Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 766 Sudden changes shock the world

Emperor Fengdu stood in the deep and terrifying dark time storm, and Shi Xuan stood on the edge of the Golden Bridge on the other side, looking at each other from a distance. In the middle was a stagnant state suppressed by the Tai Chi diagram.

After a moment, Emperor Fengdu slowly spoke: "Zhenjun Tianxuan, Gu Yu wants to exchange the method of sacrificial refining with this scroll of luck-destruction exposed from behind for the supreme skill that the master gave you, that is, The method of sacrificing the three flying swords.”

He said this sentence word by word, intermittently, with a hard, dry and gloomy tone, like a corpse that had not spoken for a long time, and as if he was carefully considering and thinking about how to express this sentence, so as not to attract some big shots. doubt.

After a pause, he continued with the same hoarse and difficult voice: "This picture scroll has been deduced by Gu. After collecting the materials, he followed the secret method of cultivating a weapon to sacrifice a vast world that is on the verge of destruction. It is in itself. It will be equivalent to one more immortal art, and once you master it, it will be a ninth-level immortal art. When you advance to the half-step golden immortal, you can also be promoted to the original level of the great avenue. It can be said to be the power to steal the universe and seize the fortune. Wonderful, of course, if you want to sacrifice it, you must at least be in the realm of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord, otherwise there will be no bones left after the backlash, but for you, it is just right."

In the eyes of others, Emperor Fengdu wanted to seduce Shi Xuan with the Scroll of Destiny, which he regarded as a treasure. It was the best choice to let the chess pieces of the Dao Ancestor of Life and Death rebel and disrupt his arrangement without taking action.

But Shi Xuan was laughing in his heart. What the Emperor Fengdu wanted could not be hidden from others, but he could not hide it from himself. Moreover, he had downgraded the last step of the Catalog of Destruction to complete it. Otherwise, there would be no four flying swords. How to refine the picture scroll? This can only be deduced by a person with great supernatural powers at the level of a half-step golden immortal.

After bursting into laughter, Shi Xuan sighed softly and sighed. If he could, he would be willing to obtain the last step of the ritual method of the Destroying Luck Catalog without doing anything.

If the sacrificial refining methods of the four flying swords in front are really separated and exchanged with Emperor Fengdu, it will not go against his own conscience, because it does not involve the leakage of the basic skills. He has already obtained the Five Elements Immortal Destroying Sword a long time ago. The five Taoist arts are placed in the Tianya Haijiao Tower.

However, the Illustrated Book of Destruction of Luck is rooted in the fundamental method of "Baolu". The emperor of Fengdu would not be satisfied if he gave the method of cultivating the four flying swords to him because what he needed most was to use the four flying swords. The key step in the integration of the sword, the Destruction Scroll of Luck and its own skills is something that even Qingyunzi cannot solve. It requires Taoist Qingwei, the master of creation, to deduce the perfect problem. Naturally, Shi Xuan cannot separate it out. If he really wants to To exchange this, you have to exchange the "Baolu" together.

In this way, not only did the arrangement of the Dao Ancestor of Life and Death fail, but it was also clear at a glance what he was following, and he was seeking his own death.

These two reasons made it easy for Shi Xuan to make up his mind and replied calmly: "Your Majesty, forgive me, Shi is the kind of person who leads a dark road."

The golden bridge on the other side turned into a Tai Chi diagram, rolled into a roll, and fell into the hands of Shi Xuan. Shi Xuan relied on the immortal-killing flying knife and his own strength to control time to resist the nearby space-time storm.

Shi Xuan murmured in his heart: "It's really unharmonious to fight and kill, but we still have to do it."

Emperor Fengdu sighed deeply, with slight disappointment and regret: "Zhenjun Tianxuan, you have a firm heart. I admire you very much, but you, it's a pity..."

In the face of obstacles on the road, since reconciliation is impossible, then we will fight to the death!

Before he finished speaking, the looming scroll of destiny behind him suddenly became clear.

Shi Xuan immediately felt that the surrounding space and time storm suddenly exploded, and they that could already represent the state of destruction were destroyed again. Time and space were completely separated, space collapsed, and turned into nothingness. Time was stagnant and shattered inch by inch, as if there was no past, present, or future.

Scenes of heart-stopping destruction emerged, concentrated near Shi Xuan Yuanshen.

Moreover, in this destruction, there is also the aura of bad luck from the Nemesis of Ten Thousand Magics, which makes it difficult for Shi Xuan’s Yuan Shen to move, as if any magic spell will be reduced to nothing, dissipated by the power of bad luck, and be destroyed. The power of destruction destroys.

