Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 716: Uncovering the Origin of the Illusory Bright (350 additional updates with a monthly tic

Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu looked at each other, and what Shen Chenxi said set off a storm in their hearts.

Fake? Does it mean that the catastrophe and decline of this world are fake, or is it itself fake?

With their Taoist cultivation, they suppressed many emotions in an instant and communicated calmly.

"At least the decline of Shen Chenxi's soul is not fake." Shi Xuan's immortal consciousness swept out and carefully explored the counterattack power of the avenue on the surface of Shen Chenxi's soul.

Mo Jingqiu opened his eyes: "After understanding the mind and realizing the soul, if you already know that you are affected by illusions, inner demons, dreams and other imaginary forces, you will definitely be able to find abnormalities by looking at the soul. Just now. Fellow Daoist Shi, when you investigated Shen Chenxi, I went into meditation and did some introspection, but I found nothing, unless it was an external illusion that transformed from virtual reality to reality, such as the inner demon illusion."

"You mean, this is the work of the inner demon of the half-step golden immortal, using a real Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord as the support of the inner demon's illusion to confuse us?" Shi Xuan shook his head, "This can indeed explain it. There are many questions, such as why the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord here is worse than normal, otherwise how could we kill the immortal immortal, but there was once a half-step golden immortal in this world, and the number of high-level monks is gradually decreasing, but there is no explanation. "

"Of course, these places can be regarded as illusions that can be evolved at will, but what's the point? Moreover, the biggest problem is that if it is the work of the inner demon of the Half-Step Golden Immortal, he directly attacks us, and it is not easy to capture. I don’t worry about you destroying the mark at all.”

After overcoming the decline of Taoist heart and becoming a half-step golden immortal, she and Tianjun are like two living beings. The gap in strength is far greater than that of Yuan Shen and Yin Shen, Heavenly Man and Yang God.

Mo Jingqiu quite agreed with this. They were both half-step golden immortals. There was no need to hide their heads and tails when dealing with him and Shi Xuan. She just provided a possibility.

Looking at Shen Chenxi, she frowned slightly: "Shen Lord Shen's calamity is real, but it does not mean that this world's calamity is real. After all, he is a foreign king like us."

Shi Xuan pondered for a moment: "Shi took some more introspection and completely ruled out the possibility of being under an illusion."

A few moments later, Shi Xuan opened his eyes and nodded to Mo Jingqiu: "It's true that the two of us were not caught in an illusion. It was either an external illusion, or the Heavenly Tribulation and Declining Tribulation were fake, and someone with great supernatural powers was behind it. "The word "fake" in Shen Chenxi's words is like breaking through Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu's intellectual barriers, and they can see the weirdness of this world beyond their barriers.

Mo Jingqiu chuckled softly: "We are finally one step closer to getting out. If we find some clues, we might be able to string the weird things together into a rope and point us to the exit."

Yan Qingying saw that the two of them stayed for a few breaths without returning, so she couldn't help but ran over curiously. When she saw Shen Chenxi, her expression changed: "The decline of this Tianjun's soul seems to be a little different. It is much more fierce than normal." , How can he hold on?"

Heavenly tribulation and declining tribulation are fake! Thoughts of joy arose in Mo Jingqiu's heart, but he suppressed them immediately. He looked at each other with Shi Xuan and smiled bitterly. If it was an external illusion, then its own heavenly calamity and declining calamity were also false and could not be ruled out at all. The only thing that could be confirmed was The only thing is that Shen Chenxi's word "fake" is genuine.

Shi Xuan smiled slightly and answered Yan Qingying: "That's why Shi stopped out of curiosity, but it is important to track down Bai Ze right now. Take him away first and investigate carefully later."

While talking, Shi Xuan included Shen Chenxi in the Map of Heaven, Earth, Mountains and Rivers, and at the same time secretly said to Mo Jingqiu: "Bai Ze is the inner demon king, maybe we can find some clues from him."

"Great good." Yan Qingying agreed. If he could discover the reason for the abnormal decline, he might be able to do the opposite and greatly reduce the decline of Taoist heart. In that case, he might not be able to get a glimpse of the realm of a half-step golden immortal.

After that, she followed Shi Xuan and the two of them with her fleeing light, and continued to pursue Bai Ze. Due to the delay in front, the distance was widened a lot. Fortunately, Bai Ze's fleeing light was also unhappy, and he had not yet escaped from the range of 300,000 miles. .


After a few days of chasing and escaping, Bai Ze climbed over the lush mountains and fled towards a place where the evil aura was stronger.

Mo Jingqiu sensed the changes in the surrounding environment: "If I continue to pursue him, I'm afraid I will end up in the underworld."

"Perhaps Bai Ze wants to use the special terrain there to get rid of us." Yan Qingying speculated.

Hearing their conversation, Shi Xuan was slightly startled, and his heart moved. He saw Bai Ze change direction, but did not speak, letting Yan Qingying escape the light and keep moving forward, heading straight towards the underworld.

After that, Yan Qingying asked Bai Ze's whereabouts several times, and Shi Xuan always replied: "Go straight ahead."

Yan Qingying, who was tracking intently, didn't notice anything unusual, but Mo Jingqiu felt something was wrong and couldn't help but ask: "Fellow Taoist Shi, what has changed? Have you lost the trace of Bai Ze?"

"Shi thought of something. Maybe he could uncover the secrets of this world when he went to the underworld." Shi Xuan said in a calm tone, but Mo Jingqiu heard the solemn meaning inside, so he stopped asking any more questions and concentrated on waiting. .

We were not far from the underworld. After half a day, we saw a mountain peak shrouded in Yin energy appearing in front of us. Behind it was a Yinsha underground cave, which led directly to Xiaoqian, the underworld.

