Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 124 Intense

Because Lei Guangyao is competing with Wen Zhihong for the jade seal, the white-haired old woman Li Yu is competing with Wu Bo, another monk from Huang Maple Valley, for the mirror weapon, and Zhao Jinyu is simply cooperating with Lei Guangyao in the fight and has no intention of snatching the remaining two spiritual weapons. Jiang Zonghan of the Zixia Sect was surprised to find that no one was snatching the shield and the robe. He immediately changed his direction and headed towards the star robe.

Cai Zhengdong, who was fighting for it, used his spiritual sense to see Jiang Zonghan take the star robe effortlessly. Inspired by it, his sword light increased, forcing Hu Xingwu's Big Dipper away, and then he pulled away and flew straight to the white jade desk where the shield was.

As soon as Cai Zhengdong left, Hu Xingwu's pressure was greatly reduced. In addition, he also had thoughts of a quick victory. After all, the purple-red swords were on two white jade desks very close to each other. If those people got them, It would be bad to kill other spiritual weapons again, so he took out a talisman with heartache, and then the Beidou Sword's sword light dispersed, transforming into a galaxy of shining stars. It was extremely beautiful but contained an astonishing murderous intention.

While Dong Yiyi was struggling to support the galaxy sword light, there was a flash of white light, and Hu Xingwu moved directly behind her, and then he struck with all his strength from the black iron energy.

Dong Yiyi was caught off guard, and because she was only a master at entraining Qi, Zixia's Qi was scattered in all directions, like beautiful fireworks, and then flew out.

While her illness was killing her, Beidou Sword just happened to catch up, and before Dong Yiyi could react, he struck two holes with one sword.

After killing Dong Yiyi, Hu Xingwu quickly walked to the white jade desk, preparing to break the crystal box and get the purple spiritual weapon Flying Sword.

Although Zhao Jinyu mostly defended himself here and was not enterprising enough, and seemed to have no intention of competing for the magical weapon, the two of them joined forces and the magical weapon was much better than his opponent. Wen Zhihong was killed until Wen Zhihong's face turned red, his ears were red, and he was sweating profusely. He was killed without paying attention. The Jinghai Sword passed through and cut off an arm.

In the severe pain, Wen Zhihong went crazy. He used the flesh and blood of his arm as a guide to transform into a blood-colored shadow, and then threw it on himself. Suddenly, his whole body was blood red, his hair and beard stood up, and his breath surged. Originally, The cultivation of Qi Dacheng now feels that it has reached the perfection of Qi Qi.

After his body was covered in blood, he no longer used the flying sword, but directly attacked Lei Guangyao and Zhao Jinyu with one punch and one kick.

The Jinghai Sword and the Jade Dragon Sword struck him like a stone, making a soft sound and unable to make an inch of progress. Seeing this strange situation, Zhao Jinyu immediately stepped back and pulled Lei Guangyao, who was about to pounce, on him.

When Wen Zhihong saw the two people retreating, he did not pursue him and instead rushed towards the jade seal, because he knew that his secret technique could only last ten breaths, and then he would be completely unable to fight back. He broke the crystal box with his hands, picked up the jade seal and ran away.

"Junior sister, why are you stopping me?" Lei Guangyao was very puzzled by Zhao Jinyu's move just now. It seemed that the old man's secret method could not last long, and the junior sister had never used her full strength since she came in.

Zhao Jinyu looked calm: "My father told me that there is no need to fight with them, just stay safe."

"Then what are we doing in the Immortal Mansion?!" Lei Guangyao was confused.

Zhao Jinyu smiled bitterly: "Me too, I didn't think about it all the way. Okay, senior brother, let's go out, you see the crystal wall is restoring itself." The crystal wall on the third floor is emitting a faint white light, and the big hole in it is rapidly opening After shrinking, it is estimated that it will become a complete ban again in a while.

Lei Guangyao took a quick look. After Jiang Zonghan got the star robe, he was not greedy and flew out long before Wen Zhihong. Cai Zhengdong also got the bronze shield as he wished. After Hu Xingwu got the purple flying sword, he was rushing towards the red flying sword. Li Yu and Wu Bo are fighting fiercely, and they are afraid that they will decide whether to live or die in the next moment.

Seeing that there was no chance, and with the order from his master, Lei Guangyao followed Zhao Jinyu out of the crystal wall with doubts.


After blocking the Qian Yang True Fire, Mr. Cao snorted coldly: "You dare me, junior!" Then a formation disk flew out from his dantian, with layers of complex restrictions on it.

The formation disk flew into the sky and released a phantom, which landed on Shi Xuan. The three flags flew over and changed their positions around the phantom.

Shi Xuan's eyes blurred, surrounded by a vast white mist, and he couldn't even see clearly three feet in front of him. He secretly said something bad, knowing that he was hit by the formation, the Qianyang True Fire Net immediately protected his whole body, and the black light of the Ecstasy Flag also hung down nine times, protecting the whole body tightly.

Seeing that Shi Xuan was trapped by his phantom formation, Mr. Cao waved his hand again and the command flag changed again. Shi Xuan felt fireballs, wind blades, water balls, ice knives, boulders, giant trees, flying sword phantoms, and countless attacks hitting his magic weapon. Above it, the black light of the Ecstasy Flag was flickering and dimmed a lot.

Killing is a small matter, but seizing the treasure is a big deal. Mr. Cao immediately turned around and grabbed Yin Yang Yugui. As for the kid in the formation, since he was trapped, it would not be too late to kill him after he got the treasure.

After identifying that this was the phantom formation, Shi Xuan was certain that his own Qianyang Qinglan was the nemeses of the phantom formation. A light lit up in the white mist, and the mist rolled back like a nemesis and disappeared quickly.

