Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 280 Rumors Return to Sect

In Tianji City, Hehuan Tower.

Ouyang and Bai Xiaosheng were drinking and having fun with a group of friends, and they talked enthusiastically about all the major events that had happened in the world of cultivation in recent days.

A thick and bearded man held a wine glass in his hand and said with a little excitement, envy, jealousy and a little bit of grudge: "The Heavenly Spirit Sword flew over my head at that time. Damn it, why didn't I?" React and collect it! I watched the silver sword light fly past, and then disappeared!" He became more and more excited as he spoke, almost crushing the wine glass.

Ouyang chuckled: "Old Zuo, you'd better be lucky that you didn't get that Pure Yang Flying Sword, otherwise you would be hunted down to the ends of the earth now, and you wouldn't be able to drink and have fun here. And even if you got it, you can use it to your full potential. How much power can you draw from the magic weapon? You can only use less than 10% of the magic weapon!" Young Master Ouyang has never taken this to heart. For him, the magic weapon and flying sword are not as good as wine and beautiful women.

The big man named Lao Zuo drank the glass of wine fiercely and said bitterly: "If I can get the Pure Yang Flying Sword, I will admit it even if I am being chased. Even if the Yang Fei Sword doesn't exert much power, it can still kill a bunch of Jin Dan masters, and then they can fight back one by one. Brother Bai, you are always well-informed, but do you know about those three Pure Yang Fei Swords? whereabouts?"

Bai Xiaosheng touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "There are some rumors, but I'm not sure. It is said that the flying sword fell into the hands of Qiao Mubai. Hehe, Qiao Mubai ventured into the cave for the Tianling Sword, but found nothing. , I didn’t expect that after giving up, when I arrived outside my sect, a flying sword fell from the sky and fell straight into his hand. It’s really unpredictable! "

"I've also heard this statement." Ouyang took a sip of wine and said. With his support, the other monks treated this rumor as true.

"What about the other two?" Lao Zuo asked unwillingly. Now that the Flying Sword of Freedom fell into Qiao Mubai's hands and the Luofu Sect was backing him, there was no need for any more delusions.

Bai Xiaosheng looked around, cast a magic spell to block it, and then said in a lowered voice without forgetting: "I heard that the Heavenly Spirit Sword was intercepted by a real person from the Penglai sect. Someone saw it. More than a thousand miles to the northeast, there were at least two or three real masters of Yuan Shen or above fighting each other two or three times, but the real master of the Penglai faction took the opportunity and escaped smoothly. "

"Real person? Yuan Shen or above?!" Lao Zuo is usually well-informed, but he really doesn't know about the real Yuan Shen of various sects. Even Bai Xiaosheng gradually knew a little bit about it after getting to know Ouyang well.

After being surprised, a monk dressed as a scholar next to him said leisurely and fascinated: "I don't know what the fight between Yuanshen and Yuanshen is like. Gu only regrets that he was not there at the time and could not witness it with his own eyes." For them, the real Yuanshen is just It has always been a myth and legend in Taoist books, but has never been seen alive.

When the surprise of the five or six monks gradually subsided, Lao Zuo sighed: "It's better to be a big sect. Brother Bai, don't tell me which big sect got the remaining flying sword." Bar?"

Bai Xiaosheng smiled and said: "There is no news that it was obtained by a large sect, but there is a rumor that the thick earth-laden sword fell into a mountain somewhere, and may have been passed by low-level monks or mortals. income.”

Lao Zuo took another sip of his sword: "Why didn't I have this opportunity? By the way, did Li Huaiyuan of Shenjian Villa really die at the hands of Shi Xuan? That was a golden elixir master for more than two hundred years, and his strength was also He is considered a leader among the golden elixir masters, no matter how talented and powerful he is, he has just achieved a top-grade golden elixir, how can he do it?"

Bai Xiaosheng did not smile this time, but said solemnly: "Why not?! At that time, Master Ouyang and I were in the Tianji Mansion, watching the Tianji List emit a dazzling golden light. All the monks present were guessing. Did Shi Xuan achieve the high-grade golden elixir? Sure enough, the name revealed after the golden light was Shi Xuan. But what happened next made everyone almost stare out of their eyes. "

Because of Dongtian's suppression, it wasn't until Shi Xuan came out that the Tianji List changed. The deaths of Li Huaiyuan and Xingzhao were only revealed after the void collapsed.

"Is that rumor true?!" Lao Zuo and the scholar surnamed Gu both asked quickly. They were returning from outside. They were delayed a lot of time because of the Pure Yang Flying Sword on the way, but in the end they were in vain. , so I haven’t had time to read the Tianji List yet, but I just heard some rumors.

"Of course it's true. If you go and see it, you will know that the Tianji Ranking is actually there. I will not lie to you. At that time, as soon as Shi Xuan's name appeared on the Tianji Ranking, his ranking rose steadily. Generally speaking, "Yuan, this kind of new top-level Golden elixir master is ranked around 20, but we didn't expect that Shi Xuan would be ranked seventh in the end!" Bai Xiaosheng seemed to be a little shocked at the time.

Then he continued: "In front of him are Samsara King, Lingri, Qiao Mubai, Dong Mingzi, Yan Qianying, and Cheng Buyou, six masters who have achieved high-grade golden elixirs for more than 40 or 50 years! And he also steadily suppressed Xie Fangwei This is my fellow senior brother."

