Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 270 Sword Marks on the Wall and Towering Tree (Second Update)

Although Shi Xuan's consciousness sensed something flying towards him, he couldn't laugh or cry, because what flew over was a fruit core, and the flesh on it had been completely eaten, and there was no threat at all. The place.

He casually waved a burst of Divine Heavenly Thunder Qi, and the fruit core turned into ashes. Shi Xuan raised his eyes to where the fruit core flew from, and saw the mysterious brown-yellow monkey standing on a big tree with arms akimbo. Looking at himself, the monkey raised his head to the sky and made a squeaking sound, as if he was laughing wantonly.

Seeing Shi Xuan destroying the fruit core he threw out, the monkey was not angry. He flicked his tail to the nearby tree and disappeared into the vast forest on his hands and feet.

Shi Xuan is now more and more certain that this monkey is by no means an ordinary monkey. Even if it is not a spiritual treasure Yuanling, it has an extraordinary origin. Otherwise, he has used the Great Teleportation Surgery to travel more than five thousand miles out of thin air, and ordinary golden elixir masters will not be able to catch up.

While thinking about what this monkey wanted to do, Shi Xuan searched for the sword marks left by the old man Jian Boundless Sword Qi found deep in the jungle according to the information he obtained. From there, he searched around to see if he could No trace of Old Man Jian could be found.

In the jungle, the trees are tall and leafy. Millions of years of fallen leaves are deposited on the ground, and then slowly rot, turning into swamps and miasma, making it extremely difficult to walk.

Of course, for a monk of Shi Xuan's level, these are not big problems. While hanging down the ecstasy flag to absorb millions of years of miasma, it turns into a breeze and walks through the dense jungle. In addition, here All the monsters and beasts were killed by the demons, so they didn't encounter any obstacles along the way.

The only headache is that the monkey seems to be entangled with me, jumping out from time to time to throw some fruit cores and peels at me. No matter how fast I escape from the light, I can't get rid of it. Every time after throwing it, the monkey They were all very happy and laughing. Thinking of what happened in the main hall, Shi Xuan felt that the monkey was playing hide and seek with him...

The deeper he went into the jungle, the more careful Shi Xuan became, because there was a space passage there. If he was discovered by the demon, he would have no choice but to run away, especially if he was discovered by the Taiyin Moonlight Beast or the Great Sunlight King Beast. They would send out the leader of the clan's golden core strength, which would be extremely dangerous.

After being careful along the way and not mentioning many dangers, Shi Xuan finally found the small lake where the sword marks were found. It's not that small in fact, it's at least a few miles in radius, and under a cliff, there are sparkling waves, reflecting a little light - it's from a kind of spiritual tree.

On the side of the cliff facing the lake, there is a deep sword mark, surrounded by small radiating gaps, which is the characteristic of the old man Jian's boundless sword energy.

Before Shi Xuan could start investigating, a blue water column suddenly flew out of the small lake and hit Shi Xuan.

The Heavenly Thunder Conquering Demon Sword turned into cyan lightning and headed towards the water column. After the two collided, the water column collapsed and thunder light shone on every water splash.

At the same time, Shi Xuan threw the yin and yang gas bottle, turning it into a huge jade bottle in the air, releasing two black and white gases as thick as mountain peaks, and sucked them into the small lake.

The lake water rose into the sky and kept pouring into the yin and yang gas bottles. The demons hiding inside appeared. They were jellyfish-like transparent creatures. They were shadowless evil demons. Their good deeds could hide themselves. No wonder Shi Shi Xuan didn't find anything unusual when he checked with his spiritual consciousness just now.

This also reminded Shi Xuan that he had a flaw in exploration that was not commensurate with his own strength. He could only rely solely on divine sense induction. Quite often, when they were attacked by the three soul-stage monks in Hongfeng Mountain, they were only discovered the moment they took action.

The Penglai sect's Taoist technique, Fiery Golden Eyes, has miraculous effects in detection. Unfortunately, Shi Xuan gave up this Taoist technique in order to learn Thunder and Purple Eyes from Jindan Qi. Of course, Thunder and Purple Eyes must be better in detection.

Those shadowless filthy demons were only the initial strength of the soul. Under the absorption of the Yin and Yang gas bottles, they were thrown in after a short time. Shi Xuan activated the forbidden method and turned into dirty blood.

The reason why Shi Xuan used the Yin and Yang gas bottles was to suck up all the water in the lake to see if there was anything fishy at the bottom of the lake. Since he wanted to investigate, he had to be careful and not miss anything.

There were only strange rocks and silt in the dry lake, and nothing unusual could be seen. Shi Xuan had no choice but to pour the water back into the lake and began to examine the deep sword mark on the broken wall.

The sword mark itself and the surrounding area of ​​the small lake were normal, and Shi Xuan didn't see any problems for the time being.

"The rest is to look in other directions to see if there are any clues. The Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan has recovered in the past few days. If there is any danger, I can escape immediately." Shi Xuan thought in his heart, At this time, I heard the squeaking sound of the monkey again. I looked up and saw that it was sitting on a thick branch, peeling the banana in its hand leisurely and stuffing it into its mouth. As for the banana peel, without exception, it was thrown away. Gave it to Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan chased but could not catch up with the monkey, could not hit it, so he could only regard it as nothing. After identifying a direction, he went in that direction, preparing to search the hundreds of miles around.

