Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 750 The complicated return to Yuyu

——I was going to make up for the overdue chapter, but I had to go out tonight, so I had to make it up next week.

Also, I think I wrote this paragraph well recently, please vote for me!


As these black and white, life and death-like light spots completely dissipated, the Zuo Sheng Emperor robe on Shi Xuan also quietly disappeared, as if it didn't want to stay on Shi Xuan for a moment.

Shi Xuan was immersed in the message contained in these eight words for a long time. There were so many things that were difficult to sort out, and the most straightforward one was: "The Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death really wants to merge with the Great Dao of Nirvana."

In regard to this, Shi Xuan had already guessed during his thousand years of meditation in the newly born world. After all, Nirvana restrains life and death, and is the most suitable opposite Dao seed. He has a Taoist Ancestor of Nirvana as an enemy, which is the most obvious connection with the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death. "And because he is inherently restrained, there is no chance of winning if he personally takes action against the Taoist Ancestor of Nirvana. He might even help the Taoist Ancestor of Nirvana and let him get the innate Dao of Life and Death. That's why he needs someone who can confront the Taoist Ancestor of Nirvana head-on and will not compromise with him."

After performing the real Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal Art just now, if Shi Xuan hadn't thought about who was secretly behind the sudden decline of Zhu Jiuyin's Dao Heart, and the end of the decline, and the fact that the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife was just right to be blinded by the aura of killing, then he had practiced for so many years in vain.

"The Dao Ancestor of Life and Death is the innate spiritual treasure of the Book of Life and Death. He merged with the Dao very early, almost one after the Dao Ancestor of Extinction. Among the Dao Ancestors, he should have many friends or allies, but his friends and allies can only help him block the friends and allies of the Dao Ancestor of Extinction. It is impossible for him to fight the Dao Ancestor of Extinction with life and death on his behalf. Therefore, it will eventually fall on him. As long as I merge the Yin and Yang Dao Seed, I will be the mortal enemy of the Dao Ancestor of Extinction, just in time to fight the Dao Ancestor of Extinction with life and death on his behalf. No wonder, no wonder..." Shi Xuan nodded lightly. As a golden immortal who controls the Dao of Life and Death, when he broke through the Mysterious Gate of Life and Death, he might have glimpsed some clues about his own skills, so he pulled himself into the Nine Netherworlds in the ancient tomb of wild beasts to examine his character. "If I hadn't resisted the temptation and stayed to sacrifice the Left Saint Emperor's robe and take charge of the first level of Jiuyou, then..." Thinking of this, if Shi Xuan hadn't already merged his body and soul, he would have broken out in a cold sweat. The Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death was not afraid to directly take out the "Treasure Record" and find another suitable successor. No wonder when he asked Granny Yu for advice, she frowned first, then smiled and said that she would understand when she reached her realm.

Thinking of the temptation of the innate Dao fetus Hunyuan Jindou, Shi Xuan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "Fortunately, I have adhered to my nature twice and controlled myself. Great temptation is also great danger. There are difficulties everywhere on the road of cultivation!"

This is still a situation where danger appears relatively quickly. Some temptations, once accepted, seem to have no loss or danger at all. There are many benefits for nothing, at most against one's heart, but after a long time, when it is difficult to make any progress, you will find that you have long lost hope for the road.

"However, this is only the words of the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death. We cannot believe it completely. After all, life and death are opposite to the end of destiny and destruction." Shi Xuan still has some wariness about the words of the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death. "In the final analysis, everything still depends on the realm of one's own cultivation."

As for the last four words, Shi Xuan could only smile bitterly. He has always been wary of Old Peacock, otherwise he would not have gone to Yuji Ding. It's just that he is limited to his current realm of cultivation and can't do much.

His mind is unpredictable, and there are many opposite Tao seeds that can be combined. Not only can the fate of extinction, the end of destiny, and destruction be combined, but extinction is also one of them. For the extinct, silence lasts forever, and the four elements are empty. These four elements are the four elements of earth, fire, wind and water in Buddhism, which means that matter is empty, all dharmas are empty, and the universe is empty. Therefore, it is the second largest innate Tao seed in Buddhism after cause and effect.

