Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 232 Defeat Two People with Sword

In the void illusion of the high-grade Golden Elixir Grandmaster, as long as the power of the Taoist arts, natal magic weapons, and spiritual weapons on both sides does not exceed the limit that the Golden Elixir Grandmaster can bear, then all the power will not be leaked out, and in the void illusion, Grandmaster Jindan has extremely strong control, and can calm down the fighting at critical moments, or teleport a certain party away, thus ensuring the safety of both parties.

"This discussion will only focus on the realm of cultivation and related natal magical weapons, spiritual weapons, spells, and Taoist techniques. Secret treasures and talismans and seals cannot be used. Do you agree, nephew Shi?" Gu Xinxuan stood up first, as if one man was in charge. Standing in front like a general.

Gu Xinxuan was a little afraid of Shi Xuan's secret treasures and talismans, so he made it clear first. Because Shi Xuan had a master of Jindan Grandmaster and was said to be favored by Master Jiang, the talismans and secret treasures on his body must be extremely powerful.

Shi Xuan took a step forward, smiled and nodded: "It's as it should be, my nephew has no objection. Uncle Gu, let's get started."

Shi Xuan's straightforward attitude seemed to be quite in line with Gu Xinxuan's temper. There was a hint of appreciation on his face: "Okay, mother-in-law, this is the style of our monks. Nephew Shi, please take action." Although it is In the fight for the world of Lei Mansion, Gu Xinxuan still cared about the face of his elders and refused to make the first move.

"Then it's better for my nephew to be respectful than to obey my orders." As soon as Shi Xuan finished speaking, the Tianlei Fu Demon Sword turned into cyan lightning and quickly slashed at Gu Xinxuan, using the thunder sound of the sword energy from the beginning.

Gu Xinxuan's face was solemn, and he immediately used his natal magical weapon. He placed a plate around his body, green lightning flashes flying, and guarded it tightly. His natal magic weapon is extremely special. It is not the ones commonly used by monks, but a cyan thunder-like snake spear that is eight feet long. He calls it the Hundred Battles Thunder Spear.

Shi Xuan did not use Tai Chi Diagram at first, just wanting to take this opportunity to hone his sword skills, so as soon as the sword light turned, he started fighting around Gu Xinxuan, and because the sword light was so fast with the thunder sound of the sword energy, he often Looking to the east, feeling to the west, and cooperating with Beidou's calculations to guide the way, the sword light never left Gu Xinxuan's flaws, suppressing him within a few inches.

However, Gu Xinxuan has been using the Hundred Wars Thunder Spear for more than a hundred years, and has encountered various situations. At this time, he was firmly on the defensive, and for a while, Shi Xuan's sword light could not attack.

Gu Xinxuan suddenly sold a flaw, and then used the Hundred Battles Thunder Spear to attack Shi Xuan Tian's Thunder Demon Sword with cyan sword light. Taking this opportunity, he flew out a set of three spiritual weapons and flying swords, forming a formation and attacking Shi Xuan. Attack.

Shi Xuan smiled slightly and didn't take it to heart. The sword formation used by a set of flying swords was very different from the sword formation set up by the sword light. The main reason was that this set of flying swords controlled other swords by controlling the mother sword. Flying swords are more neat and tidy than spiritual, making them easy to guard against.

The cyan sword light quickly retreated after the Hundred Battles Thunder Spear, and soon rushed in front of this set of three flying swords to block the attack. Then, the green sword light flashed, and hundreds of stars fell from the sky with shining tails like comets, turning into an extremely beautiful and brilliant scenery, covering Gu Xinxuan, Baizhan Thunder Spear, and a set of three flying swords. It is the falling stars in "Zhou Tian Xing Du Sword Technique".

Seeing this, Gu Xinxuan did not dare to hold back. The Baizhan Thunder Spear turned into thousands of cyan lightnings and rose into the sky, colliding with Shi Xuan's hundreds of stars and comets, creating a scene like fireworks.

However, Shi Xuan's Stars Shaking Down was just a distraction, so when Gu Xinxuan used his Hundred Battles Thunder Spear with all his strength, Shi Xuan's Thunder Ze Divine Sword also turned into lightning, spotting Gu Xinxuan's flaw, and before he returned with a set of three flying swords , before using the Taoist technique, it cut through the atmosphere and stopped at Gu Xinxuan's neck in an instant, followed by the sound of rolling thunder.

"Uncle Gu, I accept the concession." Shi Xuan said politely.

Gu Xinxuan let out a long sigh and took back the Hundred Battles Thunder Spear and the Flying Sword: "Master Nephew Shi's flying sword is so fast, his sword skills are so strong, and he has such a thunderous sound of sword energy." Without further entanglement, he turned around and stood next to Mo Yuan. Certainly.

"Junior Brother Shi, please recover for a while. Senior Brother will fight with you." Hong Zhishan stood up, but he was unwilling to take advantage of Shi Xuan, so he suggested that Shi Xuan take a rest first.

Shi Xuan practiced "Baolu", and his true energy was extremely strong. There was absolutely no shortage of true energy. However, this kind of thing was not humane, so he pretended to close his eyes and adjust his breath for a while, then he said with a smile: "Junior brother has already It’s recovered, please, senior brother.”

Hong Zhishan pointed his hand, and a crimson flying sword appeared in front of him: "This is the red jade dragon sword of my senior brother's destiny. However, my senior brother is not very good at swordsmanship. He just uses his strength to overwhelm others." According to reports. Shi Xuan understood that Hong Zhishan practiced "Yanlong Shenhuo Gong" and did not change it after becoming a true disciple. He thought he had quite a lot of experience in it.

