Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 763: Blocking the way with evil intentions

Emperor Fengdu looked back at the Disk of Reincarnation and the Scroll of Destiny that were slowly disappearing in the cracks in the deep space, and then looked up at the sky above the Western Wilderness that was covered by countless space storms. He seemed to be looking at the sky through countless voids. Someone bowed his head to say thank you.

"Although if we continue to wait, one day, Senior Ehuang will combine the Tao of Life and Death and become the existence of the third step of the Golden Immortal. Gu Yi will be able to completely re-integrate the origin of the Tao of Reincarnation and restore the state of 'Tao Basic Perfection', and there is hope for reincarnation. Daodao, but what if she can't succeed? The master is cunning, secretive and often unexpected. Maybe he has successfully reincarnated. Shi Xuan is just his old suspicion and has other plans. In this way, Senior Ehuang and Master The battle will be protracted, so I have to make some other preparations. Once this happens, I will change the road and cast the foundation again. These are the four innate roads!"

Emperor Fengdu still had a little fear in his heart when he thought of his master. The scene when he peeked into the core of Jiuyou and saw the "book of life and death" leisurely opened was still fresh in his memory.

It is very difficult to change the avenue and recast the foundation. It would be better if the innate avenue is replaced by the acquired avenue, which is derived from it. Among them, the acquired avenue, which is one body and has two sides, is the simplest. But like the emperor of Fengdu, he wants to change from the acquired reincarnation avenue to the combined one. One of the four innate avenues of destruction, misfortune, destruction, and killing is not much simpler than the path of harmony, unless reincarnated all over again.

But Emperor Fengdu discovered that this scroll-sacrifice method that came from outside the world seemed to be rooted in his own martial arts. If he really wanted to master it, he might be able to rely on it to directly change his path!

Because of this, it would be difficult for anyone who knew the Taoist of Life and Death to imagine that the Taoist of Life and Death might have reunited with Taoism. Shi Xuan was just trying to spread doubts, even if Emperor Fengdu was his direct disciple.

But Shi Xuan's three flying swords made Emperor Fengdu feel strangely familiar, and he made such a guess at the same time.

"Due to Master's cover-up, Senior Ehuang couldn't figure it out. He could only infer that it was the supreme skill that Master refined for the purpose of reincarnation. Hey, it was a supreme skill that was created to combine with the opposite Taoist species, but the key step is outside the sky. Flying here, I fell into the arms of my rebellious disciple. Shi Xuan’s skills may have other mysteries. The master just took advantage of the situation to arrange it, and there was even an innate Taoist ancestor behind him to help. Otherwise, senior Ehuang, who is as powerful as the master, would not be able to I can’t even figure out any clues!”

"But if it is really the supreme skill that Master has carefully considered, then..."

Emperor Fengdu didn't dare to think about it anymore, and even with his half-step golden immortal's heart, he shuddered. This was really Qifeng's grand plan, and he had become a pawn in this million-year plan without even realizing it!

You, Ehuang, are trying to make a living and die, so why can’t I try to cultivate your evil virtues? !

Ehuang, the first phoenix born since the creation of the universe, was born at the same time as the ancestral dragon, and the peacock was slightly later than them. As soon as it was born, it had the five virtues inscriptions on its body. The first inscription said Tao, and the inscription on the back said gong. , the belly text is called Saint, the wing text is called Yin, and the Ying text is called Fu. After opening the spiritual wisdom, he will be a half-step golden immortal. He can choose the original combination of one of the five innate virtues. With Zulong, he can choose chaos at will. It is also called a tyrannical existence that combines one of the origins of the two innate avenues of Yu and Yu.

Later, after Zulong and before Peacock, Ehuang merged with Yinde Taoism and called himself Demon Ancestor. Zulong didn't care about this. It looked down on monsters other than the dragon clan at all, and Kong Ji even more He regards himself as the authentic Taoist sect.

