Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 143 Burning incense, fasting and praying to gods

——Group number 213933048

"Oh? Tell me." Of course Shi Xuan would not immediately say whether he would help or not, especially since the other party was from the Yu family and he was still eager to find evil spirits. Without enough reasons, 90% of the time he would choose to refuse.

Seeing Shi Xuan's attitude, Yu Kaishan knew that what he said was not clear, and immediately said: "This is not our Yu family's business, it is a task handed over by the sect. It's just that the other disciples sent by the sect are all because of the Yaowang Sect." I went everywhere to inquire about the matter, but couldn’t find anyone for a while.”

Shi Xuan took a sip of tea and said, "Master Yu, you'd better tell me what it is about first. I'd better weigh myself and see if I have the ability to do it."

"It's not that difficult. There is a medium-sized country called Chetuo Country thousands of miles to the north. The son of their leader fell ill with a strange disease a few days ago. After the sect learned the news, it planned to send someone to treat him." Yu Kaishan briefly introduced the mission.

"Why don't you ask the Medicine King Sect?" The son of the ruler of the northern part of the Southern Barbarian Continent is sick, but he doesn't ask the Medicine King Sect, and the Medicine King Sect doesn't care. It's really strange! Naturally, Shi Xuan wanted to find out.

Yu Kaishan smiled slightly: "This matter has something to do with the way Yaowang Sect manages the hundreds of countries within its control. Because Yaowang Sect is famous for medicine, it attaches great importance to spiritual grass resources, so it treats ordinary The common people adopt an attitude of isolating the immortals from the mortal world, so as not to waste the few spiritual herbs if they all want to cultivate immortality."

Shi Xuan is not very clear about this. The only thing he knows is that the Yaowang Sect’s method of recruiting disciples is very different from that of the Penglai Sect. In the name of Changbai Fairy Mountain, they order the heads of countries to select high-quality children and send them to the mountain. If there are any outsiders, Loose cultivators who want to join the sect can go to Changbai Fairy Mountain to try at any time. As long as they pass the assessment, they can get started.

"In addition, the Yaowang Sect also prohibits casual cultivators from preaching in the countries they control. And because the Southern Barbarian Continent is very suitable for the growth of medicinal materials, those countries grow a large amount of medicinal materials and low-level spiritual herbs, so the Yaowang Sect is in every country He built a Taoist temple and assigned a disciple to be responsible for purchasing medicinal materials and spiritual herbs, as well as assisting the king in selecting children with outstanding qualifications to enter the temple. Haha, after all, the Yaowang Sect has the most and the most disciples among all the sects. The good and the bad are mixed." Yu Kaishan saw that Shi Xuan didn't understand much, so he explained further,

"Oh, so the dozens of countries and ports along the coast are specially opened by Yaowang Sect?" Shi Xuan saw no less than the number of casual cultivators in Tide Fang in Pingbo City.

Yu Kaishan nodded and said: "Most of them are, but the Yaowang Sect can only control about half of the northern half of the Southern Barbarian Continent. The remaining half is in the hands of the descendants of hundreds of ancient tribes and a dozen medium sects. Their management methods are similar to those overseas. "

Shi Xuan asked doubtfully: "The Yaowang Sect will just let them control these territories?"

"The current scale of the Yaowang Sect is very bloated. If it is expanded further, it will seem to be a bit outweighed by the gains. In addition, these ancient tribes and middle-level sects are very respectful, and every year a large amount of tribute is sent to Changbai Fairy Mountain. The Yaowang Sect will also be Just go with the flow and turn a blind eye. Hehe, during this period, there are secret undercurrents among those ancient tribes and middle-level sects." Yu Kaishan sneered.

Shi Xuan returned to the original topic: "In Chetuo Kingdom, at least the head of the country knows about Yaowang Sect. How can he not find someone to take care of his children?"

Yu Kaishan shook his head and said: "No, no, except for the kings who are closely related to the Yaowang Sect, or those who came from the Yaowang Sect, the rest of the kings only know that there are old gods on the Changbai Fairy Mountain that they want to find in their own countries. There are some disciples with excellent qualifications, and some disciples will return to their country to pick up their families after completing their studies, so they have no doubts about it. "

"What about the disciple in charge of the Yaowang Sect in the Chetuo Kingdom?" It's not like this person doesn't know.

"They were transferred away. The Yaowang Sect blocked the sky and roads in order to arrest someone. Naturally, it seemed that there was not enough manpower, so the responsible disciples were transferred from less important countries. If the son of the king fell ill, there would be no one. Asked." Yu Kaishan finally explained the cause clearly.

Shi Xuan thought for a while and said: "This Chetuo Kingdom, Pindao is quite smooth, but what else does the sect have to say about this task?" Although he has the yin and yang two gas bottles and the ecstasy flag in hand, most of the diseases are gone. It's not a problem, but he said it was a strange illness and he didn't even know the cause, so he didn't have the confidence to be sure.

Yu Kaishan was very happy when he saw that Shi Xuan had agreed: "My nephew planned to go there by himself if no other brothers came, but he couldn't rest assured here, for fear that important news would be transmitted back. Now that I have my uncle, please come next." , Thank God." Then he continued: "As for the strange disease, uncle, don't worry, my nephew has already found out, it's just a poisonous insect. There is a pack of blue blood grass here, which can draw out the poisonous insect. Uncle Master’s strength will make it easy to deal with that Gu insect.”