This is not that the Tao seed of extinction is stronger than other innate Tao seeds, but because it embodies the true meaning of Buddhism.

"But why did Daozu of Life and Death specifically point out Daozu of Five Elements? Moreover, he could have avoided letting Zuo Shengdijun intervene in this matter. Even if the Divine Emperor rescued Luosha Divine Lord and her incarnation, according to his cautious nature, as long as he did not want to give others an excuse to bully the weak, he would not try again for at least one or two thousand years. In addition, why did Daozu of Life and Death seal up Jiuyou?" Shi Xuan had many questions in his mind. It seemed that he had to discuss it with Grandma Yu.

As for whether it would attract the attention of Daozu of Destruction, Shi Xuan was not worried. The last attack was just his own reference to the projection of the Book of Life and Death, and he fully exerted the real Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal Art of Zuo Shengdi Robe. In other words, Daozu of Life and Death did not make a move at all. Unless Daozu of Destruction had been paying attention to him for a long time, he would not be able to sense any clues. Since no Daozu-level figures intervened, and his own disciples did not die, Daozu of Destruction would not care about the fight between children.

However, Zuo Shengdijun was also involved in a lot, which was really troublesome.

In the Zuo Sheng Emperor Palace, the Giant Ghost King had already discovered the battle between the Heavenly Kings at the entrance of Huangquan, but due to his cultivation level, he could only ask the Emperor to deal with it in the main hall of the Emperor Palace. Later, he found that the Zuo Sheng Emperor's robe was suddenly worn by Shi Xuan. He was speechless and finally calmed down.

Recalling the last time, it was also this True Lord who entered the Emperor Palace and brought the Emperor back. The Giant Ghost King had a thought in his mind: "Could he be the reincarnation of the Emperor? But how can the Emperor escape the confinement of Jiuyou?"

No matter what, this is the most realistic guess for the giant spirit ghost king. When he remembered that Shi Xuan knew the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the emperor still could not come out of seclusion until Shi Xuan opened the underworld in Yu Yutian. , he became more and more certain about this idea, and he even suspected that there was a heavenly spiritual treasure belonging to the emperor in the imperial palace, but all this needed to be confirmed.

So he turned around and kowtowed to the main hall of the imperial palace and said: "Emperor, do you want to send the imperial artifact to the true monarch so that he can temporarily turn into a ghost and return to Yu Yutian through the other side boat?"

There was silence in the main hall. After a long time, a majestic voice came out: "Yes."

But there seemed to be a touch of dissatisfaction in the voice.

The giant spirit ghost king received permission, took the imperial artifact condensed with the Nine Nether Laws, set up a cloud of dark wind, and headed towards the entrance of the underworld.

The golden bridge on the other side took Shi Xuan and flew out of the depths of the underworld, landed on the river, and stood on both sides, calming down the huge waves caused by the fighting and immobilizing the water ghosts including Tianjun.

At this time, King Qin Guang, King Ping Ping and the judges, ghost commanders, and ghost soldiers in the boat on the other side were still in shock, even though Zuo Shengdi's robe had flown away from Shi Xuan before, revealing Shi Xuan's original Blue robe and appearance.

Faced with this, King Qin Guang and King Ping Ping came back to their senses and glanced at each other, clearly seeing the uncertainty in each other's eyes.

"No wonder I felt that the emperor's breath was familiar before. It turned out that I had felt it from Zhenjun Shi!" King Qin Guang suddenly realized when he thought about the past. At that time, he only thought about the real masters and real masters who practiced Yin death techniques or ghost ways.

King Pingping murmured to himself: "No wonder he wants to open up the underworld! No wonder he deliberately connects to the first level! No wonder his cultivation realm has advanced by leaps and bounds!"

During the exchange of Yuanshi, the two seemed to confirm that Shi Xuan's identity was the reincarnation of the Zuo Sheng Emperor. They couldn't help but smile bitterly: "In the end, we finally had a strong backing, but in the end we still ran into the hands of the Penglai faction..."

Now that things have come to this, they have made the oath of cause and effect. Lord Shi Zhen, er, Emperor Zuo Sheng, is no better than the other emperors and cannot leave Jiuyou. King Qin Guang and King Ping Ping can only salute Shi Xuan on the Golden Bridge on the other side with unusual respect. Said: "The little king pays homage to the emperor!"

