Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 150 The Night of Fierce Fighting with Crying Ghosts and Howling Gods

——Thanks to the reward from classmate Shihuashao. Sorry for being late. A friend came over last night and I didn't have time to write.

Seeing this, Xiao Wen stopped rearranging and immediately opened the formation. A semicircular green light layer appeared outside the Chijia Village, covering the entire Chijia Village.

"Fellow Daoist Shi, this formation was tampered by the traitor. It could have lasted for six hours, but now it can only last for three hours." Xiao Wen sighed, and then looked at Shi Xuan solemnly, "I'm sorry for causing trouble for Fellow Daoist Shi. If there is a chance, Fellow Daoist Shi, you should escape first. Alas, it's a pity for those people in the village." He didn't know that Shi Xuan's Yin-Yang Qi Bottle had such a large space that could accommodate so many people.

Three escape lights flew rapidly from a distance, one red, one dark, and one colorful. The three escape lights stopped over the Chijia Village, revealing three figures.

One is a young man in a simple Taoist robe, with a peaceful face and elegant demeanor, with a red light circling around him.

One is a tall and gloomy man, wearing a nine-ghost-making-sky robe, a flat crown on his head, holding a bone stick in his hand, commanding twelve green-haired, red-eyed, and white-boned skeletons to attack Chijiazhai. These twelve skeletons have the strength of the initial stage of the spirit and soul, and make soul-stirring ghost cries.

The other is a young woman in a five-robe skirt, with a beautiful face and a rather lazy look between her eyebrows. She holds a token in her hand, which is engraved with ice silkworms, two-winged golden cicadas, eyeworms, poisonous moths, and ghost moths. With just a slight wave, there are overwhelming ice silkworms, two-winged golden cicadas, eyeworms, poisonous moths, ghost moths and other insects flying over. These insects are not ordinary. Each of them is huge, with a terrifying aura and colorful. They are actually all at the perfect stage of Qi Induction. (Insects, with low intelligence, often cannot transform even when they reach the Golden Core stage.)

Xiao Wen saw this with a serious expression: "I didn't expect this traitor to have two helpers, Fellow Daoist Shi, these two are both famous Soul-level cultivators on the Nanman Continent, although they have only advanced for less than 20 years. One of them is Yanshan Ghost King Yin Ruping, and the other is Lady Insect Yong Hua. I'm afraid this formation can only support one hour."

Yan Yilou looked at the sky with unbelievable eyes, frightened out of his wits: "How is it possible? How is it possible! How could the traitor's injury heal so quickly!" Da Qian also had an incredible expression, only Chi Yao and Zhang Qi looked at it stupidly.

Shi Xuan didn't say anything. He could barely deal with the strength of the Ghost King of Yanshan and Lady Insect. The trouble was the young Taoist in the elegant Taoist robe, who had a very deep cultivation base and had probably stayed in the Soul-level Perfection for many years.

The twelve red-eyed skeletons and those insects that had reached the perfect stage of Qi Induction had already pounced in front of the green light layer, and they attacked it one after another, causing its light and shadow to sway and crumble.

Xiao Wen held the formation plate and directed the formation, while smiling bitterly: "Xiao saw that this traitor dared to counterattack, and he expected that he must have something to rely on, so he hurriedly brought his disciples here to borrow the formation. After all, this is much faster than rearranging it, but who knew that there was a traitor doing bad things." His tone was full of hatred.

The elegant young man looked down from mid-air and said calmly: "Brother Xiao, your formation is still so good. Fortunately, I finally waited for the two Taoist friends, otherwise I really don't know how much time it would take to break it." "Yang Fei, you traitor, you actually mixed with these people, you really wasted your identity." Xiao Wen replied loudly, but Shi Xuan was quite surprised. There was only one person named Yang Fei in Yaowang Sect who was perfect in spirit and soul, and that was their second-ranked true disciple! I still know a little about the famous monks of other sects in the sect.

The true disciples of a large sect are carefully selected and tested by many parties. They can actually betray. Shi Xuan feels that this matter is not so simple.

At this time, a green light rose from the woods not far away, and then stopped beside Yang Fei. It was Da Fang who had disappeared before. She looked at Yang Fei tenderly, no longer indifferent as before: "Yang Lang, you have to show mercy to my sister later."

Yang Fei responded with a bright smile: "Fang Er, whatever you say, I will do it."

Da Qian couldn't believe her eyes at this time: "Sister, why are you with that traitor?"

"Little sister, didn't I mention it to you? When we were still in the clan, I encountered a monster and was rescued by someone. Haha, later I entered the sect, and I found out that it was Yang Lang, and then we kept it a secret from everyone, and we slowly got together." Da Fang's expression was full of sweetness.

Da Qian was so angry that her face turned pale: "Sister, don't you take the lives of other fellow disciples as your own?!" At this time, she just understood why Uncle Xiao trapped her as soon as they met.

Dafang said coldly: "Compared to Yang Lang's life, their lives are nothing. The most important thing in life is to think about what you want, and then go on unswervingly."

Xiao Wen was so angry that he laughed: "Aren't you two afraid that Uncle Yan will arrive later?"

