Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 282 Practicing Taoism: The Millstone of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 282 Practicing Taoism: The Millstone of Heaven and Earth——

I worked overtime today and encountered a disconnection, so I had to run home as soon as I took a break at noon to update. Well, by the way, please subscribe, especially the VIP Chapter 1, thank you all.

After coming out of Jie Tian Hall, Shi Xuan went straight to Tianya Haijiao Tower. He walked slowly along the way. Whether he liked or hated Shi Xuan, the disciples he met on the way all came up to congratulate him. After all, Shi Xuan had achieved a top-grade golden elixir, not only It is his own business, and it is also a major event for the Penglai Sect. From now on, the sect will become stronger and the disciples under the sect will be able to receive more favors.

On the second floor of Tianya Haijiao Building, Jiang Zhenren sat upright and looked at Shi Xuan with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect that this incident of Tianjian Sect's cave not only allowed the sect to gain a Pure Yang Flying Sword, but also allowed you to achieve something. The high-grade golden elixir really meets the old Taoist's calculation that "the benefits lie in the west."

"Disciple is here to thank Master Jiang for your advice. But didn't those three Pure Yang Flying Swords fly away? Which one did the sect get?" Shi Xuan didn't have time to inquire about the rumors before, and this was the first time he heard them Jiang Zhenren mentioned it, so he was a little surprised.

Master Jiang laughed and said: "Xu Zhenjun suddenly had a whim, so he made some calculations and found that a pure Yang magic weapon will be born within six months, so he told the old Taoist to wait in the northeast of Tianji City. The old Taoist waited for more than three months before finally When the Tianling Sword flew thousands of miles away, he took action and stopped it narrowly. However, the other sect masters were a little late and failed to stop the old Tao from returning."

Only those who have reached the level of immortals and powerful beings can estimate that the date and place of the birth of a pure Yang magic weapon are so close. If it were Master Jiang who calculated it, the result would be "a pure Yang magic weapon will be born in the Western Wasteland". .

"Then this disciple would like to congratulate the sect and Zhenren." Shi Xuan was no longer so reserved in front of Zhenren Jiang, and joked a little.

As expected, Jiang Zhenren smiled and scolded: "The old Taoist is not good at swordsmanship, and he is in charge of the Thunder Mirror of the Gods. The Tianling Sword is really useless to me. But Lin Luo will return to the sect in a while, and she will be in charge. It's just right." Lin Luo is another Yuanshen of the Penglai sect. It seems that she has collected the materials for the treasure of overcoming the tribulation, so she returned to the sect to refine it and make the accumulation and final preparations.

Shi Xuan was actually curious about whether Jiang Zhenren, a person like Jiang Zhenren who had survived two catastrophes, had an advanced magic weapon. However, it was really taboo to inquire about this matter, so Shi Xuan could only suppress his curiosity. Asked about something else: "Is Master Lin good at swordsmanship?"

"That girl Lin Luo's talent in swordsmanship is no less than that of you and Yong Xiang. Hehe, it would be great if she came back. The old Taoist Jingji is very restless and wants to travel to other worlds and prepare for the third heavenly tribulation. Make some preparations." Master Jiang touched his beard and sighed. Although he has achieved immortality, he still cannot enjoy himself under the pressure of the catastrophe.

"Okay, Mr. Shi, in addition to thanking the old Taoist, you are also here to learn Taoism, right?" Jiang Zhenren stopped talking about those trivial matters.

Shi Xuan didn't expect Master Jiang to leave his own world. Although for him, it was just going out for a walk, but Master Yangshen may have been walking around for hundreds or thousands of years, but it seemed that Master Jiang didn't want to talk about this anymore. Shi Xuan had no choice but to answer honestly: "Exactly. Can the disciple learn the remaining twelve Taoist techniques together this time?"