Thinking of this, Emperor Fengdu slowly shook his head: "Probably not."

Because he had other agendas, he did not choose to tell Ehuang about Shi Xuan's Kung Fu immediately. Now, it was hard to guarantee that Ehuang would make an attack. And if there really was a time when Master asked him to choose, would he obey or not? It is better to wait until Shi Xuan's three-mouthed flying sword sacrificial method is obtained before considering whether to reveal everything to Ehuang.

After calming down his mind, Emperor Fengdu quickly discovered Shi Xuan's whereabouts with the help of the breath sensing of the "Scroll of Destruction of Luck", and then turned into a dark and primitive light and penetrated the storm of space and the wind of time.


The black and white, intertwined storms of time and space are raging in front of you. Any powerful person who cannot control time will die when encountering them. In the inner layer of the Western Wilderness, such storms are everywhere. To be more precise, In the entire inner layer of the Western Wilderness, there is nothing else except the time and space storm, no void, no nothingness. Even the caves of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord and the Half-step Golden Immortal are hidden within the time and space storm.

"Sure enough, no place is peaceful." Shi Xuan stood with his hands behind his hands at the deepest edge of the inner and outer parts of the Western Wilderness. With Shi Xuan's current level of cultivation, the outer parts of the Western Wilderness were whizzing by without any obstruction. In an instant, we arrived here.

After observing and realizing the changes in time and space for a while, this was the first time Shi Xuan used his immortal consciousness to directly observe the time and space storm. When combined with the visualization of "void opening", he benefited a lot from the accumulation of time and space separation.

Shi Xuan waved his right hand lightly, and saw a black and white intertwined space-time storm blowing out from his sleeve. Wherever it passed, the deepest space storms, cracks, and winds of time in the outer reaches of the Western Wilderness were all integrated into it. , it was hard to resist, "This is actually a repressive method against the Heavenly Monarchs below the fourth calamity."

After sacrificing the Zhouguang Bell and holding it in his hand, the Qingyue Bell rang leisurely, bringing the wind of time around him closer, and then Shi Xuan stepped into the terrifying time and space storm.

Since the Zhouguang Bell is used to resist the prying eyes of the Half-Step Golden Immortal, holding it in your hand before it has recovered is naturally much more effective than hiding it in your soul.

As soon as he entered the time-space storm, Shi Xuan felt that time was disordered, the cave and the barrier of the soul collapsed, and the up and down, left and right, front and back, past, present and future were abnormally chaotic, which was very terrifying.

If the three-tribulation power had not died directly, he might have found that he had clearly moved forward, but why was he still in the same place, or he didn't feel that he had moved forward at all.

But as a four-tribulation power, Shi Xuan only had a thought, and the time waves around him were surging, which dissipated this disorder and constructed a normal time flow and space operation in the soul and its vicinity.

While feeling the time-space storm, Shi Xuan flew towards the inner depths of the Western Wasteland.


In the time-space storm, it is difficult to have a date, but in terms of the normal time flow around Shi Xuan, nine days have passed. When the escape light is not suppressed, the time-space storm is getting more and more intense. With Shi Xuan's current ability to manipulate time, he feels a little overwhelmed.

During these nine days, starting from the afternoon of the first day, Shi Xuan discovered that there was a Four Tribulations Heavenly Monarch following behind him through the integration of the Universe Light Bell and the time and space storm here, as well as the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife's proficiency in tracking breath sensing. Several times, he was completely escaped by him with the help of the Universe Light Bell, but he often caught up with him in half a day or a day.

"It seems that there is a Half-Step Golden Immortal behind him. Haha, if you fly deeper, when the time and space storm is close to the avenue, even if you are a Half-Step Golden Immortal, you can't think of penetrating the time storm through the numerous worlds and see through the cover of the Universe Light Bell." Shi Xuan thought to himself, and at the same time, he was guessing which Half-Step Golden Immortal sent him, so as not to be too cautious in the future.

