Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 733 Returning to the sect’s Dharma Assembly (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

——The first update is sent, I get up at 6 o'clock to finish it. The evening update is around 10 o'clock, I have to rush to take the car. !

By the way, when I went to bed last night, it seemed that there were more than 580 monthly votes, but it was only about 11:40 at that time, so it was calculated as 600 monthly votes, and I owe you two chapters plus updates.

Please support me with guaranteed monthly tickets~


The land of the end of law.

In southern Xinjiang, on a secret altar on the edge of a swamp, a skinny man dressed in colorful clothes was sitting cross-legged and meditating. Strange-looking poisonous insects were buzzing around him. He suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. With one shock, all the Gu insects were sent flying about a foot away.

"He actually broke through the barriers of previous great elders' cultivation." He said to himself in surprise, "It seems there is really a way ahead!"

In Lianyun Province in the Central Plains, in a martial arts hall, a man in his thirties was waving a sword in the admiring eyes of everyone. The changes were exquisite and astonishing.

Suddenly, his sword flew off and hit the wall. It was completely handleless, leaving his disciples dumbfounded. This was just an ordinary iron sword, but the wall of the martial arts hall was made of hard marble. Even if the iron sword is broken, don't even think about making a wound of more than an inch: "Could it be that Master has made another breakthrough in his cultivation and surpassed all the sword masters in history?"

The middle-aged man also looked at his palms for a moment, and finally murmured excitedly to himself: "The strength penetrates the bone marrow, and after it is penetrated step by step, the inner energy is actually generated. The former sage will not deceive me!"

Near the capital, in a dilapidated Taoist temple, the old Taoist Wuwu was extremely bored after finishing exercising according to the "Gui Zhen Sutra". After receiving the true biography of the immortal family, his heart was extremely enthusiastic, so he crossed his legs and learned the way of visualization in it to enter samadhi.

This kind of learning benefited from his years of concentration on alchemy and his undivided determination and clarity. It didn't take long for him to enter into the visualization and see his own soul. Unfortunately, the physical exercise has not yet been completed, and the inner energy has not yet been generated. Even if he succeeded, Visualizing the transparent glass described in the Guizhen Sutra cannot nourish or strengthen the soul.

Just like this, after waking up from concentration, the wonderful feeling of visualization also made Wuwu Lao Tao think about it again and again, and he was extremely happy: "If you continue to practice according to this immortal family's true teachings, one day, you may not be able to cultivate your inner energy, calligraphy, talismans, and seal characters." , the soul is out of the body and has supernatural powers.”

"Haha, when the time comes, the old Taoist will record it in the classics. On the sixth day of July in the thirty-eighth year of Jinghai, Taoist Wuwu met an immortal at the Immortality Contemplation and obtained the faxed method."

Above his head, Shi Xuan glanced down casually with a smile. He and Mo Jingqiu walked leisurely among the clouds with their hands behind their backs. In just two or three steps, they reached the exit in the desert.

After years of suppression, this Dharma-ending land will surely usher in a flourishing development after the innate Tao embryo is taken away. Perhaps when I come back in the future, it will look completely different.


Yu Yutian, Penglai Sect, Shixuan Cave Mansion.

After moving back in time and space, as soon as Shi Xuan opened the door of the quiet room, he saw a brown monkey, flying over with joy: "Master, you are finally back!" It was Qingsuo.

Shi Xuan was slightly surprised. When did Qingsuo, a lazy monkey, become so enthusiastic?

Qingsuo ran close, suddenly woke up, and turned into a little girl, with his face flushed with excitement: "Master, when you come back, can you enjoy the instant forgetfulness fruit?!"

It turns out that the monkey head has been thinking about this appearance for a long time.

In fact, it was the Penglai sect’s real kings and real people who teased Qingsuo. After the fruit of instant forgetfulness matures, the monks of the sect and above are able to taste it immediately. After all, the avenue displayed contains "electricity" and "time". You can also use the "Hundred Years of Sitting and Forgetting" to temper your character. As long as it is not bad at all, if you take the instant Sitting and Forgetting Fruit, you will gain more or less. If you accumulate enough, you can even touch a trace of the essence of the Great Way of Electricity. .

For example, Mo Yuan, after surviving the Third Heavenly Tribulation for more than three thousand years and tasting the fruit of instant forgetfulness, he is one step closer to touching the essence of the Great Way of Electricity. He is ahead of the rest of the real people who are still confused and have no way out. Quite a few. Of course, whether you can successfully touch the essence of the Great Dao of Electricity in the end depends on your own Taoist heart, tempering, and opportunities. Chu Wan'er, a real person of the Three Tribulations who practices the Time Cultivation Technique, also has a harvest. Not shallow.

