Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 748: The Six Paths of Reincarnation Show Its Might (Additional Chapter)

As soon as the Lord Rakshasa recovered from the sealing stagnation of the murderous aura, he saw the smile on Shi Xuan's face, and then a strange and inexplicable sense of space change hit her, Bodhi Heaven, Da Zi Zai Tian and the nearby people locked by it. The area is covered together!

Originally, the roots of the bodhi tree in the blue aura of wish power extended into the nearby void, locking a space of hundreds of thousands of miles in radius. With the strength of the Four Tribulations, Shi Xuan wanted to use the Star Shift to change the void, which was extremely difficult and had to be The full power of Broken Jade Art is unleashed.

But just now, when the killing aura of the Immortal-Decapitating Flying Knife was immobilized, the blue wish power treasure light completely transformed into the Bodhi Heaven to expel the killing aura, so the sealed space near the Rakshasa Lord became extremely small, and the power was not strong. Shi Xuan was Put away the golden bridge on the other side, and move the space with people on one side to the underworld!

The original locations of the Rakshasa God, Bodhi Heaven, and Great Freedom Heaven turned into a palpitating nothingness, but soon a headless and tailless underworld emerged, and was then swallowed up by the cave sky and dissipated.

The passage of time is naturally the exchange of spaces on both sides!

The immortal-killing flying knife left in the netherworld flashed with white light, and escaped the out-of-control destructive divine fire attack, and then shot out two rays of light, hitting the auspicious goddess.

Previously, in the face of Meng Nishang and Hanjing Tianjun's full force of the freezing divine light of all realms, the auspicious goddess bloomed the golden lotus of merit, wrapped herself in golden petals, and unfolded the "phaseless lotus womb hidden barrier", and the black and yellow merits The air permeated the air, so that it itself was not harmed, but the layers of merit golden lotus petals were frozen into ice crystals, shattered and dissipated.

The way of innate merit and virtue is famous among all the heavens and worlds for being good at defense and being invulnerable to all means!

However, the surrounding space was completely frozen, and even time was vaguely frozen, so the auspicious goddess had no time to return to the Rakshasa God and could only throw out her merits.

The meritorious deeds turned into a black-yellow light, shattering the layers of frozen space into pieces.

Soon, due to time being slightly delayed and unable to change, the huge crystal clear ice began to disintegrate. Meng Nishang and Hanjing Tianjun were at a disadvantage even if they tried their best.

However, two white killing rays of light came first and fell gently on the golden lotus beside the auspicious goddess. The nine spirits opened their huge mouths, "the sun and the moon in their belly" swallowed the sky and the earth, and swallowed the golden petals. Lotus sucked it.

Meng Nishang transformed into a God-Breaking Ice Spear, and the tip of the spear was filled with the true meaning of the Ice and Snow Avenue, and it pierced towards the Goddess of Auspiciousness. The Lord Hanjing shot out the all-realm-freezing divine light all over the sky like no money, freezing everything!


As soon as the Rakshasa God felt the change in the void, she knew that things had changed a lot, but she was calm and calmly transformed the Bodhi Sky into a huge Bodhi tree thousands of feet high, with green leaves and a canopy like a canopy. Each rosary-like bodhi seed emits light cyan light inside, making everything soundless, quiet and comfortable, even the changes in the void are no exception, and it calms down in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the Rakshasa God sensed the environment clearly. The surroundings were surrounded by bloody and turbid sewage, but it was strangely devoid of any buoyancy. Instead, there was an aura of greatness contained in it, which seemed to be able to restrain the soul, cleanse the mind, and dissolve it. Memory can make people sink forever and never be reincarnated.

Moreover, there are countless lonely ghosts in the water, all of them with bulging bellies and red eyes, with extreme resentment, hatred, and painful emotions, rushing towards and grabbing me!

"Jiuyou, Huangquan!" The Rakshasa God Lord has a half-step Golden Immortal master and a half-step Golden Immortal Taoist companion. His knowledge is second to none among the Three Tribulations Heavenly Lords, so he naturally recognized this place at a glance.

