shook his head and looked at Zhang Xibao like a fool: "Let's not say it's unrealistic, even if you can transfer it, you will be blown away by the demon world, and you will die if you are a fairy!"

"Don't worry!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "The size of the Heavenly Demon World is unknown, what if it is very small?"

Zhan Nian asked back: "It is conservatively estimated that there are hundreds of celestial demon gates linked to the earth star, and countless celestial demons pop up every time. Do you think the celestial demon world will be small?"

"Whether it's big or small, let's see it with our own eyes!"

Zhang Xibao hummed a song and rode on the back of the divine bird.

"Zhan Nian, are you coming to contact Genyuan and Xuanming, or should I come?"

"Xuqi Shenyin has almost been refined, and I plan to start to break open the gate between the earth star and the demon world."

"The transformation of the Qilin has been completed. If the gate is really opened, I plan to drive the Qilin in to investigate. At present, the crew members I have settled on are Huojia and Yaren. If Genyuan and Xuanming have requests, we will You can also give them two some places in the crew."

Hearing Zhang Xibao's detailed plan, Zhan Nian was silent for a few seconds, and replied, "I'll contact those two guys. Since I've decided to go in and have a look, then be fully prepared!"

"Okay, that's it!"

The divine bird passed through the void gate and flew directly from Jianzhong to Nanshi.

Zhang Xibao intends to open the void gate leading to the world of demons next to the gate of Mi Kirishima's demons!

"I want to see what kind of monster is hiding behind this!"

Zhang Xibao stared at the deep demon gate and said, "Wait for my Qilin to pass by, and I will blow you up!"

Opening the Void Gate next to the Heavenly Demon Gate, on the one hand, is to provoke the thing behind the gate, and on the other hand, Zhang Xibao wants to open an optimal shortcut along the path of the Heavenly Demon Gate.

This is like digging a tunnel in a mountain. If you dig blindly without any measuring instruments, the person who digs the tunnel is likely to take a detour. If there is an already dug tunnel next to it as a measuring ruler, then the second Tunnels will also be dug straight.

The Void Gate is the second tunnel that Zhang Xibao will dig, and the Heavenly Demon Gate is the first tunnel that will be used as a ruler.

It's just that the current situation is that the first tunnel can only be exited but not entered. Zhang Xibao insists on digging a tunnel that can both exit and enter, and even jumps over to grab and beat the guy on the other side of the tunnel!

The Void Orb is Zhang Xibao's shovel for digging the tunnel. Zhang Xibao began to use the Void Orb to dig beside the gate of the demon like an old farmer.

Zhan Nian had already started to use the communication circle to contact Genyuan and Xuanming. Zhang Xibao was frantically diving in the chat circle while operating the Void Orb.

Zhan Nian directly told the two great gods in the communication circle: "We are preparing to investigate the world of demons, you two should come together!" 』

After being silent for a while, Xuan Ming replied: "Really? 』

Zhan Nian asked him, "Do I think I'm joking?" 』

Seeing that Genyuan didn't respond, Zhan Nian added: "The void gate leading to the demon world is about to open. If the two of you are not interested, then we will go in by ourselves, but we will not share any information inside."

"I go! ’ Genyuan responded briefly.

Xuan Ming also responded immediately: "I'll follow along, we all have a common enemy, so it's good to have a support for each other." 』

"The efficiency of Zhan Nian is high!"

Zhang Xibao couldn't help giving Zhan Nian a thumbs up.

After three months of crazy consumption of divine power, Zhang Xibao suddenly burst into laughter: "It's done!"

The Void Gate had roughly reached the Heavenly Demon World, but Zhang Xibao didn't open the gate immediately, but turned around to mobilize the crew of the Qilin, Fire Armor, and Crowman. In addition, all the weapons he had told He Xiansheng to prepare were in place.

Just wait for Zhan Nian and the three great gods to gather together, and the four of them will set out to destroy the demon world!

Zhan Nian was the closest and came the fastest. He only brought a square-inch bracelet, which contained his protective flying sword and a large number of stone cores given to him by Zhang Xibao.

Gen Huan was the second to arrive, and she brought her own body, that huge red dragon!

Fortunately, the Red Dragon can be shrunk down according to Gen Huan's wishes, otherwise even the remodeled Qilin would not be able to support this big guy.

After the Red Dragon climbed aboard the Qilin, he obediently lay down on the deck and began to doze off, like a magnificent sculpture.

Genyuan glanced at Zhan Nian and didn't speak, but walked towards Zhang Xibao instead.

"Hey, my little brother has already ascended to the rank of immortal? Congratulations, can you tell my sister what your opportunity is?"

Genyuan was smiling, but he couldn't hide the fierce light in those dragon eyes.

Zhang Xibao chuckled: "No comment!"

Gen Yuan ate, snorted coldly, and began to look around on the Qilin. .seven

Except that the power cabin of the Qilin is a forbidden area, there are no secrets elsewhere. Since the red dragon was obediently lying on the deck, Zhang Xibao naturally gave Gen Won a little bit of trouble and let her walk around on the Qilin.

Xuan Ming came last, and this guy brought a wild god with a lion head and a human body.

This wild god with a lion head and a human body was not able to be killed by Zhan Nian at the beginning, but now he has been accepted by Xuan Ming as a servant.

The lion was like a servant in front of Xuan Ming, but when he looked at the people on the Qilin, his eyes were fierce.

The crows stopped working in an instant, and they all showed their blade-like wings, screaming and swearing their sovereignty. Even the fire armor and the others entered the battle preparations, and if there was any disagreement, they would pop out their weapons and kill the lion.

Zhang Xibao snorted coldly at Xuan Ming: "Take care of your pet dog, otherwise I'll be eating lion's head for dinner today."

Xuan Ming waved his hand, and the lion-headed wild god obediently found a corner of the deck and began to meditate.

Zhang Xibao, Zhan Nian, Gen Yuan, and Xuan Ming sat on the four sides of the table.

Genyuan asked, "What's the plan for this investigation into the Heavenly Demon World?"

"Gathering information is the main thing."

Zhang Xibao put the tooth fossil on the table and told them, "I got it from the gate of the demon. There is not only the demon on the other side of the gate..."

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