Move every time!

Move every time!

Hey V Batty get up!

The mobile phone is playing dynamic music, and there is no flashing light ball, so I have to use the mobile phone's flash instead.

Zhang Xibao and Chinchilla were writhing around the room.

Of course, the two of them didn't go crazy, but because they were too excited, and things had to go back to the live broadcast half an hour ago...

Chin Maoshu pushed the box over effortlessly, Zhang Xibao opened the box, twisted up a piece of ancient Five Thunder talisman paper and waved it towards the camera.

"You must have seen the video I posted. This Five Thunder Talisman is the first product I want to introduce. 』

Many people stared straight at Chinchilla. Seeing that Chinchilla's intelligence was so high, they all speculated that Zhang Xibao was a big boss in Beishi who kept a pet of a strange beast, but they couldn't find the answer after searching. , so all focus is on the talisman paper.

Zhang Xibao pointed the talisman paper at the camera so that everyone could see the complicated ancient scriptures and the material of the talisman paper clearly.

"This Five Thunder Talisman is written on the Five Thunder Talisman, which is more complicated than the ordinary Thunder Talisman, and its power is more than doubled. The method of use is the same as that of the Thunder Talisman. select! 』

Zhang Xibao gave an introduction, and his mouth was dry.

To be honest, he was also worried. Although he was telling the truth, the Five Thunder Talisman was a new product after all, and it was twice as expensive as ordinary talisman paper. Would everyone accept it?

"Can the anchor demonstrate the power of the Five Thunder Talisman again?" 』

"It doesn't matter, [Bao Ye]'s talisman must be very powerful! 』

"The anchor just tell me how much it is, no one wants me to buy it!" 』

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "The power of the Five Thunder Talisman is astonishing, it must be demonstrated here."

Then he was delighted when he saw the words on the third floor. He saw that the nickname was [Jade Lion], and his feeling was that the jade merchant who was haunted by the monkey spirit came to join him last time.

【Jade Lion】It's a living sign. Last time Zhang Xibao saved his life with a soul-suppressing talisman, everyone could see it clearly.

"Everyone got the benefit of being an anchor for nothing last time, this time you must support and support it!" 』

"How many points are there for one piece?" I'm dying of anxiety! 』

A five thunder talisman with such great power must be worth a lot, right?

After all, in a foreign land, the stronger the treasure used, the greater the chance of surviving.

Such a powerful talisman is good enough to buy for self-defense!

Everyone raised their ears, waiting for Zhang Xibao to say the price.

Zhang Xibao twisted the talisman paper and said: "There are two kinds of talismans. One is made of the same material as the thunder talisman, with apricot yellow paper as the base and cinnabar as the talisman. This kind sells for 200 points a piece, and the other blood-red talisman is more powerful. Sell... 1000 points!"

The live broadcast room fell silent, Zhang Xibao thought that he was selling too much and would not get everyone's response.

Who knew, in the next second, the barrage poured out frantically.

"I'll buy three! 』

"I'll take one as a talisman, I must support the host for a while! 』

"I want ten cards, and don't grab them from me! ! ! 』

"How much should I sell it for? This is too cheap, hahahaha...」

Zhang Xibao behind the mask opened his mouth wide, wondering if I was thinking wrong?

Zhang Xibao really had a wrong idea, he didn't get the market positioning right.

There are more than one million people in the live broadcast room, and 99.9% of them are here to watch the excitement. Who are the few remaining people? They are supernatural beings!

Are the supernatural beings poor?

of course not!

They ventured into foreign lands and took on the task of eliminating alien beasts, and they were rewarded tens of thousands of points each time.

There must be more demand than supply for something that can save lives at a critical moment. Not to mention that Zhang Xibao only sells it for 200 points, even if it sells for 500 points, people will buy it!

As for those rich bosses, it is still willing to spend 200 points to buy a Five Thunder Talisman for yourself or a relative as a talisman.


Zhang Xibao glanced at the box, thinking what a loss, what a loss, wow...

"Everyone, don't worry, this time it's just a trial run. The purchase is limited to 19 apricot-yellow talismans, and only 1 blood-red talisman!"

Zhang Xibao hung the talisman in the window of his account, and set a limit of one purchase per person, but the talisman was sold out as soon as he hung it up?

Zhang Xibao thought there was something wrong with the window!

It wasn't until I saw 3610 more points in my account that I realized that the apricot yellow talisman was sold out.

The "Different" account has its own display window, and the supernatural person can sell registered strange treasures or treasure pills, but the software will charge 5% of the points as a commission.

Zhang Xibao was about to hang up the blood-red talisman when his friend [Jade Lion] sent a message:

『[Bao Ye], sell me that red talisman, I'll give you 1200 points! 』

Just as Zhang Xibao was about to reply, a stranger added as a friend, and the note is [God-blessing] to add you as a friend: Master, I want that blood-red talisman, and I will offer 1100 points!

It's this guy again!

Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, and decisively chose to reply [Jade Lion], not because of the high price offered by the jeweler, but because he didn't want to have anything to do with this [Heaven's Blessing]!

Tianlu Tomb!

This [Heaven-blessed Blessing] is always trying to test whether Zhang Xibao knows about Tianlu's tomb.

Zhang Xibao doesn't know which foreign land Tianlu's tomb is in.

The introduction to this place in "Tongtian Great Treasure Mirror" is also vague. In the introduction left by the old man Tongtian, the general meaning is: Tianlu Tomb is a very dangerous place, extremely dangerous, don't go, don't go!

Zhang Xibao is a master who can sit without standing, and can lie down without sitting. This beautiful life has just begun, and he only goes to such a terrible place with a bag on his head!

Zhang Xibao replied to [Jade Lion]: "Yes, I will send you an address in a private message later. 』

The barrage also exploded.

"I'm going, I was instantly dismissed as soon as it was put on the shelves, are you all tentacle monsters? 』

"No, I hesitated for a second! 』

"If you hesitate, you will lose!" Already snatched, happy! 』

『It has been snatched, 300 points will be given out, and those who are interested can add friends! 』

"Damn it, the scalper is getting rough! 』

"The house manager, the house manager, kicked it!" 』

『XXX has been kicked out of the room! 』

Zhang Xibao hurried out to control the field.

"Don't worry, everyone. There are still talismans that will be posted later. Just pay more attention to the dynamics of [Baoyou]'s account."

Seeing someone angrily scolding the scalper for stealing a piece of talisman, Zhang Xibao was also angry. He sold it for 200 points, but this guy turned around and sold it for 300, making a net profit of 100! Why don't you grab it you!

Zhang Xibao quickly diverted his attention: "Everyone calm down, it's time to introduce the second product."

The golden mouse is not in vain to teach, without Zhang Xibao's hands, it has already pushed six small bottles in front of the camera, which made Zhang Xibao feel relieved, the mouse can be taught!

Zhang Xibao picked up a small bottle and shook the liquor in it: "'Drunken Immortal Wine'! It is not made by manpower, it is produced in a foreign land, after drinking it, it will strengthen your body without any side effects!"

"This wine is a natural treasure. It tastes sweet and mellow. Women drink it to nourish their skin, and men drink enenen! It is a well-deserved beauty salon for women and a gas station for men. Special reminder, children should not drink alcohol!"

In the end, Zhang Xibao said: "The anchor personally tried it, and only sold 500 points. If you fake it, you will pay ten!"

After Zhang Xibao's introduction, the audience fell silent again...


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