Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 744 Gains and losses are never out of your control

After Shi Xuan carefully communicated his thoughts with Meng Nichang and Hanjing Tianjun, both of them nodded slightly. Meng Nichang said coldly and calmly: "Although it is still a bit dangerous, it is not a matter of life and death. Unexpected , the certainty is not small.”

"The biggest question is, will the Lord Rakshasa really follow you regardless, without worrying about being plotted by you?" Lord Han Jingtian raised his own doubts.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "If it were normal, with the mind and cultivation of the Three Tribulations God Lord, he would naturally be cautious, but when she came this time, there must be someone personally watching over her from the God Emperor or Fu Kong Dao Lord, and there was indeed nothing weird there. , she will soon find out everything. If this is the case, then what else do you need to worry about and be wary of? Showing weakness and luring the enemy deeper is a simple method, but it is still a way to deal with such a confident Rakshasa Lord. The power is just right.”

"It would be better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure ten of them!"


On the ninth level of Gangqi, outside the Lingxiao Palace, a golden glow suddenly filled the sky. Countless golden lotuses, white lotuses, and green lotuses bloomed. Then, in the golden glow, a woman in white clothes came from far to near. , gold, green, red, black and yellow and other colors of wish light dots surround it, forming a protective pillar. The vast divine kingdom is projected on it, with countless gods and believers chanting scriptures and worshiping, making her solemn and sacred.

With the arrival of this woman, Lingxiao Palace started to vibrate without any wind, just like a naked person shivering in the cold wind, which shocked the heavenly soldiers, generals, marshals, kings, etc.

After a moment, the Lingxiao Palace finally became quiet. The Great Heavenly Lord Wang Wenhan hurriedly ran out of the palace, rolling and crawling, and greeted the woman in white who had arrived at the entrance of the palace: "Lingxiao paid homage to the Divine Monarch, but I was a little far away." Welcome, please forgive me." But Wang Wenhan, possessed by the unformed Yuan Ling of Lingxiao Palace, came with deep fear and fear in his tone.

This woman was none other than the Lord Rakshasa. She slightly tilted her head and said expressionlessly, "It seems you still remember me." Then she pointed her hand, and a golden light slowly shot out and fell on the Yuan Ling of Lingxiao Palace.

This golden light was slow and leisurely, but Wang Wenhan, who was possessed by the Yuanling of Lingxiao Palace, tried his best to dodge, but it was useless, because his every move was as slow as a turtle crawling in comparison.

The golden light fell on the Yuan Ling of the Lingxiao Palace, and it suddenly shone brightly, showing the color of glass. Then the complicated and mysterious restrictions on the Yuan Ling emerged in this light, and then were broken through and eliminated one by one, but it was Yu Yutian Many monitoring methods and defensive methods supported by real people, even the method Meng Nichang used to ask Wu Yue'e to do the blessing on her behalf, did not last for a moment.

The light disappeared in an instant, and the Yuanling of Lingxiao Palace discovered that it had not been forcibly transformed or controlled. The extremely frightened mind relaxed a lot. At the same time, it aroused deep doubts: "Sovereign God, you... yes?"

The Lord Rakshasa put his hands on his back and walked toward the Lingxiao Palace. His voice came out faintly: "I am here to save all sentient beings in an upright and upright manner. How can I care about your little Shinto magic weapon? But since you are in charge of the movement of heaven and earth, When enthroning the gods of this great world, it must be open, fair, and impartial.”

"What do you mean, Lord God?" Lingxiao Palace Yuanling had a bad premonition.

The Rakshasa God Lord found a seat at random in the Lingxiao Palace and sat down: "I established the God-Emperor Sect in Yu Yutian, which is a sect that belongs to this world. How can the matter of conferring gods be done without our God-Emperor Religion? Participation?"

"It should be like this, it should be like this." Yuan Ling of Lingxiao Palace said quickly, but he secretly cursed in his heart. You are always a genuine Three Tribulation God Lord. Even if you don't combine the movement of heaven and earth, you can't consecrate such gods with their own responsibilities, but How could he not be able to seal a god by imperial decree? Even an ordinary god would be able to do that! Why do this unnecessary thing?

