Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 741: Fighting with Honesty

King Qin Guang watched Shi Xuan leave leisurely with his jaw dropped, and only those four words echoed in his heart: "Do a good deed every day, do a good deed every day..."

When he calmed down, he looked at the six realms of reincarnation in the underworld that were about to be covered by the spreading aura of death, and muttered to himself: "With the underworld, all living beings can enter reincarnation without being scattered between heaven and earth. Indeed, It’s a great good deed.”

No matter what idea Shi Xuan had in mind, the underworld that the Nether Sect had been dreaming about for nearly 30,000 years was right in front of him. King Qin Guang was excited. The opportunity to control the reincarnation of the world was within reach: "Xiao Qian The world, the ability to change the laws of the cave, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal Technique are the three conditions needed to create the underworld. This religion is far away, but for a Three Tribulation Master like Shi Zhenjun who has the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal Technique, it is just a piece of cake. , Heaven and spirit are really different."

Although the first two can be replaced by cave-heaven magic weapons that have survived three heavenly tribulations, they are equally rare even in all the worlds. In the entire Yu Yutian, Shi Xuan is the only one who has one that has not survived the third heavenly tribulation. Cave Heaven Magic Weapon, of course, thanks to Yu Yutian's openness, the Nether Sect has already begun to look for and exchange the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal Technique.

King Qin Guang's heart was surging, but he hesitated and stopped moving forward: "The developer has the supreme control over this kind of cave that was opened by others. If our Nether Sect is in charge of this place, life and death will be at the discretion of Shi Zhenjun at all times. between?"

But then he thought that Shi Xuan's control would be greatly reduced in the underworld cave and sky connected by Jiuyou. At most, he could be guaranteed to enter at any time without being hindered by the possible immortal formations, but this was not good.

In addition, the King of Hell who comes from the underworld must be a real person of three tribulations. Whether it is an imperial god or a real real person of the ghost way, the Nether Sect cannot completely suppress it. Especially with Jiuyou as its backing, this kind of real person of three tribulations has an endless supply of energy. It is impossible for a sect like the Nether Sect, which has only two real people of the Three Tribulations Yang God, to be able to contend for a long time, unless a heavenly king emerges and his strength can be completely suppressed.

While King Qin Guang was hesitating, another yin-y emperor flew from the depths of the Yin Sea in the direction of the main altar of the Nether Sect. The scale of equality was embroidered in the middle of the emperor's robe. He was the real person of the Three Tribulations Yang God of the Nether Sect. The King of Pingping, with special heels, was a human emperor who was buried in the Land of the Underworld. He was infected and turned into a zombie. He was taken in and sacrificed by a senior monk from the Nether Sect more than 10,000 years ago, and has been sacrificed ever since. Refined into Feitian Yaksha.

After the death of this real person in the catastrophe, after a long period of evolution, by chance, this flying yaksha suddenly saw his true nature, cut through the illusion, and became a real ghost Daoist person, thanks to his natural emperor His appearance is in line with the essence of the Nether Sect's skills. Although the catastrophe of the ghost path is slow, he still survived three catastrophes before the fall of Emperor Yama. However, his strength is lower than that of King Guang of Qin, and his Taoist determination is not as strong as that of King Chu Jiang. , so he was not invited by Shi Xuan.

"Underworld?!" King Pingping was also shocked by what he saw. Logically speaking, Yu Yutian's own underworld was destroyed in the Golden Immortal War and would not evolve again unless there was external intervention.

King Qin Guang just told the story and expressed his hesitation. After hearing this, King Ping Ping was not sure why Shi Xuan suddenly opened the underworld, but he was absolutely certain that it was not to deal with the Nether Sect, otherwise it would be a big mistake. You can directly send out the Tongtian Lingbao to destroy the Nether Sect's main altar. But King Pingping has no hesitation in taking charge of reincarnation.

He smiled sinisterly: "Why should we be enemies of the Nine Netherworld? We must first drive back the King of Hell, and surrender to the emperor on the connected layer through the ghost soldiers, judges, etc. The emperor cannot leave the Nine Netherworld, if we are willing to make a causal oath If the real people surrender, they, the emperors who control countless hells in the world, will not go to war over such a trivial matter. Even if they are not willing, there is nothing we can do after we withdraw, why not give it a try?"

Then there was a bit of irrepressible enthusiasm in the cold voice: "If we can really get the favor of the emperor and give him some skills, secret techniques, foreign objects, etc., our Netherworld Sect will definitely develop and grow, and maybe someone can become a heavenly being. And if there are really enemies of Tianjun, we can still hide in Jiuyou."

Once you take control of the underworld, you will naturally be able to sense the underworld, otherwise how can you send some evil spirits into the Netherworld.

"Just now, True Monarch Guanshi opened up the underworld. The tributaries of Huangquan should be the first level of the connected Jiuyou. We are surrendering to Emperor Zuo Sheng, one of the direct disciples of the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death." Although King Qin Guang can't feel Huangquan at the moment, but just now But he witnessed it with his own eyes and was very moved when King Pingping said, "However, after taking charge of the underworld, only a few disciples were selected to enter, and the main altar was still the main altar, so as not to repeat things and lead to the destruction of the entire sect."

King Pingping nodded: "Then I ask King Chu Jiang to report to Lord Shi Zhen and ask for his consent. Otherwise, if we take action without authorization, he will become angry."

After waiting for a while, the Nether Sect was near the Penglai Sect. King Chujiang returned soon, and True Lord Dao Shi did not comment, which was regarded as acquiescence.


