Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 61 Dragon Carp Bone Soup

Eight o'clock at night.

The underground garage of Jinlong Building.

In the dim light, Qi Delong was sitting in the extended Lincoln smoking a cigar, Qi Dongqiang was playing with his mobile phone next to him, and opposite him sat a strange middle-aged man—the second-hand dealer Jack Donkey.

He is obviously called Jack Donkey, but he wears a horse mask on his head, which is very strange.

Qi Dongqiang looked up at Jack Donkey curiously, wondering why this guy was smoking while wearing a hood...

The reason why Jack Donkey is a middle-aged man is because it can be seen from the outside that he is stepping on a pair of cheap flip-flops, with a low-quality cigarette in his hand, and a big beer belly inside his white sweater.

Jack donkey crossed his legs, stuffed the cigarette from the horse's mouth into the hood, and took a good sip, and then the smoke came out of the hood, and the horse's head was full of smoke!

He is not afraid of being choked to death! Qi Dongqiang complained in his heart.

"Whether the seller you mentioned will come or not, it has already reached the agreed time."

Chidron flicked the ashes of his cigar impatiently.

Donkey Jack glanced at his phone and waved his hand: "He's definitely coming, he'll be there soon!"

In fact, Zhang Xibao had come a long time ago, and the reason why he didn't show up was because he checked all the nearby places that were easy to ambush people, in order to prevent this transaction from being a scam, or a trap against him.

Zhang Xibao is very cautious!

"It seems that the Qi family and his son haven't tracked me down yet..."

Zhang Xibao was wearing a windbreaker that covered his whole body, with something padded on his shoulders, and the black horizontal knife pinned to his back.

Zhang Xibao fastened the mask on his face, and walked towards the car with a big bag in hand.

Inside the pocket are layers of dragon carp skeletons.

Qi Delong replaced another bodyguard in black, who also seemed to be a master. When Zhang Xibao just showed up, the bodyguard in black knocked on the car window and told Qi Delong that someone was coming.

The bodyguard in black opened the car door, and Qi Delong, Qi Dongqiang and Jack Donkey got out of the car.

"Master Bao, why are you here? Let us wait!"

Jack Donkey began to liven up the atmosphere.


Zhang Xibao lowered his voice and said, "There is a traffic jam on the road..."

God damn there is a traffic jam on the road!

You can't come earlier, if you release the pigeons, I will definitely be beaten today!

Jack donkey didn't know how to answer this question for a while.

"Hey, let the boss inspect the goods!"

Zhang Xibao threw the black bag on the ground, and Jack Donkey's eyebrows twitched when he saw it.

Throwing things in front of buyers, Baoye, you are too crazy!

Sure enough, Qi Dongqiang frowned and asked, "How do you throw things?"

Zhang Xibao kicked the handle pocket and said, "I haven't sold it to you yet, can I kick my own stuff?"

Qi Dongqiang was choked for a moment and couldn't speak.

"Okay, hurry up and see the goods!"

Chidron waved impatiently.

Jack Donkey ran over to unzip the pocket, took out the dragon carp bones one by one, and introduced it to Chidron:

"Boss, look, this is the bone of an adult dragon carp, with more than 185 bones, and ah, look at the color, tsk tsk tsk, how moist it is!"

Zhang Xibao almost laughed out loud, can he not be moist?

It was painted with a layer of sugar color, and it was painted twice with an iron brush. It's not too much to cheat you, Qi's father and son, 80W, right?

Don't forget that last time Qi Dongqiang lost fifteen W for three teeth. My dragon carp has more bones than teeth.

Qi Dongqiang has been staring at Zhang Xibao curiously.

He knew that the anchor Bao Ye was in the limelight recently, and he even had an appointment with the famous anchor Qiu Feng. He was very curious about what kind of person was behind the mask.

But he may never have dreamed that Zhang Xibao was behind the mask!

"Laozi is hot pot, you eat hot pot base..."

Zhang Xibao was in a happy mood and couldn't help humming in a pitch-shifted voice.

"What do you mean?!" Qi Dongqiang asked again.

Zhang Xibao shrugged: "I love to sing, can you control me?"

Qi Dongqiang was deflated for the second time.

Qi Delong casually glanced at the skeleton of the dragon carp, but couldn't see any one, two, three, four, five, and nodded pretendingly, expressing his satisfaction.

"Well, let's pay then!"

Donkey Jack nodded, and pulled Zhang Xibao into the corner.

"Master Bao, the deal is done. I'll transfer the 8000 points to you right now. Look at my drunk wine?"