The nearby environment was special and ever-changing. It took Yan Qingying a lot of time to reach the mountain peak: "Shi Zhenjun, where is Bai Ze?"

"I've lost my trace. I'll take a closer look." Shi Xuan said casually, closing his eyes and concentrating on sensing the underworld. Compared to leaving this world, chasing Bai Ze is a trivial matter.

Yan Qingying sighed: "He still managed to escape with the help of this special terrain, and there will be endless troubles."

Along the way, the fact that she had approached Bai Ze several times and almost succeeded made her have no doubts about Shi Xuan.

Ghost soldiers and ghost generals came in and out of the Yinsha crypt from time to time, but they did not dare to provoke Yan Qingying. Her aura of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord was exuded without reservation. Even if the King of Hell was here, he would not dare to cause trouble.

Two or three moments later, Shi Xuan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes clear and smiling.

Mo Jingqiu hurriedly used his immortal knowledge to ask: "Fellow Taoist Shi, have you gained anything?"

"Fake." Shi Xuan nodded with a smile, repeated Shen Chenxi's words, and then elaborated: "This world is fake, it is an external illusion."

Mo Jingqiu cautiously confirmed again: "Really?"

"Shi once mistakenly entered the world of Jiuyou and was contaminated with some auras. As long as he was near the underworld of Yincao, he could sense the rolling underworld connecting the underworld and Jiuyou. At certain times, he could also sense which part of the underworld the underworld was flowing into. "Layer." Shi Xuan explained with a smile that after discovering this in the chaos, he had tried it in countless worlds, and it was the same. "But the underworld of this underworld cannot be reflected in Shi's soul." ”

Mo Jingqiu showed a sweet smile: "The underworld's connection with the Nine Netherworlds is one of the foundations for the operation of the Great Dao, and even the Yuji Cauldron is no exception, unless it has not evolved into a real hell. And the power of the underworld connection is already close to that of the Great Dao , since this illusion cannot even maintain a half-step golden immortal, how can it be possible to achieve the underworld in an illusion? "

There is no doubt that Mo Jingqiu is certain that this world is an external illusion.

"It's an external illusion, and it's not the work of the inner demon of Half-Step Golden Immortal. There should be another reason." Shi Xuan was in a good mood and confirmed that the strange origin of this world was on the one hand. On the other hand, I just hope that other worlds within the Yuji Cauldron will not develop real underworlds.

Regarding this point, Shi Xuan has a clear understanding. Due to the incompleteness of the world here, even if some worlds can breed humans, monsters, four tribulations of chaotic alien species, etc., they should not be able to derive the underworld, just like in the Xiaoqian world. It is impossible to derive Xiaoqian General again.

Once it was confirmed that it was an external illusion, Mo Jingqiu's thoughts swirled: "The entire illusion did not attack us, which means it is not hostile, and it did not let us leave directly, which means it is not friendly, so either the person with great supernatural powers who created the illusion can only Pay attention to the evolution of the illusion, and don't bother to interfere in our affairs. Either the treasure is not very intelligent, or even has no intelligence, and can transform on its own without bias. "

"If he is a person with great supernatural powers, why can he still maintain the phantom of a half-step golden immortal hundreds of thousands of years ago? Nowadays, even the number of high-level monks is pitifully small. Since he has not left, he should not be seriously injured. He is in a near-death situation, and his injuries are not getting better, only getting worse.”

Shi Xuan speculated on the former possibility. A person with great supernatural powers who could evolve into a phantom whose strength was close to that of a half-step golden immortal would be at least a half-step golden immortal. As long as he did not die on the spot, his injuries would only get better, not worse, and a person The Half-Step Golden Immortal stayed here and stayed there for millions of years, creating an illusion that was almost real and had a continuous inheritance. It was not very realistic. He still had to complete the three thousand avenues of illusion.

Mo Jingqiu nodded gently: "If it is the latter, does the change hundreds of thousands of years ago mean that this treasure has been taken away, and the illusion is only maintained by its remaining power, and the highest strength it can evolve is deteriorating. The number of high-level monks is gradually decreasing."

After all, if you are truly a half-step golden immortal, your power will be extremely well controlled. Unless you do it deliberately, you won't have much power left. The illusion can last for decades, which is the limit, and neither Shi Xuan nor Mo Jingqiu see the possibility of doing it deliberately. .

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the character of the monks in this world was very normal. Since the disappearance of Half-Step Golden Immortal, many real people and heavenly kings with bad character appeared, and they became worse and worse. According to this assumption, it can It's easy to explain. Even the treasure that is the foundation has been taken away. Abnormalities will naturally occur based on the remaining power." Shi Xuan agreed. This is a bold assumption, be careful to verify it.

Mo Jingqiu smiled thoughtfully and said: "It can transform into a phantom that is almost half a step into a golden immortal, but it has no spiritual intelligence or is not very intelligent. With my knowledge, I can only think of one thing."

"Innate Tao Embryo Taixu Mirror." Shi Xuan took over. If it is still an innate spiritual treasure, then it is the real Tao Ancestor. How can it not be spiritually intelligent?

Mo Jingqiu nodded slowly: "The power of innate spiritual beings is restrained. Unless it is driven by human beings, it will not manifest at all, and it will not last long."

"Huh, after the reincarnation of Taoist Taixu, he worshiped under Taoist Yujing and became a Taoist hundreds of thousands of years ago. The combination is still Taixu Taoism, and the time is right. He has become a half-step Golden Immortal Queen, so he should come in to get it. He took away the Taixu Mirror of his body left before his reincarnation, and used it to entrust his soul with the Tao, and the remaining power of the innate Tao embryo will naturally not waste time to recover. "

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