Catch a Tiger by the Tail

11 Master's Waiting Part 1

The temple of shadows has a plane if existence all its own. Animal spirits drift here once they pass to serve the hand that gave. them the chance at life. Now in shadow form they keep his temple, and ferry his messages to and from the human world while he and his sons watch over the land known to hold the Trial of Life.

Each animal had its job, and one little messenger had the most important job of all. However, this job was also the downfall of many once proud and favored spirits of the Temple lands.

Most recent to fall prey to its misfortune was a cat, quick on her feet and agile in her moments and yet, she had failed. Before her a bear and a snake had tried their hands but both of them met the same fate. The master was not kind to any who failed their task, but he believed in second chances… most the time. This was the one job in the Shadow Realm that only allowed for no grace period, no mistakes. It was on this very mission that Ping the fox was in despair over.

Ping dashed up stone steps and through silver lined archways. In its mouth a pouch that glowed and glimmered with power. Breathing heavy the fox took the steps 2 at a time, 3 at a time higher up as he gained momentum. 'The Master was waiting… Must not keep the master waiting.' The fox kept chanting in his mind as he continued to follow the ancient stone halls. Shadows spilled down from the lights, seeming to dance and writhe with lives of their own.

Ghostly animals, similar to the fox dashed, flew, and slithered about their daily jobs, lighting candles or disposing of rodents and other trash that sought to desecrate these halls. The Master liked things done and done right. It did not do to have a job undone when he sent for you. The fox spotted a familiar little Wolf laying by a doorway, watching over the opening, a guard against the outside world. In front of him the Fox skidded to a stop.

"Where is the Master, Keric? He is waiting! I am making him wait!" The fox called in desperation and despair. His eyes darted around the room and the hound lifted its great black head and yawned languidly. There was a sense of amusement deep set into the wolf's glowing golden eyes.

"what's worse is you keep him waiting when he knows there's a letter from the misses." Kerik replied with a low chuckle. The already dusky grey fox turned white in an instant. His eyes widening like a doe in a net.

"H.hhhe knowwws?" the fox studdered in terror. "who told himmmmmmmm?!" he wined and the wolf looked at him and slowly raised to his feet, Boeing his back in the traditional long stretch of a canine raising from a nap. His nose was at the same level as the fox before him as he began to raise. The mischief in his eyes gave Ping a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Afterall, he would fit in the pit of Keric's with room to spare.

"I did."

"…" the fox began angrily advancing "I'll get you for this!" he dashed forward fangs bared as if to attack the wolf. He didn't stand a chance no matter what dorm Keric took but ohh did he love the little Fox's fighting spirit. The wolf transformed to a man and caught the little furrball mid leap. If that wasn't enough to stun Ping the man laughed and proceeded in transferring him expertly into a baby position on his back snuggling him into Keric's chest. The embarrassing pose completely with his tail tucked over his underbelly and against his chin.

"No… i think I got you." keric chuckled at the indignant expression that replaced his shock.

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