Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 126 Search

While they were hesitating, five more monks came intermittently from the other path, including Cao Lao and Cai Zhengdong of the Houtu Sect, Yu Hua of the Zixia Sect, Yin Ze of Huangfeng Valley, and Hu Xingwu of the casual cultivator.

Seeing Mr. Cao coming over, the two monks from the Houtu Sect here breathed a sigh of relief. Hong Dingyuan, who was somewhat bookish, came over with another middle-aged monk Ye Yangchuan.

"Dingyuan, why are you so reckless and don't know anything about protection?" Mr. Cao immediately reprimanded him when he saw that Hong Dingyuan was not wary of other monks at all.

Hong Dingyuan thought to himself that no one else would think of playing dirty tricks at this time. After all, the more people there were, the easier it would be to get past Zhao Jingding. However, Mr. Cao was second only to the two soul-stage ancestors in the sect, and he did not dare to explain. He said honestly: "Mr. Cao, there is City Lord Zhao blocking the way in front of us. We don't know what to do, so we stop here to discuss something."

"Zhao Jingding? Didn't he compete with the leader and the others for the Jade Liquid Divine Pill? How could he arrive at the exit early?" Three consecutive questions showed Mr. Cao's disbelief.

Hong Dingyuan had no choice but to tell the important story about what happened in Baicao Pavilion, and finally said: "Zhao Jingding was obviously seriously injured and escaped, but who knew that he was standing in front of us safe and sound."

Mr. Cao's wrinkled face looked increasingly miserable: "So, the leader is already unlucky. If something bad happens to Uncle Gu again, then our Houtu Sect will be doomed."

"When we came out, Uncle Gu was joining forces with the other two sects of soul-stage ancestors to deal with Lu Lingxiao. Nothing would happen." Ye Yangchuan said a little unconfidently.

"No matter what, we should get through Zhao Jingding's level first, and then make plans after leaving the Immortal Mansion, so as not to be attacked from both sides later." Cai Zhengdong was not willing to die in the Immortal Mansion just after he obtained a spiritual weapon, so he used a determined He looked at Mr. Cao with his eyes.

Mr. Cao sighed: "It should be like this. If Uncle Gu also dies, then this move can save some seeds for our Houtu Sect. I will go and talk to the other two monks. I believe they can see clearly. situation."

At this time, the three major factions all gathered together, and only Hu Xingwu stood alone. He did not dare to go up to Zhao Jing to establish friendship. Who knows if Zhao Jing would let him go for the sake of coming together? Especially when there are two spiritual weapons flying swords on him. So it is safer if there are more people here.

Mr. Cao walked to the middle and coughed: "Fellow Taoists, this time we have to work together to achieve this. I don't think anyone would put their hope in the possibility that the person coming behind is their elders. After all, The possibilities are so ethereal.”

The King of Yellow Maple Valley asked excitedly: "Then what should we do? Mr. Cao, you are highly respected and experienced, can you teach me?"

Mr. Cao glanced at the monks from each sect. Among them, the disciples from Huang Maple Valley were just as frightened as his own disciples, and wanted to force their way through. Although the casual cultivator Hu Xingwu was calm on the surface, he still stayed where he was and listened quietly, which showed that he Only a few monks of the Zixia Sect were hesitant because they thought that among the remaining ancestors of the Soul Stage, their own head and his wife were the largest force. The ones who really wanted to catch up were Head Yue and Master Ning. Uncle, there are many elixirs, spiritual herbs, and spiritual weapons here!

After reading it, Mr. Cao sighed deeply in his heart. When there are too many people, it is indeed difficult to work together. Things that should be decided quickly, just look at each other, and it is difficult to make a final decision. I really don’t know how long it will take. when!


In the purple-black mud yard.

Ling Hong saw a lot of monks coming over there, and asked worriedly: "Master, why haven't you arrived yet? Is something going to happen?"

Zhao Jingding frowned: "She should be fine. It seems she was delayed by something. After all, I asked her not to fight with those monks, and those monks will not take the initiative to provoke more enemies when fighting for treasures."

Although he was very puzzled by Zhao Jingding's instructions, Ling Hong put down a lot of worries and turned to ask about the matter at hand: "Master, do you really want to stop them all? These are more than ten Qi-entraining monks. Most of them are still successful.”

"I've been practicing my natal magic weapon for nearly a hundred and fifty years. Although the material itself is not of the highest quality, it is close to the perfection of the eighth heaven. It is almost equivalent to the power of a spiritual weapon that has just been transformed into Tiangang by the Earthly Demon. In addition to my own With my cultivation level, it is easy to deal with these Qi-entraining monks, but my main target is not them," Zhao Jingding said calmly, with a relaxed expression.

Ling Hong was still uneasy: "Although the spiritual weapons of those ancestors in the Soul Stage are less than 10% powerful, they are almost as powerful as your natal magic weapon, Master, let alone their own natal magic weapon. "

Zhao Jingding didn't answer, and pointed to the soil in the yard with a smile: "Hong'er, do you know why this soil is purple-black?"

"Disciple, I see that this soil is full of extremely yin energy. I guess it is because of this that it turns into such a color." Ling Hong had already noticed the strange shape of the soil here.