Zhang Xibao took out his mobile phone, saw that the credits had arrived, and took out a small bottle from his pocket, which contained a bottle of wine, which was the amount for two adult mouthfuls.

"Of course I didn't forget your wine, here it is!"

Jack Donkey took the bottle, unscrewed the cap, stuffed it into the mask in front of Zhang Xibao, and took a small sip.

Taking a sip of the wine into his throat, Jack Donkey felt comfortable all over.

"Ah, cool, this Immortal Drunken Wine really lives up to its reputation!"

"Of course, we are old friends, how can I cheat you?" Zhang Xibao casually glanced at the Qi family father and son, thinking that I should cheat these two more.

"Of course, of course, but Master Bao, you really don't consider selling the Drunken Immortal Wine or the Five Thunder Talisman? That's just lying down and making money!" Jack asked again unwillingly.

"Anything is worthless if there is too much of it, let's forget it. I have a small quantity, so I can just sell it." Zhang Xibao rejected Jack Donkey's proposal again.

Donkey Jack nodded regretfully: "Okay then, come to me next time you have a business!"

"Well, yes."

While Zhang Xibao was chatting with Jack Donkey, the black-clothed bodyguard carried the dragon carp skeleton into the trunk, and the Qi family father and son got into the luxury car and left in a hurry.

"I bother!"

Jack the donkey took a breath, and cursed angrily: "There are two bad money, it's great, cross the river and demolish the bridge, and kill the donkey!"

Zhang Xibao looked at him suspiciously: "Unload the mill and kill the donkey?"

Jack Donkey, who came back to his senses, suddenly realized that he had scolded himself, and made two hey heys in embarrassment.

Zhang Xibao looked at the back of the luxury car going away: "Being rich and unkind, you will be punished sooner or later, just wait!"

Donkey Jack nodded approvingly: "What Master Bao said is true!"

"Okay, see you later!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, his figure disappeared into the darkness.

Dongshan Villa Group.

The black luxury car drove into the villa, and the bodyguards in black followed behind the Qi family father and son carrying the dragon carp skeleton.

Qi Delong waved his hand: "When it comes to the kitchen, let the cook cook it!"

"Yes!" The bodyguard nodded and left with his bag in hand.

The Qi family father and son are sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Qi Delong glanced at Qi Dongqiang: "The 800,000 dragon carp bones that I finally found are enough for ordinary people to eat for ten years, and there are still a few months left for the college entrance examination. Don't let me down!"

Qi Dongqiang clenched his fists: "Father, don't worry, your relationship, plus my strength, three months later, the imperial capital Qingbei will be stable!"

"Well..." Chidron nodded in satisfaction.

"Father, what about Brother Ye?" Qi Dongqiang asked tentatively.

Although Ye Chen was rescued, he was also disabled.

Qi Delong breathed out a foul breath, and looked out the window: "I'm a little concerned, the two gangsters that Xiaoye was looking for have already caught one, and he is still on the way, and we will find out when we ask tomorrow."


Qi Dongqiang nodded, still thinking about Zhang Xibao who had not been taught a lesson. This time there was an accident, and the three teeth had to be settled separately.

After a while, the dragon carp bones were stewed out.

The bodyguard in black brought over a gold-rimmed soup bowl, which contained milky white dragon carp bone soup.

"Drink it while it's hot, it will give you some strength!" Qi Delong pointed to the soup bowl.


Qi Dongqiang took a few sips while holding the soup bowl, and raised his head in doubt: "Why does this soup smell like peppercorns? I don't like peppercorns the most, what's the matter with the cook!"

The terrified cook was called over, and Qi Dongqiang asked, "Why do you add peppercorns that I don't like to the soup?!"

The cook timidly replied: "Master, I... I didn't add a pepper!"

"Huh? Nonsense! It smells like pepper!" Qi Dongqiang patted the table angrily.

"Let me try it!" Qi Delong waved.

Qi Dongqiang brought the soup over.

Qi Delong took two sips.


"It does smell like pepper..."

The bodyguard in black couldn't help standing up: "Young master, master, I was afraid that the cook would steal the drink, so I kept standing by the side to supervise, and the cook did not add pepper to it!"


Qi Delong waved his hand to let the cook back, pointing to the soup bowl and said: "Probably... that's what the dragon carp bone tastes like!"

"It's hard to drink, so drink more!"

Qi Dong forced his scalp and drank it sizzlingly.

If Qi Dongqiang knew that he drank the soup made from the leftover bones Zhang Xibao gnawed, he would probably...maybe...he would commit suicide in embarrassment...


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