Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 760 Tianxuan's sudden change

As soon as Shi Xuan combined the "Tao Te Ching" with his own aura, Shi Xuan felt that his soul seemed cold but not cold, and seemed gentle but not gentle. Waves of moral aura rippled, and then it converged without any abnormalities. Then this thin book It turned into a black and white light and was thrown into Shi Xuan Yuanshen. It was located next to the Tai Chi diagram and the Yin and Yang gas bottles, opposite to the immortal-killing flying knife.

Shi Xuan was not too happy about the creation of this secret treasure. He continued to calm down and began to visualize the "opening of the void". Incomparably small and extremely large deep black spots appeared, and the five innate gods were derived in sequence, the opening of chaos, yin and yang The evolution and separation of time and space are so spectacular that if you have a slight lack of Taoist cultivation, you will get lost in this grand, transcendent and shocking scene, and it will be difficult to get rid of it.

Thanks to the direct realization after surviving the decline of Shouyuan, Shi Xuan only spent three hundred years to successfully visualize the "Void Opening" seventy-eight years ago, and gradually became familiar with it and deepened his understanding.

With the concept of "opening up the void" that directly points to the Yin-Yang Dao, and as early as in the Secret Cave of Time, Shi Xuan obtained the true meaning of the Dao, and has been deepening his understanding and accumulation in this aspect, so the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave Divine Light Cultivation is Very quickly, it only took more than seventy years to reach the ninth level, shortening the time of nearly four hundred years. If you want to practice the Three Talents Destruction Technique, the Four Symbols World Destroying Sword and the Five Elements Immortal Destroying Sword, you must have at least nearly five hundred years left. .

The difference between whether it is a fundamental magic or not is beginning to show.

As for Shi Xuan, who possesses yin-yang, thunder and lightning magic, it would have taken him 3,600 years to reach the ninth level. However, with the addition of these two aspects and the passage of 600 years, it would take another 700 years to reach the ninth level. They have improved one by one, and the same is true for the two yin-yang natal spiritual treasures, Tai Chi Diagram and Yin-Yang Two-Qi Bottle.

Non-yin-yang, thunder and lightning spells such as the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Alchemy Book of Cause and Effect, which are in line with one's nature, need to be practiced step by step for about three thousand years.

As for other immortal arts that were not in line with his nature, Shi Xuan could only shake his head and smile bitterly: "Without seven or eight thousand years, it will be difficult to achieve full success. If there is no need to delay the secret technique, by then it is estimated that it will either have overcome the decline of the Taoist heart and become an invincible. The Dao Lord of the calamity is either in the midst of an unstoppable madness and is unable to recover, or he has simply fallen."

While imagining the "opening of the void", Shi Xuan practiced the divine light of the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave. His soul changed, from black to white, dark and deep, and began to evolve according to the true meaning of the Yin-Yang Avenue that he had comprehended and understood.

Immortal magic has been perfected after it reaches the ninth level. The closer it is to the Dao, the closer it is to the peak of the ninth level. In this regard, the great magical power of immortality that has clearly understood the true meaning of the Dao is unique. As soon as it advances, it will reach the peak of the ninth level.

If you want to jump to the level of the Great Dao, you no longer need to visualize the addition of Taoist characters. Instead, you need to connect this celestial art with the soul that is entrusted to the Dao. , and at the same time, according to the way of running of the avenue fed back from this combination, the great magical power and magic itself is evolved.

When the soul is completely combined with the origin of the avenue, and the great magical power and magic itself are consistent with the operation of the avenue, this great magical power and magic becomes a genuine avenue attack. You can remove the word "magic" from the back, and it is real. Really great supernatural powers.

Immortal techniques that are not derived from fundamental techniques cannot transcend the level of the original Dao!

