Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 497: Trouble Arrives Just After the Heavenly Tribulation

After the three tribulations, the original heart of the soul is closer to the great road, able to regenerate and recover on its own, and to gather and disperse as desired. This is a hint of the great road, and comes from a deeper understanding and mastery of the laws of heaven and earth, even if it is isolated in the absence of any heaven and earth. The spiritual energy space is also regenerated, and spells can be cast without any hindrance. Therefore, after the third heavenly tribulation, there is no longer a period of weakness when the tribulation is successfully overcome.

Not only that, in mid-air, Shi Xuan's body, which was burnt black by the original glass fire, was also squirming and twisted, his flesh and blood regenerated, his dead skin fell off, and his white jade-like skin grew out, although it was not as good as the human immortal who survived three heavenly tribulations. Later, the physical body could be regenerated with drops of blood and reached the level of immortality, laying a solid foundation for the first decline of the human body in heaven and earth.

Shi Xuan finally survived the third heavenly tribulation and the nine fire-burning heart tribulations, and was only one step away from touching the avenue.

So I looked at the Vajra Glaze Immortal Talisman in my palm with a leisurely, relaxed and joyful mood. The golden Buddha light dimmed and flickered. When the oil was exhausted and the lamp dried up, it gradually faded and disappeared, turning into dots of golden light flying in all directions.

Although the Diamond Glazed Immortal Talisman was only used once after all the hard work, it was very important. Shi Xuan couldn't help but murmured in his heart: "Thank you so much."

Not far away, Zuo Si, who was holding a small purple seal with his third eye open, as well as several other Penglai sect righteous gods, including Zhou Dielan, all reached the sky in one step, and their character cultivation was far from reaching the Yuan Shen level. So he looked at Shi Xuan nervously and expectantly from beginning to end.

After all, they know very well that the reason why they and others can listen to the tune and not the announcement is that in heaven, they don't have to look at people's faces or pray with their hands. They only need to make clouds and rain normally and kill the evil ghosts and evil spirits, and they can live happily. Today, it relies on the support of the sect and several real people in the sect.

Among the several real people, they could vaguely feel that Lingxiao Palace and Lingxiao Emperor Wang Wenhan were most afraid of Master Shi, so they extremely hoped and expected that Shi Xuan could successfully overcome the disaster.

Seeing that Shi Xuan's physical body had recovered and he opened his eyes, they quickly flew over and said, "Congratulations to Master Shi for passing through the Nine Fires Burning Heart Tribulation and taking one step closer to the great road."

Zhou Dielan felt very complicated and lamented that her friend who had started at the same time had actually reached her current height step by step, which was completely different from her. Although Shi Xuan was still kind-hearted when he met her, and did not pretend to be a real person, but treated her as a friend. However, he knew very well that no matter what attitude he adopted, the distance between the two of them would still grow irreversibly, and gradually they could only nod and exchange greetings.

The things he encountered, the "world" he lived in, the Taoism he talked about... without exception, all made him feel that he was superior, difficult to reach, difficult to catch up with, difficult to get along with normally, and he could only watch from afar.

"Perhaps, this is the so-called difference between 'Tao' and 'Heaven and Man'." For some reason, these two inappropriate words appeared in Zhou Dielan's mind.


Just as the righteous gods finished their congratulations, the Purple Ying Sword at Shi Xuan's feet also jumped out, revealing the sword body, bit by bit in front of Shi Xuan, as if congratulating the master for passing the Nine Fires Burning Heart Tribulation.

Shi Xuan laughed dumbly. The Purple Ying Sword itself is the Eighteenth Level of Treasure Taboo. Therefore, for more than 800 years after it survived two heavenly tribulations, it did not need to be refined. It has been warming and nourishing the soul. It can even be said that , nearly 1,400 years after the Ziying Sword was upgraded to a magic weapon again, the only thing Shi Xuan did for it was to warm and nourish the Yuanling.

Now looking at the spirituality of the Ziying Sword, if the third heavenly tribulation is not suppressed, it is estimated that the success will be more than 60% within twenty years.

Shi Xuan stretched out his hand to indicate to the righteous gods that they did not need to be so generous. At the same time, he smiled lightly and said, "Since the fellow Taoist who was watching did not cover up his whereabouts, why don't you come out and see him?"

