Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 248 Fierce Fight

Shi Xuan was somewhat mentally prepared for this event. He originally asked Ren Shuiyao and others to practice the sword formation in order to deal with the provocation of the Blood Demon Sect, so he said calmly: "The Penglai Sect has no objection." This answer fully satisfied the onlookers. mentality.

Qiao Mubai nodded and turned to look at Ning Wuque: "I don't know how the two factions are going to compete. Should they compete in the Qi-entraining stage and the out-of-body stage? Or just in the out-of-body stage?" Because the Penglai faction is leading the competition. There are two qi periods, and the Blood Demon Sect only has the middle-aged charioteer who is perfect in qi-entraining, so there will not be two qi-entraining periods.

Ning Wuque glanced at Shi Xuan and said in a soft and authentic voice: "I have known Taoist Shi for many years, and there is no need to be polite, so we each use our own skills, competing in the Qi-induction period and the out-of-body period."

Shi Xuan turned his head and glanced at Luo Banshan. Luo Banshan's expression changed uncertainly. Finally, he nodded slightly. Shi Xuan then said, "Let's start." Then he quietly gave Luo Banshan the Thunder Demon Sword. Of course, as long as the opponent does not use items such as spiritual weapons, the Penglai faction will not use them first, just in case.

Ning Wuque waved his hand, and the middle-aged charioteer stepped onto the Qingguang steps and onto the fighting stage. Luo Banshan also walked up with steady steps.

Because it was a fight, the name had to be announced as usual, so the middle-aged charioteer suddenly grinned: "Blood Demon Sect Zhao Yongshou, the magical weapon of the Blood Demon Sect is the Xue Luo Dao." He originally looked ordinary and had nothing unusual, but now he looked ferocious. stand up. The bloody sword was a dark short sword, full of blood stains.

Shi Xuan originally thought that the disciples brought by Ning Wuque would have similar fighting styles to his, and maybe he could get a glimpse of Ning Wuque's personality from his fights, but now it seems that Zhao Yongshou is ruthless in the Shura Blood Sword section. Way, I think he has the same sword skills.

After Luo Banshan got on the fighting stage, all the previous hesitations disappeared, and the whole person calmed down: "Penglai Sect Luo Banshan, the natal magic weapon All Heavens Thunder Mirror." It is Luo Banshan imitating the Penglai Sect pure Yang magic weapon All Heavens God Thunder Mirror. It was made, but I dare not call it a god. It is only called Zhutian Leijian. It is a mirror-shaped magical weapon with a concave center. The thirty-six uneven parts of the patterned seals in the middle concave appear messy and sparse, and the surrounding parts are one hundred and ten. The eight even parts of the ancient and mysterious talisman seal are neat and mysterious.

Qiao Mubai waited for the two of them to pass their names and shouted softly: "Start."

Then I saw Zhao Yongshou and the Xueluo knife combined, turning into a bloody rainbow, and slashing towards Luo Banshan with bursts of cries of ghosts and gods. It was the ghost-crying god that Shi Xuan was very familiar with. Howling, but compared to Duan Qingwu back then, it lacked the ferocious, ferocious, terrifying, and profound artistic conception, and it suddenly seemed to have fallen behind.

In the sect and on the way here, Shi Xuan had already told Luo Banshan and Tang Youqiu about his understanding of the Blood Demon Sect's skills. After all, only the disciples in the out-of-body period were preparing, and the disciples in the qi-entraining period were not. Such caution is really not in line with Shi Xuan's character.

Therefore, Luo Banshan was well aware of this road of ghostly cries and howls, and he could barely keep his mind. The thunder mirror in the sky turned, and more than a dozen cyan thunder balls appeared around him, making a deafening sound of thunder, and the ghostly howls were wiped out. It was shattered into pieces, and then seven or eight cyan thunder balls flew towards the Xue Luo Dao, and kept hitting the side of the bloody rainbow.