The matter is of great importance, so there is no need to wait for Shi Xuan to come back. Otherwise, in the past two hundred years, when the disaster strikes or encounters danger, it would be a great injustice to just fall so close to death. As for Qingsuo, his Taoist heart needs to be tempered slowly, and the decline of his soul has not yet been overcome. There is no need to rely on the momentary sitting and forgetting fruit to understand the passage of time, so everyone is happy to tease Qingsuo.

Although Qingsuo is lazy and loves to play nonsense, he is still quite honest in nature. When everyone said this, he felt right in his heart. As a monkey with a master, he naturally has to wait until his master comes back before he can speak, so he saw Shi Xuan was very excited.

Shi Xuan smiled bitterly, shook his head, and touched Qing Suo's head: "You can eat it."

Qing Suo cheered, turned around and fled to Tianya Haijiaolou, leaving Shi Xuan standing at the door of the quiet room.

Qinglang, who had returned to Yuanmang Great World to survive the second heavenly tribulation more than a thousand years ago, came up to him and said, "I would like to welcome you, sir." After many years in the Penglai sect, he already knew a lot about Shi Xuan's life, but he still He further strengthened his opinion that the master must have been the Heavenly Immortal True Monarch before, but he needed to practice the secret method all over again, otherwise how could he advance so quickly!

"Very good, you didn't just barely make it through the second heavenly tribulation, you have laid a solid foundation. However, the nine fires burning the heart tribulation is difficult, you don't need to rush, slowly temper your heart of Tao, anyway, with your body of Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf, you can still delay for 20,000 to 30,000 years." Shi Xuan nodded and gave some instructions, then scanned with his immortal sense, "Where is Ao Gu?"

The blue wolf was very happy to receive the master's praise, and hurriedly said: "Ao Gu has worked hard for more than 3,000 years and vowed to achieve the body of the Dragon King. Now he is traveling and tempering his heart of Tao."

When it said this, Shi Xuan couldn't help but have some strange thoughts: "On a certain day of a certain year, Tianxuan Zhenjun of Penglai Mountain went out to travel, and the divine beast Ao Gu in the cave took the opportunity to escape to the lower world, causing trouble and wreaking havoc on the world."

After calculating in an instant, Shi Xuan found that Ao Gu was still quite well-behaved, but it was not so easy for him to achieve the body of the Dragon King. Fortunately, he still had five or six thousand years of life.

Shi Xuan nodded and unfolded the map of the world. Jiu Ling flew out, shook his mane, looked around, and saw that Qing Lang was only at the second level of the heavenly tribulation. He looked at him with disdain.

Qing Lang felt Jiu Ling's unrestrained aura, and his heart was chilled. Where did the three-tribulation demon saint come from?

"This is my new mount. Qing Lang, take Jiu Ling down to settle him down." Shi Xuan ordered, and then went to the Tianya Haijiao Tower.

Qing Lang felt a lot of pressure. After finding out that Qing Suo was a celestial spirit treasure, not a demon saint, he was very lucky. But now there is such a genuine three-tribulation demon saint with an arrogant attitude.

So he instantly understood what Ao Gu felt back then, and he felt the same way: "No wonder Ao Gu could restrain his laziness, practice hard, and go out to temper his heart. And Zi Ying, as a two-tribulation celestial spirit treasure whose decline will come naturally in at least hundreds of thousands of years, has also been sharpening outside for many years."


In the Tianya Haijiao Tower. When Xia Jing saw Shi Xuan coming, he quickly stood up and saluted: "Disciple greets Master."

"Although you are not as fast as many peerless geniuses, and it took you nearly 3,100 years to get through the Nine Fires Heart Tribulation, but that doesn't mean you have no hope. In the lives of half-step golden immortals and Taoist ancestors, a large part of them have not advanced at an amazing speed since they started practicing, but have been steady and solid, step by step, and strengthened themselves. On the road of practice, the heart of Tao is the key. As long as you can control yourself, stick to your nature, and stay on the road, accumulate and slowly improve, you can achieve Tao with average talent, so Jing'er, you don't need to belittle yourself."

As a three-tribulation power, Shi Xuan deduced some of the crux of Xia Jing's heart when he saw her, so he directly gave her a few pointers.