There are a total of seventeen Taoist arts in the Penglai sect, Shi Xuan has already learned four, and the Golden Fire Eyes conflict with the Purple Eyes of Thunder, so there are twelve remaining.

Master Jiang shook his head: "Among these twelve subjects, there are still a few that cannot be studied at the same time, so you can only learn ten of them. According to the advice of experts, among the conflicting subjects, try to choose Yin Yang, Thunder and Lightning. After all, These are consistent with the "Shen Xiao Zhenfa" and can exert greater power."

Shi Xuan also knows the way to choose: "Disciple, obey."

Several of these ten Taoist arts are Taoist versions of the thirty-six thunder methods in "Shenxiao Zhenfa", such as "Shenxiao Purple Thunder", "Xianfu Qinglei", and "Arctic Ice Thunder".

The remaining seven are "Thunder Light Purple Eyes", "Two Worlds Trace Search Technique", "Tai Qing Five Thunder Qi Door Lock Immortal Ring", "Round Light Retrospect Technique", "Sapphire Thunder Clothes", "Void Household Technique" ", "Thunder Escape".

Among them, the thunder light purple pupil is a Tao technique that can see through illusions, illusions, restrictions, and concealments. It can also shoot a purple thunder light from the eyes, which is quite powerful. Just look at the several Tao techniques derived from "Baolu". With thunder and purple eyes, you can understand how powerful it is.

The "Two Worlds Tracking Technique" is a technique that locks in the aura, traces and traces it. It was thanks to this technique that Xie Fangwei and Shi Xuan were able to pursue Ning Wuque all those years ago.

"Tai Qing Wu Lei Qi Door Lock Immortal Ring" is a Taoist technique that traps and captures people.

"Void Household Technique" is actually to open up a small space, which can be used for storage, hiding and even escaping. It is also a space technique that can be used to make storage bags.

After taking these ten Taoist skills, Shi Xuan bid farewell to Master Jiang and returned to his cave in Tianji Peak. Seeing Ao Gu's expression of gratitude and tears, he knew that the flesh and blood regeneration pill was very effective, and the monkey head was playing around. After a while, I fell asleep.

After giving instructions to Ao Gu, Shi Xuan began to practice Taoism in seclusion.

Compared with the ten Taoist skills he received from the sect, Shi Xuan is more looking forward to the twelve Taoist skills that come with "Baolu". In addition to the Thunder Purple Eyes and the Liangyi Evil-killing Sword Qi, these twelve are the "Five Taoist Skills". "Fang Lei Shen's Great Capture", "Innate Wind and Thunder Escape", "Yin and Yang Great Cycle of Life and Death", "Yin and Yang Divine Mirror to See the Heaven and Earth", "Yin and Yang Magnetic Divine Light", "Golden Bridge of Chaos Vientiane", "Heaven and Earth Soul Searching Technique", "The Innate Forbidden Technique of Reversing the Universe", "The Immortal Clothes of Two Yi Bagua", and "The Technique of Crossing the Void between Two Realms".

Among them, "Yin-Yang Yuan Magnetic Divine Light" and "Chaos Vientiane Golden Bridge" are the two Taoist arts that are combined with the Yin-Yang two-qi bottle and the Tai Chi diagram, and their functions are mostly the same as those of these two natal spiritual weapons.


Four months later, Tianji Peak, in Shi Xuan's living room.

Shi Xuan is practicing, and his soul wrapped in purple true energy is crystal clear.

Large talisman characters are visualized in the soul, including ancient cloud seals and ancient thunder patterns. Then these talisman characters are connected with the true energy entwined with the soul, emitting a faint light of green or purple. Slowly engraved on the soul.

At this time, the Taoist skill Shi Xuan was practicing was "Innate Wind and Thunder Escape", and its main inscriptions had been formed, but the first-level Taoist training needed to be completed in one go, so Shi Xuan carefully continued to inscribe the seal characters on this inscription.

