Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 141 Thirty-nine Hundreds of ethnic groups in Pingbo Port

——Thanks to liushyhp friend for the tip

"Really, really, the tricks of the Immortal Family!" Fan Yu's voice contained shock, envy, sadness, and frustration. He originally thought that since he had become a disciple of the sect and his cultivation had reached the out-of-body stage, he should be regarded as half of the Immortal Family. Man, now it seems that he is really a frog in the well. Looking at the sky from his own perspective, I am afraid that I have not even touched the door of the Immortal Family. Alas, the real Immortal Family's methods are in front of me!

A mortal like Ma Ping was even more shocked. Such things that violated the laws of heaven and earth made him feel like he was in a dream. It was not until Fan Yu sighed that he woke up: "This stone immortal is a real immortal." Sir, I never thought that I, Ma Ping, would be able to see a real immortal once in my lifetime."

For this kind of ornamental orchid seeds that don’t know when they fall into the cracks of the deck, the nectar transformed by Shixuan’s yin and yang two-cylinder cylinder can naturally have such a good effect. If it is used against those spiritual herbs and elixirs, it can only be irrigated every day. , it may have half the effect just now, and in the world of cultivation, this is not unique. For example, the Wanhua Thunder Water Qi in the Penglai Sect, the Qingdi Qi and the Wood Emperor Qi in the Yaowang Sect can all achieve this. kind of degree.

Ma Yuanheng was lying on the deck, looking at the five-petal orchid with three big eyes without blinking, with curiosity and yearning in his eyes: "Dad, I want to be an immortal too! I want to be like this too!" It seems that this scene is in front of him. It left a deep impression on this young mind.

Ma Ping picked him up and patted his back: "Well, when this boat is over, we will move to the Southern Barbarian Continent and see if we can become a sect." Ma Ping longed for his son to have this It was Lao Huai who comforted him, so he naturally hoped that his son could become a member of several major sects, and the small sects in overseas countries were only the last resort.


In the storm, this big sea ship moved forward extremely fast, not as rocking as when it encountered the storm several times before. This was naturally because Shi Xuan, the guy who was halfway on board, had used some magic.

At this time, Shi Xuan was sitting on the bow of the boat, with strong winds blowing and heavy rain. A stream of green Qi extended out from his index finger, and then separated into a thin branch and fell into the sea, as if he was fishing leisurely.

During this time, Ma Ping often brought Ma Yuanheng to his cabin for a walk. Shi Xuan knew what he was thinking, but now he had no intention of accepting another apprentice, so he had to pretend not to know and simply answered Ma Yuanheng. It’s really about the world of immortality.

As for Fan Yu and others, they sometimes flattered them and sometimes kept them at arm's length. Shi Xuan could feel their conflicting hearts, but what did this have to do with Shi Xuan? He just smiled and didn't care.

"Chang Immortal, are you fishing?" Ma Ping heard that many immortals have quirks, so he was quite able to accept what Shi Xuan did.

Shi Xuan smiled and raised his index finger, and a large sea fish covered with scales flew up and landed on the deck. It raised its tail high and made a loud bang on the deck: "Of course we are fishing, in this weather. There is something special about fishing alone on the bow of a boat, and it gives people a feeling of freedom. By the way, Pindao hasn't tasted the fish in this stormy sea yet. Find someone to take care of this fish. Now it is really eaten by Pindao. If you are injured by anger, a few strong men can take care of it."

Ma Ping ordered a few sailors to carry the big fish down, and then asked doubtfully: "Xiaoyao?"

"Yes, what is the purpose of a poor Taoist cultivating immortality? The purpose is to live a long life and be free and at ease. As long as it does not hinder the practice, it is good to enjoy the wind, soak in the rain, and go fishing." Shi Xuan closed his eyes slightly, Feeling the strong wind blowing against my face and the raindrops hitting my body, I answered Ma Ping's questions in a relaxed manner. In the past, Shi Xuan would not have talked about this with Ma Ping, and even with a few friends, he would rarely talk about it. However, after some previous experience, he is now much more relaxed and can answer questions easily. nothing.

In the Guangyang Immortal Mansion incident, Zhao Jingding finally exhausted his source and died, which left a deep impression on Shi Xuan. No matter what your ambitions are, no matter what grand foundation you have, as long as you die, you will lose everything. This is even more It strengthened Shi Xuan's determination to become a soul. If he could not live forever, he would inevitably have to go through hell, and he would not be able to truly be free at all.

Ma Ping smiled bitterly, he also wanted to be free, but he was busy with everything. In the past, he worked hard to deal with his son's illness. In the future, he had to provide a solid backing for his cultivation and pursuit of immortality. He had to continue to run the ship, so how could he have time to do anything free? So he sighed: "It is only immortals like the Immortal Chief who can enjoy peace and freedom."

"Ha, as long as you, Captain Ma, adjust your mood, you can enjoy a carefree state of mind even when you are busy." Seeing that it was late and he had to do his homework, Shi Xuan stood up and said with a smile, "And that fish Son, I’ll send a copy to Pindao when it’s ready.”

After finishing speaking, he slowly walked back to the cabin, leaving Ma Ping there shaking his head: "This is the demeanor of a god, don't think about it for a mortal like me."


More than a month later, the ship finally passed through the Sea of ​​Storms and arrived at Pingbo Port in the north of Nanman Continent.

