Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 260 Benefits in the West

Twelve years later.

Tianji Peak, Shixuan Cave.

Shi Xuan sat cross-legged on the cloud bed. The blue sword light of the Sky Thunder Demon Sword in his palm changed erratically. Suddenly, after a ripple in the sword light, the green sword light began to separate slowly and turned into two green sword lights. But the two The wave-like shaking on the cyan sword light did not stop, but became more violent. Finally, the two cyan sword lights split into two, adding up to a total of four cyan sword lights.

However, what appeared on Shi Xuan's face was a bitter smile. The separation of the real and the real sword light into one real and three virtual is the biggest gain in these twelve years. He is still confused and has no clue about the path and opportunity to achieve the golden elixir. No wonder everyone in the world of cultivation The monks all say that the high-grade golden elixir is illusory and is indispensable to chance, hard work, and character.

Taoist books say that the intersection of dragon and tiger is the intersection of spirit and energy. However, my soul is clear, my thoughts are crystal clear, my true energy is condensed, lively and agile, but I still cannot take the key step of attracting and embracing each other. As for what the master said about firming up oneself, sticking to one's heart, and sticking to the path, I followed it exactly, but I was still at a loss as to how far I had to go.

Therefore, under this situation, Shi Xuan worked harder on swordsmanship after practicing every day, hoping that by practicing sword light differentiation, he could in turn deepen the accumulation of achievement golden elixirs, and maybe even directly bring opportunities, but The differentiation of sword light was equally difficult. Although Shi Xuan worked hard, he still struggled with the differentiation of virtual and real sword light.

On the other hand, he has seven innate minor supernatural powers. Except for Shangqing Handshu Lei, which was a ninth-level magic more than ten years ago, the other six have all been cultivated to the ninth level not long ago. After understanding the essence, they were upgraded to Taoist skills. Things can only happen slowly.

As for Shi Xuan's natal magic weapons and magic weapons, except for the fact that Qianyang Qingdeng finally reached the eighth level of heaven a few years ago, and the five fires and seven birds fan reached the sixth level, there are still no big breakthroughs. After all, from the seventh level When the heaven reaches the eighth level, even if it is a natal magic weapon, it will take forty years, and the Tai Chi diagram will take another twelve years to complete.

Shi Xuan brushed his clouds and fairy clothes, stood up, and prepared to go to Tianya Haijiao Tower. One was to exchange Taoist jade slips as usual to increase his accumulation, and the other was to ask Zhenren Jiang for advice, otherwise he would do this again. Going down without a clue is not an option.

After leaving the living room, there was only the black dragon Aogu guarding the door of the cave. He had a long life. After so many years, it seemed that nothing had changed much. When he saw Shi Xuan coming out, he quickly asked to please: "Master , Are you going to Tianshu Peak?" As for the other Taoist boys, after Cang Wu left, Shi Xuan did not go to the outer sect to choose because he concentrated on training.

"Yes." Shi Xuan nodded. In the past twelve years, he had been on both sides of Tianji Peak and Tianshu Peak. He rarely even went to listen to sermons in the Taoist Hall. It was no different from being in seclusion. Thinking of this, Shi Xuan Xuan glanced at Heilong Aogu and said: "You have been punished as a coolie for almost a month. You were not the culprit in what happened back then. I will let you go back home after I achieve the golden elixir." As for what to say, it can't be eradicated. Black Dragon Aogu was not qualified to worry Shi Xuan about leaving trouble in the future.

Ao Gu frowned when he heard this: "Master, little one, little one doesn't want to return home." He was very afraid of Shi Xuan, but not resentful, because firstly, he was frightened by Shi Xuan's strength, and secondly, the person who proposed to castrate it was not Shi Xuan.

"What? You think I am the spiritual beast guarding the cave and you still have feelings for me?" Shi Xuan laughed, not expecting Ao Gu to answer like this.

Ao Gu first sighed: "Even if I think with my toes, I know that what happened back then was a great shame to the Dragon Clan. If I return home, even if I am not punished, I am afraid I will never be able to stand out again and I will be looked down upon. Mocking and bullying, although life in your cave is a bit boring, it is suitable for practice. The disciples coming and going are also willing to chat with me and do not discriminate against me. "This is true, Shi Xuan is a soul. Other disciples and elders also have to give face to the cave-protecting dragon of the early monks. Besides, the black dragon Aogu is majestic and looks very good. He is a divine beast at first glance, so it is inevitable that those disciples will like him.

"Furthermore, I have heard stories passed down from the clan since I was a child. In ancient times, many true dragons served as mounts, cave protectors, mountain beasts, and cart pullers for real people and immortals, thus gaining opportunities. , become the Dragon King. I see you are a genius, you will definitely become a soul in the future, and you may be able to guide me." Ao Gu looked at Shi Xuan flatteringly, and he said this sincerely. In other words, if Shi Xuan gets some top-quality skills that are suitable for him, he might teach him a thing or two. Most of the Dragon Clan's seventy-two skills and higher-level skills are derived from this, and there are still many others left. It was a method of cultivating magical artifacts derived by true immortals and even Taoist ancestors for their own pets.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "You are thoughtful. Let's do this. You have been guarding the cave for me for almost a month. There is no credit but hard work. When I achieve the golden elixir, I will give you the spiritual elixir to repair your limbs. of damage.”

Ao Gu was overjoyed, and the huge dragon head nodded frequently: "Thank you, sir, for being so compassionate. Thank you, sir, for being so compassionate."


