Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 55 Green Green Garden Spotting

Money is useless!

To be rich is not to eat the saliva of labor and management!

Zhang Xibao had the self-deprecating spirit of Ah Q. He squatted on the ground and brushed the fish bones.

When he learned that the buyer of the fish bones was Qi Delong, his heart was filled with absurdity and darkness.

In the early days of the catastrophe, there were indeed many strange beasts around the city. The supernatural beings captured the strange beasts and sold their flesh and blood to other supernatural beings or rich bosses.

As a result, the alien beasts around the city were wiped out, leaving only the alien beasts produced in the alien land.

In the early days, the killing of alien beasts was encouraged for the safety of civilians. In the later period, alien beasts became a scarce resource. After the establishment of the two bureaus, a decree was issued prohibiting the sale of alien beasts by private individuals.

The flesh and blood of alien beasts produced in other lands can only be enjoyed by people with abilities at the level of the tail fire tiger. The extra flesh and blood are mixed with other materials to make treasure pills, which are sold in groups of two. I can't eat the flesh and blood of alien beasts anymore, so I can only honestly pay for pills!

So what if Qi Delong is worth tens of billions? The bodyguard who protected him was only a third-level mysterious class, and he could only buy the bones of fresh alien animals if he couldn't buy them.

One of the most important reasons is that the flesh and blood of alien beasts is not easy to store. The zombie flesh of alien beasts produced in the past has already lost most of their aura, and the bones of alien beasts are used as refining materials, and their aura does not dissipate as quickly as flesh and blood.

It can be said that Zhang Xibao's way of eating a whole dragon carp and roasting it can be said to be extremely extravagant. The Tailed Huohu may not have enjoyed a whole beast!

This is all due to the Chin Maoshu, and it is also the benefit of hunting wild food...

"Hey, perfect!"

Zhang Xibao put the whole dragon carp skeleton together, and even posed in a pose, intending to take a photo and send it to Jack Donkey.

"Um, wait..."

The skull of the steamed fish is whitish, while the skeleton of the freshly cut fish is yellow, ah...

The quality is a bit bad...

A discerning person can see that there is something wrong with the fish skull at a glance, so the transaction price is bound to be affected.

If the price plunges or the buyer turns his face, can Zhang Xibao agree?

Do not agree!

Zhang Xibao scratched his head, come on, how about making it old?

He took out his mobile phone browser to check: how to make old?

The information that comes out is all about old silverware.

Strange! I have only heard of making antiques old, but who made old beast bones?

The most common way to make old is to boil horse urine and pour it on top of silverware.

The formula is: One ladle is clear, two ladles are Tang, and three ladles have returned to Qin Shihuang...

In fact, if the smell of horse urine is too strong, the liquid can be replaced with sulfur solution.

But even if Zhang Xibao uses chinchilla urine, he cannot use sulfur, because it is everyone's responsibility to maintain food health!

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In the end, Zhang Xibao found the old way of making bones in an ancient technical post.

In the past, people always liked to plate beef bones, camel bones and so on. It was this post that inspired Zhang Xibao.

"The most important thing to make antiques old is to color them, soaking antiques in a solution made of dye..."

Adhering to the responsibility of maintaining food health, Zhang Xibao chose a natural, healthy and pollution-free dye—caramel.

"Caramel is a viscous liquid produced by heating sugar to 170 degrees. It is dark brown and has a bitter taste. It is mainly used for food coloring. It is very green and healthy!"

Zhang Xibao patted his thigh: "Isn't this just fried sugar color!"

"That's how braised pork ribs and braised pork are made in this way!"

Come on, let's fry the dragon carp skeleton with sugar, it happens that there is a lot of rock sugar at home...

Zhang Xibao's hands-on ability is extremely strong, and a pot of caramel solution was quickly boiled.

He put the dragon carp bones in one by one and soaked them.


Zhang Xibao wiped off his sweat, and said to himself: "Just now, Chaotangse almost habitually added light soy sauce..."


Chinchilla stood aside, so greedy that it dropped to the ground.

"You can't eat this, you have to sell it for money, and when you get the points, you can exchange it with Qi and Blood Pills..."

Zhang Xibao patted Chinchilla's head.

After soaking all the dragon carp bones, Zhang Xibao put them to dry in a place where it can be easily dried. When he came back in the afternoon, he had to wash them again to remove the caramel on them.

"Okay, let's look at the results in the afternoon, we should go to the Green Green Garden to check out the spots."