"Well, there is a yang character in Guangyang Zhenren's Taoist name, so his formation center is arranged to be extremely yang. However, if only yin does not grow, and yang cannot grow, the yard outside the formation center will naturally be filled with extremely yin. However, in the first few times when the Immortal Mansion was born, all the valuable spiritual herbs and elixirs here had been picked, and no one paid attention to this courtyard anymore. "Zhao Jingding sighed, "But this is a very dark place! They turned a blind eye to the biggest treasure of this yard, what a waste!"


After Shi Xuan came out of Wanbao Tower, he headed for the exit with Zhao Jinyu and Lei Guangyao.

Lei Guangyao was still a little angry because of the previous incident, so he never spoke. Zhao Jinyu was in a bad mood because he had a quarrel with Lei Guangyao, and he and Shi Xuan had nothing in common, so the scene turned out to be... An eerie silence.

Of course, if Shi Xuan could shamelessly continue to tease Zhao Jinyu, such a situation would not happen. However, Song Hezi's relics were not found on the fourth floor of Wanbao Building, which made it difficult for Shi Xuan to maintain a calm mind. The thought of being trapped in this place would make it difficult for him to remain calm. In the world of cultivating immortals, how could Shi Xuan still have the mood to play Sun Bufan, the lewd thief?

While walking quickly forward, Shi Xuan thought quickly in his mind, where did Song Hezi go? You must know that his biggest purpose in entering this immortal mansion is to obtain the magic weapon of the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler. At this time, the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler is still there, which means that he failed to break the restriction, or he has not had time to break the restriction.

If there is no time to break the restriction, it means that Song Hezi did not come to Wanbao Tower at all, so where did he go? Go to the classics library to find a way to break the ban? Go to Baicao Pavilion to get the elixir? The latter possibility is very high, because Shi Xuan doesn't know which grade of golden elixir Song Hezi is. If it is a high-grade golden elixir, it is just a matter of time to get from the golden elixir to Yin Shen. If it is a low-grade golden elixir, there is no hope of advancing to Yin Shen. , but if you want to get a middle-grade golden elixir and advance to Yin Shen, you will need the assistance of the elixir Ziyangyun Shenxian Dan, and for monks, realm breakthroughs are more tempting than magic weapons! If you can reach the Yin Shen stage, your life span can be increased by five to six hundred years!

Under these possibilities, Shi Xuan has no good solution. Either the monks who went to Baicao Pavilion and Classics Library got the relics. He should ask about it and try to make some exchanges, but they might not admit it 100% of the time. , or we can only wait for the next hundred years to come in and look for it.

If breaking the restriction fails, and there is no news of leaving the house, it should be that he escaped with serious injuries and died on the way. That is, on the way from Wanbao Tower to the formation outside the Immortal Mansion, it is divided into two sections, one is from Wanbao Tower to the exit, The other section is in the outer formation. If he falls in the outer formation, there is no hope. Who knows which formation his turn was at that time.

It's useless to think too much. If there is a chance, he must be 100% alert. Shi Xuan began to search along the way to see if there were any clues.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, what are you looking for?" Zhao Jinyu was puzzled when he saw Shi Xuan walking back and forth on the roadside, looking for something.

Shi Xuan decided to tell the truth. After all, Zhao Jingding was considered one of the candidates who was very likely to get Songhezi's relics in Baicao Pavilion. He would have to ask a few questions when the time came. If it really happened to him, for the sake of saving her daughter, In addition, the astrolabe is not a powerful magic weapon, it just has a special function, so it might be possible to make some exchanges. Tell Zhao Jinyu now, and she will be able to put in a kind word.

Thinking of this, Shi Xuan smiled bitterly and said: "I went down to the fourth floor before, just to find the relics of senior Song Hezi. There is an astronomical disk that I urgently need down below. Unfortunately, I didn't find anything above. Now it's a dead horse. I want to see if Senior Song Hezi is sitting in a hidden place on both sides of the road."

"Astrolabe? What do you want that magic weapon for?" Zhao Jinyu slightly opened her pink lips and was very difficult to understand.

Lei Guangyao burst out laughing: "Hahaha, fellow Taoist Sun, could it be that you want to learn from Senior Song Hezi and use the astrolabe to go outside to the world of immortality so that you can achieve the golden elixir? Haha, Senior Songhezi is still in our world of cultivation. In the middle, he is a genius that is rare to see in ten thousand years." The implication is that even if you, a slut, go out, you will not reach the golden elixir stage.

Since Lei Guangyao had such a misunderstanding, it was of course best to avoid revealing his identity as an outsider. Shi Xuan had no choice but to look complacent: "If you don't try it, how can you know whether it will work or not."

Zhao Jinyu was thoughtful and glanced at Shi Xuan with a deep look: "Fellow Daoist Sun, you are really ambitious." Regarding the words "Fellow Daoist Sun", Zhao Jinyu's tone was a bit strong for some reason.

"I have one more thing to ask of you, and I ask Miss Zhao to agree to it." Shi Xuan saluted solemnly, and did not address Jin Yu as sister.

Zhao Jinyu said very simply: "If anything happens, fellow Taoist Sun, just say it. Jinyu doesn't dare to ask for help."

"Fellow Daoist Sun, you can't make any excessive demands. For example, you can't force your junior sister to marry you!" Lei Guangyao quickly emphasized.

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