"Don't tease me [Bao Ye]" Jack Donkey replied quickly.

Zhang Xibao wondered if you would believe it or not.

He grasped the point of Jack's donkey's words, and typed a message back:

"You mean that with the fish head, this skeleton can be sold for a higher price? 』

Jack Donkey: "Yes, can the complete dragon carp skeleton and the incomplete skeleton be the same price?" The price is at least doubled! 』

Zhang Xibao's heart skipped a beat, thinking that it's too bad, he won't be able to eat fish head with chopped peppers!

Hey, such a big fish head, how can it taste good if it is not chopped up?

But if the fish head is chopped up, the quality of the fish bones will be bad, and the price will not be sold!

Zhang Xibao scratched his head and ears in worry.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Xibao had no choice but to steam the fish head in a pot, remove the meat and eat it, leaving a complete skeleton.

W is still the most important thing, put your appetite aside.

The key is that fortunately, the pot for steaming steamed buns at home is big enough!

Donkey Jack: "Master Bao, why don't you talk anymore?" 』

Of course Jack Donkey didn't know, Zhang Xibao was thinking about how to eat the fish head.

Zhang Xibao replied: "I'm here, do you accept it or not?" Give me a real price! 』

Zhang Xibao didn't directly ask Jack the price of the donkey, dragon and carp skeleton, because he was afraid of being tricked. Instead, ask the other party what price they can give, and let the other party open their mouths to bid, and feel happy.

"Ah, take it! 』

Jack Donkey replied: "This complete skeleton will cost 50 W. I have to find a buyer first and see how much I can get there." 』

"Okay, how about the agency fee? 』Zhang Xibao didn’t forget to ask Jack the donkey’s commission.

Jack donkey typed a number straightforwardly: "5 W's"

Zhang Xibao asked: "That's 10% commission, why is it half higher than the points?" 』

Jack Donkey replied: "Okay my dear, I'm still taking the risk. It is strictly forbidden to buy and sell the flesh and blood of exotic animals in groups of two. I have to do a little work on these fish bones before I can sell them to you!" How about this, I guarantee the price is 50 W, no matter how high or low, no matter how much you sell, I will only charge a commission of 5 W. 』

Zhang Xibao quickly searched on the browser, and found that, as Jack Donkey said, a law jointly issued by the two bureaus is that private organizations are strictly prohibited from buying and selling the flesh and blood of exotic animals. They must register with the Bureau of Appreciation, and they can only trade after they are done.

I don't know how Jack the donkey works, anyway, he has to work for a commission, beautiful, that's what he does!

"Okay, if you find a buyer, contact me immediately. 』

Jack donkey quickly responded with an OKK expression.

After replying to the message, Zhang Xibao exited the chat.

"Fifty W, it's only 5000 points, converted into the cheapest pill, it's only 100. God, why am I, Zhang Xibao, so poor!"

Zhang Xibao beeped softly, only to find that Chinchilla woke up, staring at him with two small eyes.

"Are you awake?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the golden fur on the head of Chin Maoshu, and asked it: "Are you promoted? What level are you in the Yellow rank now?"


Chinchilla took a pen and paper and wrote:

"Yellow Class B"

Zhang Xibao blinked: "Oh? Isn't that the same level as Longli? Then do you have any special awakening skills?"

The Chinchilla gesticulated with its two front paws excitedly, roughly meaning that it ran faster, and the distance of Apparition was longer.

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened, and Chinchilla clasped his arms tightly in fear.


Zhang Xibao shook his head: "I'm still so timid..."

Mmp with Chin Maoshu's face.

Zhang Xibao ran to the kitchen to clean the huge fishbone, Chinmouse stood aside and waved its paw to indicate whether he wanted to boil the fishbone into soup.

Zhang Xibao shook his brush: "No, no, we want to exchange this fish skeleton for points, and exchange points for pills to eat. Even if we eat it, we have to eat it well. What's the matter with gnawing bones? Isn't there still two low-level ones?" Where are the alien beasts!"

