Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 83 Mengxin's Luck Will Not Be Too Bad

"How do you find things that are ever-changing?"

"Colorless and formless, air..."

Zhang Xibao muttered as he descended the mountain:

"Maybe Hao Cang Island doesn't have such a thing at all!"


Chin Maoshu stood on Zhang Xibao's shoulder and responded.

"Aren't you Tongtianshu? Have you ever felt that Hao Cang Island has treasures?"

Zhang Xibao turned his head to tease the little mouse.

Chinchilla was the ultimate winner in this wave, swallowing a Nine-Turn Feeding Elixir bestowed by the avatar of Old Man Tongtian.

After some questioning, Zhang Xibao figured out the effect of this pill.

Nine turns means that every time Chinchilla evolves, Baodan will play a role. After nine evolutions, Chinchilla completely awakens its blood and becomes the ancestor Tongtianshu.


The little mouse shook his head blankly, saying that the boss Tongtian rat raised by the old man Tongtian didn't find Fang Rui, so how could he find him as a cute newcomer?

"Luck in the novice period is not bad..."

Zhang Xibao patted Chinchilla's small head, pinched his chin: "We can go against the grain and analyze the wave. How does Old Man Tongtian's level of power usually find things?"

"One is to use your ancestor Tongtian Shu, Tongtian Shu went up to the blue sky, and went down to the Yellow Springs. He is extremely sensitive to strange treasures, but Fang Rui is not a strange treasure, not even a strange beast, so Tongtian Shu's ability is useless. "

"Secondly, Old Man Tongtian has Tongtian Pupils. As long as he flies around Haocang Island and sweeps them with the pupil technique, what rare treasures can't be found?"

"But whether it is Tongtianshu or Tongshu, there are limitations, that is, to identify strange treasures. If there is such a thing as Fang Rui, where is it hidden?"

"Heaven? Underground? Hao Cang Island doesn't have much water..."

"If you were Fang Rui, where would you hide so as not to be discovered?"

Zhang Xibao said to himself: "Anyway, if I'm Fang Rui, I'm sure it's dark under the lights. Find a place that Old Man Tongtian can see every day but can't think of!"


As if a flash of lightning had passed by, Zhang Xibao's eyes widened suddenly.

Dark under the lights?

Zhang Xibao looked back at the mountain range where Old Man Tongtian practiced, and wondered if Fang Rui was hiding under Old Man Tongtian's ass?

Then Zhang Xibao was a little discouraged.

"Such a large mountain range, even if Fang Rui really hides here, I can't find it!"

"It's almost time to leave with the internal test team. Fortunately, I took a week off with Lao Bao. When the foreign land officially opens, I can come in and look for it..."

"Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Let's look at this mountain first. If we can't find it, we will go back and gather temporarily."

Zhang Xibao and Chinchilla agreed to start searching in the mountain behind them.

In the forest.

The cyan tree smoke drifted, rendering the entire forest dreamlike.

Chirping birds, gurgling mountain streams, if not for all kinds of dangerous beasts, Hao Cang Island would be a good place for vacation.

But Zhang Xibao was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery around him. His shoes were all torn, and his clothes were hung in rags by the branches. He looked like a beggar fleeing famine.

During this period, Zhang Xibao crushed eight snake-shaped monsters to death, and also killed a huge spider with stones. A strange fish hiding in the mountain stream was skewered on a log and roasted until it became stinky.

Chin Maoshu looks a bit better than Zhang Xibao, but the fur is also messy, and the color of the fur is no longer glossy.


Chinchilla said that he could no longer find it.

Zhang Xibao stuffed the little mouse with a Qi and Blood Pill, drank the last sip of water in the bottle, and let out a mouthful of stale air.

"Sure enough, it's impossible to find Fang Rui in a short period of time. Old Man Tongtian has been looking for him for a hundred years."

Zhang Xibao's bloodshot eyes widened, saliva flew all over the place, and he danced: "Why don't I set fire to it!"

Zhang Xibao, who became angry from embarrassment, spread out his palms, and a bright red flame burst out.


Chin Maoshu stood on Zhang Xibao's shoulder to dissuade him.

"Ah, I know what you mean, set fire to the mountain, and sit in prison..."

"I just had a mouthful..."

It is written in the rules of foreign lands that those who enter the foreign land can only develop them and cannot destroy them, otherwise the Black Dragon Society will come to talk to them, and those who refuse to obey the discipline will be chased and killed by the masters of the Black Dragon Society!

Zhang Xibao didn't want Weihuohu to stab his ass behind with that big gun...


Zhang Xibao hit a stone on a branch, scaring away a bird.

"It's okay for me to vent like this!"

"Safe and environmentally friendly, hum..."

"Let's go, go and gather with the internal test team!"

Chinchilla jumped into Zhang Xibao's pocket, and the two guys were about to go down the mountain and leave.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao felt like he was being spied on. He turned his head, but found nothing.

The shadows of the trees sway, the wind blows and the grass moves, and the birds and insects sing.

"It's not right, it's really not right..."

Zhang Xibao turned around and continued walking, whispering to Chinchilla: "Did you feel something peeping?"

Chinchilla climbed onto Zhang Xibao's shoulder to take a peek, then shook his head to show that everything was normal.

"Oh fine……"

Zhang Xibao continued on his way.

After walking for a while, the feeling of being watched still didn't dissipate from Zhang Xibao's heart.

Zhang Xibao suddenly asked: "Hey, little mouse, do you know where a person can never see without the help of tools?"

Chinchilla blinked its eyes blankly, not knowing what kind of riddle Zhang Xibao was playing.

"Stupid, it's the back of my head!"

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered an old movie called The Empty House, in which the man always hides in the blind spot of the host's sight and has sex with the hostess. There are three people living in the house, but the host doesn't know it!

Think carefully...

Old Man Tongtian said that Fang Rui was neither a treasure nor a beast, it was between life and death, so does it have self-awareness? This is worth playing with.

If it is a dead thing that does not speak or speak, with the supernatural power of the old man Tongtian, it is impossible to find it in Hao Cang Island within a hundred years.

On the contrary, it is a living creature with movement and self-awareness. It has been playing hide-and-seek in the blind spot of Old Man Tongtian's sight, and it has been playing for hundreds of years...

According to the inertial thinking of the old man Tongtian, the birth of a treasure must be accompanied by visions, either earth-shattering or majestic rays of light. A boss of this level is like an eagle with wings spread, and he will never notice the ants under his feet.

But isn't Fang Rui ever-changing, he really turned into an ant lying at the feet of the old man Tongtian, but the Tongtian mouse couldn't recognize it, and the Tongtian pupil technique couldn't see it...

Hey, it's just playing, it's just jumping repeatedly on the edge of danger, what are you doing!

Zhang Xibao took out a small mirror from his equipment bag and hid it in the palm of his hand. He had to see what was peeping!

As he walked, he used the small mirror to check.

The small mirror reflects the scene of Zhang Xibao's back.

It seemed that everything was normal, until a certain silly bird on the tree looked at Zhang Xibao and then quickly looked away.

A trace of panic flashed in the originally proud bird's eyes...

Zhang Xibao grinned: "Young man, you've been exposed!"


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