Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 578: The Final Battle

Zhang Xibao is as bright as a star now, even standing under the lights of the laboratory, it is so bright that people's eyes are sore.

"Adapt to your current state and restrain the energy that you unintentionally radiate. 』

Under Guangren's guidance, Zhang Xibao gradually adapted to his physical condition.

"Okay, according to the plan, I'm going to attract Tun Xing to this star field, and you are ready to respond at any time." 』

After saying this, the light man directly opened a leap door and disappeared into the transparent air.

While adapting to his body, Zhang Xibao flew towards the emperor's mother ship. He passed through the thick base wall and came to a certain small world of the mother ship.

Fang Rui had long been separated from Zhang Xibao's body, and was placed in this small world. According to Zhang Xibao's plan, he began to devour the black core continuously, and his body size continued to grow.

"Fang Rui, when Tun Xing comes to this star field, it's your turn to act. I'm responsible for making it fall into a hallucinatory sleep. Then you have to do your best to devour it. This is the final battle!"

Fang Rui passed Zhang Xibao an ok consciousness, and his body kept wriggling and devouring the black core. At this time, its body had already surpassed skyscrapers. Fortunately, the small world inside the mothership was large enough to transport it into space.

At the same time, free game pods were distributed one after another.

The game in the virtual world has been shut down, and Zhang Xibao has taken back the Xuqi God Seal.

The game customer service announced to the outside world that the game is about to enter the universe era, and before entering, there will be an activity to test the player's combat power, so that all players are ready, and there will be a lot of points rewards after the public beta.

Players are gearing up and are excited about the upcoming cosmic mode.

As for what the universe mode is, of course it treats the players as leeks.

If the swallowing star can be successfully captured, there will be a large number of crystals to be collected at that time, allowing players to enter the shepherd clone and drive the spaceship to the swallowing star to mine.

In addition to mining, players can also enter various star fields to collect samples, and fight monsters on the wild planet.

One free shepherd clone and normal spaceship per person.

As for the player who dies, spend resurrection coins to buy new clones, and resurrection coins have to be bought with points! Clones don't cost money, do they?

Still want to fly a big spaceship? Of course you can, spend points to buy!

Of course, the Five Dragons Club also provides ability transplantation of clones and armor customization, and you can buy them with points!

Players have to spend points if they want to add a fancy graffiti!

As for whether the players will kill all directions in the star field, of course not, their bodies are all lying in the game cabin of the earth star, whoever dares to mess around, the Black Dragon Club will check the electricity bill!

There is too much room for maneuvering here, of course, this is all after capturing the swallowing star.

As for whether the Federal Star Field will agree or not, you have to ask whether the Star Destroyer Cannon of the Earth Star will agree or not, and the players in the fourth natural disaster plan will agree or not.

For this plan to capture the Star Swallowing, all the high-level combat power of the entire Black Dragon Club was dispatched, preparing the shepherd armor, and leading the players to clear the Star Swallowing clone.

The countdown to the event passed day by day.

When the light man reappeared in front of Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao knew the plan had started.

With an order, the emperor's mothership flew towards the depths of the star field, and the mothership carried Fang Rui, which had swelled to the size of the moon.

"Interstellar mode has officially started! 』

All the selected players found that they could reconnect to the game again. They woke up from the dormant cabin of the meteorite base one after another, only to find that all of them had the standard body of a shepherd.

"What kind of place is this? 』

Someone opened the hibernation cabin, looked around, and found thousands of capsule-like dormancy cabins of the same type. The densely packed cabins filled a huge rotunda, and there was a huge number on the dome of the rotunda—three!

There are a hundred such rotundas in the small world of the Emperor Mothership!

"It's so real, this game... is getting better and better! 』

The newly awakened players began to communicate in the communication, and some people were even studying the body they had just obtained.

"Stop sleeping, gather, gather! 』

Xuanwu's roar appeared in the minds of every player in Hall No. 3, making everyone stagnate.

Because Xuanwu is the leader of Hall No. 3, he holds the final communication authority here.

In the same way, the chief combat officer of Hall 1 is Qinglong, Hall 2 is White Tiger, Hall 4 is Vermilion Bird, and below are the backbones of the twenty-eight constellations and puppet teams.

In this battle, all the elites of the Black Dragon Club are dispatched!

Hearing the familiar voice, some players giggled: "The boss is here!" 』

Xuanwu roared: "There is no boss here today. I am the No. 3 chief combat officer. Please cheer me up. The monsters to fight today are extraordinary. Everyone has only one life. If you die, you cannot be resurrected. You can only be forced to fight." Kick out the game! 』

After hearing Xuanwu's words, the players became even more excited.

"Don't take my words as wind. The trash who was eliminated before the fight has no merit points, no rewards, and is banned from playing for three days. Because of this, he will miss the start of the interstellar mode!" 』

"There are weapons and energy blocks in the capsule, equip them all for me, get up and go to the teleportation hall, ready to go to war!" 』

Every player who came out of Hall No. 3 was digging out their ears. Although they didn't have such organs as ears, Xuanwu's roar acted on the soul level, causing them a phantom pain.

Players in hundreds of halls are preparing for the hunt.

Zhang Xibao has already seen Tun Xing's figure, and now its size has become bigger, making Zhang Xibao feel a little uncertain.

In order to trap Tun Xing, Zhang Xibao had to create a God's Domain bigger than the earth, and I don't know if he would be sucked dry.

Zhang Xibao suddenly realized that his own physical body was lying in the meteorite base, and in his state of pure energy body, if he was drained, he would be out of his wits.

"Are you ready? 』

The light man conveyed a consciousness to Zhang Xibao.

"It's ready, it's ready, but Tun Xing has become so big now, obviously it's transitioning from infancy to adulthood, I'm afraid the God's Domain created isn't big enough!" 』

Zhang Xibao intends to bring out all the things he is worried about, so as to avoid other situations when he is working on it, this battle will determine the survival of the planet, absolutely must not fail, no matter how cautious he is, he cannot be too cautious.

"This is indeed a problem"

Light people tell the truth.

"Now your energy is really not enough to create a field that can trap the swallowing stars, so we have to use it! 』

The light man transmitted another consciousness, referring to it not swallowing a star, but a huge nearby star.

"The lifespan of this star is more than 10 billion years. Using it as an energy source, I will assist you in extracting energy to create a field!" 』

"If it succeeds, its lifespan will be shortened by at least two-thirds, and Star Devourer may be able to get out of trouble by then, but that will be billions of years later."

After listening to Guangren's opinion, Zhang Xibao replied decisively: "Billions of years, there will be no Earthlings at that time, just do it like this!" 』

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