Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 784: Studying and traveling requires both

Shi Xuan stood quietly in front of this "Zhou Tian Xing Chen Tu", his soul was running, and he felt the space-time signposts of the universe that were combined in a mysterious and strange way.

The brightness of each point of light is different from time to time, because its space-time changes never stop. For example, a certain point was the space-time signpost of Yu Yutian in the previous moment, and the space-time signpost of Tongtian World in the next moment, and then it became the space-time signpost of Liulitian. It never repeats, and it changes continuously in the space-time signposts of the trillions of universes.

The space-time changes at each point seem chaotic, and the "Zhou Tian Xing Chen Tu" formed by all the space-time changes is like a child's graffiti, with no rules to follow, but if you look at it attentively for a while, you will feel that the "Zhou Tian Xing Chen Tu" has an indescribable mystery, which can only be understood, not expressed in words, and everyone can experience it differently.

The Tao can be said, but it is not the Tao!

Shi Xuan's soul reflects a brilliant starry sky formed by the turbulence of time and space, with stars shining brightly, corresponding to the universe one by one.

Gradually, the starry sky became vast and boundless, turning into a void universe.

So the stars gradually moved away from Shi Xuan's consciousness incarnation in the middle of the void, and the starlight became fainter and fainter, just like the scene Shi Xuan often saw when flying in the void, in a deep darkness, the stars flickered faintly, giving a sense of detachment from the world, loneliness and vicissitudes.

However, under the feet of Shi Xuan's consciousness incarnation, there were seven stars that became brighter and brighter, Tianshu Siming, Tianxuan Siming Gong, Tianji Siming Cai, Tianquan Siming Shou, Yuheng Yisuan, Kaiyang Du'e, Yaoguang Zhangsheng, they were surprisingly consistent with the turbulence of time and space, the time and space road signs changed from time to time, connected in a mysterious way, with fate at the head and vitality at the end, like the condensation of the changes of the stars in the sky.

"The Big Dipper points the way!"

Shi Xuan felt something in his heart, and three rays of light flew out from his consciousness incarnation, one purple, one red, and one bright. The purple stream of light turned into a noble star, high in the Niwan Palace, commanding the stars in the sky. The red light turned into a red sun, and the bright light sprinkled rays of light, like a bright moon, respectively in the left and right hands of Shi Xuan's consciousness incarnation.

Attracted by the stars above and below his head, his left and right hands, and the surrounding void stars, Shi Xuan's consciousness incarnation became brighter and brighter, as if every mysterious acupoint and thought in his body corresponded to the stars outside.

Gradually, the consciousness incarnation in Shi Xuan's Yuanshen emitted brilliant light and turned into an acre-sized "illusory Zhoutian Xingdou Celebration Cloud".

In this mysterious feeling, Shi Xuan stood quietly in front of the turbulent flow of time and space, pointed his hand, and a white dim sword light was leisurely slashed out, and all the changes were condensed into one, which was a bright starlight transformed by the "illusory Zhoutian Xingdou Celebration Cloud".

This is the way to get closer to the truth through art, and the great way returns to simplicity from complexity.

Although there is no change, everything in the nearby time, space, etc. seems to be pulled by the sword light, and turned into the Zhoutian stars and the empty universe.

Facing this sword, it is like facing the oppression of the entire universe, with a feeling of exhaustion, imminent death, and death.

When the sword light fell, the barrier formed by the turbulent flow of time and space quietly separated, revealing the seven special worlds inside, which had no power to resist.

Shi Xuan opened his eyes and sighed with half joy and half emotion: "Reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles. It really makes sense!"

After personally experiencing the strange changes in time and space in the Big Dipper World, Shi Xuan finally completed the key link in his "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Sword Technique". He unified and integrated the accumulation of thousands of years and the hard work of hundreds of years in condensing various sword techniques into one. Only then did he condense all the changes of "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Sword Technique" into one, and took a solid step in practicing the sword technique of "one sword breaking all methods".

