Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 771 The Tao Lord descends into Zhu Xian

In the Xinghe Villa.

Ming Qingyue felt dizzy as soon as she entered. Fortunately, her life treasure Tianhe Treasure Mirror had been sacrificed long ago, and the protective magic was also blessed before entering, so she was not panicked and focused on calming the shaking of her soul.

After a moment, Ming Qingyue stabilized her mind and looked around, only to find that this Xinghe Villa Cave Heaven was completely different from other homes. It was a vast and boundless void, with stars shining, forming a spectacular river of starlight. The light gathered and flowed, and there was a feeling of slow flow.

Ming Qingyue saw the stars changing in her eyes, and the "Ziwei Xingdou" magic was used to deduce the hidden restrictions in this starry sky.

Thanks to the origin of the skills, Ming Qingyue soon calculated the result.

This result surprised her a little: "There are no restrictions in the starry sky, and the remaining restrictions are also in tatters, as if, as if a great master had come here before!"

Facing the aftermath of the Golden Immortal Array, the Daozu Mansion will definitely open its own cave formation and restrictions under pressure. Otherwise, it will not be able to be preserved intact. The current situation makes Ming Qingyue have to have such doubts.

But she thought of a possibility and felt relieved a little: "The Galaxy True Law is a supreme skill, which is very tempting for many great masters. Although it is very difficult for Daojun to find the Galaxy Mansion in the Western Wilderness, if the Golden Immortal Daozu is willing to spend time, this kind of ruined mansion with a certain range can be easily found, and the impact of the aftermath must have destroyed many restrictions here."

"I just hope that the Daozu who came here before did not take away the inheritance of the Galaxy True Law." Ming Qingyue still has great hope for this, because in the long river of starlight, the brightest star has a breath that is inductive with her Galaxy True Law.

She calmed down and performed the escape method, turning into a poetic and picturesque wind of time, going deep into the vast void and heading towards the star.

The escape light passed by stars from time to time, which were no different from the stars outside the universe. Some were burning with blazing star fire, some had extremely strong magnetic force, some were covered by the sea, and some contained materials such as Gengjin. However, a few stars also had magnificent palaces, medicine gardens, beast-controlling houses and other buildings built on them.

But the entire starry sky was without a trace of vitality, as if all vitality had been consumed in the passage of millions of years, even the void creatures with strong survival ability were no exception.

Ming Qingyue guessed that it was because the restrictions were broken under the impact of the aftermath that all the creatures in the cave were destroyed. After all, this was just a galaxy palace, and there were not many Tianjuns with high cultivation.

In this way, Ming Qingyue did not encounter any obstacles from creatures. After carefully bypassing the broken restrictions, she soon approached the brightest star.

When she got closer, Ming Qingyue realized that this was not a star, but a huge palace made of infinite starlight. Unfortunately, the plaque was damaged and the original seal characters could no longer be seen.

Ming Qingyue carefully but quickly went to the place where the breath was sensed. Along the way, most of the restrictions were broken. Occasionally, a few intact ones were not strong restrictions. Ming Qingyue used the method of breaking the ban contained in "Xinghe Zhenfa" to break it smoothly and unusually, just like returning to her own house and opening the courtyard door with the key she brought with her.

Ming Qingyue saw magic weapons and secret treasures such as mirrors, swords, silk, and seals from time to time while passing through the palaces and pavilions, but she ignored them and flew forward without any delay.

After a few moments, Ming Qingyue found that the breath was sensed in the hall in front of her. On the plaque, there were four seal characters "Langhuan Waterside" with starlight and water waves.

She held her breath and flew in with unusual vigilance.

This hall was like being immersed in vague transparent water waves. As soon as Ming Qingyue touched it, she felt a sense of time chaos. After a moment, she gradually adapted to it: "It is very similar to the secret cave of time that Shi Xuan mentioned."

These vague water waves separated nine small pavilions on the left and right, but Ming Qingyue didn't even look at the things in these small pavilions, and went to the front of the hall in a very short time.

As the starlight and the water waves reflected each other, Ming Qingyue quickly saw the thing floating in front of him.

This is a light golden sword, with the sun, moon and stars engraved on one side of the sword and mountains and rivers on the other side. On the hilt, the art of farming and animal husbandry was written on one side, and the strategy for the health and happiness of all beings was written on the other side, revealing a faint sense of saintliness.

"Sword of Holy Virtue!" Ming Qingyue recognized that this sword imitated the Holy Virtue Sword, the spiritual treasure of the Xinghe Daozu. Her thoughts raced, and she quickly remembered all the rumors about this sword: "It is said that all the sects under the Xinghe Daozu like to use the fundamental prohibition of the Xinghe True Method to sacrifice a Holy Virtue Sword as a thing of inheritance."

Her Yuanshi used the secret technique contained in the Xinghe True Method to lightly flick the Holy Virtue Sword, which was unknown whether it was a magic weapon, a spiritual treasure, or a secret treasure. Suddenly, the side of the sword with the sun, moon, and stars emitted brilliant starlight, the side with mountains and rivers surged with waves, and the hilt of the sword gave off a sense of the passage of time for the continuous survival of various races.

The three intersected and merged into a light curtain full of holy virtue. Many Taoist characters, ancient thunder patterns, and ancient cloud seals emerged and jumped constantly.

In Ming Qingyue's dreamy eyes, the stars were moving rapidly, leaving strange traces. She wanted to study the "Xinghe Zhenfa" carefully, not missing any tiny details.

With the memory of the Three Tribulations Yangshen Zhenren, who could see the true nature, and the combination of the skills, she would definitely remember everything after reading it once, and would never forget it.