Because the phantom formation was related to the natal magic weapon, Mr. Cao's mind flickered, his hand slowed down, and a wisp of breeze blew past his hand, and the Yin Yang Jade Gui in the crystal box suddenly disappeared.

The Qingfeng transformed by Shi Xuan flew a long distance before revealing its figure. Since the illusory formation was broken and the Lingqi was transformed into a purely offensive formation, it was naturally unable to trap Shi Xuan. Shi Xuan used Qingfeng Escape and snatched away the Yin Yang Jade Gui at the moment when Mr. Cao was in a trance.

Mr. Cao was about to chase Shi Xuan, but he saw that there were still several pieces of materials on the white jade desk that no one had taken. He hesitated for a moment, but the temptation of the treasure was greater, and that boy was not easy to deal with either. Fighting with him would only make others easier, so he sighed and walked to another white jade desk.


After Lei Guangyao and Zhao Jinyu came out of the crystal wall, Lei Guangyao looked back and sighed: "In that case, junior sister, let's go to the exit to meet the master."

Zhao Jinyu nodded: "Yes, I'll be there right away, but I have to tell Fellow Daoist Sun that the ban is about to be restored."

"Can you stop thinking about that person?" Lei Guangyao was depressed after losing his spiritual weapon.

Zhao Jinyu glanced at Lei Guangyao coldly: "You must repay the favor of saving your life. I just told him the news, so what? I, Zhao Jinyu, have a clear conscience! Senior brother, can you be more mature?"

Lei Guangyao was angry and depressed, turned his back and stopped talking.

After Shi Xuan obtained the three materials for the natal magic weapon, he was delighted. At this time, Zhao Jinyu's voice came: "Fellow Daoist Sun, the crystal wall restriction is about to be restored. You should pay attention."

Turning around and thanking Zhao Jinyu with a smile, Shi Xuan glanced at the big hole in the crystal wall. After estimating the time, Shi Xuan turned around and headed deeper into the hall. There was one more thing that had to be done!


In Baicao Pavilion, the fighting was fierce.

Several monks in the Qi-entraining stage were very unlucky and were hit by the aftermath of the battle by several masters in the Soul-stage and died on the spot.

The jade bottle containing the magic elixir was still in the hands of Qu Tongxuan's corpse. No one dared to pick it up at this time, otherwise it would become the target of collective attack by the other people.

However, the battle gradually became clear. Zuo Kongtu, Gu Yizhen, Yue Dingyi, and Ning Shou jointly attacked Lu Lingxiao at the beginning, intending to kill the guy who had practiced sword energy and thunder sound first, because Lu Lingxiao was his own ability, unlike them who relied on They have a spiritual weapon, and the Tiangang restriction in the spiritual weapon is not well mastered due to their lack of cultivation. Not only can they not fight for a long time, but they cannot exert one-tenth of the power of the spiritual weapon. If they fight alone, it will be easy. They were all defeated by Lu Lingxiao.

The male and female flying swords, ice crystal flying swords, and soul-breaking circles were fighting fiercely with the blue sword light of Lu Lingxiao's Sky-Breaking Sword. Lu Lingxiao relied on his peerless swordsmanship to suppress the four spiritual weapons with one person. The entire Baicao Pavilion It was all the sound of sword light stirring the atmosphere.

If it weren't for Gu Yizhen's silver mesh, Lu Lingxiao might have been able to kill these four with his sword one by one. Even so, Lu Lingxiao still had enough energy to kill the one who wanted to secretly take it away and put it on his side. The cultivator in the qi-entraining stage of the demonic beast's inner elixir, but the demonic beast's inner elixir on the other side, could only watch helplessly as a cultivator in the qi-entraining stage excitedly picked it up and ran away.

As time goes by, the time limit for leaving the mansion is getting closer and closer, and the big hole in the crystal wall gradually becomes smaller. The five masters of the Soul Stage become more impetuous and panicked as they fight. At this time, Baicao Pavilion There were only a few of them left, and the other Qi-entraining stage monks had already withdrawn and headed for the exit.

Yue Dingyi and Ning Shouyi looked at each other and saw each other's intentions, so they slowly approached each other during the battle, and in the end they were holding hands.

In the heat of the battle, the two men let out a clear roar, and the purple and white swords of the male and female swords unexpectedly merged together. The sword light suddenly rose sharply, illuminating the entire third floor of Baicao Pavilion.

The sword light after the two swords were combined was purple with white, fully displaying the power of the spiritual weapon. It first collided with Lu Lingxiao's cyan sword light, shocking Lu Lingxiao to step back more than ten steps, and the Sky-breaking Sword also recovered the flying sword from the sword light. Seemingly, Lu Lingxiao could only take it back to protect him.

Then, the combined sword light circled the Ice Crystal Flying Sword and the Soul-Severing Circle, knocking the two spiritual weapons to the ground, forcing Zuo Kongtu and Gu Yizhen to fly to both sides to avoid the attack.

Taking this opportunity, Yue Dingyi and Ning Shouyi flew to the middle. Yue Dingyi took the jade bottle, and then with a sword light, he repeled the Sky-Breaking Sword, Ice Crystal Flying Sword and Soul-Destroying Circle that came at them again, and then the two The man and the sword light combined, quickly escaped from the ice crystal wall, and fled.

Zuo Kongtu and Gu Yizhen didn't care at all about the jade ax and golden flying sword that were still dropped in Baicao Pavilion, and chased them out, looking as if they were determined not to give up until they reached the Yellow River.

Only after Lu Lingxiao's sword light rolled up and involved the remaining inner elixir of the demonic beast, he controlled the flying sword, turned into a ray of blue light, and got out from the cracked place in the crystal wall that had been reduced to a small hole.

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