Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 752 Yu Yutian’s aftermath

Jiuyou, without the power of the Half-step Golden Immortal, would be easy to enter but difficult to get out. Even if there are imperial artifacts condensed by the laws of Jiuyou, which can be temporarily converted into ghosts, Shi Xuan is still quite troubled when he crosses the Jiuyou barrier in the boat on the other side. After spending some time and a full stick of incense, he followed the Yellow Spring back to the underworld of Yu Yu Tian Yin Cao.

While waiting for this stick of incense, Meng Nishang was always calm and calm, without any worries. Since the God Emperor has taken action to rescue the auspicious goddess, it means that Shi Xuan must have the upper hand, making the Rakshasa God very dangerous. Naturally, there is no fear of life, and in this way, at least for a thousand years, the God Emperor will no longer let the Rakshasa Lord be aggressive and press forward step by step. Only by fighting for stability can we truly be stable.

Watching the other shore boats emerging from the void and sailing into the underworld, with Shi Xuan sitting on the bow, the gloomy and cold feeling gradually receded, and he returned to his original gentle appearance. Even if Meng Nishang was no longer worried, deep down he still felt He couldn't help but feel a little relaxed, and gently nodded his head in greeting. Hanjing Tianjun even joked with a smile on his lips: "Congratulations to True Monarch Shi on his triumphant return."

The immortal-killing flying knife that had transformed into a human form was quite annoyed that it had not killed the auspicious goddess. At this time, it simply transformed into a small vermilion gourd and flew back to Shixuan Yuanshen. Jiuling, who was quite foolish, laughed loudly: "Unexpectedly I, Jiuling, almost killed the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord today." But I am asking for credit from the master.

Flying back to the shore from the boat on the other side, Shi Xuan responded to Hanjing Tianjun's joke and said half-jokingly: "Fortunately, Shi has killed Da Zi Zai Tian and Bodhi Tian together."

Hanjing Tianjun smiled and nodded: "It's much better than expected. In this case, Rakshasa Divine Lord will no longer be able to stay with our Yu Yutian."

According to predictions, after Shi Xuan kills the Four Tribulations incarnation of the Rakshasa God Lord, his strength advantage in the Nine Netherworld will be further expanded, almost suppressing the Rakshasa God Lord, and attracting the God Emperor to take action. It should be impossible to do it again. He killed the second incarnation of the Four Tribulations, so the result made Tianjun Han Jing very surprised.

However, Hanjing Tianjun was shocked and still remained calm like Meng Nichang, who had always been cold and unchanging. He did not ask Shi Xuan how he killed Da Zi Zai Tian and Bodhi Tian. He was afraid that Shi Xuan's secrets would be involved. If he If you want to say it, you will naturally say that since the real people of the Nether Sect and the ghosts of hell are all here, it is not a good time to talk about these things.

Meng Nishang's lacquer-like eyes looked around lightly and noticed that King Qin Guang, King Ping Ping, as well as all the judges, ghost commanders, and ghost soldiers were all respectful to Shi Xuan, which was completely different from their past attitude.

In the past, when King Qin Guang and King Ping Ping faced Shi Xuan, although they were in awe of his cultivation level, they belonged to different sects and were still a little proud and defensive. But now, they respect and are close to each other from the bottom of their hearts. And it's not the kind of feeling that one's mind is shocked because of witnessing the battle between Tianjun.

"Just come back." Meng Nishang nodded slightly without any extra words.

Shi Xuan smiled softly and said: "I will discuss the details of this battle with you, Senior Meng, later. Now that the Rakshasa God has withdrawn from Yu Yutian, there are still some loose ends that need to be resolved."

Except for the matter of the projection of the soul from the last book of life and death, Shi Xuan planned to tell the whole process. Anyway, Meng Nichang knew that he had mistakenly entered Jiuyou during the period of the Three Tribulations Yang Shen, and neither the God Emperor nor the Taoist Lord Fu Kong knew He would conceal it for his own family, and would probably treat it as important information and exchange it with some Half-Step Golden Immortals and Taoist Ancestors. After all, during the battle at the Zuosheng Emperor Palace, there were three Half-Step Golden Immortals and a Taoist Ancestor looming behind him. Those who pay attention and don’t take action are even more incompetent.

