Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 726: If you fail to harm others, you will harm yourself instead (Second update, guaranteed)

——Additional update at eleven o’clock. Also, the Dianniang system has been abnormal these days, and Qidian Coin keeps making errors, so there is no need to panic.


With a bun on his head, a Taoist hairpin inserted, and a bright yellow Taoist robe on his body, Emperor Ai Hong, who is over fifty years old, has a thin face, which is somewhat similar to the fourth prince. If he were not the ruler of the world for more than thirty years, The majestic demeanor brought by the new year makes him look like an extraordinary monk.

Unfortunately, his appearance at this time did not reflect any majesty at all. His eyes were half-closed, his face was red, his expression was ecstatic, and there was even an unknown liquid shining at the corners of his mouth and nose. He did not look like the master of millions of people.

Seeing his appearance, Zhen Xuzi felt a little itchy and wished he could take a pill of elixir. That feeling really made him think about it again and again. He thought to himself: "Before I retire and return home, I must let these two Taoist priests do it for me." I will make a few furnaces of elixir as compensation."

After a while, Ai Hong sniffed, pursed his lips, and slowly opened his eyes. After a moment, his cloudy pupils became clear, but full of energy. He laughed loudly: "As expected of the Immortal Pill, it not only makes me feel I have reached the state of immortality, and my health has improved greatly. I am no longer as weak as I was in the past few years. Maybe one day I will be able to live longer. Master Zhenxu, please open the furnace and refine another furnace of elixir. Once successful. , I will appoint you as the national advisor at the great court meeting. Well, I am afraid it will be difficult to refine the elixir, so you will temporarily stay in the side hall of Huaqing Palace today."

After being an emperor for more than thirty years, he has seen all kinds of ups and downs. How can Ai Hong be easy to deceive? Originally, he had no doubts, but today he saw Zhen Xuzi coming in with two strange Taoist priests, saying that they were his new disciples. Being good at refining elixirs, he had already discovered something strange in his mind. He was afraid that the elixirs presented by these two strange Taoist priests could not meet him directly, so he could only go through Zhen Xuzi. The two parties must have reached some kind of deal secretly, but Ai Hong did not Pointing through, this kind of small movements and thoughts can be beneficial to you. If the water is clear, there will be no fish. Of course, tapping is still necessary.

Zhen Xuzi almost broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he agreed to them. Fortunately, he brought them into the palace. Otherwise, if the emperor had such a whim, he would have to use the excuse of insufficient preparation of herbal medicine to delay for a period of time, or to completely learn alchemy. , before offering the elixir, but that might attract Master Zhu’s attention and cause danger.

"You two quickly control the fire and prepare the herbs." Zhen Xuzi turned around and said to Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu who were standing behind Jingli.

Ai Hong looked on with his hands behind his back and a faint smile, but at this moment, a young eunuch walked to the door of the alchemy room, knelt down and said, "This slave is here to see the emperor. Long live the emperor. Long live the emperor."

"What's the matter?" Ai Hong asked calmly.

The young eunuch answered clearly: "Your Majesty, the fourth prince is asking for an audience, and he is bringing with him a woman who is good at wielding swords."

"The Fourth Brother came back desperately just to offer me his swordsmanship? Huh, he still has some filial piety." Ai Hong's face softened a little, and he pondered for a moment, "In this case, I will give a banquet to all the officials and summon them. All the swordsmen in the palace will appear together, I want to see what is so strange about that woman that makes the fourth child do such a thing."

After giving the order, Ai Hong did not let the fourth prince come to see him as a sign of knocking. He turned to look at Zhen Xuzi and said with a smile: "The real person is here. It's a good time to meet him. Why don't you accompany me to watch the sword dance tonight."

Zhen Xuzi was overjoyed. Normally, the emperor would ask Zhu Guoshi to accompany him for such matters. He replied with a smile on his face: "I have thanked the emperor for his kindness, but this elixir?"

"The elixir will definitely take a long time, and it won't be too late to refine it tomorrow." Ai Hong said nonchalantly, since there were still a few pills left, "Ming En, go and invite the Imperial Master to join us for the banquet."

Zhen Xuzi was a little disappointed that he was not alone, but he soon became happy again. No matter what, he had made a big step forward compared to before, but he was worried about another thing and turned to look at Shi Xuan and Mo Jing. Qiu was afraid that they would force themselves to follow him, which would be very troublesome.

But Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu stood quietly aside, looking at their noses with their eyes, and their hearts with their noses, like wood carvings.

"They still understand the way forward and retreat, and they know that they have to figure it out slowly, and they can't rush for a moment, which will ruin the impression in the emperor's mind." Zhen Xuzi felt relieved, and his opinion of Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu became a little better.

Not long after, a middle-aged man wearing a vermilion robe followed the great eunuch Ming En and walked in. It was Zhu Shang, the current imperial advisor. He looked majestic and unsmiling, with short hair on top. Not a monk, not a Taoist, not a secular person.

As soon as he came in, Shi Xuan felt a chill in his heart, and it seemed as if a stone had been dropped on Ying Fang Yuan's soul, causing slight ripples.

Zhu Shang looked at Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu with his eyes. They were so dark that it was hard to see the bottom, as if they were trying to devour their souls. He did not believe that Zhen Xuzi, an old Taoist priest who only knew how to brag, could refine any elixir. These two Strange Taoist priests must be weird, waiting for me to shock their souls and make them behave badly!