After cleaning the fish skeleton, Zhang Xibao wiped his hands, sat on the sofa, and asked Chinchilla: "Oh, by the way, how many pills do you have?"

Chinchilla spread out its paws, indicating that it has lost none.

"All right."

Zhang Xibao checked his elixir and sighed: "At present, there are 2090 points left, the Dali Pill is gone, there are 3 Qixue Pills left, and 2 Jiedu Pills, too poor, too poor!"

He took out his mobile phone, clicked on the "Different" shopping mall, and purchased 20 Dali Pills and 10 Qi and Blood Pills. After spending 1500 points, the point balance in the account became 590.

Once again he reverted to abject poverty.

"Eating alchemy is too expensive, if only I could make alchemy..."

Zhang Xibao muttered: "It's a pity that there are too many materials for alchemy, and there must be alchemy formulas and rare treasures for alchemy."

"Hey, by the way, I can sell the Five Thunder Ancient Talisman Paper live!"

Zhang Xibao slapped his thigh, thinking of a good way to make money.

The Thunder Talisman in the mall costs 100 points, but it's not as powerful as the Five Thunder Talisman painted in blood by Zhang Xibao. If Zhang Xibao sells the Five Thunder Talisman, 150 points for a Talisman is not too much, right?

Zhang Xibao excitedly held the little mouse and said, "Let's distribute it!"

"Let's see if there are any blank talisman paper and cinnabar for writing ancient inscriptions."

In the shopping mall, treasure pills and exotic treasures are everywhere.

Zhang Xibao rummaged inside for a long time before finally finding the blank talisman paper and cinnabar for drawing talismans in the column of raw materials.

"Let me see."

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it.

"Blank talisman paper, apricot paper is the cheapest, 5 points a piece, ordinary people can use it, and the following are blue paper, pink paper, green paper, red paper, purple paper, black paper, and black paper according to the price from low to high. What the hell is 500 points?!"

"A piece of black paper is sold for 5 W, a premium of 100 times!"

Zhang Xibao was taken aback, what the hell, your talisman paper is made of gold? The key is that gold is not so expensive!

Not only the quality of the talisman paper is particular, but also the pigments used to draw the talismans are of various types.

"The talisman pigments include ordinary cinnabar, a bottle of 5 points, ancient secret purple gold cinnabar, a bottle of 20 points, gold and silver ink, a bottle of 100 points, alien animal blood..."

Different grades of different animal blood have different prices. Among them, the most expensive thunder chicken blood is the most expensive, selling for 1000 points a bottle.

"Oh, my God!"

Zhang Xibao held his head a little hard to accept, is this the world of the strong?

A piece of paper sells for 5 W, and a bottle of ink sells for 10 W!

The key is that the dragon carp's blood flowed all over the ground yesterday, and it was all drunk by the golden mouse!

How many W does this have to be?

In fact, entanglement is useless, dragon carp blood can be drawn, but Zhang Xibao can't embalm it.

These inks are all added with special materials, which can ensure that the aura in the blood of the strange beast will not overflow.

In the end, Zhang Xibao hesitated for a long time and reluctantly spent 520 points.

He bought 20 sheets of apricot yellow paper worth 5 points, a piece of expensive red rune paper worth 300 points, a bottle of cinnabar with 5 points, a bottle of gold and silver ink worth 100 points, and a brush made of exotic animal hair worth 15 points.

Although the red talisman paper and gold and silver ink are expensive, they can be used to draw a masterpiece of five thunders and ancient inscriptions. Hunger marketing, everyone understands it.

[Bao Ye]'s account balance is only a pitiful 70.

"Go all out!"

Zhang Xibao held the dazed little mouse and shouted:

"I want to get rich!" ┏(`ー?)┛

"I want to get rich!" (???_??)?

"There is no choice but to succeed!" ヽ(??w??)ゝ

Squeak! (ノ°o°)ノ

Although he didn't know why Zhang Xibao was so excited, Chin Maoshu thought that he should go along with it, otherwise he would be in bad luck when he bumped into the muzzle of the gun...


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