Shi Xuan nodded slightly. Luo Banshan's steady performance, which does not seek merit but strives for no faults, can exactly restrain the fierce and life-threatening fighting style of the Demon-Slaying God-Slaying Sword Technique. In addition, the thunder method is naturally capable of restraining the Blood Demon Sect. , so although Zhao Yongshou's blood-colored sword flashed on the field as fast as a sword, rolling up a shocking wave of blood and rushing towards Luo Banshan, Luo Banshan stood still like a rock, guarding the water.

Most of the monks present have profound cultivation and are very aware of the situation on the field. They know that they are evenly matched. However, many disciples from other sects in the out-of-body stage looked at Luo Banshan with worried eyes, as if they felt that he had no chance. Unable to fight back, even Jiang Nianqiao and others behind Shi Xuan were whispering.

"Senior Brother Luo looks so passive." Jiang Nianqiao spoke in a low voice. They had not yet developed their spiritual awareness and could only communicate through words.

Ren Shuiyao shook his head: "Didn't Uncle Shi live like this yesterday?"

Li Bingnan interrupted: "But it was the same way before Senior Ying lost!"

"But I think Senior Brother Luo is very confident." Zhou Banyu said in a low voice.

Tang Youqiu couldn't stand listening anymore, and said angrily and funny: "We are evenly matched now. The reason for this scene is that the two have different fighting styles."

"Oh." Several outer disciples suddenly realized.

After fighting for another moment, Zhao Yongshou gradually couldn't suppress the emotions in his heart, and his sword skills became more and more desperate, completely regardless of his own safety. Most of the monks below were frowning. It would be okay if he faced other monks from the sect, you Blood Demon. Zong's skills can be recovered by swallowing essence and blood, so he doesn't care too much about injuries, but he is facing Penglai monks who are good at thunder. If he really takes a few thunders, he may not be able to recover. (The true sun fire of Tianhuo Gate can also be used.)

For monks who have perfected Qi such as Zhao Yongshou and Luo Banshan, it is unlikely that they have high-level magic weapons, let alone Taoist magic. Therefore, if they do not use talismans and secret treasures, they can only use their own magic weapons. , for example, just now Luo Banshan tried to use a small thunder shield to protect his body and free up the lightning mirror to attack. However, under Zhao Yongshou's sword, the small thunder shield was broken, making Luo Banshan give up this plan.

Suddenly, Zhao Yongshou let out a ferocious roar, and the bloody sword light became thicker and thicker, as if he was going to finish his work with this sword. When Luo Banshan saw this, all 108 ancient talismans and seals outside the Thunder Mirror of the Heavens lit up, A few feet around its body are all kinds of lightning, thunder balls, and thunder pills. The bloody sword light struck it, and a shocking bright light suddenly erupted, with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and all kinds of colors.

"The Penglai Sect's 108 Thunder Techniques of Tiangang Disha are indeed extraordinary." A Jindan Grandmaster of the casual cultivator below exclaimed. The 108 Thunder Techniques of Tiangang Disha are recorded in the "True Biography of Xiaozhu Tianlei Technique".

In the bright light, Zhao Yongshou's attack was frustrated and he flew back a few steps. Under his full attack, he had no defense at all. Seeing this opportunity, Luo Banshan didn't want to let it go even if he concentrated on defense, so he made a decisive move at the moment. The killer, a red light like fire and thunder hit Zhao Yongshou directly.

"Eighth-level magic?" Someone said.

Some people lamented: "The disciples of the Penglai Sect are really talented." Being able to practice one of the innate minor magical powers to the eighth level after perfecting the Qi Entrainment shows that Luo Banshan had a third-level innate minor magical power when it first appeared. It's as good as the two-headed tiger that Shi Xuan encountered back then.