"Chief Immortal, have a good journey. This is Cheng Yi." Ma Ping handed a plate of low-grade spiritual stones to Shi Xuan. There were about seventy or eighty of them.

Shi Xuan shook his head: "We agreed to pay for the arrival of the ship. Shipowner Ma should not be so open-minded. I don't lack these." Fan Yu and others burst into tears after saying this. It is better to be from a large sect. , there is no shortage of spiritual stones, we will always be in shortage.

"But..." Ma Ping saw that Immortal Shi refused so firmly, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

"We are destined to meet each other, so there is no need to be like this." After saying that, Shi Xuan turned to look at Fan Yu and others: "I heard that Fan Daoyou, you guys, have been to Pingbo Port before. Do you know how the Yu Family Trading Company got there?" In Nanman Continent There is no branch of the Foreign Affairs Hall of the Penglai Sect, because the Luofu Sect is in the south and the Yaowang Sect is in the north. Setting up a branch here simply doesn’t take them seriously. Therefore, in the Southern Barbarian Continent, All general sect liaison matters are entrusted to the Dahaike Yu family, which is Yu Wendao's family.

Shi Xuan was not worried about the bad treatment that the Yu family business firm would receive in the past. The Yu family would definitely be chosen by the sect to be the spokesperson in overseas countries, especially those who were doing business outside. He is a disciple of the Golden elixir master. As a future true disciple, even if he cannot achieve the Golden elixir, he is still an inner sect elder. The Yu family does not have the guts to make things difficult for him! Unless Yu Wendao's cultivation far exceeds his own, and the attention he receives within the sect also far exceeds his, or their backstage far exceeds his own, but this is impossible.

Shi Xuan went here to show that he had arrived in the Southern Barbarians, and to learn about the major events in the sect and the world of cultivation. He had been in Guangyang Immortal Mansion for nearly two years, and his eyes and ears were blocked, while the few people on the ship were just low-level monks. , I asked before, but I always shook my head and said I didn’t know.

Fan Yu respectfully told Shi Xuan the location of the Yu Family Trading Company. Shi Xuan's memory is now very good, and he only remembered it once.

He said goodbye, turned around, and got off the ship. Behind him was Ma Yuanheng's reluctant eyes. The immortal in this child's heart was about to leave, and it was inevitable that he would be a little sad.

Stepping onto the dock, Shi Xuan was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him. The port was bustling and bustling, with scenes of moving and unloading cargo everywhere. But this was not the point. The point was the coolies who were moving and unloading. There were many tiger-headed coolies inside. , strange creatures like bears with heads and bodies, walking on the road, there are also people who look like humans but have other body parts, such as those with cat ears, fox tails, fish scales on their faces, wings on their backs, etc. .

Well, no wonder the Taoist books say that most of the remnants of hundreds of ancient tribes are in the Southern Barbarian Continent. Aren't these the Tiger Tribe, the Bear Tribe, the Cat Tribe, the Fox Tribe, the Shark Tribe, and the Winged Tribe?

After Taoist Yu Yu opened up the world here, he wanted to create a creature suitable for spiritual practice. At first, he based his prototype on those tyrannical creatures that existed in the universe in ancient times. However, he later discovered that each of these creatures had flaws, so he created According to their own calculations, after hundreds of experiments, they finally created the race most suitable for cultivation, which is the current human race.

Hundreds of experiments led to the formation of hundreds of ancient tribes. They were much stronger than humans in terms of their natural bodies or skills. However, there were always gains and losses, and their cultivation was naturally inferior. Of course, , if you can reach the golden elixir, after several times of rebirth, the difficulty of cultivation will be almost the same as that of humans.

Traveling thousands of miles and seeing thousands of scenery, Shi Xuan really liked the feeling of traveling and experiencing different customs. Walking along the road, looking left and right, he saw cat people, fox people, shark people, and wing people, regardless of whether they were men or women. It's very good. The males of tigers and bears are closer to beasts, and the females are closer to humans.

Each of these ancient tribes spoke the common language of the Southern Barbarian Continent with a thick accent, which is the common language of the cultivation world derived from the talisman and seal characters, so Shi Xuan could understand them all. Of course, if they spoke their own dialects, Shi Xuan would be able to understand them through a direct telepathy.

These ancient tribes get along well with humans in Pingbo City. They either set up stalls on both sides of the street to sell groceries, or are engaged in various industries, such as being waiters, shopkeepers, bosses, and even fox-men and cats. Humans, winged men, tiger men, etc. stood in front of brothels to solicit customers. In short, they were no different from ordinary humans except for their appearance.

While walking and looking, Shi Xuan walked leisurely to the door of Yu's Trading Company. This Yu's Trading Company is located in the middle of the most prosperous Cross Street in Pingbo City. It occupies several shops and is decorated with extremely gorgeous decorations.

Seeing Shi Xuan walking into the store, the shopkeeper motioned for a waiter to come over to receive him. Shi Xuan raised his voice and said, "I am a disciple of the Penglai sect, and I would like to see the person who is here to talk to you."

After hearing this, the shopkeeper hurriedly ran out from the counter and saluted flatteringly: "I don't know if the immortal is here, but I am so far away to greet you." He paused and said hesitantly: "Please ask the immortal to give you a token. , I’d better go and ask Mr. Yu.”

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