Catch a Tiger by the Tail

50 No Regrets Part 2

"What was that for!" Talis demanded rubbing his hand over his scalp now. The two brothers glared at each other.

"She is your teacher, I expect you to treat her with respect." Verone reminded him and Talis bit the inside of his lips, eyes narrowing as he looked Verone over for a moment wondering if he realized how that sounded. He arched an eyebrow asking a silent question. However, his brother's eyes dared him to speak the question aloud.

"And you are her student too…" Talis replied and Kyera shook her head raising a hand.

"Verone was originally my equal, we are training partners. Technically you are my first true 'student'. I have trained many but i've never made the decision as to what they were going into so your a first." Kyera replied, correcting him and soothing Verone at the same time. If the two boys got into a measuring contest, she didn't want to be in the area for it. Hearing this, Talis reluctantly agreed, turning her attention back to Kyera, eyes glittering with expectancy.

"So...What am I going to be trained as?" He asked again since the question had already been raised. Kyera chuckled at how quickly his mood changed, like a kitten with ocd.

"I think it's best you join me as a Scout. You located the traps well, and your cautious. Your inability to pay attention to one thing for more than half a breath will do you well as you won't get caught on some detail and miss a trap that was inches away. You just need to learn how to use it." Kyera replied sitting up and running her hands through her long hair. It felt like silk caressing her fingers. Verone smiled.

"So you are saying I have a natural talent?" Talis asked with a grin. He sat up as well, not wanting to be caught on his back if she decided it was time for a impromptu skill check. Kyera didn't have one planned at least that's how it seemed. Afterall, very seldom does a skill check occur when the student is expecting it.

"Yes, but you have to work on your confidence, and learn to guide your quick moving mind to focus on searching for traps. You will still learn hand to hand combat and some form of range combat. I will leave range in the capable hands of your brother. My whip is as close to long range as I get." Kyera replied with a shrug. Which was partially true. She didn't use a ranged weapon. She had no idea to learn such a tedious skill when she had the shadows to do her bidding at a distance.

Before Kyera could speak, Verone stood up and offered her a hand. She took it and found herself on her feet, their arms the only thing between their chests. A grin pulled at both their lips and their eyes met and held for several long moments. The soft cough from the younger brother queing the pair to step back, putting a bit of distance between them.

"So.. Yea it won't be happening tonight. We need to head back, it's getting close to daylight." Verone replied a slight hint of red on his ears. Kyera smiles and nods, her eyes moving to the sky.

"Let's head home." Kyera agreed, and took a few steps back before grinning at the pair pulling herself up to full height. She winked before dashing forward, her body blurring and changing shape. The boys followed both turning to tigers to run with her toward the village. Little did they know this would be the last time all three would head for home together.

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