Therefore, at this stage, Shi Xuan's Three Talents Destroying Magic Sword, Four Symbols Destroying World Sword and Five Elements Destroying Immortal Sword cannot surpass the level even if he has reached the ninth level. He can only wait for Shi Xuan to become a half-step golden immortal and win the Liang Yi Dao Destroying Sword. Born from the mysterious nature of nature, these three flying swords can only be cultivated to the original level of the avenue with the help of them, rather than the immortal arts belonging to their own innate and acquired avenues derived from them. Unless Shi Xuan has another creation, he can only stop at the ninth level. The level of immortality can never be improved.

It seems to be everywhere, within reach, but also as if it is far away and difficult to reach. In the Yin-Yang Avenue, the trace of soul that Shi Xuan places in the deepest place and is very consistent with it slowly changes, emitting the same black and white light as the nearby one. , sensing the changes in yin and yang around him.

When this strand of soul completely turned into the divine light of the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave, the origin of the Yin-Yang Avenue immediately differentiated and was broken open by it, and itself was also separated by the origin of the Yin-Yang Avenue.

The two slowly combined, but they broke off at the touch of a touch. They only combined an insignificant amount, like a child who is afraid of fire but yearns for fire, gently lighting the candle with his finger.

Even if it is just a touch, Shi Xuan's expression in the visualization is very solemn, no better than the half-step golden immortal who has survived the decline of the Tao heart. This kind of combination with the origin of the Tao is very easy for the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord. He was confused by the mysterious and mysterious Tao, and his body and mind were assimilated by it. He lost all his nature and wisdom, and was completely integrated into the Tao. After his body died, the Tao disappeared!

Many Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords died because of this, and only those under the Taoist ancestors were better off, because the avenue they relied on was often combined with that Taoist ancestor. At a critical moment, the Taoist ancestor could stop this assimilation with a gentle thought.

The endless, mysterious and profound secrets of the operation of the avenue shine into Shi Xuan's mind along that thread of soul, as if the mystery of the entire Yin-Yang Avenue is being interpreted in Shi Xuan's soul.

Its vastness, grandeur, boundlessness, boundlessness, and indescribability make people addicted, want to explore, and wish they could be part of it.

As soon as this feeling occurred, Shi Xuan, who had been keeping awake all the time, suddenly felt a great sense of danger, and he made a prompt decision to wake up from his concentration.

After a while, Shi Xuan, who woke up from his sedation, seemed to be completely awake and let out a long breath: "It is really dangerous to be in the realm of a fourth-level Heavenly Lord but to be in contact with the level of a half-step Golden Immortal."

However, in the midst of danger, Shi Xuan gained a lot and realized a hint of the mystery of the operation of the Yin and Yang Avenue.

After calming down for a while, Shi Xuan continued to practice the divine light of the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave, letting it move and evolve according to that trace of mystery.

After a long time, Shi Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and a dark and deep light that seemed black and white flashed through his pupils: "If everything goes well, plus the addition of 'Void Opening' and the true meaning of the avenue, within two thousand years, Yin and Yang will mix. The Divine Light of the Cave can be raised to the original level of the Dao, which is equivalent to the Dao Lord's 'All Dharmas Return to the Dao' stage. Well, it should actually be equivalent to the preliminary 'Acquisition of the True Meaning' stage."

In the four realms of the Half-step Golden Immortal, "all dharma returns to the Tao" and "perfects the foundation of the Tao" are hard work, while "obtaining the true meaning of the Tao" and "external practices" need to be witnessed, among which "obtaining the true meaning of the Tao" is equivalent to stone. Xuan has currently witnessed the true meaning of the Yin-Yang Great Dao, which is the way of opening up, dividing and deriving the universe. Therefore, once Shi Xuan can become a half-step golden immortal, he can return all dharma to the Tao, complete the foundation of the Tao, and deepen the true meaning of the Tao. To realize, the three are carried out at the same time.

Speaking of which, there are many half-step golden immortals who spent tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years before they could witness the "true meaning of attaining the Tao" after "all dharma returns to the Tao". The difference between the upper exercises and the exercises directly pointing to the way can be seen, and it is not just that the former is sure to be able to join the way!