The Lord of Rakshasa smiled slightly, and this expression suddenly appeared in the midst of solemnity, just like countless flowers suddenly blooming in the polar regions of thousands of years of ice, which was extremely amazing: "It is natural to confer people of this religion as gods. I sent a group of people to discuss it together, and I feel that it is unfair to confer a divine title for the first time!”

After talking about it, her face and tone gradually became serious again: "So I ask Ling Xiao to summon all the gods in heaven to discuss this matter!"

The Yuanling of the Lingxiao Palace has not yet passed through the fourth heavenly tribulation and truly transformed. His character is incomparable to that of the heretic Yuanshen. After hearing the words of Lord Rakshasa, his panic was not suppressed. He was trembling with fear and his teeth were trembling. Speechless.

The Lord Rakshasa is nakedly pointing his sword at the Penglai Sect!

Yuan Ling of Lingxiao Palace only had this thought in his mind. On one side was the Rakshasa Divine Lord, and on the other was the True Lord Tianxuan. They couldn't afford to offend them!

"What, Ling Xiao, you don't want to?" Lord Rakshasa spoke slowly, gently and normally.

Yuan Ling of Lingxiao Palace was so frightened that he almost weakened. After weighing it for a moment, he felt that the strength of Lord Rakshasa was far superior to that of True Lord Tianxuan and Lord Meng. In the background of both parties, Shenxiao Palace had been traveling for nearly seven thousand years. Life and death are unknown, but the God-Emperor is moving forward steadily in the realm of "Perfect Dao Foundation", so it gritted its teeth and said: "I will obey the God-Emperor's decree."

Then it thought, and the Lingxiao drum outside the Tianmen was ringing, so after the gods in heaven heard it, they had to rush to the Lingxiao Palace within a stick of incense, otherwise they would be demoted to the mortal world!


The land of middle-earth, Yangzhou.

Next to the popular Pudu Temple, there is a small earth temple.

The white-bearded Yang Zhang, who was sleeping soundly in the temple, was suddenly awakened by four small hands pulling his beard. He laughed and cursed: "You two brats are here to disturb my sleep again."

Fang Delin and Fang Hanling, two brothers, laughed and said at the same time: "Grandpa Yang, you sleep every day, the land must be so peaceful."

They have grown up a lot, not only their appearance has grown from three or four-year-old children to seven or eight years old, but their minds have also been the same. With sufficient incense and aspiration, and with an innocent heart, they have gradually cultivated to the realm of the earth, which is equivalent to the Taoist soul. of series.

Yang Zhang's Earth Temple is adjacent to the Pudu Bodhisattva Temple. After going back and forth, he became familiar with the two brothers and sisters: "Other lands are busy here, but here are you two Earth Gods and Pudu Bodhisattva. I can naturally sleep peacefully." ”

Fang had Peng Ziqian's incense and wish power given by Shi Xuan, as well as the Zhongzhengping and Shinto methods that Shi Xuan derived from the God Emperor's skills. After thousands of years of hard training, he is now a genuine ordinary god. However, She still likes to be called Bodhisattva.

As soon as Yang Zhang finished speaking, he heard the thumping sound of Lingxiao drum, and said hurriedly: "There is an emergency in heaven, I have to rush there immediately." Then the light flashed, and with the help of the special relationship with Lingxiao Palace, in a few moments, Time arrived outside the Tianmen.

"What's the emergency in Heaven? It's said that things are not peaceful in the Western Wilderness recently." Suddenly, an elegant female voice murmured to herself behind the two brothers and sisters.

The two brothers and sisters hurriedly turned around, bowed politely and said, "See you, mother."

Fang is dignified and beautiful as usual. She is very satisfied with her current life and does not want any trouble to happen.


Within the Yingzhou Sect, due to the establishment of the Rakshasa Divine Lord some time ago, Chen Rong, who was granted the position of Shui Dexing Lord, is living in the sect to avoid major disasters.