Hundreds of thousands of miles behind Shi Xuan, there was a tall and thin male cultivator with a black and shiny beard. His appearance was simple and thin, and his temperament was extraordinary, and he felt a bit like a fairy.

He suddenly stopped, smiled bitterly and shook his head, then communicated with the big shots in the distance through the things in his soul: "Your Majesty, I lost Shi Xuan again. His innate time spirit is really powerful in concealing the secrets and aura of heaven." After the God Emperor passed Shi Xuan's position, direction and re-locked aura to Jian Taiqing, he said majestically and steadily: "Taiqing, if you go deeper, I'm afraid I won't be able to find Shi Xuan. Find a chance to get close to him and see if you can make friends with him. After all, apart from me and Yuan Yuanzi, few people know that you have taken refuge under me." Jian Taiqing nodded: "I will obey your majesty's order." ………… The time and space storm became more and more intense. Shi Xuan sacrificed the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife and held it in his left hand, allowing it to cooperate with him to manipulate time. Although the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife has not yet recovered to its original peak of the four calamities and cannot drive the innate killing aura, it has already reached the initial realm of the four calamities, and its ability to manipulate time is even slightly better than Shi Xuan. With the combined efforts of the two, Shi Xuan's feeling of being overwhelmed immediately receded, and he was able to move forward again.

Holding the vermilion gourd in one hand and the mysterious little bell in the other, Shi Xuan seemed to be about to enter the deepest inner layer of the Western Wasteland.

But at this moment, the front exuded an aura of bliss, freedom, tranquility, and liberation. Golden glass lotuses emerged from thin air and slowly bloomed, and the seven treasures of Buddhism spread in the void.

"The decline of the heart of Tao is illusory, and I don't know when it will invade the mind, but in fact, the real decline of the heart of Tao..." The peaceful and elegant voice with a soothing meaning reached Shi Xuan's soul.

"Not good!" Shi Xuan made a decisive decision and emitted the last breath of his soul to block the Zen sound!

After blocking it in time, Shi Xuan unfolded the Three Talents Destroying Sword and was about to cut it with all his strength. This was a malicious act, trying to make himself have a knowledge barrier about the decline of the heart of Tao, or to make the decline of the heart of Tao change horribly!

"Donor, wait a minute, listen to me." Those golden colored glaze lotuses formed these big words in the time and space storm.

Shi Xuan was not angry but laughed: "Destroying people's path, how can it be justified!"

The sword light unfolded, the void emerged, and the universe was projected as stars, covering the surrounding time storm. Combined with the environment, the "Void Destruction" sword technique is greatly increased in power!

Originally, the Three Talents Destroying Law Sword was infinitely close to the ninth-level immortal art. With the cooperation of Shi Xuan's "Zhoutian Xingdou Sword Formation" and the genuine four-tribulation realm, it was enough to compete with the immortal art that had just entered the ninth level. Now this sword can even be regarded as an ordinary ninth-level immortal art!

In the golden colored glaze lotus, there was a golden illusory tenth-grade lotus platform, on which sat a beautiful white-robed great master. She was preaching to the time and space storm. There were countless terrifying time storms around, and they seemed to have developed spiritual wisdom. They sat peacefully around her lotus platform to listen to the preaching, shaking their heads from time to time, and sat for a full 100,000 miles, which was spectacular.

"A very special life and death technique." Shi Xuan was well-informed and recognized that this was not a creation technique, but a life and death transformation technique, but it was different from other techniques.

The golden lotus radiated infinite golden light, resisting the collapse of the void. The golden glass light was shaky and dimmed, and the collapse of the void could not go any further.

"I didn't know that the donor was approaching, so I started to talk about the decline of the heart of Taoism." He still had enough strength to form words with the lotus.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted: "No matter what, talking about the decline of the heart of Taoism in front of this Taoist friend is indeed a great vengeance that will never end!"

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