Luo Banshan used this small magical power with neither sadness nor joy in his heart. Back then, because of this small magical power, Red Flame Flowing Fire Thunder, he entered the Penglai sect in the first three ranks. He was envied by many outer disciples. He was also complacent and single-minded. Yearning for the golden elixir avenue, he worked hard and took elixirs non-stop, and finally spent seventeen years breaking through to the Qi-entraining stage and entering the inner gate. Although he could not compare with the stunning figures such as Uncle Mo and Uncle Shi, he could still be regarded as an outsider. He is the leader among his disciples.

But after entering the inner sect, he seemed to be ignored by no one. Many junior brothers from the later Jin Dynasty were accepted as disciples by elders and leaders, and their cultivation levels improved rapidly. Even if they still did not advance to the soul stage, they were just around the corner. I was unwilling to give in and always looked for I had the opportunity to get close to those seniors, but I still encountered obstacles everywhere. These grievances, sorrows and indignations have been filling Luo Banshan's heart, and all these emotions seem to have been blasted out with the red fire thunder just now. At the same time, he secretly made up his mind that if he loses, he will forget everything. If he wins, he will ask the stone master My uncle asked me why the elders of the sect regarded me as nothing.

As soon as the red fire thunder hit Zhao Yongshou, a pillar of fire shot up into the sky. Zhao Yongshou's whole body was in flames and he howled miserably. However, he was not in a hurry to find a way to deal with the fire thunder on his body. Instead, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and the blood was like a sword. Accelerating, he flew to Luo Banshan like lightning.

Luo Banshan didn't expect Zhao Yongshou to be so crazy. He was caught off guard. The 108 thunderbolts of Tiangang Earth Demon only had time to fly out half of the way, deflecting the bloody light, and then it was pierced through the right chest, and blood spurted out wildly.

Here, Zhao Yongshou has fallen to the ground, his body burning with fire.

"Zhao Yongshou loses." Qiao Mubai's faint voice sounded, and then the two of them appeared intact beside the fighting stage.

The faces of the small and medium-sized sect monks and casual cultivators below all had expressions of surprise and shock. They had never seen any monks use techniques similar to the magic method of disintegrating demons on the fighting stage before. You must know that it is impossible to really hurt the opponent on the fighting stage, but the sequelae of one's own are absolutely real. It is really harmful to oneself but not to others. The Blood Demon Sect is so crazy!

Zhao Yongshou used the technique to stimulate his potential, so he staggered back behind Ning Wuque. Ning Wuque didn't even look at him, but directly ordered the eight monks in blood-colored armor: "You go up."

Luo Banshan was still in a daze, and the last bloody light did not hurt him, but the pain and shock in the illusion were still vivid in his mind, until Shi Xuan nodded to him and said: "Master Nephew Luo, you did a good job. "He just came back to his senses, secretly sighing at the crazy reputation of the Blood Demon Sect monks, and at the same time returned the Tianlei Demon Sword to Shi Xuan.

"You guys can go up too, calm down and put the drills of the past few days to use." Shi Xuan turned to Ren Shuiyao and others and nodded.

Ren Shuiyao and others replied nervously and excitedly: "Uncle Shi, don't worry." Then they went directly to the fighting stage. Zhou Banyu was a little hesitant: "Uncle Shi, do I want it?" He was not a member of the sword formation.

Shi Xuan thought for a moment and said, "If you want to see me, go up. If you don't want to, it's okay to stay." This kind of lonely person will probably be dealt with first.

Zhou Banyu thought for a moment and said, "Then disciple, go up." He walked forward calmly.

After the monks from both factions got on the fighting stage and passed their names, Qiao Mubai shouted: "Start."

The seven disciples were led by Ren Shuiyao. Seven green sword lights flashed, and a mighty green dragon appeared on the spot with its teeth and claws. It opened its mouth wide and swallowed the eight monks in blood-colored armor.

Zhou Banyu, on the other hand, seemed to be doing nothing, holding the enchanted flag in his hand.

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