Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 175 Taking the Head Hundreds of Miles Away

——Thanks to lillian0101, East China Second Young Master, Ashes of Time, and Tianya Zhujiu Sheng friends for their rewards.

Two hours later, Shi Xuan opened his eyes. Now the aura around his body was restrained. Even if he did not deliberately hide his cultivation, there was no pressure from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This was Shi Xuan's gain after combining the three divine thoughts with his soul. , it can be regarded as initially stabilizing the cultivation of the soul stage, but to integrate all the spiritual thoughts with the soul, it is a hard work, and it is impossible to succeed without more than ten years of seclusion.

As soon as Shi Xuan thought about it, the entire three feet outside him turned into a space filled with blue zhenqi, inside which there was faint yellow sand rolling and strong wind howling.

"It seems that you, Junior Brother Shi, have stabilized your cultivation. Shall we set off?" Xie Fangwei sat cross-legged in the snow twenty feet away, practicing peacefully and peacefully. He didn't care about the wild beasts, the cold air and the cold weather around him. Xueshui, feeling Shi Xuan's movement at this moment, opened his eyes and asked.

Shi Xuan said with a smile: "Please thank senior brother for waiting. Junior brother will get rid of one person first before talking." Then with a finger, the light transformed by the Shadowless Sword quickly went towards the direction of Ice Crystal City.


"Old Wang, do you think those two boys are drunk? Why haven't you come to exchange?" The monk guarding the gate of Ice Crystal City asked a guard next to him who looked about fifty years old.

The old Wang pinched his beard and said: "About 90%, brother Baimeng, it's not like you don't know that both of them are related to the captain. No one would dare to say anything if they were late for a while."

The monk named Bai Meng said bitterly: "Then it won't take an hour or two to change, right? I also made an appointment to go to Tianyue Tower for a few drinks."

"Haha, Brother Bai, you have saved a lot of money quietly in the past few years? Do you dare to go to Tianyue Tower?" Lao Wang said with a teasing smile.

When Bai Meng was told something he was proud of, it felt like someone scratched his itch. He looked around and saw no one was around. He lowered his voice and said to Lao Wang: "Hey, Lao Wang, let me tell you, in the past few years, I have extra income from a low-grade spiritual stone every month.”

Lao Wang didn't pay attention: "A low-grade spiritual stone? You can't be so proud, right? If we guard the city gate for a month, we can exploit three or four low-grade spiritual stones."

"That was in the past, but today there are two middle-grade spiritual stones!" Bai Meng was on good terms with Lao Wang and knew that he was old and frail, had no children, and had no greed, so he told the truth.

"What? Two middle-grade spiritual stones?! What kind of business are you doing?! I mean, Brother Bai, you can't be confused. If you commit adultery and are discovered by several sects, you will have your life to take it. No life will be spent. Come on!" Lao Wang was surprised and envious at first, then worried and admonished.

Bai Meng said proudly: "Don't worry, Old Wang, I'm just helping people keep an eye on the monks passing by. You don't need to do anything more, just report back when you see them. How can there be any danger?"

"That's good, that's good." Lao Wang had nothing to say when he saw this kind of thing.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lao Wang saw a flash of clear light, and then he saw Bai Meng slowly falling to the ground with his eyes wide open. His face still maintained the proud expression just now, but there was a deep and small hole on his forehead, and blood was mixed with it. White and turbid things kept coming out of it.

"Yu Jian, Yu Jian Baili, an expert in the divine and divine soul stages." Lao Wang stammered to himself, because he saw the clear light flying hundreds of feet away, far beyond the entrainment stage. The distance of the sword, as for the golden elixir stage of the sword, he didn't dare to think about it at all.

For the soul stage, because the soul control ability is stronger and the range of divine sense induction is wider, it can still control the sword a hundred miles away without the body and the sword. Compared with the sword control of the out-of-body stage, I don’t know how much better the sword wielding Baizhang is in the step and qi-entraining stages.

Of course, the power of the sword is much smaller than that of the sword, and as the distance increases, the power will gradually decrease, but even if it is hundreds of miles away, it is completely impossible to deal with a guard in the out-of-body stage. enough.

It took Lao Wang a long time to calm down, and he sighed in his heart, as expected, unexpected fortunes are usually accompanied by unexpected misfortunes. It seems that Bai Laodi was involved in some serious incident and offended some important person, and he was just attacked with a sword. life.


In the snow, Shi Xuan was chatting with Xie Fangwei opposite each other.

"Junior Brother Shi, won't you put away that Shura Blood Knife?" Xie Fangwei asked about the Shura Blood Knife on the ground.

As soon as Shi Xuan stretched out his hand, the Shura Blood Knife fell into his palm. It was as thin as rice paper and as heavy as clotted blood, but now it was full of cracks and had almost no color. Because the natal magic weapon was connected to his heart and blood, Duan Wuqing died. The Shura Blood Sword was naturally damaged, so Shi Xuan never paid attention to it before. If Xie Fangwei hadn't reminded him, he would have forgotten it. If you put it away now, it can only be sold as weapon refining materials in the future, and it cannot be re-extracted.

However, there should be some good things in Duan Qingqing's storage bag. Although he does not have other magic weapons or talismans, he always has secret treasures and spiritual stones. Therefore, when he made the last blow just now, Shi Xuan was careful not to max out the storage bag. bag. So Shi Xuan picked up Duan Qingqing's storage bag from the snow and prepared to open it and take a look.

Xie Fangwei suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that Junior Brother Shi has very little contact with people from the Blood Demon Sect, but I know some of their techniques." After he finished speaking, he didn't shy away from it and spoke directly.