As for many half-step golden immortals under the sect of Tao ancestors, because the avenue with transcendental magic has already been occupied, when they want to join another avenue, they also have to accumulate time and effort before they can witness the "true meaning of attaining the Tao".

After practicing, Shi Xuan was very restless and planned to go to the Western Wilderness. As Yu Yutian's true king, Shi Xuan only went deep into the Western Wilderness once when he went to the Tianjian Sect Cave, and never explored the Western Wilderness again. It's really a waste of resources here.

With Shi Xuan's current state, those cave-heaven ruins and wreckage are no longer of much use. After all, the decline of Taoist heart is not fake at present, but the space-time storm in the inner layer of the Western Wilderness alone can damage Shi Xuan. Xuan's current ability to manipulate time provides many benefits, not to mention that at the core, there may be traces of the Golden Immortal War. That would be an opportunity to face the avenue and clearly see the manifestation of the avenue in the world.

Moreover, Shi Xuan also wanted to take the opportunity to muddy the water and let the big shots who were spying on him jump out. Before they were sure of the plan of the Taoist of Life and Death, they did not dare to take action against him rashly, so as not to fall into a trap and find out what great supernatural powers he had. Or, in order to be on guard, after all, since then, the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death has never given him any reminder that he needs to rely on his own efforts, and in the inner layer of Xihuang, he has the Zhouguang Bell with him, and the half-step Golden Immortal can easily lose him.

As for the spies of the Tao Ancestor series, Shi Xuan did not dare to think about it. He left it to the Tao Ancestor of Life and Death to cover it up. It was really beyond his ability. In fact, if there was no Tao Ancestor of Life and Death to cover him up, just by practicing on his own, the slightest change in the soul would probably be eliminated. It was clearly exposed in the eyes of Dao Ancestor that the Cave Heaven and the Cave Heaven Immortal Formation were completely useless, and the power of Dao Ancestor was unimaginable!


As soon as Shi Xuan's body left the Shangqing Shenxiao Realm, the God Emperor who was sitting on the throne in the God Emperor's world suddenly opened his eyes. Without any strange light coming out, he saw Yu Yutian through countless time and space.

"Have you started traveling to prepare for the decline of Taoist heart?" The God Emperor, who was wearing a golden robe, whispered to himself, and then when he saw Shi Xuan entering the Western Wilderness, he frowned slightly: "Go to the Western Wilderness? Could it be related to the Taoist Ancestor of Life and Death?"

Thinking of this, the God Emperor couldn't sit still. Although he was still in the "Complete Tao Foundation" and he didn't know when he would be able to witness the "outer practice", and the distance between him and the "enslaved" Tao seed could not be measured by Taoism, but His nature is firm, whether he is domineering and majestic, or humble and humble, whether he is worshiped and revered by countless people, or despised and hated, his heart will not be haunted at all, and he will not be shaken or aggrieved by it. Step by step, he will just move towards He controls the Dao, so since the embryo of life and death may appear, the God Emperor will inevitably covet it.

After thinking about it, he still didn't dare to take action personally. The Dao Ancestor of Life and Death killed people invisible, so with a thought, he summoned a Four Tribulation Heavenly Lord who was protecting him from other worlds.


In the place of treasures, in a righteous village in a small town, there is a row of dark coffins, passing through the hall in the heavy wind, making people shudder.

Suddenly, an invisible crack appeared above the row of coffins. The crack was filled with the air of death, Yin, and Nine Netherworlds, terrifying and eerie!

When the crack disappeared, the lid of the coffin in the middle suddenly stood up, and the deceased with long hair covering his face and wearing a white shroud slowly sat up.

During the process of sitting up, there seemed to be sacred golden lotuses sprouting from the ground in the whole Yi Zhuang, blooming rapidly, bringing out a fresh and transcendent smell, sweeping away the aura of death, and turning the place into a pure land.

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