When Zuo Si, Zhou Dielan and others said this, they looked at each other in confusion. One of them had the strength of the Yijia Yangshen, and the others had the strength of the Yuan Shen. However, they did not find any outsiders around at all, especially Shi Zhenren, who pointed out that the other party was not at all. Without covering up his tracks, what level of strength should this be? !

A long laugh rang out, and in the deserted place dozens of miles away to the left, there was a wave of movement, and a smooth middle-aged man dressed as a businessman and richly dressed came out. The mole looked very funny. Seeing the surprised expressions of the righteous gods, he said humorously: "Don't look at the poor Taoist who looks like a master, but he is indeed a genuine and upright heavenly immortal king. It was just that he had not been around until he was forty years old." As a businessman, I only entered the road by chance, so I didn’t bother to adjust my appearance.”

Zuo Si and others were shocked, the Immortal Lord? ! There is only one Meng Zhenjun in Yu Yutian! He is a high-ranking figure. It is said that he can kill Lingxiao Palace with one finger. Is this humble businessman really a fairy? !

Shi Xuan stepped forward and bowed: "Shi Xuan pays homage to the True Lord. I wonder why the True Lord came to my Penglai sect?" The illusory feeling in his body, as if he was in an endless distance, indeed came from the realm of heaven and man.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Shi, you don't have to be so polite. I have nothing to do with you." This Heavenly Immortal True Monarch had a very warm attitude, and even discussed friendship with Shi Xuan's peers, which reminded Shi Xuan of an old saying, when you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something.

The Penglai Sect's formation below was quietly opened. Jiang Zhenren knew that if the Heavenly Immortal True Monarch made an attack, it would be useless for him and others to come to help him. It would be better to activate the formation and see if he could make a sudden attack to rescue Shi Xuan. Of course, he would use his methods. Asking Meng Nishang to come to help is the meaning of the title.

After a few words of greetings, Chu Dexian smiled and praised: "Fellow Taoist Shi is really determined. Even though life and death are in my hands, he can still remain calm and talk with a smile. It's really extraordinary. Don't you worry at all about the Taoist rising up? ?"

Shi Xuan smiled confidently, but did not answer directly, but said: "In Shi's humble opinion, most monks who can achieve the soul will not act blindly and wantonly, let alone the powerful gods. Shi I have no enmity with Chu Zhenjun far away, no hatred at all, and no interests involved, so why should I be afraid of you, Zhenjun?"

Chu Dexian looked at Shi Xuan carefully, as if he wanted to see a little bit of uneasiness and worry in him. Although his words were reasonable, Chu Dexian's nearly ten thousand years of experience could be used to draw lessons from it. Facing his own real person, if he had no other support, then No matter how clear this truth is, it is inevitable to have a trace of worry, which has nothing to do with reason or character, and is only frightened by the huge power gap between the two sides.

Under the pressure of the Heavenly Immortal True Monarch who did not exude any aura but seemed to be substantial, Shi Xuan was relaxed and contented without any fear.

Chu Dexian looked away and laughed loudly: "It is indeed the tradition passed down by Senior Shenxiao!"

He found the most likely basis for Shi Xuan's self-confidence, and at the same time confirmed the rumor that the Penglai Sect was the orthodoxy of Shenxiao Palace. Otherwise, why would a sect without the power of immortals treat a true king with such an attitude? The fear in my heart is even deeper.

"Pindao is visiting your sect this time because he wants to join forces with you to find the deepest cave in the outer reaches of the Western Wilderness." Confirming the rumors, Chu Dexian finally expressed his intention and followed the temptation, "I believe that your sect must have some ancient times. The approximate locations of many caves can be inferred from the records of many super sects or powerful casual cultivators in Yu Yutian.”

"The noble sect has no immortals in charge. Even if there is accurate information about the cave, they cannot enter the deepest part of the Western Wilderness, let alone the cave. However, poor Daokong has a lot of strength, but due to his shallow knowledge, it is difficult to gain anything. The two sides are a match made in heaven. "If you can know the approximate location of the cave and don't search for it step by step, even if Chu Dexian doesn't survive the first decline of heaven and humanity, you can still reach it if you are prepared.

