You specified that you have a serious illness!

Tail Huohu looked at Zhang Xibao under the tree speechlessly.

Don't this guy deliberately trick everyone into eating the pulp, he can pick up the peach pits by himself, right?

This kid is full of bad water!

Director Li suppressed the nausea in his stomach, and said to Zhang Xibao: "Comrade Xiaobao, if you have anything to say next time, let's finish it all at once!"

"Hey, I just didn't remember it for a while..."

"Tsk tsk, my brain! It's really..."

While talking, Zhang Xibao stuffed two handfuls of Juling peach pits into his pocket, and then stuffed a handful into the hands of the two directors: "As a snack, take it with you on the way!"

That posture is the same as a simple fellow stuffing souvenirs in the pockets of customers.

I can still eat me!

The four of them ate the flesh of dozens of juling peaches in a row, and now they are full of bitter juice.

Director Zhang's face was wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, and he kept hiccupping, and now he is angry when he sees the juling peach!

Alas, it is a precious rare fruit after all, I'd better take two bags back with me later...

Director Li suggested: "Well, let's continue to explore, digest and digest, and when we return to the original road, we will pick some juling peaches and take the cores out. This will be the benefit of this closed beta."

"Oh, I remembered!"

Ye Chang'an suddenly raised his voice and said, "There was a stone carving unearthed in the strange land of Nanshi. The fruit recorded on it should be Juling peach. The skin and flesh of this thing cannot be eaten, only the nuts are effective!"

Zhang and Li looked at Ye Chang'an resentfully.

Well, you are a giraffe, this reflex arc is longer than that of Comrade Xiaobao, everyone has eaten a lot of the pulp, and already know that nuts are effective, so you just remembered.

However, Ye Chang'an didn't seem to see the resentful eyes of the two directors, and stared straight at Zhang Xibao: "Comrade Xiaobao is really well-informed and quick-witted! He can actually deduce this gathering spirit from the few words in the stone carving." Tao's true identity! Admire, admire!"

Don't praise me, stay away from me You, Master Bao, I am male and I like female...

Zhang Xibao didn't dare to say that he didn't dare to do it, he just read it from the treasure book, he didn't know what stone carvings were.

The group continued on their journey.

blah blah...

blah blah...

Oh tui!

Zhang Xibao peeled peach kernels and ate them while following the main force.

Eat this thing to nourish your brain, you can take it out and give Han Meimei a taste, so that she won't bark like a fool all day long. (Han Meimei is a fan of Qiufeng, a small foreshadowing, the story will be discussed later.)

The [Bao Ye] who defeated [Autumn Wind] can sit next to her, don't scare her to death if you say it!

Tut tut...

Suddenly, Qiqi leaned down and roared towards the depths of the dense forest.

Tail Fire Tiger hastily warned: "Attention everyone, something is coming!"


A young juling peach smashed towards the tail fire tiger's head with the sound of breaking wind.


Tail Huohu stretched out his arm suddenly, grasping Julingtao in the palm of his hand, feeling the strength of Julingtao thrown over, he muttered to himself: "The strength is not small..."

Men like to compare, Tail Fire Tiger took a deep breath, and slammed towards the direction where Juling Peach flew just now.


The juling peach seemed to hit something, and made a muffled sound.


There was a long howl in the empty valley.

Then there were voices one after another, as if they were sending signals to each other.

Ye Chang'an's face changed drastically: "It's over, everyone run!"

Everyone followed suit and ran in the opposite direction.

Tail Huohu and Wang Xiao jumped down from the tree and followed everyone.

Ye Changan explained while running: "There is another sentence on the stone inscription, there are many spirit apes in the place where the spirit-gathering peaches are gathered!"

Big golden characters immediately appeared in Zhang Xibao's mind: Strange Beast Chapter

"Spiritual ape: A mysterious second-level alien beast, there is an ape in Haocang Island, who is naive and has spiritual wisdom, likes to eat peaches, has a bursting personality and holds grudges, and has a strong sense of territory! 』

Zhang Xibao glanced at the accompanying picture in the chapter of Alien Beast: it was a gray humanoid creature with bulging muscles, and the patterns on its face were blue and yellow.

It's over!

The internal test team violated other people's territory, ate their peaches, and even hit them with peaches.