At this time, the sound of Lingxiao drum sounded in his ears. Although he didn't know what was going on, if he didn't go to the drum and lose his status as a god, he would probably be detained immediately with his original state of having a little bit of true spirit left. In the underworld, he was thrown into reincarnation, so Chen Rong quickly got up and was about to turn into light and leave.

But a clear light flashed, and Xiao Zhenzi suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Chen Rong pays homage to the Master. Heavenly Court has important matters to tell me. Please forgive me for being rude and leaving." The Yingzhou sect used precepts to assist in practice, so Chen Rong subconsciously followed the ritual.

Xiao Zhenzi said calmly: "Shi Zhenjun sent news that the Rakshasa God Lord is in the Lingxiao Palace."

"What?!" Chen Rong froze on the spot, worry and panic evident in his words.

Xiao Zhenzi glanced at Chen Rong: "Although I don't know what the Rakshasa God wants to play, if you are worried and don't want to go, just activate the sect's immortal formation, which is enough to resist the summons of the Lingxiao Palace. However, if you resist with such force, I’m afraid your status as a god will disappear directly.”

After a pause, Xiao Zhenzi added: "As long as I visit King Qin Guang and King Ping Ping, I can protect the reincarnation of your true spirit."

Chen Rong's thoughts were ups and downs. How could he be willing to live with the cultivation of the Yang God for one calamity and a life span of tens of thousands of years? After struggling for a few breaths, he said: "How could the Rakshasa God, who is so powerful for three calamities, treat us as gods who have been conferred by the imperial edict?" He takes this guy seriously, and whether he goes or not, he will inevitably fall. Why not let me go and see what Lord Rakshasa wants to do, so that the sect can make a decision as soon as possible. "

"Indeed, since the Rakshasa God Lord has come here in an upright and upright manner, he will not be able to lose face in a short period of time against us monks who are below heavenly beings. Otherwise, if he has the reputation of bullying the small ones, he will lose the original intention of the God Emperor. Well, you go ahead. "Xiao Zhenzi nodded and added with a smile, "If Shi Zhenjun doesn't fight for a long time, we must be extremely careful, especially those of us who have a close relationship with the Penglai Sect."

Watching Chen Rongguang go away, Xiao Zhenzi sighed slightly: "This kind of immortality that comes from the gods, it is really not up to you to gain or lose." At least if things are not harmonious, even the heretic Yuanshen Zhenren can evacuate to other worlds. world.


Perhaps because he had the same thoughts as Chen Rong, in the Lingxiao Palace, not only the gods, heavenly soldiers, and heavenly generals who had been conferred by casual cultivators, mortals, and disciples of small and medium-sized sects were all present, but also Luofu, Medicine King, and Blood Demon All the gods from the five major sects including Yingzhou Sect, Netherworld Sect and Tianhuo Sect have arrived. Among all the gods, only nearly twenty gods from Penglai Sect and Guanghan Sect have not arrived.

Dong-dong-dong, the high-sky drum kept ringing, and the incense time was about to end, but there was no escaping light in the direction of Penglai and Guanghan.

The Lord Rakshasa who was sitting upright suddenly smiled leisurely and said: "Shi Zhenjun, Meng Zhenjun, you are self-aware and do not dare to fight with me. You shrink your head like a tortoise in the cave. It is understandable that you have a good character and deserve praise. But I If you come here in a dignified manner, how can you take action against these little gods? You are so afraid, are you too cowardly as a mouse? "

"If you don't come forward, do you really think that Ling Xiao doesn't dare to demote the gods of your two sects to the mortal world?"

The voice was not loud, but through the connection between the Lingxiao Palace and the gods, these words were transmitted to the Shangqing Shenxiao Realm and the Ice, Snow and Cold Light Realm. Other sects also heard these words through the gods present.

If it were normal, with the Heavenly Lord behind his back, how could the Yuanling of Lingxiao Palace dare to demote the gods of the two factions to the mortal world, but now it is different from the past, could Lingxiao Palace really dare to do this? How should the two factions of true kings be resolved?

This idea suddenly appeared in the hearts of all the gods and real people who heard this sentence.

Yi Jian Ren Xiaoyao is a work of Xian*Gourd. If you like this, you can check it out.

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