Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 188 Laying a solid foundation is the right path

Ao Han's other three items are: a set of Yimu Qinglong Sword, green and green, with seven swords in total, all of which are in the seventh heaven. It seems that Ao Han wanted to use the two paths of "Yinghuo Gaozhao" and "Canglong Qisu" Prepared for swordsmanship; a sword of last night's stars, as if made of immeasurable starlight, dazzling, the length of the sword shrinks indefinitely, the eighth heaven is perfect; a seven-color brocade handkerchief, a secret treasure to protect the body.

After putting these items back, Shi Xuan looked at the items in other Kowloon storage bags. Just now, he chatted with Ming Qingyue about their travel experiences over the years. With a smile and a smile, Shi Xuan soon arrived at Penglai Island.

The news of Shi Xuan's return after capturing ten true dragons had already spread back to the Penglai Sect. At this time, many outer disciples and inner disciples came to watch, their eyes and words full of pride and sense of belonging to the sect.

However, Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue didn't bother to chat with these disciples, and hurried to Tianshu Peak with ten true dragons. Because they wanted to complete the explanation of Yu Linglong in a big way, so the two of them were considered to have returned. At the latest, the masters were already waiting in Jietian Hall.

As soon as they entered the Jietian Hall, Ming Qingyue saw her father and mother there, and she ran over to meet them very happily, while Yu Linglong came to Shi Xuan and nodded: "You're doing a great job, I'm not in vain for you." Looking forward to it." Yu Linglong felt proud of her ability to recognize people by choosing Shi Xuan to complete this task.

Head Zhang also touched his white eyebrows and said with satisfaction: "Our Penglai sect has had outstanding disciples for generations. It is really a blessing for the sect. Shi Xuan, you have completed this task very well. You have recorded 120,000 good deeds."

"Come to my place later and let's spar in swordsmanship. It's a pity that your cultivation level is a bit low, otherwise you would be a good opponent." Yongxiang was always simple and direct, and made no secret of his intention to teach Shi Xuan swordsmanship. Of course, there are How much of it is a hunter's itch is unknown.

Shi Xuan was naturally happy to get Yongxiang's advice, but he still prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that Yongxiang wouldn't take it too seriously. According to rumors, he has always been cruel and evil, but now he couldn't even take one of his swords. After thinking about it, Shi Xuan respectfully returned the Blue Thunder Sword to Yong Xiang. After all, it was borrowed.

Over there, Ming Qingyue's family had a farewell talk and came over. Ming Qingyue solemnly saluted Yu Linglong: "Thank you, master, for the purple electric ring, otherwise this disciple would not be spared this time."

Ming Qingyue thanked her sincerely, but Yu Linglong smiled with a false expression: "Haha, it's nothing, master, master should do it." Then he immediately changed the subject, "Qingyue, you are also in the soul stage, and it will be held in two days. It’s a ritual to become a true disciple. By the way, there are also sect rewards during the Soul Soul stage. You can go to the Ziqi Donglai Building to pick out an item that’s less than a magic weapon.”

Some masters in the Divine Soul stage choose spiritual weapons, while others choose materials and powerful secret treasures to strengthen the natal magic weapon. After all, the eighth-level perfect natal magic weapon that can be fully utilized is stronger than the spiritual weapon that cannot be fully mastered and exerted, such as Ming Qingyue's perfect purple electric ring, even if she spends a long time mastering it in the future, as long as she doesn't advance to the golden elixir, she can only master the Tiangang restriction of the first level.

"Uh, why don't you have any disciples?" When Shi Xuan heard this, he suddenly remembered that he had only received the reward of being a true disciple, but not the reward of advancing to the divine soul stage.

Yu Linglong glanced at Shi Xuan: "You can just go to the Ziqi East Lailou to get it. Do you want us to pick it up and deliver it to you? Could it be that Junior Brother Mo didn't tell you?"