What kind of banditry is this?

Can this be tolerated?

Anyway, thinking about it from another angle, Zhang Xibao felt that he couldn't bear it.

Even someone as generous as Zhang Xibao couldn't help it, but could a spirit ape who was born to hold grudges bear it?

The spirit ape is at the second level of the mysterious rank. If you fight alone, the tail fire tiger will definitely protect everyone, but what if a group of spirit apes come...

In addition, can two-legged ones run over trees and fly?

Sure enough, black shadows began to scurry in the surrounding dense canopy.

From time to time, a juling peach flew out from a certain corner, and hit the ground or the tree trunk with a slap, causing the soil to fly and the bark to burst.

If this falls on the melon seed of the head, can't it be a concussion?


A juling peach hit the tree trunk, and then bounced back and hit Director Zhang in the face, causing him to stagger and fall like a dog.

Serve it right, you were the one who ate peaches deliciously just now!

Whoosh whoosh!

Julingtao fell towards everyone like raindrops.

"I can't run away, they are blocking our escape route!"

Ye Changan stretched out his right hand to wipe his left wrist, and for some reason he took out a big black umbrella.

The big black umbrella unfolded to protect himself and Director Zhang who had fallen to the ground.

The tail fire tiger also took out the Yan Mo gun, and flew out the fruit bullets like raindrops.

Wang Xiao didn't know whether it was a supernatural power or a magic weapon for body protection. The fruit that was thrown at him fell to the ground weakly. He stood with the tail fire tiger to protect everyone.


A hundred secrets will eventually have a sparseness.

A huge stray bullet flew towards Director Li's face.

If this hits the target, why not open the scoop?

Director Li watched the fruit zoom in and out in front of his eyes with a dazed expression, but his bloated body couldn't escape.


A palm stretched out halfway, holding the fruit in the palm.

"Ju Li needs to protect himself!"

Director Li turned his head and found that Zhang Xibao was looking at him with a smile.

Emma, ​​the savior!

Director Li was very moved, the 5,000 points are well spent, and Comrade Xiaobao really needs something!

Shaking his numb right hand, Zhang Xibao dragged Director Li with his left hand and hid under Ye Changan's umbrella.

"Comrade Xiaobao, if you go out, your salary will increase!"

"Let's escape first!"

Zhang Xibao casually glanced at Director Li and Director Zhang's necks, and found that both of them were wearing pendants. When Ju Lingtao flew over just now, there seemed to be a glimmer of light on their chests.

It is probably the Huanglonghui's protective treasure. Even if Ye Changan and Zhang Xibao hadn't taken action, these two people shouldn't be in danger...

Gradually, the Julingtao attack stopped. It wasn't that the beta team was out of danger, but that the crisis had just begun.

The surrounding canopy is full of spirit apes with expressionless faces!

Hundreds of eyes fell on the crowd, Zhang Xibao roughly counted, the number of spirit apes in this group was at least hundreds.

A two-meter-tall spirit ape stood on a thick branch, looking down at the crowd. Zhang Xibao noticed that there was blood on its nose...

It's over, this feud is over!

The blood on the nose of the leader of the spirit ape must have been smashed by the tail fire tiger with a juling peach!

Sure enough, the leader of the spirit ape jumped down from the tree with a bang, and stabilized his figure with a slight shock of his knees, but two big holes were smashed under his feet.

bang bang bang!

The spirit apes jumped down from the tree one after another, just like the younger brothers who followed the boss to kill people, and gathered into a circular encirclement, enclosing the internal test group in the middle.


The leader of the spirit ape crazily smashed those two big chest muscles, provoking the tail fire tiger.

The spirit ape brothers followed suit and howled, smashing their chest muscles.

Can you imagine being surrounded by hundreds of muscular men?

Zhang Xibao's current situation is like this!

"It's provoking you!"

Ye Changan explained to Tail Fire Tiger: "They seem to regard us as another group, and the Spirit Ape King will challenge you to decide the ownership of this forest!"

After hearing this, Huo Huo stuck Yan Mo's spear on the ground, rolled up his sleeves, and showed his bulging biceps.

"Then let's fight!"

Tailed Fire Tiger stared into the eyes of the leader of the Spirit Ape and said.


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