Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 70 Squeeze Your Little Hand

The movement of Zhang Xibao and Husky demolishing the house earlier attracted many people, and then the well-known power user Wei Huohu stood at the door of the lounge again, so that many passing melon eaters poked their heads to watch the excitement.

"What are you all doing around here?"

A middle-aged man with a leading appearance came over, and walking side by side with him was another middle-aged man with a beer belly.

Behind the two middle-aged men is a young man in yellow clothes with dragon patterns and a man in blue clothes with dragon patterns.

Zhang Xibao glanced at him, he didn't know any people inside, the only one he knew was Director Fox Wang.

Seeing Director Wang of the Appraisal Bureau nodding and bowing to accompany him, the two middle-aged men at the head must be the director of the Appreciation Bureau and the director of the Foreign Land Administration.

"what's up?"

The crowd parted like a tide, and a few people came over and took a look at the lounge. It was a mess inside, all the furniture was destroyed, and the wall covering was also peeled off.

"Yo, how did you do it?" the director of the Appraisal Bureau asked with a smile.

Tail Fire Tiger opened his mouth to take the matter off: "I'm sorry, Chief, my spiritual pet was naughty and made a fuss for a while."

"Hey, what's this!"

The director of the Appreciation Bureau came over and touched Husky's bald head: "Qiqi has worked hard in Jiming Mountain, let him play if he likes to play."

Zhang Xibao suddenly discovered that the director of the Baojian Bureau was also bald.

The two bald men stood together, inexplicably full of joy.

Zhang Xibao couldn't hold back the corner of his mouth.

The chief of the Appraisal Bureau's eyes lit up and saw Zhang Xibao with the face of the Great Sage.

"This is Comrade Xiaobao, right?"

"I heard that he was promoted from a junior treasure appraiser to an intermediate treasure appraiser in half a month, and won the first place in the double list. He is really young and promising!"

It's all clichés, anyone who is serious is a fool.

Zhang Xibao smiled back, listening to the old director fox is right, listen more, watch more and talk less.

The tail fire tiger obviously knew the man in blue. The man in blue gave Huo Hu a tail.

The young man in yellow obviously knew Taihuohu too, but the two just looked at each other without speaking.

The relationship here is very interesting!

Zhang Xibao quietly observed the expressions on these people's faces.

"Let's go, before we enter the foreign land, let's briefly introduce ourselves, and by the way, let's talk about the regulations of the closed beta."

A group of people moved into a large office.

Director Fox King is the host.

"Next, Director Li of the Bureau of Appraisal of Treasures will be invited to speak, everyone!"

There were sparse applause in the office.


Director Li stood up and said, "My surname is Li. I am currently the director of the Beishi Appreciation Bureau and the supervisor of our internal test. Time is precious, so let's make a long story short. I hope this internal test can achieve good results."

Next, Director Zhang of the Foreign Land Management Bureau also introduced himself, which was exactly the same as what Director Li said.

Then Tail Huohu stood up and bowed to everyone: "Tail Huohu!"

Then Tail Fire Tiger sat down and gave a brief introduction.

Director Wang smoothed things over: "Ahahaha, everyone knows the famous Tail Huohu... Please let me be the next one!"

The youth in yellow stood up: "Yellow Dragon meets Ye Chang'an!"

(Book friend starred in friendship)

The man in blue stood up: "Wang Xiao of the Blue Dragon Club!"

(Book friend starred in friendship)

Will the yellow dragon meet the blue dragon...

Zhang Xibao muttered to himself, and wrote down the names of these two people in his heart.

"Hahahaha, these two should be introduced grandly, because they are the protagonists of today's secret internal test."

Director Li first pointed to the young man in yellow: "Xiaoye is the youngest senior appraiser in the imperial capital, and is responsible for the rating of the second foreign land."

The young man named Ye Chang'an was handsome, wearing a pair of rimless glasses, and his smile gave off a feeling of spring breeze.

Ye Changan nodded to everyone, behaving decently.

Director Li then pointed to the man in blue and said, "This is Wang Xiao, a comrade of the Blue Dragon Society, responsible for stabilizing the entrance to the foreign world. What a genius the Blue Dragon Society is, it's so true when I saw it today!"

Wang Xiao bowed his hands to everyone carelessly, his personality seemed to be the same as that of a tail fire tiger, and he was a real man with a fiery temper.

