Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 240 Practicing Sword Techniques

The remaining outer disciples were a little excited when they heard Shi Xuan talking about a set of flying swords and sword formations, although 90% of them didn't believe that Uncle Shi, who they met for the first time, would give such a big benefit. To themselves, they still had such small hopes and expectations, so Jiang Niangqiao finally asked them what they were thinking.

After hearing Shi Xuan's answer, their little hopes and expectations turned into a touch of disappointment. However, following Jiang Nianqiao's words, they understood the benefits. They could learn one kind of sword formation for nothing, and how much more could they expect? What? Especially Uncle Shi, who is the number one swordsman below Jindan. How could the sword formation he gave me be so bad? Maybe Senior Brother Luo and Senior Sister Tang have never seen such masters of perfect Qi induction, so they all said excitedly with varying voices. Qi Di said: "Disciple, thank you so much, Uncle Shi."

Shi Xuan smiled and nodded, and took out the Yimu Qinglong Sword from the Yin and Yang two gas bottles. It has a set of seven, each one is only one foot and eight inches long. The whole sword body is made of the light of Yimu Qingqi, and is green and lush. From time to time, little bits of green light escaped from above and dissipated in the air. It looked extremely small and beautiful, making the eyes of the four outer sect female disciples shine. Even Tang Youqiu, a monk in the Qi-entraining period, had seen many beauties. The flying sword master also showed a yearning expression.

"This set of flying swords is the Otogi Green Dragon Sword. There are seven swords in total. They are prepared for the 'Canglong Qisu' set of sword formations. They are all seven levels of heaven. I have released the restriction center for you to use. They can be used close to each other. The power of the Fourth Heaven is over. The only problem now is that there are eight of you, but there is one more person in this formation. Of course, the magic of the sword formation will be given to everyone." Shi Xuan said lightly.

The eight outer disciples, look at me and look at you, are all reluctant to give up the opportunity to use this high-grade flying sword. In the end, it was Zhou Banyu, a tall and dull young man, who scratched his head and said: "Uncle Shi, let me quit. The disciple is here." I really don’t have much talent in swordsmanship.”

"It's good that you have self-awareness." Shi Xuan casually shot out ten rays of green light and fell on the disciples, which contained the sword technique of "Canglong Qisu".

The seven sword rays of this sword technique have their own variations. If Shi Xuan had not mastered the sword technique of differentiated sword rays and just used the Yimu Qinglong Sword, the six flying swords would follow the mother sword and would not be able to use their own variations. The power can only be regarded as average, but it turns into a sword formation like now. Only one person controls a sword light and gives full play to the agility of their respective flying swords. Only then can the power of this peerless sword technique in "Zhou Tianxing Sword Technique" be realized. However, this put forward high requirements for the cooperation between the seven people. Shi Xuan did not expect them to fully master it within a few days. It would be good if they could barely use it.

After several disciples had roughly reviewed the sword technique, Shi Xuan turned the seven flying swords into seven green streams of light and flew them into the hands of the seven outer disciples: Li Bingnan, Ren Shuiyao, Jiang Nianqiao, Lu Feihu, Jia Song, Hou Frost, stone and blue clouds.

The seven of them couldn't put it down for the Yimu Qinglong Sword. Even Ren Shuiyao, a shy and introverted girl, held it in her hands and played with it over and over, eager to try the power of this beautiful flying sword right away.

Next, Shi Xuan explained Canglong Qisu's sword technique in detail, and used his Tianlei Fu Demon Sword to demonstrate the subtle changes in each sword light. Then he said: "You must work hard to master it after you go back today. Tomorrow You have to demonstrate them one by one in front of me. The first sword formation drill will be conducted the day after tomorrow. If anyone slacks off, hehe, Zhou Banyu is waiting here, and many disciples from the outer sect are also waiting. "

Li Bingnan and the other seven people said solemnly: "Disciples must work harder to not let you down, Master Shi."

Shi Xuan didn't say anything, but turned to look at Zhou Banyu and said: "They all have the ability to defend themselves, so you can't miss them. This ecstasy flag is my first magic weapon. It is now in the sixth level. It has miraculous effects in trapping people and protecting the body. Although you can only exert a little more power than the third heaven, so that this ecstasy flag cannot trap the monks in the Qi-entraining stage, but the evil spirit, filth, and disease energy inside are carefully collected by me. It doesn't mean that you can't exert its power just because you are borrowing it temporarily, so even a monk who is in the Qi-entraining stage will die if you are not careful, but you have to be careful about the backlash. "

In the past ten years or so, the Ecstasy Banner has gained several more layers of restrictions, but it still requires twenty years of sacrifice before it reaches the seventh heaven. However, the yin and yang two-gas bottle reached the seventh heaven eight years ago. This does not matter. Shi Xuan can directly absorb the soul perfection monk in his trump card, while Qianyang Qingdeng has already reached the 71st level of prohibition, and will reach the eighth level of perfection in a few years.

Zhou Banyu took the Ecstasy Flag respectfully. The small black flag shone with a strange light, making people feel dizzy just looking at it, and even felt like their souls were separated.

Luo Banshan, Tang Youqiu, Ren Shuiyao, Jiang Nianqiao and other disciples all secretly admired in their hearts. They were worthy of being great masters at the Soul Stage. They casually took out a magic weapon that they had to save for for who knows how long to get it, and they kept doing it. Taking out two pieces, his face showed no signs of any disturbance.