Although this matter dispelled the suspicion of the God Emperor and made him no longer attach so much importance to him, and Taoist Annihilation was unlikely to pay attention to children fighting, and since Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death dared to do so, he must have covered up and deceived him. The virtual and the real will not let accidents happen. In this way, at least in a short period of time, Shi Xuan will no longer have this worry.

But the affairs of the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death are also very involved. How could Shi Xuan get carried away because of relaxation? Let me briefly talk about the matter first so that they can make some guesses, so that if Meng Nishang and Han Jingtianjun discover anything unusual in the future, , and will not neglect the past, and can tell yourself in advance so that you can respond in time.

Meng Nishang said in a cool and melodious tone: "Okay, let's go to Lingxiao Palace." Hanjing Tianjun returned to his soul to warm up.

"Now we have to move forward in the gap between the two sides." Shi Xuan sighed secretly in his heart.


The battle between several heavenly kings has long attracted the attention of interested people, and the time of burning an incense stick is not too short. There are already countless real kings and real men near the realm of Shangqing, Shenxiao and Yincao, who are anxiously waiting for the fighting inside. result.

After Shi Xuan decided to take action, he invited Xu Zhenjun back to take charge of the sect. However, before the Penglai sect masters could leave after the ceremony, they encountered repeated provocations from the Rakshasa God Lord. Out of caution and concern, they all postponed After making arrangements for training, retreat, etc., I calmly waited for the outcome.

Chu Wan'er has known Fang for many years. When she was practicing in the Middle-earth, she often played with Fang Delin and Fang Hanling, so Fang was able to follow the battles in the underworld with the Penglai sect's true masters and true kings at the Tianya Haijiao Tower.

The underworld of the underworld is not far from the realm of Shangqing Shenxiao. Within the scope of the consciousness of ordinary Yuanshen real people, as time gradually passed, Fang, whose character cultivation was slightly inferior to that of the Taoist authentic Yuanshen, became a little anxious: "It is said that the Heavenly Lord is fighting. , often the difference between a rabbit and a falcon is the difference between lightning and flint. Since my benefactor has been prepared for it, it should be solved quickly. Now that it is almost time for a stick of incense, is there any change? "

After arriving at the Shangqing Shenxiao Realm, she learned from Chu Wan'er that this was Shi Xuan's plan. She was both looking forward to and worried about it. She was no longer the lonely ghost who had little knowledge and didn't even know how to practice. , quite understandable about the strength of both sides.

Although Chu Wan'er was also worried and anxious, she was able to suppress her emotions and thoughts, and she had full confidence in the master. She smiled and said: "Sister Fang, even if the master encounters a sudden disaster, with his character and methods, he can still put together a plan." The way out, let alone planning and then taking action, is not easy for Jiuyou to come out, and I think it took some time. "

Ming Qingyue nodded: "Even if things change, Shi Xuan can still escape safely with the help of Jiuyou and Senior Meng." She is very confident in Shi Xuan.

"Well, Mr. Shi always has many backup plans. No matter what happens, he can still save his life." Xu Zhenjun said with a humorous smile, and beside him, the eighty-nine-year-old Jiang Zhenren, whose memory had recovered a little, was serving as a Taoist boy for him, with a look on his face. I don't know why.

Before taking action, Shi Xuan asked Xu Zhenjun to take the entire Penglai sect to Tongtian Great World for temporary refuge if he found something was wrong. Therefore, Xu Zhenjun had a little worry hidden under his spring-breathing smile.


Near the underworld.

True Lord Caiwei sat high in the clouds, staring at the exit, and sighed to True Lord Huode, Wei Boshu and others beside him: "This battle involves Yu Yusheng's life and death. If Lord Shi and others lose, we foreign True Lords must hurry up. Leaving Yu Yutian."