"Junior brother, I will take action first." Shi Xuan saw Hong Zhishan standing there without moving, and just flew out his magical weapon. He thought that he was unwilling to take action first because of his face, and at the same time he was afraid that Shi Xuan's sword energy thunder sound was too fast, and he He couldn't react in time, so he released the flying sword first and prepared a good defense.

The cyan lightning formed by the Sky Thunder Conquering Demon Sword made a huge thunderous sound. When Hong Zhishan was slightly shocked, it shot away like a cyan thunder snake and seemed to appear next to Hong Zhishan in the blink of an eye. It turned out that the stone Xuan used the thunder and thunder soul-soothing and lightning and thunder styles in the "Thunder Sword Technique" at the beginning to combine with the thunder sound of sword energy.

Hong Zhishan's strategy of focusing on defense first worked. Although he was shocked by the sound of thunder, he had a high level of cultivation and wore a magical weapon that suppressed the mind, so he quickly came back to his senses. At this time The Tianlei Fu Demon Sword has already arrived at his side, and his flame energy is about to break through. Suddenly, a huge fire dragon shot into the sky like a pillar of fire, spiraling upward and blocking Shi Xuan's green sword light.

This fire dragon has clear scales and horns, lifelike, and even has some golden elixir pressure, just like an emperor. It is the transformation of Hong Zhishan's natal magical weapon, the Red Jade Dragon Divine Sword. After it blocked Shi Xuan's Sky Thunder Demon Sword, it turned around. Exhibiting, the distance of several hundred feet passed in an instant, and the void along the way turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, burning, and the red mouth soon appeared next to Shi Xuan, and even green smoke came out of it.

But at this moment, a seemingly all-encompassing golden bridge appeared above Shi Xuan, with golden light hanging down. As soon as the Red Jade Dragon Divine Sword pounced on the golden light, it began to dim, and then changed from the majestic fire dragon to the red sword light again. The flames in the sky also rolled back like a nemesis, leaving a blank area within a few dozen feet around Shi Xuan. After that, the red sword light could only wander around Shi Xuan, looking for flaws in Jinqiao's defense.

On the other side, the green sword light of Shi Xuan's Heavenly Thunder Demon-Slaying Sword struck Hong Zhishan's small sapphire shield as quickly as a sword. The small shield should also be a spiritual weapon of the first level or above, emitting a misty clear light, Hong Zhishan's whole body was shrouded in Shixuan, standing still in the endless stream of sword light like huge waves crashing on the shore, and he was tightly guarded.

Seeing this, Shi Xuan used the Beidou Guiding Technique and let the cyan lightning strike straight towards the center of the small sapphire shield, causing it to collapse. Hong Zhishan unconsciously put all his energy and energy here, so here The clear light became more intense, while the clear light in other places became slightly weaker. Then a flash of cyan lightning appeared behind Hong Zhishan, turning into a huge thunder pillar and slashing through it with all his strength. It was the penultimate chapter of "Thunder Sword Technique" The second form of thunder shook the sky.

Hong Zhishan quickly moved the small sapphire shield over, but in his haste, the small sapphire shield was swayed by Shi Xuan's thunder. Hong Zhishan could not control his body shape and flew backwards several feet. This exposed many flaws. , after that, under the guidance of Beidou, Hong Zhishan could only support himself hard. In order to make up for one flaw, another flaw often appeared, and the green sword light seemed to know where the flaw would appear earlier than he did, and it was always so appropriate. The ground appeared there, leaving me in a hurry.

Taking a deep breath, Hong Zhishan did not bother to attack Shi Xuan. He transformed the Red Jade Dragon Divine Sword into the majestic fire dragon again, and rushed towards Shi Xuan's Sky Thunder Demon Sword with endless flames, striving to defeat this demon sword with a two-pronged approach. The wave attack propped up the past.

However, Hong Zhishan still seemed uneasy, and was still distracted in performing the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield Technique. Unfortunately, his distraction caused a small flaw in the cooperation between the sapphire shield and the red jade dragon sword, and was pointed by Shi Xuan's Big Dipper. Lu Xinfa calculated it, and the blue thunder light of the Sky Thunder Conquering Demon Sword suddenly changed, and one green sky thunder after another fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed, striking at the intersection of the two.

The first cyan thunder was held by a person, and the lightning was like a snake entwining itself, emitting small silver lightning from time to time. When it hit the edge of the small sapphire shield, the red jade dragon sword's defense gap, it caused a huge sound, And the thunders that followed became larger and more powerful than the last. There were nine thunders in total! Hong Zhishan was submerged in it, and only a blue ball of lightning shone on the spot, but he was nowhere to be seen. It is the last move of "Thunder Sword Technique", thunder punishment from heaven.

The first eight thunders passed by one after another. When the ninth thunder struck halfway, it suddenly shrank slowly. The thunder light turned into nothing, disappeared, and turned into a cyan thunder sword to subdue the devil. Shi Xuan turned to look at the master. , because the only one who can silently interrupt his thunder punishment from the sky is Mo Yuan, the master of the void illusion.

Mo Yuan said calmly: "Master Nephew Hong has lost."

It turned out that Hong Zhishan's Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield was launched during the second sky thunder, but Shi Xuan had already seized the opportunity, and the small green jade shield came back one after another. At the third sky thunder, the red jade dragon sword caught up. , assisted in defense, but could not save the situation. When the fourth thunder struck, the small sapphire shield was knocked to the ground and was temporarily unusable. Afterwards, the red jade dragon sword forcefully received three thunders and was traumatized. Hong Zhishan understood that this was not a life and death battle, so he took it back to his dantian to avoid serious damage to his natal magic weapon.

After that, under the eighth thunder, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier was also shattered. Unless Hong Zhishan uses secret treasures, talismans or reckless use of the Red Jade Dragon Sword, he will never be able to catch the ninth thunder, so Mo Yuan sentenced him to lose the fight.

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