Zhang Xibao put the Chinchilla in his pocket, and wanted to take it to the Green Garden to look for the bird-shaped beast.

green garden.

Lvcuiyuan is located in the west of the city, close to the No. 1 Middle School where Zhang Xibao attends classes.

Since today is the weekend, many old people took their children to feed the fish by the lake.

"Grandpa, grandpa, kitten!"

The little girl jumped for joy, pointing to a little black cat not far away and shouting to the white-bearded grandpa.

(Little black cat, see Chapter 18 for details, Dragon and Tiger Fighting in the Flowerbed)

The little black cat has grown up and become stronger. It is standing on the shore, staring at the big red carp in the artificial lake.

"Little kitty, little kitty!"

The little girl wants to break free from her grandpa's care, and wants to rush over to play with the little black cat.

The little black cat glanced at the two humans with disdain.

The little granddaughter wanted to see the kitten, but the old man had no choice but to hold the little granddaughter's hand and walk over slowly.

"Let's feed the kitten, shall we?"

The little girl stared expectantly with her big watery eyes.

Anyway, they are doing good deeds, feeding fish and cats is about the same, but I don’t know if cats can’t eat bread...

The old man hesitated, nodded, broke a piece of bread and put it on the ground.

The little girl pointed to the bread on the ground and said, "Cat, cat, come and eat!"

The little black cat glanced at the little girl, then at the bread on the ground, walked over slowly and picked up the bread, but threw it into the artificial lake instead of eating it.

Ah, what a spiritual cat, who knows how to feed the fish with bread?

The old man sighed in his heart.

In the next second, the old man almost popped his eyes out.

After the bread was thrown into the artificial lake, a big red carp swam over with its fat body, and just about to open its mouth to swallow the bread, the little black cat rushed over with lightning speed.

The little black cat's sharp claws dug into the carp's belly, and its mouth bit the carp's back, and the blood of the big red carp splashed on the spot!

Oh shit!

Long live!

The old man was shocked.

This cat is not feeding the fish, it is catching fish!

The old man covered his little granddaughter's eyes, not wanting her to see the bloody scene, so he hurried away with the child in his arms.

The little black cat meowed disdainfully, feasting on the bank.

It is easy to get sleepy after eating and drinking, and the little black cat purrs lazily.

The little black cat thought, it is best to find a cool place and have a good sleep!

woof woof!

There was a sharp cry, and a brown Teddy jumped out of the flowers. On the other side of the flowers, a middle-aged woman screamed desperately: "Baby, baby, where are you?"

When little Teddy saw the little black cat, he salivated and rushed over with a wretched expression.

Tai Ritian doesn't even let the dolls go, it seems that the little black cat is going to be unlucky...

Don't blame me if you court death yourself...

Seeing Tai Ritian rushing over, the little black cat's claws popped out, and he was instantly murderous.

The little black cat arched its body, just as it was in a defensive position, a big foot appeared in the slanting stab, and it flew Tai Ritian away with one kick.

This kick was clever, and it didn't hurt the dog. After all, it was a lifeline, although it was a bit hateful...

"Damn, how fierce, this little Ritian!"

Zhang Xibao covered his forehead with his hands, watching Tai Ritian fly out with a shooting star arc.

"The cat is so cute, how can you bite the cat?"

Zhang Xibao knelt down and touched the top of the little black cat's head.

The little black cat's pupils trembled instantly.

familiar smell.

It's a benefactor!

It was the benefactor who saved it in the flower bed!

"Huh? Why does this cat look so familiar?"

Zhang Xibao scratched his head, thinking that these cats were all similar in appearance, maybe it wasn't the one he rescued back then?

Go find mom! Zhang Xibao glanced at Tai Ritian in the distance, and urged the little black cat to leave quickly.

The little black cat turned around and left.

Zhang Xibao stood up and was about to leave when a middle-aged woman rushed over to stop him.

"Hey, did you kick my dog?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Tai Ritian who was barking at him, then glanced at the middle-aged woman, and said angrily, "Walking the dog without tying it is like walking the dog!"

"Hehe, you dare to scold people..."

The middle-aged woman was about to roll up her sleeves and rush forward to fight Zhang Xibao for 300 rounds. The Chinchilla hiding in Zhang Xibao's pocket revealed a beastly aura, and the sensitive Tai Ritian ran away screaming. The middle-aged woman did not There is no other way, but the baby, the baby chased after him.

Zhang Xibao sighed: "Hey, sometimes people are really not as good as dogs..."

The little black cat in the grass in the distance was peeking at Zhang Xibao with its head exposed.


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