In front of the Galaxy Villa, the Zhuxian Sword Formation stood indifferently. The sword light was vertical and horizontal, and the sword energy was so dense that the nearly ten Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords who rushed here did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

As for the other Heavenly Lords, it was extremely difficult just to resist the sword energy and murderous intent occasionally revealed by the Zhuxian Sword Formation. How could they still have the thought of fishing in the troubled waters of Beppu? She has no interest at all. Ever since she obtained "The Way of All Realms Freeze", she has no urgent need for secret treasures, secret techniques, spiritual treasures, etc. She seems to have a sense of not pretending to be an external object, and is more focused on sharpening her own Taoist heart.

As for the real people, their souls were so frightened that it was difficult to move, and they could only watch the changes in front of the galaxy.

The Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords looked at each other, no one dared to test the edge of the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Tian Hengzi was a famous peak power of the Four Tribulations, but he was as fragile as paper under this fake Zhuxian Sword Formation. Pasty.

The same thought came to their minds: "Even if we join forces, I'm afraid we won't be able to block the blow of the Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

Between the Immortal Killing Sword Formation and the Four Tribulations Heavenly Lords, the scene seemed to be stagnant and frozen, and only time was slowly passing by.

But a few moments later, the nearby yellow sand violent wind suddenly dissipated, all the ferocious space cracks collapsed, the pale wind of time stopped abruptly, countless bright starlight fell from the sky, and a graceful and graceful beautiful woman stepped on the starlight , descending leisurely from countless other worlds.

"Master!" Two of the Four Heavenly Lords of the Four Tribulations said in surprise and hurriedly paid their respects.

The woman nodded gently, then turned her head and bowed lightly to Shi Xuan, who was at the deepest part of the Western Wilderness: "I am Fuzhen, the Lord of Tianhe. This other mansion is an ownerless thing, and it is related to this." I have the opportunity to achieve enlightenment, so I have to break through the Immortal Killing Sword Formation set up by you, fellow Taoist Stone."

She was polite first and then fought to show her honesty. Even though there was no bullying of the weak in this situation, it was rumored that there was the shadow of the Five Elements Taoist behind Shi Xuan, and Shenxiao Palace was also a figure who stood at the peak of the Half-Step Golden Immortal.

A gentle voice came through the Zhuxian Sword Formation: "Senior Fuzhen, please."

Shi Xuan never thought about fighting to the death with the Half-step Golden Immortal. He only planned to drag it out for a while, and he would use a thousand pounds to activate the afterimage of the Zhuxian Sword Formation. It seemed easy, but just manipulating the changes in the sword formation took a lot of effort. And as time goes by, the innate killing energy will gradually dissipate, and it needs to be pulled again. With the current situation of myself and the Immortal Killing Flying Knife, it is dangerous and abnormal, and more than 90% of them may be backfired!

Fuzhen stopped talking, and a brilliant river of stars rushed out of the Niwan Palace, meandering above her head, with rippling water. Every drop of the river water was a world where starlight and Xuanming True Water intertwined. It was her Half-step Golden River. The Immortal Dao Fruit "Xuanming Galaxy" is not a common Qingyun in the authentic Taoist sect.

Countless starlight hangs down from the "Xuanming Galaxy", like a water curtain in front of the eaves, flowing continuously, protecting Fu Zhen within it.

Fu Zhen stepped lightly and headed towards the Zhuxian Gate of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Above the flag gate, the Zhuxian Sword shot down streaks of cyan sword light, hitting the "Xuanming Galaxy" directly, shooting down hundreds of stars in it, and shattering many Xuanming starlight realms.

However, the stars and Xiaoqian were destroyed and reborn. Fu Zhen crossed the flag gate with his hands behind his back, went deep into the sword array, and headed towards the center of the array.

At the same time, two more half-step golden immortals arrived, one was a young emperor lying high in the starlight, and the other was an old and decayed Taoist who looked like he had accumulated a lot of dust of time.

The two of them said in unison: "Fellow Taoist Fuzhen, I'm here to help you."

The young emperor clapped his hands and headed towards the Juexian Gate. The Juexian Sword above the flag gate shook, and white killing aura fell down. The young emperor calmly pushed the Star Emperor's Crown with his right hand, and a flower the size of Mu Xu was released. Like transparent river water, but also like Qingyun transformed by starlight, it flew out from the Niwan Palace, and the aura of holiness that nourished all things and benefited the people was born spontaneously.

The Juexian Sword Qi was about to hit Duo Qingyun, but it seemed that he couldn't bear to hurt him, so he deflected his direction and passed him by.

Luan Jia moved forward, crossed the Juexian Gate, and entered the Zhuxian Sword Formation. His figure was covered by countless white killing auras.

When the old Taoist arrived at the Fallen Immortal Sect, he saw the Fallen Immortal Sword shoot down a red sword light that seemed to be condensed with endless blood and killings. He also pushed the Taoist crown without haste, and a long river of time rose into the sky. It was flowing endlessly, surrounding a mouth. A simple and mysterious little clock.

The bell rang softly and the red sword light stopped for a moment. The old Taoist staggered into the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Shi Xuan, who was in the deepest part of the Western Wilderness, felt that the fake Immortal Killing Sword Formation was crumbling, and he was busy solemnly transforming the Immortal Killing Flying Knife into the Immortal Gate.

Above the four gates, the four swords of Zhu, Jue, Trap, and Stab each shot out a sword light. Billions of killing auras and sword lights burst out in the sword array, and green lotuses bloomed. The already dark West The depths of the wilderness suddenly darkened and became extremely dark, with only the countless sword lights dazzling!

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