Xia Jing has been guarding the sect and practicing immortal arts for the past few years. She heard that Xiao Zhenzi and Qin Sheng had touched the essence of the Great Dao hundreds of years ago and were preparing for the fourth heavenly tribulation. Zhen Zhen was a peerless genius. Thinking back to her master's life, her heart was inevitably a little unstable. As a result, she was directly pointed out by her master as soon as they met. She was stunned on the spot for a while. The haze in her heart slowly dissipated with the master's words. Finally, she smiled lightly: "Thank you for the enlightenment, Master." "You are preaching as soon as we meet. Shi Xuan, you really have the posture of a teacher." Jiang Zhenren, who was also in the Tianya Haijiao Tower, joked, and Qingsuo next to him was happily tasting the instant forgetfulness fruit. Shi Xuan smiled slightly, with a hint of joking: "At least I have two Yuanshen disciples."

Master Jiang smiled bitterly and shook his head, looking at Shi Xuan carefully: "Shi Xuan, you haven't passed the fourth decline of the heavenly man yet?"

Not understanding what Master Jiang meant, Shi Xuan shook his head: "Not yet."

Master Jiang continued solemnly: "Then Shi Xuan, are you going to start passing the fourth decline of the heavenly man after you have adjusted yourself this time?"

"I am still one step away from the fourth decline of the heavenly man. I don't know when I can have enough character." Shi Xuan was even more puzzled.

Master Jiang laughed out loud: "In the past, every time you went out to travel and came back, you either had achieved the Yuanshen or passed the heavenly tribulation and decline, or you had accumulated enough, and only needed dozens or hundreds of years of preparation to trigger the heavenly tribulation and decline, and successfully passed it, which shocked everyone. This time it was finally normal."

Shi Xuan was embarrassed, it turned out that he was teased by Master Jiang.

However, this teasing made Shi Xuan completely relaxed. The atmosphere in the sect was really suitable for rest. Moreover, Master Jiang's state of mind did not show any frustration, decadence, and anxiety that he had experienced after being trapped in the third heavenly tribulation for more than 5,000 years, which made Shi Xuan feel relieved.

After chatting for a while, Master Jiang asked Shi Xuan about holding the Penglai Dharma Assembly: "How many years will it be held? This kind of heavenly spiritual fruit is not easy to preserve. Even with the secret method given by Senior Han Jing, it can only remain unchanged for 360 years at most."

In the past two thousand years, Penglai Sect has produced two more Yuanshen Masters, but some of the previous Masters have also begun to die. Even if there are Heavenly Sovereigns in the sect to suppress them, they cannot let all the Masters survive the catastrophes outside the fourth heavenly tribulation. At most, they can take action in time to send them to reincarnation.

Among them, the one that Shi Xuan regretted the most was Yang Zongzhi. Originally, he was the one with the greatest hope of surviving the fourth heavenly tribulation among all the immortals, except for his master Mo Yuan. However, he was easily broken by his strength, and his nature was similar to that of a sword cultivator, who was determined to go forward without turning back. As a result, he died when he survived the third heavenly tribulation.

In addition, two newly promoted Yuanshen immortals who survived the first heavenly tribulation died in the disaster while traveling outside. One of them fought with a person of the same level, and the Penglai Sect did not retaliate. Another was killed by a three-tribulation immortal, and Xu Zhenjun personally took action to seek justice.

Therefore, including Ge Chenghui, Hua Qianluo, and Hu Buhui, there are currently eleven authentic Taoist souls in the Penglai sect, and there are also three non-Taoist souls. The cultivation of the souls from the imperial conferred gods are not included, together with Xu Zhenjun , the two Tongtian Lingbao and a big demon that Shi Xuan sat down consumed a total of eighteen instant sitting forgetfulness fruits, including Shi Xuan himself, Jiu Ling, and the immortal-killing flying knife, which can be used for the instant sitting in the Penglai sect's ceremony. There are only sixty Wangguo left.

"Leave three for emergencies. We invite fifty-seven fellow Taoists. In addition to the familiar Tianjun, the main ones are Yu Yuzhenren, who can be regarded as supporting the underachievers." Shi Xuan nodded and replied, "It will be set at ten years after."

After saying this, Master Jiang suddenly straightened his face: "The old Taoist plans to reincarnate again."

Shi Xuan also had a solemn expression. It remains to be seen whether this kind of reincarnation who is afraid of catastrophe can become a soul again.

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