Once the Penglai sect with a big background is no longer around, the Rakshasa God Lord will not have to use his upright behavior as a memorial, and will definitely return to his domineering style. Which of these true monarchs and real people who come and go will be willing to lose self.

"But the strength gap between the two sides is too big, and Shi Zhenjun has been provoked to take action, so the situation is not optimistic." Huode Zhenjun was very not optimistic that Shi Xuan, Meng Nichang and others who had rushed to fight could defeat the Rakshasa God Lord, and he was a little worried for a moment.

Wei Boshu smiled bitterly and said: "Even if there is only an elusive opportunity, Yu Yuzhen and I have no choice."

"Otherwise, we have to go far away to other worlds." Master Gui Yi sighed.

Since all the signs were not conducive to Shi Xuan, Meng Nichang and others, the atmosphere around the entire underworld was heavy. The breath of so many true kings and true people interacted with the heaven and earth, which actually caused the sky to change, with leaden clouds hanging low in the sky, and then There was no roar of thunder, showing a deathly silence.

Even within the Beihai Blood Demon Sect, Qin Sheng was already preparing to take his disciples away from Yu Yutian. Because the Blood River Patriarch betrayed the Blood Shadow True Lord and the God Emperor, once the Rakshasa God King was victorious, the sect would be destroyed. The disaster was that the ancestor of Blood River looked at the Yin Sea leisurely, as if the old god was there.

After a while, suddenly, two rays of light flew out of the underworld, one green and one cold, heading towards the Gang Qi layer.

"Shi Xuan, Meng Nichang..." True Lord Huode thought they had escaped, but in a blink of an eye he felt that Shi Xuan's aura was strong and not weak, "Did they win?"

Wei Boshu waited for a while and stared at the underworld. When he saw that the Lord Rakshasa did not appear, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said happily: "Several powerful men have really defeated the Lord Rakshasa, and it is very possible. She has been killed!"

"It's really a miracle that several Three Tribulations Heavenly Lords can defeat the genuine Four Tribulations God Lords together!" Zhenjun Caiwei sighed with surprise while feeling happy and relaxed.

The three incarnations of wish power join forces, and the Rakshasa God Lord is equivalent to the genuine God Lord of Four Tribulations!

In the Blood Demon Sect, Qin Sheng was stunned, while the Blood River Ancestor shook his head, smiled, and sighed.

Near the underworld, the anxious, dull, depressed, and worried emotions were swept away. The low-hanging lead clouds made bursts of thunder, and a misty drizzle began to fall.

The light rain soon stopped, and the fog in the nearby Yinhai Sea briefly dissipated, revealing a beautiful hazy fresh rainbow.

In the Shangqing Shenxiao Realm, Tianshu Peak, and Tianyahaijiao Tower, many slight and relieved sounds sounded almost at the same time, forming a loud sound.

Chu Wan'er glanced sideways at Ming Qingyue, and Ming Qingyue happened to look at her, and the two of them shared a tacit smile.

"It seems that only the master has been calm and unruffled." Chu Wan'er thought silently in her heart. Mo Yuan was the only one who didn't change his mood just now. It seemed that Shi Xuan's victory had been expected by him.


Lingxiao Palace Yuanling combined the laws of heaven and earth in this world, and naturally discovered that Shi Xuan and the Rakshasa God Lord and others had entered the underworld. At this time, Shi Xuan and Meng Nichang had to return and fly towards their home. It was heartbreaking. , wanted to pull away and escape, but under the suppression of Tianjun's aura, it was difficult to move, even trembling.

PS: This one-sentence parody is the result of my brain wandering when I was writing it.

1. Under Shi Xuan's Six Paths of Reincarnation, the white lotus turned into small dark blue humanoid creatures. They sang in unison: "On the other side of the mountain, on the other side of the sea, there is a group of Smurfs."

2. God Emperor: I shed tears knowing the "truth".

3. When Yin Yang Qishi saw the divine light coming from Shixuan Yin Yang Mixed Cave, he suddenly realized that it was very similar to his own devouring divine light, so he hurriedly shouted: "Captain, don't shoot, it's me!"

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