"I am willing to make the heaviest karma oath. The noble sect only needs to provide information, and I will be responsible for the rest. When the matter is completed, I will share the secret technique and send 20% of the secret treasures to the noble sect." Chu Dexian seemed sincere, Let the Penglai faction just sit back and enjoy the success. If it weren't for the Shenxiao Palace, he really wouldn't mind using other "means" to get the news directly, so why would he engage in such unequal cooperation?

Before Shi Xuan opened his mouth to answer, a white light flew from the distance, and the fierce killing aura was revealed. His strength was fully exposed, and it was the level of the Three Tribulations Yangshen.

Flying closer, a cold-faced man appeared. He looked at Shi Xuan and said with a high air: "Brother Wu Na, seeing that you have survived the third heavenly tribulation, I think you are the one who calls the shots in the Penglai sect. The master asked you to go over and talk about important matters."

Chu Dexian secretly laughed in his heart. The old ghost Bai Qiao was used to being domineering. Even though he did not dare to act arbitrarily because of the reputation of Shenxiao Palace, he did not restrain himself from his arrogant style. He only sent his disciples to look for people without giving him any help. Penglai faction face.

He stood by without interfering, wanting to see how the Penglai faction responded. If they were weak, the 20% of the secret treasure might be reduced to 10%, or even half.

Shi Xuan looked at the Sanjie Yang Shen Zhenren and said with a faint smile: "Shi is free. If you want to talk, I would like to ask your master to come in person. Therefore, fellow Taoist, please come back. Shi will not see you off."

The Sanjie Yangshen Master had a contemptuous tone on the surface, as if he looked down on the Penglai sect, but he did not dare to be careless in his heart. The reason why he behaved like this was to exert pressure and gain more benefits, and secondly, it became a habit.

He turned his thoughts rapidly, weighing the strength of both parties: "You can't kill him, and you can't make the matter bigger. Otherwise, when Shenxiao Palace comes back and gets angry, Master will be the first to hand me over to plead guilty, but we have to take action." , otherwise Master can make me look good later. Well, he has just finished his tribulation, and has not yet mastered the magic skills and natal magic weapons. Chu Zhenjun is sitting on the sidelines again. If he takes action by surprise, I am 80% sure to force him to "please". He went to talk to the Master."

With his mind settled, he sensed it again, but there was no sign of danger, so the sharp white light quietly turned into a misty, illusory white air and flew towards Shi Xuan.

Chu Dexian next to him was surprised. Are all the disciples of Old Ghost Bai Qiao so decisive in killing? ! You have to take action to stop him immediately, otherwise Shenxiao Palace will become angry, and you will not be able to get away from it. Although Shenxiao Palace will probably return after ten or twenty thousand years, or even nearly a hundred thousand years, you can't resist the possibility of it being brought forward.

But at this moment, a ray of cyan sword light soared into the sky from Penglai Sect Tianji Peak. The sword energy was condensed, only a strand, but it was full of positive, sharp and sharp feeling, filling a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. Within this range, no matter what kind of creature, all shuddered and their hearts trembled. Even the sea was calm and smooth as a mirror!

The green sword light flashed away, and the real person of the Three Tribulations Yangshen stood there blankly. Only a thin, light wound appeared between his eyebrows, but the soul in his body had been sharpened and dripping by the sword light. The energy is completely crushed and cannot be regenerated.

Chu Dexian's magic was just about to be used, but nothing happened. He stared at Shi Xuan, feeling chilled in his heart. This unknowing sword strike, without any warning from him, meant that this Lingbao was flying. The level of the sword is still higher than mine! If it had been me just now, I might not have been able to stop him!

"Sure enough, it is the inheritance of the Half-Step Golden Immortal Shenxiao Palace. It has a profound foundation. Although there is no Heavenly Immortal True Monarch, it is indispensable to suppress it with the Tongtian Lingbao! No wonder Shi Xuan is so calm and composed! If I had taken action rashly before..." Chu Dexian was a little bit Then I became afraid.

Then he saw Shi Xuan turning to look at him, with a smile that seemed to be "malicious and sinister": "Shi is a little interested in what Fellow Daoist Chu suggested just now, but he just has some questions about the distribution. Why don't we do it well?" Let’s discuss it.”

As everyone knows, Shi Xuan's expression was so weird. It was heartache that inspired Qingsuo Sword in advance to frighten those who were overt and covert, so that it could recover most of its strength within a hundred years, and once again pushed back the time by three to four hundred years, and during these four to five hundred years , it can be activated at most once.

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