Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 730 The road collapses and the inner demon emerges

——This chapter is written so slowly, the next chapter is at ten o'clock.


He couldn't move even if he wanted to move. Under the pure pressure of the Half-Step Golden Immortal, Shi Xuan was as defenseless as a real Soul Stage monk facing this situation. He had already He is completely in tune with the Great Dao, and shows the Great Dao in every move and every move he makes. He is not the same as the Heavenly Lord, and is called a person with great supernatural powers.

Under this terrifying pressure, among the few thoughts that Shi Xuan could still move, he suddenly remembered what Mo Jingqiu once said very formally:

"Fellow Daoist Shi, if, I mean if, you encounter Mu Jing and other half-step golden immortals, don't panic or give up in despair, otherwise you will die without a chance of survival."

"Don't panic, don't give up in despair." Shi Xuan repeated these words with a few thoughts. With a calm mind, he struggled to turn the Tai Chi diagram into a golden bridge on the other side.

A majestic, sacred, all-encompassing golden bridge suddenly appeared in Shi Xuan's soul in an instant, blooming with immeasurable golden light. While the fire, wind and water under the bridge were calm, Shi Xuan's whole mind recovered a little from the pressure.

Just as he recovered a little, Mu Jing let out a cold snort, and Shi Xuan suddenly felt that his entire soul was beating violently. The three thousand avenues of complete destiny within the soul suddenly overwhelmed all other avenues, including the Yin-Yang Avenue where he had entrusted his soul. , in a blink of an eye, it seemed to be about to turn into a white and dim auspicious cloud, break through the soul, and completely destroy itself.

Fortunately, the golden bridge on the other side has been suppressed. Mu Jing just snorted casually and provoked the avenue of bad luck. Most of his mind was still on Mo Jingqiu, who had the innate Taoist body to block the chaotic attack of the avenue, so the white flower was dim. The auspicious clouds suddenly stopped under the golden bridge on the other side.

"If you panic or give up in despair, you will be dead!" Thoughts flashed in Shi Xuan's mind.

However, it is the pure power of the great avenue. The golden lotus flowers around the Golden Bridge on the other side have faded, and will all wither within three to five seconds.

The power of a half-step golden immortal is beyond the reach of monks in the lower realms!

If Mu Jing provokes him again, Shi Xuan will feel powerless to suppress him!

But at this moment, Shi Xuan saw only a bright starlight, suddenly flying out from the Qiu Yuan Shen of Mo Jing in front of him. As soon as it appeared, it penetrated through the layers of space and time, and hit Mu Jing Qingyun's endless white hair. above the light.

The stars are bright, like countless spaces and worlds condensed, and the aura is no less than Mu Jing's.

This blow was without warning, but it was absolutely abnormal. The road rolled, and creation looked sideways, as if it had been waiting for tens of thousands of years just to wait for this moment!

"Xuan Xiao..." The name silently rose in Shi Xuan's heart, slowly calming down the chaos of the three thousand avenues of his soul.

It turns out that this was a killing spree triggered in advance because of his accidental discovery of the inner demon Tianjun, a killing spree against Mu Jing!

It turned out that he was just a cover. Mo Jingqiu begged her to join forces in order to make Mu Jing relax her vigilance. The hardships along the way and the secrets in Yuji Cauldron made her completely unaware that the measuring ruler was on Mo Jingqiu.


Caught off guard, the opponent used a measuring ruler that could ignore all distances in space. The white light next to Mu Jing was suddenly extinguished, and it hit Qingyun squarely.

A white light suddenly lit up, covering the entire sky, making Shi Xuan no longer able to see or sense the situation inside.

Mo Jingqiu has recovered his cultivation level in the Soul Stage. Without even looking at the half-step Golden Immortal Fighting Technique in the sky, he floats the Hunyuan Golden Dou in front of him and keeps using magic power to break the restrictions. He wants to initially control it. Once he can With a little luck, even if the innate Tao Fei cannot exert its full power, it will still be the same as an ordinary half-step golden immortal, enough to cooperate with Xuan Xiao to kill Mu Jing.