Mo Yuan, who had been keeping his eyes closed and regulating his breath, did not open his eyes and just said lightly: "I told you."

Shi Xuan thought about it carefully, and then he remembered that his master seemed to have said it before he left the sect to travel, but it had been so long and he couldn't recall it for a while. Plus, he was in a hurry to retreat and didn't read the reminder in the jade slip of good deeds. , so I haven’t picked it up until today.

"Okay, okay, what's yours is yours, wait until you and Qingyue go get it." Yu Linglong then said with a smile, "Now it's time to divide the spoils, let me say first, I want two guards Cave. But dragons are inherently lustful, so I’ll cut off all nine dragons to avoid damaging the flowers and plants.”

Raising a dragon to look after the house and the courtyard, and to pull carts when going out, is a lot of honorable things, so except for Ao Han, the white jade dragon who was destined to be chopped up, the other nine dragons were divided up. Shi Xuan, as the one who contributed the most, Fortunately, he was assigned the black dragon Ao Gu, but Ming Qingyue had no choice because of her bloodline.

After that, they took out the items belonging to Ao Han, Ao Gu and others and asked everyone to choose in order. Shi Xuan, as the first one, could choose three items, so Shi Xuan, who had already considered it, chose "Zhou Tian". "Star Dou Sword Technique (Fragment)", a set of seven Yimu Qinglong Swords, and a ten thousand-year-old black turtle shield, a secret treasure for body protection, which can block a third-level Taoist attack. And Ming Qingyue chose the Star Sword from last night.

Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue were not interested in the ritual of waiting for General Ao Hanming to be punished, so they made an appointment to go to Ziqi Donglai Tower.

Now Shi Xuan has more than 460,000 good deeds and a chance to choose, so he plans to exchange ten high-grade spiritual stones to the sect, collect 500,000 good deeds, and then use this good deeds to exchange for the roots of the Ten Thousand Years Blue Sky Tree. After that, he would choose a good spiritual weapon, the Flying Sword. Ever since he used the Blue Thunder Sword, Shi Xuan had become disdainful of the Lei Ze Divine Sword.

"Qingyue, please accompany me to the merit room first." Thinking of doing it, Shi Xuan said directly. To Ming Qingyue, there was no need for any polite words.

Ming Qingyue didn't ask why, but nodded and smiled: "Shi Xuan, are you going to choose a spiritual weapon, the Flying Sword?"

"Well, I had originally chosen an eighth-level perfect Lei Ze Sword, but after using Master Yong's Bi Lei Sword, I felt that spiritual weapons were better. Moreover, if a spiritual weapon has only initially mastered its core, it is equivalent to a seventh-level perfect magic weapon, which can save a lot of time." Shi Xuan didn't have any secrets to keep in this regard, so he answered Ming Qingyue's question directly.

It takes seven hundred to one thousand years for a spiritual weapon to be refined from the first level of restriction to the thirty-sixth level of Tian Gang restriction, and it takes seven to ten years to master the first level. With Shi Xuan's strength in the Soul Stage, after mastering the first level, he can exert the power of a spiritual weapon with four or five levels of Tian Gang restriction, while in the same time, a magic weapon with eight levels of perfection can only be mastered to about the seventh level.

"Haha, I have the Purple Lightning Ring given by my master, and my natal magic weapon is the Tianhe Treasure Mirror, which has both offensive and defensive functions, so I don't know what to choose." Ming Qingyue frowned slightly. The Tianhe Treasure Mirror was made according to the method of refining a magic weapon in the 72 methods of the Dragon Clan. It can control the power of Tianyi True Water, Zhouguang True Water and the stars. It is said that when it reaches the stage of magic weapon, it can initially interfere with time.

There are 23 methods of refining magic weapons in the 72 methods of the Dragon Clan, 15 of which require the blood of the Dragon Clan. Among the remaining eight methods, five are related to water, and the Tianhe Treasure Mirror is one of them. Among the other three methods, one is related to fire, one is related to thunder, and one is related to Liuli Jinguang. However, the ritual refining method of the magic weapon related to thunder is not as good as the collection of Penglai Sect.

