Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 87 Treasure Refining Is Like A Lottery Draw

The exploration of the second foreign land in Beishi has come to an end for the time being. Zhang Xibao and Lao Bao have invited a week's vacation, and there are two days left. Going back to school too early is easy to be exposed, so Zhang Xibao nestled at home, exercising, and broadcasting live broadcasts.

Zhang Xibao discovered a funny thing.

Tongtiandingding can refine strange treasures.

When he was refining Fang Rui on Haocang Island, he discovered that this big black cauldron could be used to refine exotic treasures.

Just throw in the precious parts of the exotic beast and turn on the fire to refine it. The result is random, mysterious, and full of surprises. It feels like you just work hard and leave the rest to God.

Fang Rui transformed into a black wristband and was wearing it on Zhang Xibao's left wrist. This baby didn't respond to the strange treasure or the treasure pill. It seemed that only the flesh and blood of the strange beast would be useful to it, so Zhang Xibao temporarily focused his attention on the big black cauldron in front of him.

The big black cauldron was released from the Tongtianbao Curry, and it is now standing quietly in the living room.

On the table in front of Zhang Xibao was a pile of raw materials: the claws of the big black mouse, the scales of the dragon carp, two eyeballs, the whiskers of the dragon carp, the claws, beak, and iron feathers of the iron-winged eagle, and the fur of a wild boar-shaped beast.

"Tsk tsk tsk... there are so many things to see!"

Zhang Xibao is now able to open a special treasure store with such a small fortune, and the total value is definitely over 100 million!

There is a pot of dragon carp scales, thirty iron feathers of the best iron-winged eagle, and the skins of wild boars can cover the entire floor of the living room...

There are enough raw materials, let's play!

According to the type, there are 8 types of these beast parts.

If they are arranged randomly, there are 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 possibilities in total, that is, 40320 possibilities.

"Too many, exhaustive is unrealistic..."

"And there are only two claws like the dragon carp's eyeball and the iron-winged eagle's. There is no way to try them one by one, and they are easy to refine."

"According to Baojian's records, two materials with similar properties have a higher success rate in refining exotic treasures."

Zhang Xibao began to classify the materials on the table.

The properties are similar. For example, if two kinds of herbal medicines are refined, they may be edible pills, but those refined from the animal's foot skin and herbs may not be able to be imported.

In the end, Zhang Xibao classified claws, mouths, and eyes into one category, and skin, hair, and scales into another category.

Rub your hands together, Zhang Xibao is ready to make treasures!

"The scales of the dragon carp and the iron feathers of the iron-winged eagle are the most, let's use these two as an experiment first..."

Throwing the scales and iron feathers into the black cauldron, Zhang Xibao controlled the flame to burn the cauldron.

"Hey, this strange fire needle does not poke, there is no peculiar smell and smoke, and the natural gas for cooking will be saved in the future, but it is a bit wasteful..."

The lid of the Tongtian Cauldron slammed, and the strange fire continued to heat up. When there was no response from the cauldron, Zhang Xibao lifted the lid.

Tongtian Ding has become a master!

As soon as the lid was lifted, the Tongtian Cauldron spit out a puddle of indescribable black paste.

The paste was lying on the floor, steaming and bubbling.

An indescribable smell diffused.

"Ouch! It stinks!"

"Oh my god, the Tongtian cauldron has been nauseated and vomited!"

Zhang Xibao quickly rushed to the window and opened it for air.

Soon, someone in the community yelled, "Damn it, whose sewer exploded?!"

After quickly removing the unknown objects on the floor, Zhang Xibao rubbed his tortured nose.

Fortunately, the Tongtian Cauldron did not have a cauldron spirit like Baojian, otherwise he would have to lift the black cauldron and smash it on Zhang Xibao's head.

He turned his attention to the claws, mouths and eyes. The dragon carp has only two eyes, which are very precious and cannot be experimented at will.

"Paws are always fine!"

Zhang Xibao threw the rat claws and eagle claws into the Tongtian Cauldron and refined them in a big fire. As a result, the Tongtian Cauldron spit out a pile of scum!

"There are no rules at all!"

Having wasted two claws, Zhang Xibao felt a little pain in his flesh, but fortunately, the number of claws was not too small, and wasting two claws did not affect real life.

I'm so angry, but I still have to keep smiling.

Zhang Xibao picked up the little mouse, pointed to the pile of materials and said, "Come here, you choose. If you choose correctly, I will reward you with 10 Qi and Blood Pills!"

Zhang Xibao said to himself: "After all, the ancestor of the little mouse is Tongtianshu, it should have the talent to identify treasures..."

"Novices are very lucky, right? I saw that in the live broadcast, novices win big prizes. Could it be that they are all dog tricks?"

The little mouse looked at Zhang Xibao in bewilderment, feeling a little bad in his heart, as if he saw a big black pot coming towards him.

"If you can't refine it, push me to take the blame, and whoever loses it if you fail!" 』

Zhang Xibao smiled slightly: "Why are you staring blankly, choose quickly!"

Zhang Xibao smiled, the life and death of the little mouse is unpredictable.

"Give it a go and turn your bike into a motorcycle"

The little mouse hesitantly drilled around in the pile of materials.

With the best quality, the success rate of refining should be higher...

With this in mind, Chinchilla chose the best quality iron feather and the longest paw.

"Have you chosen?"

Zhang Xibao stroked his chin: "An iron feather and a claw, both of which don't go well together, can you tell me the basis for choosing these two?"

"You told me to choose whatever I want, so I will choose whatever I want!" 』The Chinchilla spread its paws.

"Well, there are no doubts about employing people, and no need for others."

Zhang Xibao threw Tie Yu and his claws into the black cauldron and started refining again.

After a while, a shaped object flew out from the tripod.

"Huh? It turned out to be!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened, and he glanced at the little mouse. what is this? Shit luck? !

Zhang Xibao picked up the dark object and found it was a small knife with a strange shape.

The small knife is silver in color, with a claw-shaped arc. The blade is as thin as a cicada's wing. The blade is only three centimeters long. The handle is long enough to hold, and there is a small ring on the handle that the index finger can pass through.

Since this rare treasure was exclusively refined by Zhang Xibao, Tongtian Great Treasure Mirror could not give a rank.

Zhang Xibao rubbed the blade of the knife with the belly of his thumb, and found that the knife was extremely sharp, with a faint green light reflected on the blade, which seemed to be poisonous.

"Not bad……"

Zhang Xibao put his index finger through the small circle on the handle of the knife, and swung the knife around a few times. Usually the knife can be hidden in the sleeve or in the palm of the hand, with only the poisonous blade less than three centimeters exposed.

"Well, let's call you the Mouse Claw Knife!"

Zhang Xibao hid the Rat Claw Knife in the wristband of his left hand, and took out ten Qi and Blood Pills.

"You keep your word, these ten Qi and Blood Pills are all yours, let's continue!"

The Chin Maoshu felt that the ten pills of Qi and Blood were taken a bit unreliably. It was obviously chosen blindly just now!

"Continue to choose, and then refine it, this time I will give you twenty Qi and Blood Pills!"

As soon as the little mouse's eyes lit up, he would die. Anyway, it is impossible to spit out the previous ten blood pills. At worst, it will run away if it is broken!

This time, Jin Maoshu chose dragon carp scales, iron feathers and wild boar skin.

It is known that dragon carp scales and iron feathers will produce a pile of stinky unknown substances, now adding wild boar skin will produce any changes?

Zhang Xibao dubiously threw the ingredients into the Tongtian Cauldron, and snapped the lid on...

God bless, it must be done, Chin Maoshu looks like he is about to run away at any time.


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