Seeing Mo Jingqiu concentrating on cultivating the innate Tao fetus, Shi Xuan suddenly thought that if he had temporarily deceived his true nature and become greedy, then now...

"Fortunately, I stuck to my true nature." Thinking of this, even with Shi Xuan's Taoist cultivation level, he couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, he resisted the temptation, otherwise even if Mo Jingqiu's cause and effect oath was detailed enough, Even the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure she carries cannot take action against her, but if she takes action first, then the causal oath will undoubtedly be ineffective.

And a heavenly king who can withstand the temptation of the innate Tao fetus, coupled with the oath of cause and effect, naturally does not have to worry about him leaking this matter.

Everyone in the entire palace had fainted under the half-step of Mu Jing's golden immortal aura just now, so it was quiet. The only sound was the slight sound of Mo Jingqiu's restraint falling on the Hunyuan Golden Dou.

After a few moments, the white light in the sky gradually dimmed and disappeared.

But the situation was not as Shi Xuan thought, with Mu Jing being defeated. Instead, the two sides were in a stalemate. Xuan Xiao Yuanshen, who was tall, handsome and mature in Xing Dou Taoist robe, was slightly illusory. Behind him, there seemed to be countless spaces, The starry sky in which the world is condensed is shaking.

She looked at Mu Jing with a somewhat surprised expression, but she did not forget to seal off the surrounding space to prevent Mu Jing from taking another incarnation to intercept Mo Jingqiu or escape, which would end in failure.

Mu Jing was hit by the full force of the Sky Measurement Ruler. Qingyun collapsed and changed from the size of a mother to a foot in diameter. After the natal spiritual treasure Hunyuan Golden Dou blocked the fatal blow, the golden light was dim and there were cracks everywhere. He was obviously seriously injured.

But there was no panic on her face, with a faint smile, and the black air in her graceful body seemed to be changing in and out of people's hearts.

"The Great Dao of Xiantian Doom Luck is not only the nemesis of all laws, but also represents the collapse of the Dao and the loss of the soul. Uncle Xuanxiao, although you and Master are sworn brothers, you don't know the biggest secret of Hunyuan Jindou at all. ." Mu Jing said leisurely.

Following her words, the whole world went dark, the rain fell upwards, and the birds sank. When the sun rose, everything was dark, and when the bright moon appeared, everything was bright... The avenue collapsed, and everything changed sometimes to normal, sometimes to weird, Each kind of weirdness is completely different.

Shi Xuan suddenly realized after hearing these words, and understood why the patterns on the Hunyuan Golden Dou were different. No wonder that as a disciple of Jinxian Dao Ancestor and having obtained the true meaning of the Dao, Mo Jingqiu's Jiuqu Tianhe Formation and Hunyuan Golden Dou were unable to It is equivalent to transcending the level of immortality. It turns out that it is missing some content at all. In this world, all methods are just dead. It seems that when Jiangxiao was reincarnated, he deliberately suppressed the part of the avenue that collapsed and the soul was lost, or there may be other reasons. .

The black energy around Mu Jing gathered around her, and another Mu Jing appeared, also wearing a black robe, equally beautiful, but with a charming smile and beautiful eyes, as if she was the most beautiful person in everyone's heart. The woman she yearns for has a black cloud rolling over her head. She has no natal spiritual treasure, but it is like the condensation of countless people's hearts, exuding pieces of misty black light.

"You actually have a clone of a half-step golden immortal..." Xuan Xiao did not take action immediately. He had doubts about some things in his heart, but also had some understanding.

The inner demon clone was about to capture the innate Tao fetus without hesitation, but was stopped by Xuan Xiao, who was always on guard, using the Wind and Fire Furnace. Then, in a flash of starlight, it turned into a measuring ruler and hit it.

