Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 754 Time sweeps over the soul

This counterattack force of the great avenue is invisible and qualityless. Following the connection between the soul and the soul, it directly penetrates the blockage of Shi Xuan's Yin-Yang mixed cave divine light and mana, and falls leisurely to the cave sky.

As the backlash of the avenue fell, Shi Xuan's mind was reflected, and he suddenly felt a colorless river strangely emerging from the surrounding void. It seemed to never return, flowing into the cave sky in a mighty way. .

As soon as this illusory river came into contact with the Law of the Cave Heaven, it was firmly integrated with it, driving its rapid changes.

The earth, fire, wind and water subsided, the lost chaos dissipated, the time and space storms separated, thunder flashed everywhere, and some great beings were born. In just an instant, Shi Xuan's prehistoric cave sky passed through the long evolution of time and directly entered the ancient era!

This is not a change in laws, but a real moment and millions of years!

Shi Xuan's soul was shaken, and he was dizzy. The passage of time in the cave was so fast that Shi Xuan, the Lord of Three Tribulations, could not grasp it, could not control himself, and was shaken.

The long river of time flows faster and faster, like a flood that is about to break through the embankment, getting faster and faster, and the waves crash on the shore.

The thunder in the entire void universe gradually subsided, the dark void stabilized, countless illusory universes were born and evolved, and the ancient times came!

The birth of the illusory universe begins to decrease, and the void universe is completely stable!

A Dongtian, if it evolved normally, would have a lifespan of several billion years. However, in just a few breaths, it would have grown for hundreds of millions of years and entered the maturity stage of a small thousand worlds.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Shi Xuan's face, originally in his twenties, changed rapidly. A short black beard grew out under his chin, the shape of his eyebrows and eyes changed slightly, and a few wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes. He looked like a mature middle-aged elegant man.

After opening up the Small Thousand Worlds in the body, the heavenly beings who already had no lifespan limit will generate their longevity again, and it will be connected with the lifespan of the Small Thousand Worlds. If there is no decline and calamity, they can live for billions of years.

The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes are getting heavier and heavier. Shi Xuan's mind is washed away by time and it is difficult to stabilize.

There are three tribulation heavenly kings who are unable to escape the sweep of the long river of time when the fourth decline of heavenly beings comes, and it is difficult to control the time of the small thousand worlds. Therefore, the path of life and death disappears in just ten seconds, which is similar to crossing the tribulation of heaven. , there is no room for turnover. In this regard, Tianjun who practices the Time Cultivation Technique has a unique advantage. In fact, the success of overcoming the decline of longevity may be several times that of ordinary Tianjun.

At this time, Shi Xuan seemed to have become a mortal, submerged in the river, unable to float, unable to breathe, and would choke to death at any time.

Fortunately, Shi Xuan's Taoist cultivation was outstanding. Amidst these shaking feelings, he kept a trace of his consciousness and never wavered. After ten breaths, he finally got used to the feeling of being submerged underwater, with his eyes, ears, mouth and nose all over the place. It's a river. I can only float and look at the feeling of flowing on the surface of the water in despair. I begin to struggle to suppress all the thoughts and stabilize my mind: "One... thought... does not... arise... the void... emptiness... state."

A trace of white hair appeared on Shi Xuan's head. In addition to the corners of his eyes, wrinkles also appeared on his forehead and other places, and his smooth and jade-like skin became a little dull.

Thoughts were trapped in my mind one after another, first slowly and then quickly.

Once he got used to the feeling of time washing, he began to control his mind and thoughts. With Shi Xuan's cultivation of Taoist mind and the suppression of Tai Chi diagram, he quickly suppressed all his thoughts, calmed his mind, and visualized the pure, natural and moral deity.

Thanks to the fact that Shi Xuan experienced the feeling of a millennium in a blink of an eye when he was the Heavenly Lord of the First Tribulation, he often immersed himself in the Zhouguang Bell and felt the long river of time flowing. Soon, Shi Xuan's Yuan Shen began to emit a light that seemed black and white. Surrounding itself, it formed a slowly rotating yin-yang fish behind its back.

At this time, Shi Xuan's mind was like a bright mirror, and the water passed without leaving a trace. He was completely free from the sweep of the long river of time. He sensed the passage of time in the cave with a detached mentality and feeling.

Without any delay or hesitation, without any haste or haste, Shi Xuan calmly circulated his soul and began to control the slow and reverse flow of time in the cave.

Suddenly, a silent sharp feeling resounded in Shi Xuan's soul, causing cracks in the mirror-like Taoist heart. Because the time in the cave was running like a high-speed train in Shi Xuan's previous life, Shi Xuan Manipulating the energy of time is a man with bare hands, dragging the rear of the car, trying to stop the train, but the power gap is too great, so he can only be carried forward by the train, dragging deep traces on the ground.

"There is really a sense that time is long and vast. If you go with it, you will perish, and if you go against it, you will perish. There is no way to affect it in the slightest." Shi Xuan calmed down his mind while suppressing some ups and downs of his thoughts, and then continued with the almost mantis blocking the car. This tragic and hopeless act was dragged by the train and stumbled, and my mind was shaken from time to time.

Not discouraged by failure, not despairing by the insignificance of his role, Shi Xuan had a peaceful mind and carried out everything in an orderly manner.

Gradually, under Shi Xuan's perseverance in manipulating time, the long river of time seemed to slow down, and its mighty flow became calmer.