The river of Huangquan and the water of Forgotten River. Only the true king who opened up the small world or the true man with the treasure of five virtues can escape the first calamity. But being able to escape the first calamity does not mean that the powerful master of the second calamity will not be invaded. , but the power of the invasion was blocked by the power of the cave. If you stay in the depths of the underworld and are constantly attacked, even the Three Tribulation Powers will sink here!

After the Rakshasa Divine Lord recognized Huang Quan, he felt the suppression of the Nine Nether Laws and the weakening of his own strength by the invasion of the underworld. He made a prompt decision to eject the illusion of the Rakshasa Divine Kingdom from his body.

Within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it has become a place like a pure land of bliss. Gold, glass, crystal and other seven treasures are everywhere. Temples, color trees, merit ponds, lotus and other things are everywhere. Countless believers, divine soldiers, divine generals, and gods. , the god general sat cross-legged on the ground, chanting scriptures and the name of the god king in unison. The sound vibrated with the laws of the kingdom of god, forming golden lotus flowers that fell down, laying a "phaseless lotus womb enchantment".

The Rakshasa God is sitting under a ten-thousand-foot-sized Bodhi tree in the center of the Kingdom of God that emits the light of blue aspiration. He holds the seal in his hand and smiles on his face. Beneath him is a nine-grade white lotus platform.

It drove the Kingdom of God to float upwards rapidly, blocking the water of the underworld and countless water ghosts from outside, while the great freedom of heaven stood aside.

But at this moment, a vast and majestic scene reflected in the eyes of the Rakshasa Lord.

In front of it, an all-encompassing sacred golden bridge that seems to be able to carry many water ghosts to the other side stands majestically in the water. The rushing water under the bridge completely subsided, and the ferocious water ghosts all surrendered quietly, while golden lotuses bloomed around the bridge, releasing The immeasurable golden light froze all the underworld and water ghosts in other directions, like a quiet and dreamy beautiful golden picture.

And on the bridge, stood a young monk in green robes, with a calm expression and an extraordinary temperament.

It seems to be completely unaffected by Huangquan. Behind it emerges a simple and mysterious huge roulette wheel with different shades of black and white. It is divided into six parts. Their respective patterns converge to form six caves. Each cave is deep and unpredictable, interpreting the meaning of heaven. The six realms of sight, including humans, mortals, Shura, hell, hungry ghosts, and animals, drive changes in time.

"Shi Xuan, Six Paths of Reincarnation!" If Lord Rakshasa hadn't understood Shi Xuan's plan, then her tens of thousands of years of training would have been in vain, so without any hesitation, she turned the huge Bodhi tree behind her into a line with a hint of silence. The green light of the flavor comes out.

Anyone who is brushed by it will fall into a state of silence and tranquility, so everything will be brushed. It is similar in effect to the five-color divine light but different in essence!

The power of the Four Tribulations can reflect the cave within the body to the outside, so it can control time, so it can completely combine the immortal arts with the cave. Each immortal spell is emitted with one, two, or even several real caves. Fang is a ninth-level magic, so when the Rakshasa God saw Shi Xuan's Six Paths of Reincarnation, he knew that he had been blessed by Jiuyou. This magic was already infinitely close to the ninth level, and since his own strength was suppressed, he had to use all his strength. Only by going there can we resist.

Da Zi Zaitian's face turned from light green to dark green, and the colorless and invisible "Destruction Divine Fire" erupted from the third eye in his forehead. The surrounding yellow springs and water ghosts all transformed under the "Fayou Yuanling" and attacked Shi Xuan, and The ninth-grade white lotus platform under the Rakshasa God's seat emits a quiet and comfortable white light, and its defense is astonishing.

"Sure enough, there is something special about Bodhi Heaven." This thought emerged in Shi Xuan's mind. Although it is not a real Bodhi tree, the Lord Rakshasa used clever tricks to incorporate a little of the true meaning of annihilation into it. "It seems that this Bodhi tree is similar to The feet are special and can only be refined with the power of the Four Tribulations."

Thoughts kept emerging, but they were unable to affect Shi Xuan's mind. Shi Xuan was calm and unhurried. With a finger of his right hand, the six reincarnations behind him suddenly began to rotate slowly and urgently. Soon the noisy mortal world was above:

"You should enter reincarnation and be reincarnated as a human being!"