"But I have only condensed the various changes of the Zhoutian Xingdou Sword Technique, including those I created myself, and the other sword techniques I know, such as the pseudo-Zhuxian Sword Formation, have not yet been able to condense into the same level as the Zhoutian Xingdou Qingyun. There is still a long way to go for this step." Shi Xuan examined his sword just now, "Well, but you can also start to try to combine swordsmanship with the true meaning and operation of the Yin-Yang Dao, just like practicing the Yin-Yang Mixed Hole Divine Light. This hurdle is the real difficulty."

But this hurdle is much easier for Shi Xuan than for a normal four-tribulation heavenly monarch or even most half-step golden immortals, because Shi Xuan has already witnessed the true meaning of the Yin-Yang Dao. Without this premise, this hurdle will definitely not be passed. Therefore, a normal four-tribulation heavenly monarch, a half-step golden immortal in the stage of all laws returning to the Dao, and a half-step golden immortal who has witnessed the true meaning of the Dao is not suitable for breaking all laws with one sword, can only sigh in despair.

So, some things originally seem to be as difficult as ascending to heaven, but when the "realm" is reached, it will be twice the result with half the effort and a lot easier. This is to compare means, not "realm" and Taoism.

"Beidou is indeed not a world full of murderous intent and death. On the contrary, it is the opposite. Beidou is the master of life. Destiny, merit, wealth, life span, heavenly secrets, hidden virtues, vitality, etc. are all reflected. However, under the mysterious transformation of swordsmanship, destiny, heavenly secrets, wealth, etc. have become a dead end, merits have become murderous intent, hidden virtues have become disasters, and longevity and vitality have become dense death. All have become opposite or restrained. No wonder it is the most powerful and strongest change in Zhoutian Xingdou swordsmanship. I am afraid that the sword immortal ancestor created this change after listening to the teachings of the Lord of Creation." "If I don't go to Beidou, I will never understand the true meaning of this sword!" "But why did the sword immortal ancestor think of such a transformation? In order to use the technique to achieve the mystery of opposites and restraints, or is there another reason?"

The sword immortal ancestor who created the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Sword Technique" was not named. Among the fifty-six Dao ancestors, there were several who achieved Dao through sword cultivation, but their fundamental sword techniques were not the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Sword Technique". Those who achieved eternity and left did not match the name either. Shi Xuan really doubted whether this person was a Dao ancestor or just a half-step golden immortal. But if a half-step golden immortal could create such a supreme sword technique, his talent in swordsmanship should be far superior to others, at least far superior to Shi Xuan, and he should not be unknown.

Shi Xuan half understood and half doubted as he stepped into the time and space turbulence that he had cut open, heading towards the Big Dipper World. Since he had come to such a special world, how could he not see it? Moreover, there were several powerful four-tribulation heavenly monarchs in the heaven of the Big Dipper World. Shi Xuan also planned to discuss the Tao, or exchange ideas with them.


The time and space markers of the Big Dipper World changed from time to time, causing a strange time and space turbulence that enveloped it.

The place where Shi Xuan stepped out of the time and space turbulence was the Yaoguang World, the end of the seven worlds, commonly known as the Mortal World.

"It's just what I want, saving the effort of finding the space barriers of other worlds in the time and space turbulence again." Shi Xuan smiled slightly, and his figure swayed, as if there was no obstacle, and he easily stepped into the Mortal World.

And on the seventh and ninth floors of Jiuyou, Jiuzang Dashi, who was resolving the vicious emotions of the wronged souls, and Youhai Emperor, who was quietly practicing, suddenly stopped, looking up at the Jiuyou sky with a strange expression, and said to himself at the same time: "Shi Xuan actually arrived in Beidou..."


Compared with the normal world, the Mortal World has slightly insufficient spiritual energy and a very small range, which may be as big as the Middle Earth back then, but basic medicinal materials and spiritual herbs can still grow, which is far better than the end of the law that Shi Xuan has been to.

As soon as he entered the Mortal World, Shi Xuan had an idea, counted with his fingers, and calculated that someone would break through to the Qi Induction Stage today and ascend to the world of cultivation, so he smiled, probed with his immortal consciousness, and prepared to see it.