As soon as he saw Zhu Shang's appearance, Zhen Xuzi secretly screamed that he was not good. He had suffered a lot under Zhu Shang's haunting eyes. If he hadn't been well-informed, good at speaking, and the elixirs were useful, he would have been there long ago. He was pushed out of the Meridian Gate and beheaded by the emperor. He had been forced to cooperate before, but despite his resentment, he did not tell the two of them about Zhu Shang's supernatural eyes. If they were in a trance, they did something extraordinary or let the news slip, it would be the crime of deceiving the emperor. But he will be beheaded.

He wanted to remind him aloud, but his throat seemed to be oppressed by something, making it difficult to speak. He understood that Zhu Shang's cultivation had improved again, and he could do this even without looking at each other. Cold sweat suddenly broke out. The earth came out.

But what Zhu Shang saw was a pair of smiling eyes. The pupils were dark and deep, with little stars shining and moving in mysterious trajectories. Seeing these eyes was like seeing the starry sky above, but it was very different. It was vast and boundless. It's grand, long-lasting, and daunting.

Zhu Shang couldn't tell the difference, he just felt that his whole soul was dizzy with the movement of the stars.

After a moment, Zhu Shang regained his consciousness and realized that what he saw was still the young man. His pupils were dark, but there was no difference. The starry sky just now seemed like an illusion of his.

"Okay, Imperial Master and Master, come with me to Qianyang Palace. If you have nothing to do, why not talk about the secret of immortality until the evening." Why couldn't Ai Hong see through Zhu Shang's little thoughts and smooth things over? , so that Zhu Shang did not dare to try again.

Seeing that Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu did not act out of the ordinary, Zhen Xuzi breathed a sigh of relief and felt that his palms were full of sweat.

After leaving the Huaqing Palace, Ai Hong saw that the Imperial Master and the real person were all respectful and proud of his imperial balancing skills. He couldn't help but said: "I heard that the Imperial Master has also been studying the art of alchemy recently. Have you gained anything?"

After asking, no one answered. Ai Hong became angry and turned around to see Zhu Shang's face dull and flushed, muttering to himself: "It's so hot, so hot..."

While talking to himself, he began to take off his clothes. In just two breaths, he was naked from the waist up, leaving Ai Hong, the eunuch, the guards, and Zhen Xuzi stunned.

When Zhu Shang was about to take off his underwear, he was shocked and regained his consciousness. He looked in front of him and then on his body. He was so ashamed and angry that he hurriedly put on his clothes and understood what the young man meant. Son, this was my cue to make them behave badly!

"I am not feeling well. Please allow me to retire in advance." Zhu Shang felt completely ashamed, and all the eyes around him were full of ridicule.

Ai Hong knew only a little about the supernatural powers of the Imperial Master, but this did not prevent him from understanding that the Imperial Master was harming others instead of harming himself, so he smiled and said: "It is really hot in the dog days of summer, so the Imperial Master went to Qianyang Palace to escape the summer heat. What's wrong with that?" , you can also recruit an imperial doctor." He thought to himself, "Those who can refine the elixir are indeed extraordinary. After this time, I will have to give him something sweet."

The emperor forcefully invited him, but Zhu Shang was reluctant to give up the promising official position of Imperial Master, so he had to follow him shamelessly. Zhen Xuzi suppressed his smile and walked briskly: "How can a person who can restrain an old Taoist as soon as he comes to the door be easy?" Mr. Zhu Shang, you really deserve it."


In the side hall of Huaqing Palace, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu sat opposite each other.

When there was no one around, Mo Jingqiu smiled and said: "I didn't expect that the Imperial Master is gifted in soul, and his power to shock the soul is close to magic. It's a pity that when he meets Taoist priests like us who have a round and clear Taoist heart, not only can they not be shocked, Not at all, but it was bounced back.”

"In the Land of the End of Dharma, after countless thousands of years of evolution, when the road to the development of 'Dharma' is blocked, there will naturally be other ways of change. For example, there may be strangers who specialize in spiritual cultivation, but no matter where they go, No matter how you go, it is difficult to break through the shackles and reach the level of the Dharma. Our character is due to thousands of years of cultivation, and no one here can do it." Shi Xuan speculated with interest.

Mo Jingqiu nodded: "Mo Dharma is not just Tao Dharma." After a pause, she chuckled and said, "Tonight should go more smoothly than expected."

Originally, Shi Xuan and Mo Jingqiu planned to sneak into the ancestral temple at night and rely on telepathy if they had the opportunity to stay in the palace to refine elixirs. If they could not stay overnight, they would find an opportunity to go directly there during the day to beat the slow. , After all, the palace is vast, and even if there are many guards, there must be some omissions during the inspection, especially far away from the emperor. Unexpectedly, not only did the stay go smoothly, but there was also a sword dance tonight that attracted most of the attention.

"Then let's recuperate our bodies and minds, and wait quietly for the evening." Shi Xuan nodded.


Outside the Minghua Hall, the lights were brightly lit, and there were many tables and tables. Ministers, princes, and generals were already sitting down, waiting for the emperor's arrival. Some were looking forward to it, some were very disdainful, and some had simply prepared ammunition.

The fourth prince sat behind the desk under the steps and showed no reaction to the looks of hostility, disgust, respect, or respect, even if the third prince deliberately walked in front of him.

He just looked at the square in front of him, as if there was a delicate and delicate figure standing there with a delicate smile, and said firmly in his heart: "Jing'er, you have made such a big sacrifice for me, and all your thoughts are for me. Emperor Tu’s hegemony, I, Ai Zheng, will live up to you. If I can get the great treasure, I will make you my queen and never let you be exposed to the blasphemy of so many men.”

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