Shi Xuan suggested: "Let's choose an attacking spiritual weapon, after all, your life magic weapon has few layers of restrictions."

As they were talking, Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue arrived at the Good Merit Room of Tianshu Peak. There were no people in it except a few deacons. They probably went to watch Ao Hanming's execution.

After exchanging the spiritual stones, Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue went to Ziqi Donglai Tower together. Shi Xuan wanted to exchange the Lei Ze Divine Sword, but he thought that he was still far away from practicing the sword technique of sword light differentiation. He could only prepare a few more flying swords to use the sword techniques in "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Sword Technique (Incomplete Chapter)", so he gave up the idea.

There are a total of 31 spiritual weapons on the third floor of Ziqi Donglai Building, most of which are first and second heavens, a small part are third heavens, and only one protective spiritual weapon is fourth heaven perfect. After all, the disciples, elders, and chiefs who come here to choose spiritual weapons will definitely give priority to those with perfect restrictions. Maybe one day they will hit the big luck and the spiritual weapon with perfect Tiangang restrictions will be upgraded to a magic weapon.

Finally, Shi Xuan chose a spiritual weapon flying sword Tianlei Fumo Sword and the root of Wanzai Qingkong Tree with perfect restrictions of two heavens, while Ming Qingyue chose a gourd of sky blue divine sand with perfect restrictions of three heavens.


Half a year later, in the performance field.

Shi Xuan pinched the magic formula with his hands, and a white light flashed around him. The whole person disappeared on the spot, and then appeared five feet away.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I practiced the small teleportation technique yesterday, and you also practiced it today." Ming Qingyue smiled beside him. For cultivators in the Soul Stage, the other techniques in the Dragon Clan's Seventy-Two Techniques were not difficult to practice. Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue spent two or three months to learn almost all of them. Only this small teleportation technique took more than three months to practice before the two of them could barely master it.

Shi Xuan walked over and said, "I have practiced it, but it takes a long time to perform this small teleportation technique. I think it will take a long time to perform it only when you reach the Golden Core Stage. I still need to find some materials and make talismans or secret treasures to make it work."

"Well, but I can only do this after I go into seclusion." Ming Qingyue was going to practice in seclusion after returning to the sect, but in order to pass on the techniques in the Dragon Clan's Seventy-Two Techniques to Shi Xuan and learn the Zhoutian Xingdou Sword Technique (Incomplete Chapter) from Shi Xuan, she postponed it for half a year.

Shi Xuan smiled and said, "As a cultivator of my generation, we naturally lay a solid foundation first. I will also go into seclusion in a few days. In recent years, my cultivation level has advanced too fast, and my magic tools, restrictions, and magic methods have not kept up, which makes my foundation a little shallow."

In fact, in the past six months, in addition to practicing the 72 Dragon Clan Techniques, Shi Xuan often went to Yong Xiang to learn swordsmanship. Although Yong Xiang generally suppressed his strength below the Golden Core and did not use sword light differentiation swordsmanship, Shi Xuan was basically defeated within ten swords. The only good thing is that after Yong Xiang's guidance and pressure, his swordsmanship has improved. "Stars Shake Down" and "Northern Dipper Master Death" in "Benlei Sword Technique" and "Zhoutian Xingdou Sword Technique (Incomplete Chapter)" have been practiced to a small success, "Mars Shines High" and "The Seven Constellations of the Azure Dragon" can be used with a few flying swords, and "Northern Dipper Guides the Way" is considered to be an entry.

Ming Qingyue said with a smile: "I may have to retreat for 20 to 30 years this time. I hope that after I come out, your cultivation will be improved again."

Because I forgot the reward of the Soul Stage before, I had to let the master take the blame. .

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