Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 490 The Nine Layers of Gangqi Spread in Heaven

——It's a little late. I'm sorry. The person who was asked to work overtime on the weekend can't afford to be hurt. He will have to continue working overtime tomorrow.

Somewhere in the Tongtian Realm, far away from Yu Yutian's many worlds and billions of voids, there is an extremely broad world that emits a faint golden color. From time to time, various gods come and go, coming in and out.

In the center of this vast world, there is a mountain with a radius of millions of miles and a height of millions of feet. It seems virtual and real, and seems to be far away from the world.

There are countless solemn palaces all over the mountain, especially the one at the top of the mountain, which is even more majestic and sacred.

Sitting on top of this main hall was a tall monk wearing a gold royal robe, with his eyes slightly closed. There was a golden light behind his head, and golden light like a water curtain hung down. There were countless things floating inside. Golden lamps that are inexhaustible and emit immeasurable light. If you look closely at the golden lanterns, you will find that each of them forms a world, surrounded by hundreds of millions of gods. Each one faces the tall monk to praise, worship, pray, chant sutras, and recite scrolls, forming a vast, ethereal, sacred and solemn world. The sound makes people involuntarily convinced and kneel down, bringing out endless excitement and extremely majestic momentum.

Suddenly, a ray of purple light rose from the void of golden light. In the dazzling flash, it turned into a sea of ​​thunder where countless worlds were created, destroyed and disappeared, completely submerging the tall monk.

The golden light shone brightly, and the vast and ethereal sounds of prayers and chanting became even louder. Pieces of smallpox flew from the ceiling. After a while, the thunder ocean was finally suppressed, but half of the golden lamps surrounding the tall monk were missing. Many are in dilapidated condition.

"It's disrespectful to come and go without reciprocating!" A faint, proud female voice echoed in the hall and gradually disappeared.

In a flash, the broken Golden Lamp Divine Kingdom was restored to its original state. The tall monk was neither angry nor afraid, but sighed and said: "Shenxiao Palace is indeed the spiritual treasure left by Taoist Yu Yu, and it is also half a step beyond ordinary Jin in the path of cause and effect. There are many immortals. Although I didn't know anything from Xueying after being so disturbed by her, I at least confirmed that the Penglai sect has a closer relationship with her than imagined, and it should be her inheritance. "

After saying this, the hall returned to calm, leaving only the long and flowing sounds of countless gods worshiping and chanting sutras.


Yu Yutian.

When the tall monks were swamped by the purple thunder ocean of the birth and death of countless worlds in the main hall, the Lingxiao Palace inside the mulch seemed to have taken off its shackles and suddenly underwent a great change, emitting hundreds of millions of white fairy lights. The nine layers of Gang Qi layer were illuminated, the petals of the ceiling fell, countless fairy sounds sounded, and thousands of immortal palaces emerged, distributed everywhere in the Gang Qi layer, but they all acted as worshipers themselves, which was spectacular.

Shi Xuan, Mo Yuan and other Penglai sect masters were returning to their sect with a group of disciples. They were affected by this scene and immediately stopped and looked up.

Before Jiang Zhenren returned to the sect for inspection, except for the overdraft of the Nine Heavens Royal Thunder Immortal Seal and the disappearance of the other parts of the Mountain Guarding Immortal Formation, the damage was not serious. As the Penglai Sect is a large sect, every part of the Mountain Guarding Immortal Formation is in the Ziqi East. Everyone had a spare when they came to the building, so Jiang Zhenren was very relaxed and repaired the Nine Heavens Seal Thousand Thunder Immortal Formation in a few breaths. The only trouble was that there was no thing to suppress the formation. In that case, the effect of the Immortal Formation could not be exerted at all.