In the end, it was our turn for the mascot of the Beishi Appreciation Bureau, and it was Director Wang who introduced himself instead of introducing himself.

"This is the image ambassador of our Appraisal Bureau, Comrade Xiaobao."

Zhang Xibao smiled slightly, and everyone clapped their hands twice symbolically to express their welcome.

No one cared about Zhang Xibao, but Ye Changan, who was sitting by the side, turned his head and stretched out his white palm: "Hello, Comrade Xiaobao, I am Ye Changan, and I am also a treasure appraiser. We are colleagues."

When peers meet peers, turning around is a shot.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xibao smiled and stretched out his hand to shake Ye Changan.

Ye Changan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Zhang Xibao wears a pretender mask on his face, and Ye Chang'an can't see the real face behind the mask, but Ye Chang'an has a unique skill in Huanglonghui, which is to touch the bones!

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to hold it, and Ye Changan stretched out his hand to pinch it. Zhang Xibao's palm felt steady and strong, but his bone age was definitely not more than twenty years old!

Didn't expect that [Bao Ye] who is in the limelight is a teenager...

Ye Changan withdrew his palm silently, and a snicker that no one else could see appeared from the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Xibao didn't know that someone touched his bones, but felt his hand was pinched by Ye Changan, and his hair stood on end in an instant.

Nima, don't be a comrade with the surname Ye!

Ouch, I'm going, I'm not clean anymore!

Zhang Xibao secretly wiped his hands on his trousers, and silently moved his chair to the side, away from Ye Changan.


Ye Changan looked confused, not knowing what Zhang Xibao was doing.

Another half-hour-long cliché followed, and when Zhang Xibao felt that he was about to fall asleep, Director Li stood up and said, "Okay, let's go!"

This time the closed beta team is not without luxury.

Both bureaus and teams have sent big bosses, the two bureau chiefs are supervisors, Ye Changan of the Yellow Dragon Club is the alien rater, Wang Xiao of the Blue Dragon Club is in charge of stabilizing the alien world, Tai Huohu of the Black Dragon Club is in charge of group security, and Zhang Xibao is in charge... Is it cute, after all, is the mascot ambassador of the Bureau of Appreciation?

Three luxury cars pulled the six people to the entrance of the second foreign world near Jiming Mountain.

The first car pulled the two bosses and directors, the second car pulled the two Huanglonghui Ye Changan and the Blue Dragonhui Wang Xiao, and the third car pulled Tail Huohu, Zhang Xibao and the soul pet Qiqi.

Qiqi sticks out his red tongue and stares at Zhang Xibao. It has been searching for a long time, and it clearly smells a familiar smell, but it cannot be found on Zhang Xibao!

The Chinchilla hiding in Zhang Xibao's sleeve was trembling...

"It's here." Tail Fire Tiger spat out two words.

Zhang Xibao turned his head and looked out of the car.

A huge bluestone archway appeared not far away.

This bluestone archway is the entrance to a foreign land, the door to pass through the folding space and this world!

There are six vigorous characters written on the bluestone archway: "The Second Foreign Land in Beishi"

"Why can't I see the entrance?" Zhang Xibao asked curiously.

Wei Huohu explained: "Although you can't see it with the naked eye, you will enter a foreign land after passing through the bluestone archway. The actual door is illusory, and the bluestone archway is a road sign made of exotic treasure materials."

Zhang Xibao suddenly realized.

There seems to be a transparent water wave in the middle of the huge bluestone archway, which should be the spatial fluctuation.

"Let's go!"

Tail Fire Tiger got out of the car first.

Everyone has to carry equipment, even leaders are no exception, because these quest equipment is their own wealth and life, and cannot be borrowed from others.

Zhang Xibao's equipment has one more thing than others, it is a small and strange device.

Before leaving, Director Fox King gave it to him.

"This is a rare treasure made of phonograph and photo jade. You can take it to our Treasure Appraisal Bureau to shoot some promotional material. Human cameras won't work in the foreign world."

Zhang Xibao did not refuse.

Because it would be a fool not to take the free treasure, and he can also use the material he took. If he took it to the live broadcast room and showed it to his friends, wouldn't that be a fan boost?

Zhang Xibao put the camera treasure in his pocket, and followed the large army with the equipment on his back.

"Foreign Land, here I come!"

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, raised his legs and stepped into the bluestone archway.


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