"Haha, Junior Brother Xiao, you are still so innocent, or naive. Yang has been in the sect for nearly 150 years. How could I not know what methods you will use to pass on information? With Fang'er as an insider, do you think the news can reach Uncle Yan's hands?" Yang Fei laughed loudly, and his calm appearance just now disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Wen and Shi Xuan looked at each other, and both saw the determination in the other's eyes, that was to attack! Try to kill one or two of the opponent, so that it will be much easier to escape later. If you rely on the formation to defend now, there is no hope at all.

Shi Xuan Lingjue was communicating with Xiao Wen: "Does Fellow Daoist Xiao have any means to kill the Soul Stage monks?"

Xiao Wen continued to reply to Yang Fei's words on the surface: "Yang Fei, the sect treats you well, why did you do something when you were presiding over the mountain protection formation, causing the ancestor to fail. Who else taught you what to do? How could you hide it? Everyone." In private, he used his spiritual sense: "Xiao has two third-level Taoist Qingdi Divine Fist Talisman seals given by his master. The traitor must have been taking this into consideration and waited for help before he dared to come.

"Haha, why did Yang tell you? You will die soon, so there is no need to pay attention to this issue." Yang Fei sneered.

Yanshan Ghost King laughed loudly: "You may never imagine why the three of us can join forces to fight against the enemy."

Shi Xuan asked, "Does the traitor have any similar talismans on his body?" If so, he would just run away decisively.

"No, in the fight with Senior Sister Xu, both of them used all their methods. The traitor should have no other trump card except the Chixiao Sword." Xiao Wen said with certainty.

"The poor Taoist can create an opportunity for you, fellow Taoist Xiao, to attack. We must severely injure the Yanshan Ghost King and Madam Insect." Shi Xuan has many ways to threaten the three soul stages, but two Taoist techniques and Tai Chi transform all things. The yin and yang energy of chaos is only equivalent to the first-level Taoism, but it is not as powerful as Xiao Wen's talisman seal, so Xiao Wen was naturally chosen to take action.

Xiao Wen was recognized by Master Jindan and accepted as his disciple. He was also decisive and agreed immediately: "Okay, Xiao will try to get help from someone who can cut off the traitor!"

Yang Fei was scolding Yin Ruping at this time: "Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Yin Ruping lowered his head and said cautiously, "Aren't they about to die? I almost spilled the beans because I thought dead people wouldn't reveal their secrets."

Shi Xuan motioned Chi Yao to stand slightly closer to him, and then gave Xiao Wen a look. Xiao Wen's array plate flashed green light, and a big hole was revealed in the green light shield.

Then a white jade pure bottle flew out from the big hole, swelled in the wind, and soon turned into a huge jade bottle, with the mouth of the bottle facing downwards, and two air pillars, one black and one white, intertwined and shot down. Those insects , the red-eyed skeleton flew towards the mouth of the bottle involuntarily as soon as it was touched by the Yin and Yang Qi.

Only then did Yin Ruping and Mrs. Chong Yonghua react. They each shook their magic weapons. The white bone stick emitted bursts of white light, and the token emitted colorful luster. They wanted to drag Chong Zhi and the red-eyed skeleton back, but their The power of the two natal magic weapons was only one level higher than Shi Xuan's yin and yang two-gas bottle, and it suddenly turned into a tug-of-war.

Yang Fei didn't interfere, and looked coldly at Xiao Fei below, knowing that he was the biggest threat.

Shi Xuan's true energy poured out in large quantities, and he did not dare to delay. He shouted loudly, and then a majestic and vast golden bridge flew out from the Dantian. All vitality, insects, and skeletons that the golden bridge passed were firmly immobilized.

Yin Ruping and Yong Hua were trying their best to use their magic weapons to compete with Shi Xuan's yin and yang cylinders. At this time, they could not react in time and could only watch the golden bridge fly by. Yang Fei had no idea that Shi Xuan's magic weapons were so powerful. Function, if you don’t check it for a while, you will also have no time to react. The three of them felt that their souls were fixed by the golden bridge, as if space and time had solidified.

Seeing this opportunity, Xiao Wen lit up two talismans in his hand, and then two men with the appearance of emperors appeared in the air. Although the two men's faces were blurred, they were extremely majestic. They were wearing blue imperial robes and wearing Jiulong crowned the sky, stepped lightly, and appeared in front of Yin Ruping and Yong Hua respectively, and then punched them.

Yang Fei has profound cultivation, and he recovered after just being frozen for a moment. His Chixiao Sword was not affected at all. However, when he saw the talisman in Xiao Wen's hand light up, he twitched the corner of his mouth, pulled up Da Fang and started He took a step back and watched as Yin Ruping and Yong Hua were directly hit by the Qingdi Divine Fist.

Yin Ruping and Yong Hua's souls were locked, and just when they felt a little bit free, they saw two huge cyan fists hitting them, and then they knew nothing. Before falling into deep sleep, both of them felt a trace of reluctance. They still had many methods, secret treasures, secret techniques, and several comeback cards! How could he die so easily!

Shi Xuan and Xiao Wen saw that the bodies of Yin Ruping and Yong Hua, who were hit by the Qing Emperor Divine Fist, quickly turned green, and then turned into dots of green light and dissipated in the air.

"What a waste. I didn't expect you, Junior Brother Xiao, to have such a powerful helper." Yang Fei asked with a chuckle.

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