But when he came back to the Yingzhou Sect and told the matter to several real people, Shi Xuan immediately smiled and said: "I just happened to have a thundery pure Yang magic weapon that I didn't need." While talking, he put the Nine-Nine Heavenly Thunder Gourd After taking it out, although it has not survived the second heavenly tribulation, as a pure Yang magic weapon, it is enough to suppress the formation eye and exert most of the power of the immortal formation, but it cannot be like the Nine Heavens Royal Thunder Immortal Seal to suppress the formation eye. That way, you can resist the Heavenly Immortal True Lord for a few moments.

"Shi Xuan, you have suffered heavy losses for the sake of the sect this time, and now you have taken out this thundery pure Yang magic weapon. I will act as a master on behalf of the sect and give you the Five Elements Dirty Bell." Jiang Zhenren really felt a little sorry. Even if Shi Xuan is a disciple of Penglai Sect.

As Shi Xuan's master and apprentice, Mo Yuan and Chu Wan'er naturally had no objections. Lin Luo and Zhang Zhengyan felt similar to Jiang Zhenren and nodded in agreement.

In fact, Jiang Zhenren and Lin Luo also have one or two other pure Yang magic weapons, but they are not of thunder nature.

Shi Xuan is not polite. He has no power to take action within six hundred years, so he relies on magic weapons to protect his body. The Three Tribulation Pure Yang, and the Five Elements Dang Gu Zhong, which is a defensive magic weapon, must be much better than the Ziying Sword in protecting the body. ,Caution is the boat.

Speaking of which, Shi Xuan did suffer heavy losses this time. The Changyao Baoguang Tower, the Three Tribulations Pure Yang magic weapon he just obtained, was completely shattered, the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler melted, the Nine Nine Heavens Thunder Gourd was given to the sect's suppression formation eye, and the Heavenly Man's Finger Bone , the Vajra Glaze Immortal Talisman was used up, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation returned to its original form. Others include the Xuanhuang Merit Tower and the Cold Flame Heart Lamp. It is not an exaggeration to say that all the accumulation over the years has been used up.

Now, apart from the two natal magic weapons of Tai Chi Diagram and the Yin and Yang Two Gas Bottles, which were sealed together with the Yuan Shen, Shi Xuan only has four magic weapons left in his body: the Map of Heaven and Earth Mountains and Rivers, the Purple Ying Sword, the Qing Suo Sword, and the Earth Evil Yin Fire Flag.

Among them, Shi Xuan has no use for the Earth Fiend Yin Fire Banner and plans to throw it away in the sect. It is difficult to determine the time when Qingsuo will recover most of his strength. It may be one or two hundred years earlier than his 600-year seal, or it may be three to five years later. Shi Xuan, who had been nicknamed "Many Treasures" for a hundred years, suddenly only had two magic weapons left to use. It was true that the landlord's family had no surplus food. Fortunately, there was another Five Elements Dirty Bell.


Seeing the Lingxiao Palace emitting bursts of auspicious light and heavenly sounds, many disciples of the Penglai Sect who followed several real people were surprised but also appreciated.

For most low-level disciples, they are in a very good mood. They almost had their families destroyed before, but now they are safe and sound, and they have seen the legendary Yuanshen, and there are still six of them when they appear! Compared to the two real people in the legend of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, there are so many!

Therefore, they would look at the abnormality in Lingxiao Palace leisurely, with only surprise and no panic.

Qian Hui, the leader of Zhanglu Hall, stood behind several real people. There were some he was familiar with, and there were also two he had never seen before. One was white-haired, with thunder and lightning turning into clouds to support his feet, and the other was held up by clouds. The purple sword light is entwined and he is leisurely and contented. He seems to be the most powerful among the real people in the sect.

"I wonder what changes have taken place in the mulch?" He curiously asked several real people.

Shi Xuan could probably guess the reason, so he answered with a smile: "It should be the death of True Lord Blood Shadow, and the Three Tribulations Pure Yang magic weapon he brought has changed." Shi Xuan found out after the finger bones of the heavenly being were pointed out. The things left by Granny Yu inside were clearly a means to cover up the matter, and might also cut off the remaining connection between the God Emperor and Yu Yutian. Of course, it would be another matter for him to infiltrate later.

