Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 707 The Five Elements Are Everywhere

——I'm sorry, I'm an hour late and halfway through writing, something went wrong later on at my colleague's work. The leader came over to give me instructions and lectures, right behind me. = = I really didn't dare to write secretly. Well, the evening chapter will be postponed by one hour.


Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu, who had planned to leave directly based on Hunyuan Jindou's induction, had doubts in their hearts and at the same time, they both had the idea to see what was going on with the Heart Demon Sect in this world.

Therefore, the two of them did not use the escape method anymore, but stopped where they were and waited for the two real Yuanshen to fly in with a group of monks. However, during the process, Mo Jingqiu's expression changed slightly, and he said to Shi Xuan with his immortal consciousness: " I can’t sense the direction of Hunyuan Jindou, there’s something strange in this world.”

Hearing this, Shi Xuan quickly sensed the outlet through the aura on his soul.

After a moment, Shi Xuan smiled bitterly: "The exit mark is there or not. If we didn't know that the white cloud behind us is the exit we came from, I might not be able to sense it at all."

However, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. At least there was still a way out. They quickly spread their immortal knowledge and memorized the nearby atmosphere and terrain to avoid forgetting.

Seeing that the monks were very alert, Mo Jingqiu smiled slightly and said to Shi Xuan: "It seems that the exit of this world has to be found from the monks in this world."

The incomplete world in Yuji Cauldron has evolved human races and immortal cultivation techniques that are barely acceptable. Same as Xiaoqian, after all, some worlds still have four tribulations of chaotic alien species, but the emergence of the real Yuanshen represents someone taking the step to transcend immortality. The road is no small matter, and the monsters in this world may fall on it.

At the same time, she sacrificed the Hunyuan Golden Dou. The light gold, almost white, was mottled and dim. The surrounding spiritual energy dissipated. The part of the laws of heaven and earth related to Taoism was weakened to the extreme, and the strength of the realm of the Three Tribulations Heavenly Man was fully revealed.

When Shi Xuan saw Mo Jingqiu trying to frighten the monks who flew over so that he could ask questions later, he smiled and stood with his hands behind his hands. There was no need for two Three Tribulation Heavenly Lords to do this kind of thing together.

But the reaction of the monks was beyond Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu's expectations. They were a little shocked, a little afraid, but not panicked. The leader of the Yuanshen Master hurriedly, cautiously and respectfully saluted: "So you two are The Supreme Immortal of the Hunyuan Immortal Sect. The little Immortal King Huan has no eyes to recognize the Heavenly Immortals. He was very offended by his words just now. I hope you will respect the two Supreme Immortals Haihan."

Another Yuanshen Zhenren Chang Ge explained: "We are stationed here under the orders of the four great immortal sects including the Gui Sect to prevent the remnants of the Heart Demon Sect from escaping. It was a coincidence that the two immortals came, so we came here. Check."

Chang Ge secretly cursed in his heart. It is said that the Hunyuan Immortal Sect's talents have withered over the past ten thousand years. Apart from the leader of the Four Tribulations, there is only one Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord, and this must be him. Instead of going to Chunyang Mountain to suppress the siege, she went to the edge of Chunyang Mountain instead. Could it be that a powerful Heavenly Lord of the Heart Demon Sect had escaped? When he thought about it, he felt a little creepy. He hurriedly guarded his mind and guarded his surroundings. Monks are afraid of being invaded by inner demons. He didn't want to die unjustly and miserably.

Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu looked at each other again. As soon as these monks saw Hunyuan Jindou or its magical ability to eliminate mana, they regarded the two of them as members of the Hunyuan Immortal Sect. Things became increasingly weird.

Moreover, the two real Yuanshen, one is humble, the other is neither humble nor arrogant, and their character cultivation is not at the same level. It is difficult to believe that the former is the authentic Yuanshen of Taoism, but the various barriers in Yuji Cauldron are very strong, Shi Xuan and Mo Jing If Qiu didn't forcibly penetrate into the immortal consciousness, he would not be able to penetrate the physical body or the soul barrier and see other people's realm and background. Unlike in the past, he could know with just a sweep of the immortal consciousness.