They lamented in their hearts that since then the Nether Sect has secretly acquired the Penglai Sect, but it feels good to have a powerful person behind it!

The other judges, ghost commanders, and ghost soldiers saw the two kings of hell saluting. Thinking of the scene they had just witnessed, they hurriedly bowed down and said, "Young man, pay homage to the emperor!"

At this time, the black wind controlled by the giant ghost ghost flew over and saw the Nether Sect and the judges he sent out. They met Shi Xuan with the courtesy of an emperor, but the one in Zuo Sheng Emperor's palace did not react at all, and his previous guesses were immediately changed. After sitting down, he felt extremely happy. Ever since Yu Yu opened the underworld of Yincao, he had learned about Shi Xuan, an outstanding heavenly monarch, from the Nether Sect. "It seems that the emperor is expected to be half a step into the golden immortal!"

In its heart, Zuo Shengdi has always been like a teacher and a father. Of course, it is sincerely happy that he has re-entered the realm of three calamities of power so quickly after his reincarnation.

Then, its tall body, which was more than two feet tall and was wearing heavy black armor, fell down like a mountain of gold or a jade pillar, and said with reverence and joy: "I am humble enough to meet you, the emperor!"

When King Qin Guang and King Ping Ping saw that the giant spirit ghost king recognized Shi Xuan as the reincarnation of Zuo Sheng Emperor, they no longer had any doubts.

Shi Xuan flew out of the river bottom, originally wanting to use the imperial artifact condensed with the Nine Nether Laws in the hands of King Qin Guang to return to Yu Yutian. After all, at this time, if he relies on the connection of Yin De and the Time Beacon Gate blessed by Granny Yu, he will go to the Seven Immortals first and then return. Yu Yu might have been discovered by the God Emperor and Dao Lord who were still paying attention to this area, but unexpectedly, the giant spirit ghost Lord had already flown in with the artifacts.

Seeing that they all mistook him for the reincarnation of Zuo Sheng Emperor, Shi Xuan was extremely amused: "Giant Ghost King and Zuo Sheng Emperor have been together for so many years, but they still don't know that Zuo Sheng Emperor is the heavenly spiritual treasure of Zuo Sheng Emperor's robe. , and those who know this will definitely not regard me as the reincarnation of Zuo Sheng Emperor, otherwise the Tongtian Lingbao would have regressed to the level of a semi-magic weapon. "

Since it was to confuse the audience, Shi Xuan couldn't find any other explanation, so he simply refused to admit or deny it, and said calmly and calmly: "Get up and give the imperial artifact to Shi."

The giant ghost ghost hurriedly handed the imperial artifact that was imitated from the book of death to Shi Xuan with both hands, and then stood beside Shi Xuan quietly, happily, and mightily.

"Let's return to Yu Yutian together." Shi Xuan took the utensils and told King Qin Guang and King Ping that he still had to resolve the affairs of the God Emperor Sect in Lingxiao Palace, Zhongtu, and Xihuang.

Although there are many changes this time, for me, the biggest gain is that I have saved nearly a thousand years of time. After returning, I will be able to initially control the passage of time in my own cave in a hundred years.


In the Underworld of Yincao, Meng Nishang, Hanjing Tianjun, Immortal-Slaying Flying Sword, and Nine Spirits are fighting against the auspicious goddess. Even if they are good at defense with their innate virtues, they are still in danger for a while.

Unfortunately, at the last moment, white lotus flowers suddenly bloomed. When the lotus flowers withered and fell, the auspicious goddess had disappeared.

"It seems that Shi Xuan's side has made great progress." Meng Nishang heard Xian Ge's idea and immediately guessed that Shi Xuan's side had forced the Rakshasa God into a dangerous situation, otherwise the God Emperor would not have taken action so early.

Without the auspicious goddess, several heavenly kings simply waited for Shi Xuan to return at the entrance of Huangquan.

And on the tower of Guimenguan in the underworld, in the empty space, a faint laughter sounded out: "Old Poshu has indeed reunited."

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