What's even more terrifying is that the feeling of hardship and dilapidation ripples throughout Shi Xuan's Yuanshen, causing the Yuanshen's operation to become chaotic. The magic that should be directed to the left and right seems to be exploding directly in the Yuanshen, as if it doesn't exist. If any attack is needed, Shi Xuan Yuanshen will be at the end of his rope and self-destruct!

All these things can be summed up in one word: "The energy is exhausted"!

Considering the environment, Emperor Fengdu did not use the killing methods in the scroll of misfortune. He was worried that it would trigger several innate killing auras wandering nearby. They would not be able to distinguish between friend and foe, while Emperor Fengdu's Four Tribulations incarnation was Can't take any attack from the origin level of the avenue.

Faced with this, Shi Xuan was unhurried, as if he had been prepared for it. He shook the Tai Chi diagram in his hand, and a huge black and white yin-yang fish connected end to end appeared behind Shi Xuan. There is me in you, and there is me in me. You seem to contain the mystery of the changes in the entire universe, spectacular and calm.

As soon as it rose, the power of destruction, doom, and destruction all felt suppressed and stagnated slightly, even if it had not yet turned into a golden bridge on the other side.

As Shi Xuan's natal spiritual treasure, Tai Chi Tu is the spiritual treasure that Shi Xuan knows best and has the deepest understanding of. It is based on the changes of yin and yang and uses moral meaning as its power to evolve Tai Chi, so it is called Tai Chi Tu!

After understanding the true meaning of the innate Doom Dao, Shi Xuan can approach it and reach the level of the nemesis of all magic, the distortion of the road, and the impetuous mind. He practices day and night, and the Tai Chi diagram of the natal spiritual treasure that is connected with life, Shi Xuan and How can he be so stupid that he can't make any progress!

Shi Xuan has fully grasped the laws of the three innate avenues of Yin and Yang, morality, and Tai Chi contained in the Tai Chi diagram, and has also witnessed the true meaning of the Yin and Yang avenues. Using this as a motivation, although the true meaning of morality and the true meaning of Tai Chi, Shi Xuan has not yet Witness, but he has made considerable progress in understanding the Tao of Tai Chi. Especially after the Tai Chi diagram merged with time and became a spiritual treasure that reaches the sky for four tribulations, Shi Xuan is one step closer to witnessing the true meaning of Tai Chi!

The Taiji Avenue is one of the two most special ones among the forty-nine innate avenues.

The change of yin and yang is Tai Chi!

The change of cause and effect is Tai Chi!

The change between life and death is Tai Chi!

The intertwining of time and space is Tai Chi!

The coexistence of destruction and creation is Tai Chi!

The opposite of Yin Yang and Nirvana is Tai Chi!

It seems to include all the changes in the Tao, and it also seems to represent the first and most primitive "Tao"!

Balance changes, birth and death change!

If chaos is the beginning of the universe and the mother of the avenue, then Tai Chi is the beginning of the avenue!

Therefore, Tai Chi can suppress everything and suppress the great road!

Shi Xuan pointed his hand, and the black and white yin and yang fish behind him showed the most mysterious changes, and then turned into a vast, sacred, transcendent and mysterious golden long bridge. Under the bridge was a huge black and white yin and yang fish!

There is a golden bridge on the other side. The earth, fire, wind and water have subsided. The power of destruction, destruction and misfortune is dormant. All the storms of time and space have stopped, as if a complete void is about to be regenerated. Even the innate murderous aura wandering nearby All lost their leisure.

This is the full power of the current Tai Chi diagram, which can completely suppress all magical arts, restrictions, and changes that have not achieved the true meaning of the great road!

If it weren't for the lack of a level of illusory spiritual restraint, Shi Xuan would have been confident that he could completely suppress the immortal arts that had gained the true meaning of the great avenue and were at the peak of the ninth level. Even so, he could still do it with a little suppression.

Without strength to rely on, how could Shi Xuan rashly enter the deepest part of the Western Wilderness!

Because the Fengdu Emperor's Luck-Destroying Scroll is not perfect, although he can launch attacks at the original level of the Great Dao, he has never been able to obtain the true meaning of the Tao. Therefore, the "Luck-Destroying Scroll" used by this clone is naturally an ordinary ninth-level peak magic. The power.

The Golden Bridge on the other side was suppressed, and the Taiji Avenue slowly changed. Except for the innate killing aura, everything was completely suppressed, and there was no more waves.