In Changsheng Sect, the sect master Li Xingkong is in his forties. He walks like a dragon and a tiger, with his hands behind his back. He is casual and has an air of disregarding all the heroes in the world: "A few days ago, I was in a state of silence and had a great enlightenment. As long as I take this step, I can break the void, ascend to the upper realm, and pursue the way forward. I summoned you today to entrust the affairs of the sect to you."

His disciples were happy and surprised. They were happy that their master could finally break the void, follow the footsteps of martial arts and Taoist masters of all generations, and ascend to the upper realm. They were worried that once their master, the world's number one master, left, Changsheng Sect would be bullied by other major sects. After all, except for the few dead disciples, no one present had broken through to the subtle realm.

"Congratulations, Master, for breaking through the void and ascending to the upper realm to enjoy happiness!"

Li Xingkong saw the expressions of his disciples and knew their worries. He smiled slightly and said indifferently: "I have been to the Taoist sect, the Demon Sect, and the major sects these days, and sent away all my old friends, so you don't have to worry. But if their disciples have broken through to the Out-of-Body or In-Micro, and you are still standing still, then my Changsheng Sect deserves to be destroyed."

The disciples were stunned. In just a few days, they killed several masters of In-Micro. Is this the strength of the Broken Void?

"When you enter the Broken Void realm, your spirit will mutate. I just stood far away with my hands behind my back and sent away several old friends with my spirit. The two realms are not the same." Li Xingkong didn't care at all, as if he had killed a few unknown people. "Okay, that's all I have to say."

As soon as the voice fell, invisible waves came out of his body, and the spiritual energy gathered. Then he clenched his fists and hit upward with all his strength. The spiritual energy collapsed and the space barrier was pierced.

Li Xingkong laughed loudly, full of pride and confidence, and jumped into the broken void.

The void quickly recovered, and several disciples were stunned when they saw their master disappear. This is breaking the void and ascending to the upper realm? !

In the world of cultivation, every cultivator who ascended will be led to a square in a city, so after Li Xingkong adapted to the sense of time and space changes, he found himself in a large square, surrounded by many people setting up stalls to sell goods, and there were several masters with terrifying auras looking at him.

Li Xingkong was extremely alert, his steps were unsteady, and he thought to himself: "I didn't expect to meet such a master as soon as I ascended. Could it be that this is the core of the upper world? Otherwise, where would there be so many masters of Broken Void! But I have practiced martial arts for nearly forty years and have never been defeated. Why should I be afraid?! I will create an opportunity to leave later. Haha, being able to compete with masters of Broken Void is what I have always dreamed of."

There was a tall man in the lead, looking at Li Xingkong and nodded: "Well, you are not very old, and you have great potential. Fellow Taoist, I wonder what your name is, are you willing to join our Eight Spirits Sect?"

"I am Li Xingkong, thank this friend for his kindness, but how can I, a master of Broken Void, be inferior to others." Li Xingkong said proudly and confidently. As masters of Broken Void, as long as he gets familiar with them, he will definitely catch up with them in time.

The tall man laughed loudly: "Be inferior to others? You have just broken through the cultivation level of Qi Induction, and you have just entered the threshold of cultivation. Where do you get such arrogance from! Let me tell you, in our sect, several of us are at the bottom of the disciples. There are many people with your cultivation level, as many as wild dogs."

This statement is exaggerated, just to suppress Li Xingkong's arrogance. After all, there are still mortals who are born and grown in the world of cultivation, as well as cultivators who forge the body and nourish Qi, but there are indeed many cultivators who can draw Qi.

"How is it possible?!" Li Xingkong looked unbelievable.

The tall man pointed at an old man setting up a stall next to him and said with a smile: "You see for yourself, his cultivation level is much higher than yours, and he is still making a living by setting up a stall in this square."

Li Xing's Kongling sense swept away and he immediately felt the terrifying aura. His expression suddenly became dull and he murmured to himself: "A master-level person with my character and means, after ascending to the upper world, am I only worthy of being raised by others?" Shoes? Anyone you meet is far better than me."

At this time, the tall man discovered that there was a young man in green robe behind Li Xingkong. He asked in shock: "Who are you?"

Shi Xuan thought for a while, nodded and replied: "On the way."

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