Mu Jing's body did not take action immediately. Her expression changed uncertainly, sometimes clear, sometimes crazy, and finally burst into laughter: "Uncle Xuanxiao, there has never been a half-step Jinxian inner demon. She is me, and I am her. Mo Fa, The inner demons are two sides of the same body, otherwise there would be no way for everything to go to waste and for the road to collapse!"

"Master conspired to reincarnate, so he was well prepared. Coupled with the strength of her second-step Golden Immortal, how could it be so easy for ordinary Taoist ancestors to plot? Uncle Xuanxiao, you should have guessed who the inner demon was that seduced me at that time. Bar?"

Xuan Xiao's light, which turned into a measuring ruler, slowed down and was almost broken by the inner demon Mu Jing. Even Mo Jingqiu, who was refining the Hunyuan Golden Dou, paused slightly and his face changed slightly.

Shi Xuanpin understood the meaning and was quite surprised: "Could it be that the inner demon that bewitched Mu Jing at that time was Jiang Xiao herself?" This is really the secret of secrets.

Mu Jing laid out the Jiuqu Tianhe Formation and wanted to trap Xuan Xiao and let her inner demons deal with Mo Jingqiu. Otherwise, when she had finished cultivating the innate Tao fetus and was seriously injured, it would be difficult for her to defeat Xuan Xiao and Mo Jingqiu joins forces.

As the brown water surged, Mu Jing said with a touch of melancholy: "One body has two sides, which are inseparable. The inner demon is derived from bad luck, and it is impossible to backfire. But before the reincarnation, the master used a secret method to put the Hunyuan Golden Dou in At this point, her cultivation level plummeted, and she was secretly invaded by the power of the inner demon. When the power was released, she would no longer be able to suppress it, and the inner demon would naturally dissipate. , but I was guarding him at that time and was temporarily bewitched.”

"When I woke up, I had already made a big mistake. My Taoist heart was unstable, and my inner demons escaped from my body and were divided. Although my strength increased greatly, I could no longer hope for a great road. I could only obtain the innate Taoist Hunyuan Jindou. With the help of its power, we can unite the two and we will be able to take a step forward. So, Jingqiu girl, don’t blame me for being ruthless. "

The Milky Way meanders towards the mysterious sky.

As a measuring stick that reflects the Great Way of the Innate Universe, Xuan Xiao is one of the Half-Step Golden Immortals who is most difficult to be trapped by the formation, and his preparation is to deal with the inner demons of Mu Jing and the Half-Step Golden Immortal at the same time. Delay time until Mo Jingqiu's sacrifice is completed. The two of them joined forces and had a great chance of winning even though Mu Jing was seriously injured in advance.

Now it was just the inner demon who was one and the same as Mu Jing, so she was not caught off guard.

In addition, in the Yuji Cauldron, Xuan Xiao's strength has improved, so the starlight ruler was able to stop Mu Jing and the inner demon all at once. However, due to the comparison of strength, Xuan Xiao's aura was slowly but firmly declining, and he could only see it. Hold on for another ten or so seconds.

After listening to Mu Jing's words, Shi Xuan finally understood the whole story. It was really unexpected, but Mu Jing's final murderous intention exposed her state of being bewitched by the inner demon: "The great road has two sides, and for most It's okay for the monks, but it will be a little troublesome if they meet someone with inner demons."

The Yin-Yang Avenue is, on the one hand, the way of opening up and differentiation, and on the other hand, it is the way of the chaotic cave where all things return to chaos, so there is the divine light of the Yin-Yang Hybrid Cave. The Five Elements Great Way is, on the one hand, the way of matter, and on the other hand, it is the way of annihilation and destruction. That is why there are five colors of divine light and the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Magnetic Extinction Divine Needle. This is true for all the innate avenues.

A faint sigh sounded in Shi Xuan's ears. Mo Jingqiu put down his hands, and the Hunyuan Golden Dou emitted mottled and dim golden light and flew high into the sky.

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