Following Xie Fangwei's instructions, Shi Xuan easily opened Duan Qingqing's storage bag after using two methods. There were fifteen middle-grade spiritual stones, two high-grade spiritual stones, and a bottle of pills inside. , a blood-colored thin needle, with blood and fire burning faintly on it.

"Senior Brother Xie, do you know what this thing is?" After all, Shi Xuan has only been practicing for a long time and is not very knowledgeable, so he asked Xie Fangwei for advice.

Xie Fangwei took a look and said with a smile: "This is a secret treasure of the Blood Demon Sect, called the Blood Flame Divine Needle. Once it is stabbed by it, the blood in the whole body will boil and die immediately. However, it is a sneak attack treasure, so the enemy must protect it Under the circumstances, it doesn’t make much difference.”

Then Shi Xuan opened the bottle of elixirs and saw three blood-colored elixirs exuding a fragrant fragrance: "I know this. They are the flesh and blood regeneration elixirs of the Blood Demon Sect. They can not only replenish the essence and blood, but also treat physical injuries." It has miraculous effects. "This is one of the most precious elixirs of the Blood Demon Sect. For our disciples, after being seriously injured, they can use it as blood essence and recover quickly. For other monks, , this is a miracle and elixir that can regenerate severed limbs!

While he was talking, a clear light suddenly flew back from the distance and fell on Shi Xuan's hand. Shi Xuan casually put away the Shadowless Sword and said with a smile: "Thank you, senior brother, we can set off."

At this time, Shi Xuan finally found some strange and strange feeling of reading the gods in his previous life. It was the master's style of sitting at home drinking tea and flying his sword hundreds of miles away to take people's heads. Although he is much worse than Master Jindan Yujian Qianli, Shi Xuan is very satisfied now, and his cultivation level is always improving little by little.

"Haha, Junior Brother Shi, who did you kill?" Xie Fangwei said with a smile.

Shi Xuan said nonchalantly: "The guarding monk of Ice Crystal City was the one who told Duan Qingqing about his junior brother's whereabouts."

Xie Fangwei was a little confused: "Don't we have to go back to Ice Crystal City to sit in the teleportation array? Why don't we solve it easily when the time comes?" During the conversation, he didn't take the small sects in Ice Crystal City to heart at all. This is the true disciple of the big sect. Exposed attitude.

"I just don't want to see him again." Shi Xuan said lightly, and by the way, he also experienced the feeling of wielding a sword for hundreds of miles.

"Well, let's set off then." Xie Fangwei just asked casually, and when he saw Shi Xuan's trouble, he suggested setting off.

After collecting the items, Shi Xuan and Xie Fangwei flew to Ice Crystal City together. On the way, Shi Xuan asked: "Brother Xie, we have been delayed for so long. We are not afraid that the three true disciples will know the news of Duan Wuqing's death, and then Did you run away? After all, if a true disciple dies, something similar to the inheritance book in the sect will be abnormal."

Xie Fangwei smiled softly: "At that time, I thought I would be the one to kill Duan Qingqing, so I secretly informed the sect and asked the real person to cover up the news. The Blood Demon Sect and the Blood River Ancestor wanted to know about Duan Qingqing's death. , I have to go at least tomorrow, those three people are probably still waiting for you, Junior Brother Shi."

"I see." Shi Xuan finally understood Xie Fangwei's calmness.

"But this time I can only kill one more person, so I have to give the Blood Demon Sect some face." Xie Fangwei suddenly sighed, "The cultivation is not strong enough, and there are always many constraints."

Shi Xuan was a little confused: "Why? Didn't the Blood Demon Sect also send four true disciples to kill Shi? They are all shameless, why should we take care of them."

Xie Fangwei smiled and said: "Who said that, at most a true disciple will come to kill you? Didn't you see that Duan Qingqing just told you that there is a true disciple waiting for you in each of the other three cities? If Brother doesn't show up, Will you go back after killing Duan Qingqing? "

"No." Shi Xuan answered honestly. Although he had reached the divine soul stage, and his sword energy, thunder sounds and magic weapons were also powerful, his cultivation level was still shallow. Shi Xuan was really not sure that he could kill Wang Qinian and Tianluo Blood Net from the Blood Hand Man. Ning Wuque survived. As for the man in Ice City, Shi Xuan doesn't know who he is yet, so naturally he can't judge.

"So, at most, the Blood Demon Sect sent one true disciple to kill you. It was just because they were not sure which city you would go to, so they sent four people to guard each side. You can also meet one, but Duan Qingqing didn't see you. Didn't you know the other three at all? The Blood Demon Sect still needs this face." Xie Fangwei explained a little.

Shi Xuan knew that this was the case, so he also smiled and said: "But if they kill my inner sect with a true message, wouldn't that be shameful?"

Xie Fangwei almost laughed out loud: "Let's not talk about the possibility of you advancing to the divine soul during this period. The ancestor of Blood River alone knows that your strength is far better than the Qi-entraining stage. If you don't send the divine soul stage, how can you send it? Are the disciples from the Qi-entraining stage here to kill people or to die?"

"So, we have to save some face for the Blood Demon Sect, otherwise the high-level monks will go crazy, which would be terrifying. This is why the major sects, the Blood Demon Sect and the Netherworld Sect are relatively restrained. If they can't kill them in one fell swoop, If you want to get rid of the monks who are above the Yuan Shen level in their sect, don’t try to kill all the low-level monks. Otherwise, people like the Blood River Ancestor will put their face in their pockets and sneak up on you the next day, a golden elixir master and a divine soul level master. Disciple, you really have no choice. You can't just follow a disciple after you go out, or stay in the mountain gate forever?" Xie Fangwei said in a humorous tone.

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