Along this direction, Shi Xuan walked for a while, but along the way, no useful information was obtained from his spiritual sense. There was a towering tree in the distance, dozens of feet high, with dozens of people hugging the tree. It is wide, with luxuriant roots and luxuriant leaves. Even in this jungle, it is still among the tallest.

"Will this big tree become a spirit?" Shi Xuan secretly thought in his heart. Although there has been no sunlight for millions of years, the nature of these spiritual trees that can still survive is extraordinary, and some of them have bloomed. It is normal for Lingzhi to become a tree demon. Maybe this tree demon has been a spirit for tens of thousands of years.

Do you want to go up and ask? If this big tree becomes a spirit, it will definitely leave an impression on Old Man Jian. After all, in the past thousands of years, only a handful of monks have been here. The only thing that worries Shi Xuan Yes, I don’t know how strong this big tree is. If his cultivation is better than mine and he likes to eat blood, and he comes to him, wouldn’t that mean he’s going to die?

So Shi Xuan closed his eyes and unfolded his spiritual consciousness with all his strength, trying to sense whether the big tree had become a spirit and what its strength was. But as soon as his spiritual consciousness touched the big tree, an old voice came from his mind: "This Fellow Taoist, why are you spying on me for no reason?"

As soon as it spoke, Shi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, because his spiritual consciousness had sensed it, and its strength was still in the divine soul stage. However, he did spy on it for no reason, so he could only accompany him: "This old man, I am just curious for a moment. , I want to see if you have opened Lingzhi, please forgive me."

The old voice chuckled and said: "It doesn't matter. I haven't seen a stranger in many years. I can only chat with those old guys. Now that I have guests coming, I feel happy." It seems that there is more than one tree demon in this jungle.

As if knowing Shi Xuan's worries, a yellow figure appeared in front of Shi Xuan, wearing a Ge Huang robe, with a protruding forehead and a white beard that reached to his waist: "It is necessary to be on guard against others. I can save this, but I don't know that your friend is there." What are you looking for? I’ve seen you searching for a while.”

"It's like this..." Since the tree demon mentioned it himself, Shi Xuan also spoke frankly and told the story. Of course, he didn't mention that this relic was an opportunity for him to achieve the golden elixir. He just said that he came to find the swordsmanship skills left by his predecessors. .

The old tree demon recalled it carefully before saying: "In the past tens of thousands of years, there have been no more than ten monks here. I did have an impression of the one who left the sword mark on the cliff. I didn't know why at the time, but he came to him for no reason. He struck a sword on the cliff, and then I was just in a daze, and his figure was no longer visible, and he never appeared again. "

Shi Xuan said thoughtfully: "Could it be that he carved the sword marks on the broken wall to leave some message? It's just that you are so good at it that you didn't see clearly where he was going."

"Oh, fellow Taoist, you are joking. I have developed spiritual intelligence for tens of thousands of years, and I have only reached the divine soul stage since my cultivation. If I had condensed the demon pill and transformed into a human form, I would have left far away. Why bother here to be frightened?" The old tree demon said. Sighing, it is difficult for the Caomu clan to open their spiritual wisdom, and it is equally difficult to practice, and it takes at least the golden elixir stage to transform into a human form. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. After the Caomu clan opens their spiritual wisdom, their lifespan is counted for tens of thousands of years.

"What do you mean by my father-in-law's words?" Shi Xuan asked following his words in order to get more information from the old tree demon.

The old tree demon had a bitter look on his face: "There are often void demons coming and going here. If you accidentally find a trace, you will have to wait for death. After all, there have been several void demons with golden elixir strength here." But it I don't know, but demons with Yin Shen's strength have appeared in other places.

"I wonder what kind of golden elixir-strength heavenly demons are there? When will they come to the jungle?" Shi Xuan only knew that someone had encountered two golden elixir heavenly demons, the Linglong Tiger and the Powerful Demon Ape, here.

The old tree demon shook his head and said: "They may appear at any time, but I haven't seen those demons with golden elixir strength for probably decades. As for the types, there are only four tribes with golden elixir strength across the space passage. The Linglong Tiger, the Powerful Demonic Ape, the Lunar Moonlight Beast and the Great Sunlight King Beast.”

Unexpectedly, there would be the Taiyin Moonlight Beast and the Great Sunlight King Beast with the strength of the Golden Core here. Shi Xuan couldn't help but restrain his breath and became more cautious. At the same time, he almost got the information he wanted to get, so Shi Xuan handed it over and left: "I still want it." Keep searching and don’t bother me anymore.”

The tree demon old man said with a smile: "I won't delay my fellow Taoist, but as the fruits on my body are ripe, fellow Taoist, please taste a few, it will prolong your life." As he spoke, he took out three small yellow fruits. There are some golden spots on it, and there is a faint fragrance.

I don’t know if the old tree demon is really generous or has evil intentions. In short, Shi Xuan doesn’t dare to eat it now. After all, he just met a stranger and he gave him a tree fruit that can extend his life, and he asked for nothing. He didn’t want to do anything. Something is wrong. Either this old man has been here for tens of thousands of years, and only a few people have come, and no one has taught him. Apart from the demons, there are only a few tree demons who have the same disease to communicate with, so he is still too immature in terms of strategy, or the old tree demon is really innocent at heart. Be generous and hospitable.

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