Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 292 The gate of hell opens and the underworld rolls in

The surrounding monks were suddenly quiet at first, and then immediately started talking. For a moment, it seemed as if many flies appeared in the valley, making a buzzing sound.

For them, due to the impression of the Vast Dharma Assembly a hundred years ago, the Penglai Sect and the Nether Sect are the top two sects in their hearts. They did not expect that a drama of dragon and tiger fighting would be staged at the beginning, and at the moment The reincarnation king who ranks first on the Tianji list and Lingri who ranks second are in these two sects respectively. It is really exciting to look forward to the duel between the two.

After Shi Xuan heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly and felt funny in his heart. This was considered a coincidence. He never expected to meet the King of Samsara, so he turned to Lingri and Xie Fangwei and said: "Uncle Lingri, Senior Brother Xie, wait a minute. When it comes to the game against the King of Samsara, I’ll be the one to do it.”

Because of Ming Qingyue's relationship, Lingri always treated Shi Xuan as his nephew. At this time, he was concerned and said with some doubts: "Shi Xuan, although you have a sixth-level Taoist skill, the King of Samsara is not easy to do. The Taoist skills should all be around the fifth level, and the natal spiritual weapon, the Impermanent Sword of Life and Death, must be more than two heavens, which is equivalent to the seventh-level Taoist skill. In my opinion, you have no chance of winning, so you might as well leave it to me to deal with it. Bar."

The competition between high-grade golden elixir masters is divided into three games, and the two winners advance. If there are only two high-grade golden elixirs in the sect, the one with the weaker cultivation level will compete in two games. If there is only one high-grade golden elixir master, Dan, then it would be a direct loss, otherwise the advantages of those sects with many high-grade golden elixir masters would not be reflected.

In other words, in the next battle with the Nether Sect, the Samsara King will only be able to compete in one battle, while their other high-grade golden elixir master, the Corpse Emperor, will be able to compete in two battles.

"Junior knows his own affairs. It will be very difficult to defeat the King of Samsara." Shi Xuan admitted his lack of strength unconcernedly. After all, it had only been four years since he had achieved the Golden Elixir. Even if he fully unleashed the power of the Tai Chi Diagram and cooperated with the Five Elements Immortal Destroying Sword, At most, it can last a little longer. At any rate, the King of Samsara is number one in the Tianji Ranking, and there are no empty warriors under his fame. Moreover, now the Tai Chi Diagram and the Yin and Yang cylinders can only be used as pure defensive means, or can only be used as auxiliary means, which makes it even more difficult to compete with the King of Samsara.

"However, if the juniors welcome the King of Samsara, Uncle Lingri, you and Brother Xie can definitely win the battle against the Corpse King." Shi Xuan continued, imitating Tian Ji's horse racing story.

Shi Xuan's words are easy to understand. The Cangman Dharma Conference has been held more than a hundred times. Similar methods have been used by others, but there is still a problem. Therefore, Xie Fangwei asked with a gentle smile: "But this matter must be done by the King of Reincarnation." You have to agree, Junior Brother Shi, are you sure? "The list for the duel needs to be agreed by both parties.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "Senior brother, you should remember that during the golden elixir ceremony of my junior brother, the Samsara King once spied on me, but failed, so he put down the words and said that he wanted to compete with his junior brother at the Cangmang Dharma Assembly. At that time, he was Hundreds of golden elixir masters and masters of the divine soul stage heard this, and if they use these words to try to sway the Samsara King later, he can't keep his words, right?" Even if the Samsara King said something for the occasion, Shi Xuan wouldn't let go. In this case, you still need to be brave.

The most important thing is that even if the Nether Sect loses the competition with the Penglai Sect, after the seating arrangements are made at the end, the bottom four sects will still have a chance to challenge the top four sects to prevent accidents or strong competition. Failure caused by early encounter.

Moreover, Shi Xuan also had his own dark psychology. At that time, the Samsara King rashly spied on him, and the two of them formed a small relationship. Under normal circumstances, Shi Xuan would not go to the Samsara King for such a trivial matter, or bother him. It was a life and death battle, but now that he had the opportunity to compete and contribute to the sect, Shi Xuan didn't mind taking the opportunity to trick him, but he didn't know that the fighting platform set up by Yuanshen Zhenren could be broken by the Five Elements Destroying Immortal Sword. The ability of luck, related to luck, is a method that only gods can have.

Hearing what Shi Xuan said, Lingri and Xie Fangwei both nodded slightly. It would be great to be able to successfully defeat the Nether Sect, but Lingri was a little regretful that he could not fight the Samsara King.

So Lingri used his spiritual consciousness to tell Yan Qianying the arrangements of the Penglai Sect, and also told her what Shi Xuan said. Seize the opportunity and be so crowded that you have to fight. In the future, you have to remind your disciples to be careful with what you say!

Next, as the person presiding over the ceremony, Yan Qianying conveyed the words to the head of the Nether Sect and the two golden elixir masters without missing a beat. After a moment of silence, the answer came from the canopy of the Nether Sect.

Yan Qianying said with a slight smile: "The first match between the Penglai Sect and the Nether Sect, Shi Xuan versus the King of Samsara."

As soon as this statement came out, other monks were shocked and confused. It was not difficult for everyone to see what the Penglai Sect had planned, but why did the Nether Sect agree?

"Master, is it possible that the King of Samsara has a grudge against Shi Xuan?" A disciple asked his golden elixir master.