While Mo Jingqiu guarded his mind to prevent the invasion of inner demons, he said gently and gracefully: "What abnormalities will you find while waiting here?"

Wang Huan said flatteringly: "Reporting to the Immortal, no abnormalities have been found yet. If the two Immortals want to know about the blockade situation elsewhere, Mu Xiaolou, the young master of the Five Elements Immortal Sect, will patrol here immediately."

"Five Elements Immortal Sect?" Shi Xuan couldn't help but think about it, "Probably not. There are many sects named after the Five Elements, but basically they have nothing to do with the Five Elements Taoist Ancestor."

But when he thought that this was a world with incomplete evolution within Yuji Cauldron, Shi Xuan had to be more vigilant.

Before Mo Jingqiu could ask further questions, he heard a cold snort: "Since when did the Hunyuan Immortal Sect have a Three Tribulation Heavenly Lord like you? Huh, the Heart Demon Sect is not only good at playing with people's hearts, but also with illusion changes. Tao is also their strong point.”

Accompanied by this sound, a five-color escaping light of red, green, yellow, white, and black flew towards me. It was so powerful that it looked like the Lord of Three Tribulations. After this escaping light, there were dozens of rays of light following, some of which were in one color, and some of which were separated from the five elements. , some are as bright as stars, some are light gold, and some are black and white.

Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu had already noticed their arrival before their voice could be heard, but they were both surprised. In addition, the talented people were brave, so they planned to stay and find out.

"That pale golden escape method is the same as our escape method!" Mo Jingqiu said to Shi Xuan with some surprise.

Shi Xuan smiled bitterly: "The five-color escaping light is quite similar to that of the Five Elements Sect." Could it be that the Five Elements Taoist Ancestor is really everywhere? I also want to use this Yuji Cauldron to plan a way out.

Hearing what the visitor said, Wang Huan, Chang Ge and others changed their expressions and hurriedly retreated. They unexpectedly encountered the fake Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord of the Hunyuan Immortal Sect. At the same time, they murmured to themselves: "Master Mu, Master, We are just confused!”

"Demon Dao, be swiped by my five-color divine light!" The five-color escaping light stopped dozens of miles away, and a handsome man in colorful clothes with an ordinary Yin Shen cultivation level appeared. It was Mu Xiaolou, the young master of the Five Elements Immortal Sect. .

Behind him was a five-color flag of red, green, yellow, white and black. It was the Five Elements Immortal Sect's treasure. It was the Five Directions Immortal Flag that reached the heavens for three tribulations. Today's siege of the Heart Demon Sect gave Mu Xiaolou the opportunity to take charge of this spiritual treasure. , he can experience the five-color divine light that can only be cultivated after reaching the soul, so he has been eager to try it.

When he got close, he sensed through the Five Directions Immortal Flag that Mo Jingqiu's aura was just that of the ordinary Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord. He was even more happy to see that he was hunting. After giving a shout, he transformed the Five Directions Immortal Flag into red, green, yellow, white and black. All the brilliance came out.

The Heart Demon Sect is not within the normal Five Elements, and he understands this very well.

As a heavenly king who has experienced a lot of the five-color divine light, Shi Xuan was finally sure that after seeing these five rays of light, the Five Elements Immortal Sect here is 80% related to the Five Elements Taoist Kong Ji. Although the changes are different, in essence But the difference is not big. This level of great magical power and magic can only be created by someone who is born with it, or who has cultivated to the realm of Tao Ancestor.

The five-color divine light brushed off, and Mo Jingqiu was directly brushed in. Shi Xuan's five-color sword light showed off, and he was about to use the Zhoutianxingdou sword technique to save people.

But at this time, the five-color divine light that was brushed out could not be taken back, and it froze in place.

Mottled and dim light golden light came out bit by bit, with the meaning of all the dharma being destroyed and going into the sky. In an instant, the five-color divine light dissipated, and Mo Jingqiu flew out calmly.