Qian Hui, as a top-grade golden elixir master and a successor to the Penglai sect, vaguely heard from Zhang Zhengyan that the person who killed the Blood Shadow True Monarch this time was this young true man who seemed ordinary but extraordinary in appearance, and Guang Guang Hanzong and Meng Zhenjun teamed up to do this, so he was quite curious and respectful of Shi Xuan. As a real person, he got involved in the battle between Zhenjun and became the key to victory or defeat. It was really amazing. After all, he was a golden man. Master Dan, if he gets caught in a real-person fight, the aftermath alone will be too much to bear.

"This is the function of this magic weapon! It finally gives some comfort to those monks who died in vain." Before Qian Hui spoke again, Jiang Zhenren, who had already used Yuanshi to negotiate with Lingxiao Palace, said.

The Yuan consciousness of Lin Luo, Chu Wan'er and others could not reach that far, so they looked at Zhenren Jiang curiously, waiting for his explanation.

Master Jiang smiled and said, "Let's talk about it after we go up. Let the disciples see the heaven in the future." After saying this, he rolled up his sleeves and robes, wrapped all the masters and disciples together, and flew to Lingxiao Hall.

White clouds are blooming, and the fairy spirit is lingering. Everywhere in the palace, monks with confused faces can be seen everywhere. There are even a few disciples of the Penglai sect who have not returned to the sect in Chaochangfang.

"Aren't they said to be dead?" Questions arose in the minds of many disciples.

Some unbelievers went up and called out twice, and the confused disciple immediately woke up and shouted: "What a terrifying blood shadow! Uh, am I dead? Senior brothers, why am I here?" Then he Seeing the Jindan Grandmasters of our sect, they didn't even bother to listen to the answers and stepped forward to salute: "Greetings to the leaders."

But, why are the masters standing so neatly behind the six monks, four men and two women in front.

"This is the ancestor of our sect's soul. Please pay my respects quickly." Qian Hui stepped forward and introduced.

The disciple was startled and quickly kowtowed: "Disciple Zuo Si pays homage to the six patriarchs."

Although he seemed like a stranger, in the eyes of Shi Xuan and other real people, they could clearly see that he only had a little bit of true spirit, and his body was entirely composed of spiritual energy.

"Bring the other monks to Lingxiao Palace together, and the old Taoist will inform you of the current situation." Master Jiang nodded, and then Yu Shixuan and others walked to Lingxiao Palace together.


In the Lingxiao Hall, there are magnificent gold and jade carvings. There is a monk sitting on the dragon chair at the top, wearing a golden royal robe. He holds a vermilion pen in his left hand and a small seal in his right hand. In front of him is a large white jade sheet. There seemed to be many names on the desk. He was much more awake and excited than the monks outside. He could reach the sky in one step!

"How dare you break into my Lingxiao Palace without permission? Kowtow and confess your guilt quickly!" He suddenly found Shi Xuan and others walking in, and immediately became furious.

Shi Xuan was speechless. This guy entered the scene so quickly. Sensing Shi Xuan's mood, the lively Ziying sword turned into a purple sword light and slashed at him. It stopped when it was on the person's forehead.

The man in the royal robe felt the strong sword energy, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his legs trembled. He wanted to cast spells, but was suppressed by the sword energy and found it difficult to move. He wanted to call on the heavenly soldiers and generals, but then he remembered that he had not yet had time to entrust all the ministers to the family. The god position is a true loner.

"The juniors don't know what's good, so please don't blame the seniors." He remembered that he still had a bright future, so he didn't be tough and directly begged for mercy.

The reason why he didn't kneel down was because he was afraid that if something happened, the sword on his forehead would think he was resisting and cut him off directly. The Yuanling in the dark world told himself that he couldn't afford to offend the person in front of him!

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