Shi Xuan carried Qingfeng to the Tianya Haijiao Tower. Before he entered, he heard the whispers of some Qi-entraining stage disciples inside.

"Li Feng, do you think this time Lingqing Master's uncle has achieved a middle-grade golden elixir, will he take the first position from Hong Master's uncle?" asked a charming female voice, who seemed to be here to exchange jade. During the time of Jian Zhi, he happened to meet an acquaintance who was guarding the Tianya Haijiao Tower, so he chatted about the sect's affairs.

Lingqing entered the golden elixir stage five days ago. He is already over three hundred years old. Even if he has taken elixirs that extend his life for a period of sixty years, but counting the lifespan lost due to serious injuries or exercises that stimulate his potential, he However, he no longer had the confidence and time to continue to attack the high-grade golden elixir, and finally took the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Elixir to advance. Moreover, he has also become a counterexample in the minds of many Penglai sect monks, that is, if you cannot achieve a high-grade golden elixir within thirty to seventy years after the soul is perfected, then you should not continue to attack, so as not to waste your time.

A rough male voice sounded: "Definitely not. We are all middle-grade golden elixirs. My uncle, Master Lingqing, has more than ten years of practice less than my uncle Hong. There is still a gap in terms of cultivation level and strength." "

Another clear female voice chuckled and said: "Speaking of which, Uncle Shi lives in seclusion and rarely sees people. It is said that you can only meet him in this corner of the world."

The pretty female voice sighed: "Uncle Shi is also pitiful. It had only been 20 years since his soul was perfected at that time. It was impossible for him to achieve the golden elixir. The sect's rules are really unkind!"

"Ling'er, you are right. Apart from the time spent practicing Taoism, Uncle Shi is far superior to Uncle Hong in terms of talent and strength. Hey, everyone says that if they had started practicing Taoism in the same year, Uncle Shi would have achieved great success long ago. A top-grade golden elixir." The clear female voice echoed. It seems that most of the disciples in the sect agree with and sympathize with Shi Xuan, because his strength has long been recognized, and now it is tinged with tragedy.

"Isn't it? Even in the ancient times, when monsters and geniuses were rampant, the time it took for their souls to reach perfection and advance to the golden elixir was no less than twenty-six years, and it was generally thirty or forty years." The pretty female voice seemed very charming. indignant.

The disciple named Li Feng coughed and said, "I remember that he achieved the golden elixir within ten years."

The crisp female voice sneered: "Then Li Feng, why don't you make it clear? That person was the real Yang Shen who was sent to be reincarnated by the powerful immortal after he failed to escape the tribulation."

Li Feng smiled awkwardly and hurriedly changed the subject: "Twelve years have passed, and it has been thirty-two years since Uncle Shi's soul was perfected. How long do you think it will take for him to achieve a high-grade golden elixir?"

"Well, in three to five years at most, Uncle Shi will achieve a high-grade golden elixir!" The disciple named Ling'er said firmly in a charming voice.

The clear female voice was a little hesitant: "I think it will take another seven or eight years." After all, more than ten years have passed, and Uncle Shi has not shown the slightest sign that he is about to achieve the golden elixir.

Li Feng said with a bit of regret: "In my opinion, Uncle Shi should have been able to achieve the Golden Elixir in thirty-three or four years. However, due to the impact of the previous years, I am afraid it will have some impact. It is estimated that it will take another two years." It takes thirty years to advance.”

Ling'er said disdainfully: "How about we make a bet and see who is right."

Hearing this, Shi Xuan sighed and walked in. Inside, a girl in a green dress and an apricot red shirt was chatting with the tall male disciple on duty. The male disciple saw Shi Xuan coming. , his face changed, and he shouted loudly: "Hello, Uncle Shi!"

The girls in green dresses and apricot red shirts quickly turned their heads, all looking youthful and pretty, and murmured: "Hello, Uncle Shi."

Shi Xuan smiled and nodded at them, and then walked directly to the second floor.


Jiang Zhenren's appearance has changed a lot compared to before the disaster. Although he still has white beard and white hair, he no longer looks decrepit. Instead, he has a childlike face and a energetic look.

"Haha, Mr. Shi, what do you want from the old man?" Jiang Zhenren asked with a relaxed smile when he saw Shi Xuan coming up.

Shi Xuan first said hello, and then said politely: "Master, why didn't you restore your appearance after you passed the catastrophe?" The aging of Master Yuanshen's appearance is only related to his state of mind.

Master Jiang shook his head and said with a smile: "Why bother? The old Taoist is already used to this. Okay, if you have anything to say, just say it straight away, no need to beat around the bush."

Shi Xuan smiled awkwardly, hurriedly explained his intention, and finally concluded: "Disciple is really confused and doesn't know what to do? Please give me some advice."

"Haha, Mr. Shi, Mr. Shi, I thought you would lose your composure and ask this question a few years ago. I didn't expect you to be able to calm down and think about it." Jiang Zhenren pointed at Shi Xuan and laughed heartily, wondering about Shi Xuan's intention. He seems to have been prepared for it, "I know where your problem is, but it's useless to tell you. To borrow a Buddhist saying that I heard when I traveled to other worlds, "The drum in the evening and the bell in the morning wake up the rich and famous in the world." You You need to find the evening drum and morning bell in the fog to see your own path clearly."

"How to find it?" Shi Xuan asked hesitantly.

Master Jiang touched his white beard: "A few years ago, the old Taoist made a prediction for you and made a calculation, which is four words: 'Benefit lies in the west'."

"The advantage lies in the west..." Shi Xuan chewed these four words over and over in his heart.

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