"Okay, except for Senior Nephew Luo and Senior Nephew Tang, the eight of you please retreat and wait at the Tianji Peak Dharma Performance Stage at this time tomorrow." Shi Xuan said lightly, so Zhou Banyu and the other eight people respectfully retired.

After Luo Banshan saw them leaving, he asked in confusion: "Uncle Shi, I wonder what you have to say for leaving me two here." Originally, he called Shi Shouzuo more formally, but when he saw the group of outer disciples The junior brothers were all called Master Shi Uncle. After weighing it, they felt that the title Master Shi was more familiar, so they called him Uncle Shi.

Shi Xuan glanced at them before saying: "For one thing, I am relatively laid-back by nature, so I will leave it to my two nephews to take care of things on the road."

Tang Youqiu and Luo Banshan hurriedly said: "Master nephew dare not be so serious as master uncle. This is our responsibility."

"Yes, very good. Secondly, if you encounter someone who stirs up trouble in the Luofu Sect this time, you probably won't go straight to me. It would be a bit embarrassing to bully a few outer disciples, but the two of you, I'm afraid, will There is some trouble. What do you two think?" Shi Xuan looked at them seriously.

It was Grandmaster Jindan who came to stir up trouble. Shi Xuan could ignore it. If the news spread, it would only make him lose face. If he were a monk at the Soul Stage, Shi Xuan would be very confident in himself, and the other party would not be so stupid. Xuan Ke was able to kill Shura Blood Sword Duan Qingqing when he first became a divine soul. After his divine soul was perfected, he could defeat the Longyou Sword Huo Yining, who was also a perfected divine soul, with one sword. I wonder which monk in the divine soul stage can say that he is more than 50% sure of defeating him. Shi Xuan's. As for the outer disciples, Shi Xuan was well prepared.

Luo Banshan was hesitant for a moment, but Tang Youqiu smiled sweetly and said: "Although my nephew is only a minor Qi-inducer, he has also had adventures. I dare not boast about all of them, but my nephew can still deal with most of the Qi-inducer monks." If their elders help secretly, I believe you, Uncle Shi, will not watch."

When Luo Banshan heard Tang Youqiu's words, he nodded quickly: "My nephew has been perfecting Qi for many years." In the out-of-body stage, the gap in cultivation can be easily made up by magic weapons, etc., while in the Qi-inducing stage it is relatively difficult Well, it takes more than a day or two to master high-level magic weapons, so in public, the opponent will probably not be able to use Qi Qi Perfect to deal with Qi Qi Xiao Cheng.

Shi Xuan smiled and nodded: "If their elders borrowed spiritual weapons for them to use, I also have spiritual weapons, but I don't know if you are good at flying swords?" On the fighting stage, there is no danger to life, and you can't hurt the opponent. Which monk would be so foolish as to use expendable items such as secret treasures and talismans, as the means of secret help are very limited.

"Disciple's swordsmanship is not bad." Luo Banshan and Tang Youqiu replied happily. With Uncle Shi, they can let go of many worries.


The next day, Tianji Peak performed the Dharma Stage.

Luo Banshan and other ten disciples stood by the stage. When they saw Shi Xuan slowly approaching, they all immediately saluted: "Hello, Uncle Shi."

Shi Xuan waved his hand and almost said hello to the comrades. With a smile on his face, he said: "You don't need to be so reserved in front of me. Just follow your heart. Okay, let's start practicing sword skills. I want to see all of you. Did you study hard after you went back?"

"Then disciples will practice first and ask Uncle Shi for guidance." Jiang Nianqiao stood up before Li Bingnan, looking full of confidence.

Shi Xuan nodded: "Let's get started."

With a face full of joy, Jiang Nianqiao turned around and jumped onto the stage. She pointed her hand, and the green sword light spread out, like a dragon swimming in the air. It was subtle but not sharp. Her sword technique played a coordinating and supporting role in Canglong Qisu. of.

Shi Xuan gave them a set of Canglong Qisu's sword formation methods, and did not specifically tell who would be responsible for which path. It seemed that this was assigned after private consultation. From this point of view, these outer sects The disciple is quite attentive.

After a while, the green sword light converged and fell into Jiang Nianqiao's hands. She was sweating on her forehead and panting. She looked at Shi Xuan expectantly: "Uncle Shi, I don't know how well this disciple has practiced this sword technique." How? "A common problem among monks in the out-of-body stage is that they cannot use magic weapons for a long time.

Shi Xuan showed an encouraging smile and casually pointed out the shortcomings in Jiang Nianqiao's swordsmanship: "It's pretty good to be able to master two to three percent of the changes overnight. However, there are still some problems..." This Canglong Qisu The changes in each flying sword are not too difficult. The most difficult part is how to coordinate the various changes accurately and appropriately when the sword formation is finally formed.

Jiang Nianqiao was praised by his uncle. His little face smiled like a blooming flower. He nodded obediently to the questions pointed out by Shi Xuan and pondered them carefully.

After that, the other six disciples also demonstrated their sword skills one by one. It can be seen that although their talents in sword skills are different, their hard work is similar. Shi Xuan did not say anything on the surface, but in his heart But he nodded secretly. As a monk, having opportunities is very important, but when there are opportunities, the most important thing is one's own efforts. In this regard, these seven nephews performed very well.

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