The Tianji Ranking first looks at the possibility of becoming a Yin God, so the top-grade golden elixirs are all in front of the middle-grade golden elixirs, and among the high-grade golden elixirs, it is a matter of course to become a Yin God. As long as the body does not die, there is no possibility of high or low. They are all rated 100%, so they are ranked based on their own strength.

Because Lao Zuo didn't witness it on the spot and had heard the rumors beforehand, he was surprised for a moment and then returned to normal. He then said in confusion: "Brother Bai, do you think there is something weird about this Shi Xuan? Even if it's heaven People can appreciate that the natal magic weapon is directly restricted by the seventh or eighth level of Tiangang, and it is at most equivalent to the strength of the spiritual weapon of the second level. Among those high-grade golden elixir masters behind him, there are many people whose natal spiritual weapons are close to two levels. Chongtian is complete.”

Ouyang interjected from the side: "Hey, some monks always hide their abilities. A monk like Shi Xuan who has always advanced very quickly must have secrets and reliance on him. How can you judge based on superficial things? !”

The scholar surnamed Gu disagreed: "But practicing Taoism and refining spiritual weapons always require accumulation over time."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Shi Xuan has nothing to do with us. Let's talk about the flying sword magic weapon." Lao Zuo has always been worried about missing the Chunyang Flying Sword. "But speaking of it, Shi Xuan was also there at that time. Tianjian Sect Dongtian, but in the end he didn’t get the Pure Yang Flying Sword. Hey, I, Lao Zuo, am treated the same as him, the seventh-ranked Golden Pill Grandmaster, so I feel at ease." It seemed that after thinking this, he was no longer so depressed. .

"That's not necessarily the case." Bai Xiaosheng said suddenly.

After causing several monks, including Ouyang, to look over, he said leisurely: "The Tianjian Sect not only has three Pure Yang Flying Swords, but also the Zixiao Sword and the Qingchen Sword."

"How is it possible?! Those two people are magical treasures! And they have been missing for so many years!" Lao Zuo didn't believe it at all.

On the other hand, the scholar surnamed Gu said thoughtfully: "It's not impossible. Maybe Shi Xuan got the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, which is why his ranking is so high. When he masters the first level of Spiritual Taboo, he will reach the eighth or ninth level. Once gone." But he didn't know that the Tianji List could only sense the monk's own strength, and only count the natal spiritual weapons and his own Taoism. Otherwise, some golden elixir masters with many years of experience would have many perfect spiritual weapons.

After saying this, Bai Xiaosheng, Ouyang, Lao Zuo and others all nodded silently, and it made sense to think about it.

Therefore, without any source of information, rumors that Shi Xuan obtained the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure began to spread in the world of cultivation.


Penglai sect, Yingke Island.

As soon as Shi Xuan left the escape light, the Qi-entraining stage disciples who were on duty came up to him with several out-of-body stage disciples. He said with a smile on his face and a little excitedly: "Disciple, congratulations to Master Shi's uncle for achieving a top-grade golden elixir!"

It seemed that after delaying for a few days to see what had happened in Tianjian Sect's cave, the news that he had achieved a high-grade golden elixir was already known to everyone, so Shi Xuan smiled and nodded: "It's also a coincidence." Then he led the way. Get on the monkey and fly to Penglai Island.

Only then did the disciples realize that there was a brown monkey following Shi Xuan, and they immediately whispered: "Where did that monkey come from, and why is it so arrogant?"

When Shi Xuan returned to his cave, he saw Ao Gu sunbathing at the entrance of the cave, so he smiled and said: "Ao Gu, watch this monkey and don't let it cause trouble everywhere."

Hearing Shi Xuan's voice, Ao Gu realized that his master had returned. He hurriedly shook his head and said: "Ao Gu congratulates the master for achieving the top-grade golden elixir." At the same time, he stared at Shi Xuan with two eyes as big as lanterns. .

Shi Xuan chuckled lightly, took out the jade bottle, poured out a fragrant blood-colored elixir and threw it to Ao Gu: "This is the flesh and blood regeneration elixir, just what you need. Master, I always keep my word." ”

Ao Gu almost burst into tears as he took the Flesh Regeneration Pill in his mouth and said, "Thank you for the reward, sir. Ao Gu must take good care of this monkey."

The monkey head was looking at the Flesh and Blood Regeneration Pill, and he wanted to take one. However, Shi Xuan hadn't figured out how to repair the two flying swords yet, so he didn't dare to feed it these pills randomly and waited for someone to give him advice. Afterwards, there was no further calculation, so Shi Xuan ordered: "You two keep an eye on the cave. Master, I have to go see the leader."


Tianshu Peak is connected to Tiandian.

Head Zhang Zhengyan stood there and said to Shi Xuan with a smile: "I thought it would take at least ten years for Shi Xuan to achieve the golden elixir, but unexpectedly, it was beyond my expectation. Hehe, and it has just been achieved." Golden elixir is ranked seventh on the list of secrets. Is it because of the split Taoism? "

It's not that Mo Yuan told this matter, but that Shi Xuan later exchanged the method of virtual reality and real fire for "Close Golden Light Escape", plus the Geng Gold Sword Qi in front, how could Zhenren Jiang not see it?

Shi Xuan couldn't explain, so he could only nod in agreement.

Then Head Zhang smiled and said: "As expected, by the way, Mr. Xu Zhen wants to see you."

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