Seeing Shi Xuan collect the Golden Bridge on the other side, turn it into a picture scroll again, and shake it towards him, the Fengdu Emperor was not in a hurry, and the deep disc of reincarnation suddenly appeared behind him, full of cracks,

The feeling of impermanence of life and death, changes in reincarnation, and transcendence to the other side arises spontaneously. This is the ninth-level peak magic "Six Paths of Reincarnation" that has the true meaning of life, death, and reincarnation!

Even if we pay the price of backlash, we must capture Shi Xuan!

However, the all-encompassing bridge on the other side, with golden light blooming and Tai Chi turning, passed over the head of Emperor Fengdu and fell directly into a place behind him surrounded by many innate killing auras.

The moment the disc of reincarnation stopped, Shi Xuan walked leisurely from the golden bridge on the other side, followed a strange trajectory, passed through the gaps of the innate killing energy, and disappeared into the inner layer of the Western Wasteland close to the core.

"His plan from the beginning was to escape!"

Just as Emperor Fengdu was about to turn around and pursue him, he noticed that the place surrounded by many innate killing auras had changed slightly. Several killing auras moved over and blocked him in front of him. By the time he went around, Shi Xuan had already lost track of him. , even the breath induction is suppressed by Tai Chi Tu, making it difficult to detect!

Shi Xuan is not an arrogant person, especially when he is facing this kind of peak clone of the Four Tribulations who is a half-step golden immortal. Therefore, even if the Tai Chi diagram is further away from the true meaning of the avenue and its power is greatly increased, he knows that he is definitely at a disadvantage, unless Using the divine light of the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave, in this case, after achieving the purpose of testing, Shi Xuan did not hesitate to plunge into the safe road that Granny Yu used to enter the core of the Western Wasteland!

And even if Shi Xuan now uses all his strength to capture the incarnation of Emperor Fengdu, the incarnation will be completely destroyed as soon as his main body thoughts move. After all, he is a half-step golden immortal, and the gap in realm is too big to be calculated, so here, Shi Xuan couldn't get the last step of the luck-destroying catalog at all.


Deep in the outskirts of the Western Wasteland, Ming Qingyue trekked hard and avoided many dangers, and finally found the first location given by Shi Xuan where Galaxy Villa could exist.

"Without the location reference given by Senior Tian Hengzi, it would be really difficult to find this place." Ming Qingyue smiled slightly and began to carefully explore a dark space crack.

After a few breaths, Ming Qingyue suddenly showed a funny and puzzled expression: "It seems like there is something?"

After thinking about it, she opened the restrictions on the Galaxy Villa given by Tian Hengzi and shot out starlight into the cracks in the space.


In the ruins of the cave, Tian Hengzi was still discussing with the black shadow while waiting for Ming Qingyue to discover the fake Galaxy Villa.

The black shadow chuckled and said: "The little girl was cautious and went to other places first, but in the end she will inevitably return to the place you arranged for Tian Hengzi."

Tian Hengzi half sighed and half mocked himself: "If Xinghe Biefu really still exists nearby, I would have perfected the true method long ago and practiced the secret method of the fifth decline of heaven and man to overcome the tribulation rooted in the true method, so why bother Afraid of the decline of Dao’s heart, we dare not move forward. How could it be so easy to discover Dao Zu’s residence?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he sensed that where Ming Qingyue had gone, countless bright starlight suddenly erupted, and the fire trees and silver flowers merged into a brilliant galaxy, soaring straight into the sky. When it reached a certain height, the starlight rolled back, scattered and reflected. A simple and gorgeous cave appears, as if it were all made of starlight, time and water waves.

These starlights merged into four seal characters:

"Galaxy Beppu!"

The black shadow was silent for a moment, and then asked in a hoarse voice: "Tian Hengzi, do you still have a 'fake Galaxy Beppu' there?"

Tian Hengzi's expression seemed to be crying and laughing, and his tone was full of disbelief: "That is the real Galaxy Beppu!"

Daozu Biefu was born, shining brightly across the entire Western Wilderness, making Yu Yu excited!

In all the heavens and all the worlds, I don’t know how many people want to combine time, Ziwei (stars), Xuan Ming, the half-step golden immortal of the water path species, and the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lord, and they have the feeling in their hearts.

The opportunity for enlightenment has come!


Separated from Yu Yutian by countless voids and thousands of places, there is a world where thousands of monsters come to visit. At its core is a gorgeous palace with three ancient monster clan inscriptions called "Demon Ancestor Hall".

In the Demon Ancestor Hall, a noble and beautiful woman wearing fiery red palace clothes was looking at Yu Yutian with a smile, as if she was very close in front of her.

The place she was looking at was not the Galaxy Villa, but the ruins of the cave.

"You're so petty." She looked at a certain being through Tian Hengzi, shook her head slightly, and murmured to herself with a smile.

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