"Yes. What else does the poor Taoist need to do?" Shi Xuan took the blue blood grass and thought in his heart. It seems that the sect still attaches great importance to this task. All preparations are very thorough. I don't know what purpose it wants to achieve, except for curing the disease. I'm sick, what else do I need to do?

Yu Kaishan said hurriedly: "Actually, the sect's intention is to simply cure the disease, and then ignore it for the time being, which is considered a casual move. If the Yaowang Sect is fine in the future, naturally nothing will be mentioned. If something happens, causing great power Damn, the Chetuo Kingdom is the opening through which the sect extends its hand into the Southern Barbarian Continent.”

Shi Xuan thought of the sect's intention, but when he heard Yu Kaishan's confirmation, he was still a little embarrassed. The timing of the prince's illness was too coincidental. Could it be the sect's own evil hand?

As if feeling Shi Xuan's doubts, Yu Kaishan smiled bitterly and said: "I also had this question at the time. Later, I found out that it was probably someone from the Gu Shen Sect who did it. Uncle Master arrived at Chetuo Country. If you find any clues, please report back. One or two, it would be nice to see if the three Gushen sects are also involved in the Yaowang Sect’s matter this time, otherwise they wouldn’t be making trouble at this time.”

Gu Shen Sect is deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but it is quite powerful. There are two Jindan Grandmasters. The higher level Shi Xuan is unknown, so Shi Xuan can only answer: "I will do my best, let's see." Is the Chetuo Kingdom incident a coincidence? "As for finding out the truth, Shi Xuan doesn't dare to act rashly. The other party is not an unknown sect and has enough strength to kill him. He should just follow the sect's wishes and just treat the disease. .

Seeing that things had been explained, Shi Xuan stood up and left, and Yu Kaishan suddenly said: "Because I occasionally receive feedback from the Medicine King Sect, such as elixirs that extend life for twenty years and elixirs that can eliminate all diseases, these kings are all Those who believe deeply in gods have created a strong atmosphere of admiration for Taoism in the whole country. Now that Master is here, please show some more tricks to make it look like real gods descending to earth.”

Shi Xuan understood what he meant, smiled and nodded: "Pindao has exactly what he meant. I also ask Master Nephew Yu to prepare something."


Chetuo Junior High School.

After Yoro woke up from his dream, he suddenly sat up and looked straight at the golden gauze curtain in front of him. Princess Tana beside the pillow was awakened by his movement, with her hair disheveled and her breasts bare. , asked in confusion: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Yoro seemed not to be fully awake yet, and replied in an ethereal voice: "I dreamed about a god, and he said he could cure the child Yoyo."

Tana said sadly: "Master, you are too worried about You Yue, that's why you have such a dream. You know, even the old gods in Changbai Fairy Mountain didn't respond."

"But I remember everything in the dream clearly, even the appearance of the immortal. He is a man in his twenties, wearing a white Taoist robe. He told me that he lives in Penglai, an overseas fairy mountain, because I believe in Taoism. You are very pious, so you answered my prayer." Yuro turned sideways, grabbed Tana's shoulders, and said excitedly.

Tana was also very convinced. After hearing what Yuro said about having a nose and eyes, she naturally became excited: "Is it true, Lord, is he really a god? Wow, my poor child is finally saved." However, after getting excited, she still Somewhat confused, he hesitated and said: "Could it be some evil heretic causing trouble?"

Yuluo frowned and thought for a moment: "It shouldn't be some evil heretic. Alas, at this time, even the evil heretic can only try it first. The old gods in Changbai Fairy Mountain heard that they were robbed, and they won't be able to do it in a short time. Leave us alone.”

After finishing speaking, Yuro got out of bed naked and walked around the palace decorated with many gold and gems. It took him a while to stand still: "But the god finally said that if you want to invite him to come, you have to show Our sincerity. How do we show our sincerity? Gold? Medicine?"

Tana thought for a while and then said: "Since you say you are a god, you will definitely not want these things. I think sincerity should refer to our etiquette."

"Etiquette? Yes! It's just etiquette. Without great piety, how can you invite the gods? I immediately burned incense and fasted for seven days, and then went to the sky to pray for permission. Yes, I also need all the ministers to come together. If it doesn't work, I have to let the whole city's people Let’s pray together around the Qitian Terrace.” Yuluo immediately made arrangements.

"But, what should we use as a request for permission?" Tana pointed out some omissions made by the king.

Yoro rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "This is easy to handle." Then he walked to the other end of the palace, took out a piece of the most precious white jade paper, spread it on the desk, and then picked up a pen and started sketching. It is strange to say that Yoro, the leader of the Camel Kingdom, usually only paints in an arty way. In fact, his painting skills are very poor. But at this time, as if with the help of God, he painted this portrait in less than a quarter of an hour, and the painting was very good. It is lifelike, and the characters in the painting look like immortals, elegant and ethereal.

"Princess, look, this is what the gods taught me!" Yuro laughed looking at this painting. His only son's life was saved, and he could see the legendary gods. How could he not feel happy?

The next day.

Yuro walked out of the hot spring covered with white petals, and still had his body cleaned by the maid, and put on a simple white robe.

Then he walked barefoot to the main hall, lit three sticks of sandalwood, bowed respectfully three times to the portrait hanging on the hall, and then erected it in front of the portrait, while he knelt on the ground piously, with only A glass of water and a steamed bun.

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