Immortal magic connects with the laws of the Nine Netherworlds, and a naturally solemn sound sounds!

Silently, the "Bodhi Nirvana Light", "Destruction Divine Light", and many things infected by the Dharma and Soul Spirit strangely transformed into mortal things at the same time, such as blue and green Bodhi branches, red earthly fire, and ordinary things. The ghost has completely lost its due power!

The Six Paths of Reincarnation and Humanity!

With one blow, Bodhi Heaven lost many Bodhi branches, making the Rakshasa God Lord who was closely connected with it turn a little pale.

But Shi Xuan was unyielding. He took a step forward on the Golden Bridge on the other side, pointed his right hand again, and the eighteen levels of hell rotated to the top. The heaven and earth shook, and he made a majestic voice:

"You shall be thrown into hell and be punished by mountains of knives and pans of oil!"

The real hell immediately appeared around the Bodhi Heaven, the Great Freedom Heaven, and the nine-grade white lotus platform, complementing the water of the Yellow Spring.

The Hell of Knife Mountain, using gold to overcome wood, the Hell of Oil Pot, where you can fry with ease!

With a bang, the "Bodhi Nirvana Light", "Destruction Divine Light", and the white light of the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform erupted. Green light, white light, and transparent flames spread throughout the illusory Kingdom of God, causing the Kingdom of God to collapse and be destroyed in many places.

After much effort, the Rakshasa God blocked the hell path of the six paths of reincarnation, but her soul became a little illusory, and she was obviously seriously injured.

How could Shi Xuan give her time to recover? He took another step forward and pointed with his right hand on the mighty golden bridge. The disc of reincarnation slowly rotated. In less than an instant, the animal path was turned to the top, including pigs, cows, sheep, horses, rabbits, etc. Everything is changing, and there is a solemn voice between heaven and earth saying:

"You should be thrown into reincarnation and become a beast!"

Facing Shi Xuan's Six Paths of Reincarnation, it was as if he was facing Jiuyou's judgment. The Rakshasa God Lord was shaken by this solemn and majestic voice, and seemed to be shaken and dizzy.

He immediately woke up, knew that something was wrong, and quickly blocked the Great Freedom in front of him.

The aura of the five-headed, three-eyed and four-armed Great Freedom changed rapidly, and his body shape changed suddenly, and he was about to intersect with the white elephant on the wheel of reincarnation.

But at this time, countless white lotus flowers appeared inexplicably around Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​blooming, wrapping Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​Bodhi Heaven, and Rakshasa God King together. Their breath was terrifying, pointing directly at the avenue, excluding the power of reincarnation.

"God Emperor!"

Shi Xuan did not expect that the God Emperor would take action to save the Rakshasa God Lord so quickly, and was not even willing to let her lose one of the Four Tribulations incarnations. However, in this way, the Rakshasa God Lord would definitely stay safe in a short time, otherwise under the protection of the God Emperor , I can't hurt her, but she can provoke her repeatedly. This is a typical bullying of the small!

In fact, Shi Xuan didn’t know that there were so few Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords, and even fewer could be captured and refined into incarnations. Even a half-step golden immortal like the God Emperor was not rich, and the three Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords of the Rakshasa God Lord were , one was eliminated and advanced from many low-level incarnations in the past, and the other has special heels and comes from the previous life. Only the Great Freedom Heaven was refined by the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord, so even if one is destroyed, it will not be the same for the Rakshasa God Lord. It is a great loss.

King Qin Guang and King Ping Ping took the judges, ghost soldiers and others to hide in Jiuyou on the other side of the boat. But as soon as they entered the first level, they saw two powerful heavenly kings competing here, and a strong feeling of joy suddenly rose in their hearts. Powerless and shocked: "They can actually attack Jiuyou?!" Are they still allowed to live...

Then they saw the white lotus blooming, wrapping the Rakshasa God Lord, but before they had time to sigh, they were all stunned, because Shi Xuan on the Golden Bridge on the other side suddenly had a black imperial robe on his body, painted with eighteen levels of hell and The Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Pingtian crown is worn on the head, and the twelve white jade crowns hang down leisurely.


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