As the last talisman seal text was successfully engraved on the Taoist inscription on the soul, the purple and green light suddenly lit up, illuminating Shi Xuan's entire soul, and the incomplete inscription also became complete, and rapidly Shrink, turn into the size of a grain of rice and merge into the soul.

Shi Xuan slowly opened his eyes. He was very happy about the success of this Taoist practice, because after using "Innate Wind and Thunder Escape", a cyan wind wing and a purple thunder wing will be transformed on Shi Xuan's back. By fanning it, you can directly escape five hundred miles away in an instant, and because it is an escape method, not a space movement, it is not affected by space locking. It is quite similar to the two wings of Lei Zhenzi in the myths and legends of previous lives.

However, with Shi Xuan's current strength and the fact that this Taoist skill is only at the first level, he can barely fan it five or six times. According to "Baolu", every time it increases by one level, the distance of escape will be increased with each fan movement. It's more than a thousand miles away, and if you can advance to the level of immortality and continue to improve, you might even be able to travel a thousand miles away with just one wing.

This practice of Taoism gave Shi Xuan a deep understanding of "conforming skills". All Taoism like Yin Yang, thunder and lightning, he can practice very quickly, it can take as short as half a day, as long as a few days, in short, it takes less than three days. Within a few months, twenty-one related Taoist techniques, together with the Thunder God Thorn that I had learned before, were engraved into my soul.

However, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier, Broken Jade Technique, Close Golden Light Escape, and Void Household Technique each required more than ten days to be successfully practiced, so it took a total of four months. As for the Round Light Retrospective Technique, Shi Xuan because The time for this retreat is not enough, and I haven’t practiced yet.

However, the Yin-Yang Divine Mirror has the same function as it and has better effects. Therefore, Shi Xuan is not too anxious about practicing it. Instead, he uses the remaining few days to sort out the spells he knows and eliminates those that are incomplete and cannot be used. All the magic techniques of the previous level were abandoned, and then he practiced the small movement technique, dragon palace technique, summoning wind and rain, five elements escape technique and hundreds of other techniques one by one into his soul.

Compared to the time it takes to practice Taoism, each of these techniques can be inscribed in less than half a quarter of an hour.

After advancing to the golden elixir, the visualization method provided in "Baolu" was replaced by "The True Interpretation of the Heaven and Earth Millstone". When visualizing, visualize half of the soul as yin and half as yang, and then slowly rotate it. , like a millstone, fuses the true energy of the spirit and soul together, and eliminates impurities at the same time. When the spirit and energy are completely combined, the Yin God is achieved.

After four months of retreat, Shi Xuan had just grasped the true meaning of "The True Interpretation of the Heaven and Earth Mopan" and was able to visualize it smoothly, which was considered a small success.


After leaving the living room, Shi Xuan saw Ao Gu transformed into a human form, walking around the hall with a frown on his face. Suddenly he saw his master coming out, and hurriedly greeted him, crying: "Master, Ao Gu is ashamed of you. What an explanation! That monkey head is so lawless! Ao Gu can’t control it at all!”

"Oh, what trouble did the monkey get into?" Shi Xuan saw that Ao Gu was just frowning but not anxious, so he knew that the trouble the monkey got into was not big.

Ao Gu quickly complained: "That monkey head not only ruined all the spiritual fruits in your spiritual field, master, but also went to Elder Yue's spiritual field in the past few days. No, Elder Yue is outside asking for permission!" Although Shi Xuan himself doesn't care about the spiritual field, he has the deacons, handymen or disciples who have taken on the task of doing good deeds from Tianji Peak to be responsible for it.

This monkey is really running around all over the mountain, and sooner or later someone will notice something fishy, ​​but Shi Xuan has no intention of hiding it from the sect. After asking Grandma Yu for advice, he determines the bottom line of the explanation, and then comes to the real person and the leader one by one. To avoid explaining one thing today and another thing a few days later, it will be endless.

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