After a fight, King Guang of Qin and King Pingping joined forces to drive back the King of Hell who was sent by the giant spirit ghost king, and brought the intention of surrender through a judge.

In the Palace of the Zuo Sheng Emperor, the Giant Spirit Ghost King sneered a few times. The King of Hell was sent out by himself and was expelled back. Even if he had the heart to surrender, how could he save his face? ! Really, compared to the number of Yang gods in the Three Tribulations, who is blessed by the Law of Nine Netherworlds, and can partially enshrine the gods like a Shinto spiritual treasure, who can I be afraid of?

But he suddenly remembered that this world is Yu Yutian, with countless caves and long inheritance. The Tao of life and death derived from the Tao of Yin and Yang is only worse than the Tao of life and death passed down by the ancestors. If he can get some good things here, it will be good for him. The second decline of heaven and man, as well as the difficulty of "The True Explanation of Life, Death and Withered Glory", were of great benefit. It was such a major matter, so after careful consideration, he decided to accept surrender.

However, as usual, he came to the main hall of the imperial palace and reported to the Zuo Sheng Emperor. Regardless of whether the emperor responded or not, this was what he had to do.

After he finished his report, the closed palace door was quiet as usual, so he was about to get up to give the order, but at this moment, a gust of dark wind blew past, as if mixed with Wan Zaihan. The ice blew out, bringing a majestic voice: "Yes."

Although he didn't understand why the emperor had to think about it for so long, the giant spirit ghost king was still extremely happy. After five thousand years, he finally heard the emperor's voice again.


The King of Equality stands before the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and he only feels it reflected in his heart, within his control.

The same was true for King Qin Guang. It was rare for two Hell Kings to exist in the same underworld, but they belonged to the same sect. After discussion, they decided to divide the Eighteen Levels of Hell and the corresponding Judgment Ghosts, Naihe Bridge, etc. equally.

But rather than being in charge of reincarnation, what makes the two Nether Sect Three Tribulation Yang Gods even more happy is that they can join such a big figure as Zuo Shengdijun, and their capable minister, the Giant Spirit Ghost King, bestowed upon them the magic spirit that they personally refined through the underworld. I was really flattered by all the magic weapons supported by the underworld. Under the invisible pressure of the two super sects, the rather depressing feeling was swept away.

"Even if the emperor cannot leave the Nine Netherworld, our sect can still hide in the Nine Netherworld, and we are not afraid that the Heavenly Lord will destroy the family." King Pingping sighed.

King Qin Guang nodded: "But the meaning behind the words of the giant ghost ghost, we have to deal with it seriously."

He frowned slightly as he spoke, prompting King Ping Ping to ask, "What's wrong?"

King Qin Guang said doubtfully: "I always feel that the emperor's aura on the treasure is a bit familiar, as if I have felt it somewhere before."

The two newly promoted kings of hell recalled one by one the real people and true kings of Ghost Dao who they knew and had seen, or the real people and true kings who practiced Netherworld skills. However, they couldn't find the corresponding characters. They could only attribute it to the fact that maybe the emperor was born or died. He is a direct disciple of Tao Ancestor and has made great achievements on the road of life and death, so real people who practice the Netherworld Life and Death Kung Fu will find him familiar.


More than three months later.

Near Tianji City, a golden light with a radius of hundreds of miles was suddenly projected from the mulch. Golden lotuses, white lotuses, and green lotuses bloomed inside. Countless small golden gods were everywhere, making sounds of worship, praise, and chanting, making this place The yellow sand with a radius of hundreds of miles has evolved into gold, silver, crystal, glass, coral, amber, clam and other treasures, like a paradise.

In this golden light, surrounded by gods and goddesses, a majestic and graceful woman in a white gauze skirt with a flowery face and moonlight appearance came leisurely. Three rounds of aspirational light appeared behind her head, a round of cyan flowing, and there seemed to be a plant inside. The tall and majestic bodhi tree, with its huge canopy and canopy-like canopy, looks like a black-yellow aura condensed with merit and virtue, a half-cyan and half-red aura, coexisting with the aura of growth and destruction.

The light of these three rounds of aspirational treasures shines down, bringing a sense of the flow of time.

Her majestic and majestic voice spread in all directions: "If I achieve Bodhi, I will use my immeasurable and boundless wisdom to help all living beings achieve great freedom and great bliss."

As the sound passed by, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and flowers fell from the sky. As it moved forward step by step, many mortals and monks showed joy on their faces, stood up and followed, and whispered the name of the god.

After the huge team walked for a day, the woman suddenly stopped, pointed at the dead yellow sand in front of her and said: "If I achieve Bodhi, then the place I point to will be the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss."

Suddenly clear springs surged up in the vast yellow sand, the wind stopped, green grass appeared, and a high mountain rose. The woman flew to the top of the mountain and sat cross-legged on it. The surrounding temples appeared out of thin air, and gold, glass and other treasures and lotus flowers were everywhere.

"I will establish the Divine Emperor Sect here and save all sentient beings from Yu!"

He had not thought about truly transforming Yu Yutian completely, otherwise it would not be a joke to have a sword flying from the sky to kill the immortal.


On the ninth level of Gangqi, in the Lingxiao Palace, the Great Heavenly Lord Wang Wenhan was consecrating a mortal who had become a god from Yin De.

Suddenly, the entire Lingxiao Palace shook violently, making Wang Wenhan unsteady.

"Senior Ling Xiao, what happened?" Wang Wenhan asked in horror when he saw this drastic change.

Yuan Ling of Lingxiao Palace said with a strong sense of fear: "The Lord Rakshasa is here!"

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