"No, it's already a three-tribulation heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, but it doesn't have the true meaning of the five-color divine light that can be used for everything." Shi Xuan immediately discovered a huge abnormality and couldn't help but hold down the sword light, "If it is really related to the Five Elements Taoist Ancestor, After becoming a heavenly being, the five-color divine light will never go astray, and this five-color divine light is not a matter of going astray, but of stagnating in the true meaning of the great road."

For a moment, Shi Xuan was a little unsure about his judgment just now, but now was not a good time to think about this issue. The Tianjun and the real person on the opposite side were watching eagerly and surrounded him. At the same time, Shi Xuan sighed: "Fellow Taoist Mo's confusion. Yuan Jindou has understood the true meaning of Xiantian Moyun Dao, and he is worthy of the true inheritance of the Taoist ancestors."

Mo Jingqiu has survived the Third Decline of Heaven and Humanity for less than a thousand years. Except for his natal spiritual treasure, he has not yet mastered his immortal skills. However, the power shown by the Hunyuan Golden Dou just now has brought about the complete arrival of the Age of Ending Law and the destruction of all dharma and all dharma. The meaning of emptiness has obviously been grasped by the true meaning of the innate destiny avenue, but this true meaning has not yet been cultivated and strengthened, and has not yet been consistent with the origin of the avenue, similar to Shi Xuan's current Yin-Yang Mixed Cave Divine Light.

Otherwise, the complete Hunyuan Jindou can eliminate the Tao seed. Of course, at this point, he himself is also a golden immortal.

Mu Xiaolou withdrew the Five Directions Immortal Flag in an awkward and unusual manner, feeling extremely shocked and angry. When his elders and seniors from the Five Directions competed with the Heavenly Lord of the Hunyuan Immortal Sect, this situation had never happened before. , once hit, everything will fall, it depends on whether it can be suppressed.

Today, I can take charge of the seniors of the five directions. The former Three Tribulation Heavenly Lord of the Heart Demon Sect who was ready to show off his power was easily dismissed, suppressed and then killed. Who is this woman, so powerful and weird? !

"It seems that there are still powerful people in the four major immortal sects. Let's capture a heavenly king and interrogate him carefully. Don't stay for a long time." After Mo Jingqiu emerged from the five-color divine light, he immediately used his immortal knowledge to say to Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan nodded, smiled slightly and said: "Capture two, one each from the Five Elements Immortal Sect and the Hunyuan Immortal Sect."

The Hunyuan Golden Dou flew up into the sky, and golden light descended, covering all the heavenly kings and real people within a hundred miles.

Just being illuminated by the golden light, before the Hunyuan Golden Fight was launched, those ordinary monks and real people fell limply in the air. If it were not for the golden light, they would have fallen down. Those heavenly kings, except Mu Outside of Shaolou, they can only maintain themselves and are unable to resist.

Mu Shaolou was busy brushing out the five-color divine light, but the closer he got to the Hunyuan Golden Dou, the dimmer it became, and finally dissipated in front of the Hunyuan Golden Dou.

The same three calamities, whether they have obtained the true meaning or not, is a world of difference!

Seeing that Mo Jingqiu still had some strength left, Shi Xuan became wary of help from other powerful figures.

As soon as the Hunyuan Golden Dou spun, the Five Directions Immortal Flag was immediately cut down by a level of realm, and its aura faded.

At this time, the distance seemed to sense that something was wrong, and a big five-color hand stretched out from a distance, making time around it slow down, and it was about to catch Hunyuan Jindou.

"You, the remnants of the Heart Demon Sect, dare to hurt my Five Elements Immortal Sect Spiritual Treasure!" came the majestic man's voice.

Shi Xuan, who had been on guard for a long time, quickly launched the immortal-killing flying knife. Although he had not yet recovered his Four Tribulations cultivation level, he still had the ability to sense time and control on a small scale.

Just when Shi Xuan was about to use the flying knife to control the power of time to get rid of the slowness and escape with Mo Jingqiu, another pale golden mottled hand also extended from a distance, grabbed the five-color hand, and both of them were destroyed at the same time.

"Master Mu, why did you attack my sect's Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord?" A calm and clear voice sounded.

The majestic man who spoke first sneered: "Don't you know the Three Tribulations Heavenly Lord of your Hunyuan Immortal Sect?!"

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