The Golden elixir master has an excellent memory. In the blink of an eye, he remembered the time three and a half years ago, and said with a smile: "No, it was during the Golden elixir ceremony. King Samsara took the initiative to issue a letter of challenge, inviting Shi Xuan to attend the Cangmang Dharma Ceremony. Let's compete." In his heart, he preferred to believe that this was a situation where Samsara King and Shi Xuan fought secretly and failed to take advantage.

"I see, but why did King Samsara declare a challenge to Shi Xuan? Do the two have any grudges?" The disciple returned to his original train of thought.


No matter what other monks thought, Shi Xuan straightened his robe, stood up, and was about to fly out of the tent.

"Master." Chu Wan'er called out, and when she saw Shi Xuan turning his head to look at her, she smiled sweetly and said, "No matter what, you are the best." In the past few years, Wan'er has been doing well in Penglai Sect, and has made great progress in both knowledge and character, so she also knows that her master has only achieved the Golden Core for four years, and there is a big gap between him and the Golden Core Grandmaster like the King of Samsara who has been in the Golden Core for sixty or seventy years.

Shi Xuan smiled and nodded, turned into a green light and went out of the tent, landing on the fighting stage. The surroundings were endless, and under his feet was white jade emitting a hazy white light, as if he was in the white clouds.

The yellow near-black escape light of the King of Samsara also fell opposite Shi Xuan at the same time, revealing a figure in a purple robe. His expression was calm, without any anger, and he arched his hand: "Fellow Daoist Shi, please." This is considered to be self-respecting status and self-confidence, and he disdains to take the first shot.

Since the King of Samsara acted like this, Shi Xuan was not modest. The Tai Chi diagram turned into a golden bridge on the other side and fell on his head, with golden light and golden lotuses hanging down to protect his whole body. This was to use the Tai Chi diagram as a pure defensive spiritual weapon, so he was not afraid of others seeing the clues. Moreover, the cloud and mist fairy clothes on his body turned into a light cloud and mist to stick to his body, and the divine light of the divine sky and thunder surrounded his body.

After slowly preparing the protection, Shi Xuan said to the King of Samsara: "Then Shi will take action." A red, white, gold, blue and black five-color sword light slashed at the King of Samsara like thunder and lightning. When the sword reached the middle, the sword light trembled slightly and split into four identical five-color sword lights, forming a small four-elephant formation, doubling the speed, and in a blink of an eye it arrived beside the King of Samsara.

The King of Samsara's face did not change at all, and a sword light mixed with black and white jumped out from his body. The black was deep and the white was quiet. Under the shining of the sword light, people had the idea of ​​seeking liberation in their hearts.

After this sword light burst out, it split into seven in the blink of an eye, forming a vortex-like formation with half black and half white, which was about to absorb Shi Xuan's Five Elements Immortal-Destroying Sword.

At this time, the other cultivators who were watching realized that these two were the few people among the Jindan Grandmasters who had practiced the splitting of sword light. Even if they could not see the first and second place in the Tianji Ranking, it was worth the trip to see this fight.

In addition, the King of Samsara waved his sleeves, and a turbid yellow river rushed towards Shi Xuan from the sky to the ground. Along the way, the white jade light, breeze and even space that were stained with the turbid water of this river seemed to become a little darker. It was as if he had come to a gloomy and terrifying hell.

This Taoist art is the signature art of the Netherworld Sect, "Huangquan", so Shi Xuan recognized it. It is good at polluting spiritual tools, souls, and bodies. If an ordinary Jindan master is hit by it, it will be doomed. Shi Xuan saw that its power is the fifth level, and the power of the Tai Chi diagram is equivalent to the fourth level of Taoist art. If it is taken hard, it is likely to be polluted. Although it is just a battle, it is not bad.

So Shi Xuan's mind moved, and a green wind wing and a purple thunder wing appeared on his back. With a light flap, he appeared in another direction, and the four sword lights transformed by the Five Elements Immortal Extermination Sword suddenly merged, breaking away from the absorption of the Life and Death Impermanence Sword. The sword light unfolded, sometimes split and sometimes merged, and the five colors rolled, fighting with the Life and Death Impermanence Sword.

According to the calculation of the Beidou Guiding Mentality, although the Five Elements Immortal Extermination Sword was one level lower than the Life and Death Impermanence Sword, and the sword light was divided into three less, they were still evenly matched, so that the Samsara King, the natal spiritual tool, had no time to attack Shi Xuan.

At the same time, Shi Xuan flicked his ten fingers, and dozens of black and white sword lights that were the same as the sword light of the Life and Death Sword broke through the air towards the King of Samsara. There was a loud ziz sound, and for a moment, the sword energy was everywhere. Slightly different from the sword light of the Life and Death Sword, the two-way sword energy was solemn in black and sacred in white.

Moreover, Shi Xuan had already unfolded his own illusion of the void. Compared with the last time he killed Li Huaiyuan, there was no chaos, no black and white light, but only thunderclouds of various colors, emitting purple, silver, or blue electric snakes, and thunder rolling at the same time, as if returning to the sky of the ancient times.

King Samsara waved his hand gently, and the entire battle arena suddenly became dark, revealing dark and gloomy hills, a red pool of magma, and a turbid yellow river flowing in between. Countless dishevelled, terrifying evil ghosts were crying and wailing, and behind them were black and white ghosts, Yakshas, ​​and Impermanence escorting them. In front of them stood judges, announcing the decision. From time to time, evil ghosts were thrown into the red pool by Yakshas and Impermanence, and turned into green smoke amidst their wailing.

The two empty illusions intertwined, and although Shi Xuan's was one level lower, it was not too much, so even though the horror of hell dominated, there were still many lightning snakes flashing in the sky, killing those evil ghosts, ghosts, Yakshas, ​​Impermanence, etc.

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