There are more and more gray hairs, deeper wrinkles, and darker skin. Shi Xuan gradually looks like an old man in his sixties. At this time, in the cave sky, entering an illusory world of destruction and doomsday, stars begin to appear. With the newly born universe and stars, the space-time storm began to become violent, and the number of dark and chaotic holes gradually increased.

Just when Shi Xuan saw that Dongtian's lifespan had reached the last billion years, he deliberately used "Void Opening" to retain more lifespan until the last moment. His hard work paid off, and the flow rate of the long river of time was controlled by Shi Xuan in reverse. , the backlash of the avenue finally calmed down and gradually stabilized!

Although the speed of flowing forward is still very fast, it seems less urgent compared to the nearly 1 billion years of life left in the cave world. At least within a decade, he will not die due to the exhaustion of life.

"After adapting for a few more years, the power of manipulating time can slow down the passage of time. However, judging from my progress, it will take about 30 to 40 years to completely stop the passage of time and enter the final counterattack of the decline." Only then can Shi Xuan spare a little attention to observe his own situation.

The decline of life, once the power of manipulating time can be equal to the passage of time brought by the backlash of the Great Dao, will lead to the final backlash. If this situation has not been reached within 500 years, the final power of the backlash of the Great Dao will also fall. At this time, it is naturally better to welcome it as soon as possible, after all, the more lifespan will be left!

Shi Xuan stood up from the futon, but seemed to bring up a puff of illusory and heavy dust. The passage of billions of years will naturally react a little outside the Yuanshen.

As for the decline of life span, since it only involves the cave and life span, Shi Xuan still has a lot of strength. His soul alone can resist any magic below the seventh level, and if he is distracted, he can also use magic with the power of the sixth level.

After removing the ban and opening the door of the quiet room, Zi Ying, who had been guarding outside, said happily: "Master, have you stabilized the decline? That's really good. There are many three-tribulation heavenly monarchs, but they have never even passed this level..." As soon as the words came out, Zi Ying said a lot.

The fourth decline of the celestial being, because of the mystery of time and the lack of secret techniques and treasures to pass the tribulation, except for the heavenly monarchs who practiced the time technique, no great power can say that he is very confident before passing the tribulation, so Zi Ying was very happy to see that his master had survived the initial difficulties.

"Just now, I almost used the secret technique of overcoming the tribulation. The decline of life span is indeed the second most difficult hurdle in the decline of the tribulation after the decline of the heart of Tao." Shi Xuan shook his head and laughed. The further he went, the less confident he was about the decline of the tribulation. He no longer had the good fortune of about 80% confidence when his physical body was declining.

And the confidence of overcoming the decline of life span will not increase significantly with the passage of time and the improvement of the heart of Tao, because the ability to manipulate time will not change substantially before overcoming the decline of the tribulation. Unless you find the secret treasure or secret technique, it is just a matter of striving for perfection on the existing basis, with an additional 10% confidence, and this 10% confidence cannot offset the hidden dangers of the heart of Tao brought about by the fear of the decline of the tribulation and the hesitation. In addition, True Lord Langxia is also a negative example. Sometimes you need to be brave and diligent.


Due to the addition of "Floating Light Purple Sky Chapter" and "Heavenly Blue Dark Chapter" and other sword cultivation techniques that directly point to the integration of the Dao in the sect, many disciples of Penglai Sect who are interested in the Dao of Sword finally have a choice. However, due to the fact that Penglai Sect still selects disciples mainly based on the techniques of the Shenxiao lineage, and the "Shenxiao Cave True Dao Treasure Scripture" is a supreme technique that far surpasses the inheritance of sword cultivation, there are not many disciples of the sword cultivation lineage.

Ziying is a chatterbox, and naturally likes to be a teacher. To be able to get the guidance of such a great second-tribulation master, the soul disciples of the sword cultivation lineage of Penglai Sect often come to Shixuan Cave Mansion to pay homage to Ziying.

Shixuan did not stop him. Ziying needed to grow his mind, and teaching the younger generation was also a kind of tempering.

On this day, Wang Qi, Fang Li, and Lin Shaochong, three soul disciples who practiced sword cultivation techniques, heard that Senior Ziying was free, so they hurried to Shixuan Cave Mansion to pay homage.

Led by Qinglang, they just stepped into the cave and saw an old, gaunt monk with white hair coming out. His face was full of wrinkles, his skin was dry and dull, and he exuded a smell of decay and vicissitudes.

"It's like a million years of time!" Wang Qi, Fang Li, and Lin Shaochong couldn't help but exclaimed in their hearts. She could even see the invisible, heavy, and vicissitudes of history around this old monk. Although he looked only sixty years old, he gave people a feeling of being too old to be human.

They had never seen this feeling before, but how could an ordinary monk exude this feeling? So the three of them bowed respectfully, even if they didn't know this old, gaunt monk.

Shi Xuan nodded: "Zi Ying is waiting for you in the third quiet room on the left." Then he left the cave and flew to Tianshu Peak.

"The tone of his voice when he called Senior Zi Ying?" Lin Shaochong said hesitantly.

Wang Qi was also quite surprised: "This is the tone of an elder, isn't it?"

"Master Shi?!" The three of them thought of this name at the same time, but how could Master Shi be so old? However, thinking that many cultivators like to meet people in the appearance of old elders, they were relieved.


Under the Tianshu Peak, Shi Xuan looked at Master Xu in the ice coffin and couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect to see Master Xu like this again." It was because he heard that Master Xu was beginning to decline that Shi Xuan went to Tianshu Peak.

"I didn't expect that you, Shi boy, are more like me than I am." Master Xu replied to Shi Xuan angrily and amusedly.

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