"Brother, I didn't bring the cigarettes." Ah He kept reminding him as he was carried away by Zhao Qin.

"Okay, I know."

Hearing what Zhao Qin said, Ah He was stunned and said, "Why?"

"Ah He, Lao Zhu could have told you directly about the boat. You can just transfer the message to me. Why do you need me to make a special trip?"

"Why?" After he asked, he immediately reacted, "Lao Zhu wants benefits?"

"He didn't necessarily want benefits. Maybe he just wanted me to owe him a favor. As for me, I didn't want to owe him a favor, so I bought two packs of cigarettes. Understand."

Ah He understood, but he didn't take it seriously. If you owe a favor, you owe it to me. It doesn't depend on your mood.

All I can say is that this kid was taken too far by the former Zhao Qin. Take your time and take your time, and you will eventually bring this kid back.

"Don't eat too much at night...Forget it, I'll get some food from my eldest brother's house. You go to Lao Zhang's house to buy some stewed vegetables and wait for me. Hey, money."

Ah He didn't accept the money this time, so Sayazi ran away.

Zhao Qin returned to his eldest brother's house and also gave 100 yuan to his sister-in-law, saying that the money for the water pump was even.

When Xia Rong went to sell fish, he asked his man where the water pump came from. Zhao Ping also explained his decision. Xia Rong agreed with both hands.

I thought that today's seafood sales would not be enough to pay for the water pump, but I didn't expect that I could still get 100 yuan.

"You can't sell it for 3,200 yuan, right?" Zhao Ping had calculated in his mind that no matter how high the price was, it couldn't exceed 3,000 yuan.

Hearing what the man said, Xia Rong also reacted and took out 100 yuan. Zhao Qin said depressedly: "We brothers, these 100 yuan are still being pushed around. I say enough is enough."

"Keep it." After hearing what Zhao Ping said, Xia Rong was a little embarrassed and kept the money.

"Sister-in-law, find a lunch box and put some food in it for me. I'll go back to eat today."

"Why bother? Just finish eating here and then go back." Zhao Ping took out all the wine and said a little unhappy when he heard what he said.

The main reason is that once my brother leaves, maybe my wife will put away the wine bottles.

"I don't have time. I have to go back and catch up on the TV series. The finale of A Family with Children is about to come to an end."

Zhao Ping:......

Knowing that he had a big appetite, Xia Rong found two lunch boxes, one for rice and one for vegetables. He filled almost half of the food on the table into the lunch box.

Carrying the lunch box, he returned home. A moment after taking a shower, Ah He came.

Zhao Qin took a big bowl and divided the rice in the lunch box into two parts. It probably wasn't enough for both of them, but fortunately there was a lot of food. Ah He packed two braised vegetables and six bottles of beer.

Neither of them touched the beer, but ate with their rice. When they finished the meal, they opened a bottle of beer each and slowed down the pace a little.

"Brother, Lin Laoer bought the boat. Does he want to make enemies with us?"

"Still jealous."

Zhao Qin replied lightly, "The one or two thousand kilograms of oysters that I knocked last time were for sale. Lin Laoer's wife must have been moved when she saw them, and she encouraged Lin Laoer to pry the boat that was supposed to be sold to him."

"Brother, if Lin Laoer plays like this, let's beat him up. Even if the people in the village know about it, they will only say that he is not honest."

Zhao Qin tapped him on the head angrily, "Ah He, remember, the world is not about fighting, it's about human relations."

"If I don't beat him up, I'll feel bad."

"If you let others beat you, let's not reach out. Don't let yourself get angry and make yourself embarrassed again."

Ah He's eyes lit up, "Yes, let's spend some money to find a few gangsters in the town, hit and run, and no one will know."

Zhao Qin didn't say anything, picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth. When Lao Zhu told him it was Lin Laoer, he had a rough idea, but he hadn't figured out how to connect one of the links.

Suddenly his mind moved and he had the best candidate.

Seeing him thinking, Ah He said depressedly: "Brother, listen to me this time and find someone to beat Mr. Lin. No, beat Lao Xue too. It's useless for you to think about it now. The ship must have arrived at Mr. Lin." Second hand."

Zhao Qin finally sorted out his thoughts, "Ahe, go and move another box of wine. The braised vegetables at Lao Zhang's place are all rounded up. If you don't have braised vegetables, you can just buy a few bags of peanuts, and buy two bottles of white wine.

Invite Lao Xing and Lao Liu over for a drink, and let Lao Xing come first. "

Seeing A He was about to run away, Zhao Qin stopped him again, "When they come, I will lead the topic to Lai Bao and my cousin being reported. If you want to say so..."

Ah He's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened. When he finished listening, he slammed the table excitedly and said, "Brother, there's no need to go to so much trouble. I'll just tell the two families about this."

"Stupid, first of all, if we tell someone, we are not going to have a mortal enemy with them. Secondly, when Lin Laoer arrived, he said that he had robbed our ship. We were fabricating lies to slander him. We can't explain clearly, so Li will definitely not come forward to testify for us.

Maybe they will deny it in order to protect the whistleblower. "

Ah He said "Oh" and ran out. Zhao Qin thought for a while and dialed Jin Xiaogong's phone number. He was very confident that the ship had not yet reached Lin Laoer's hands.

Lin Laoer is not a fool, and he will definitely let Lao Xue let out the news in a few days, saying that the person who pried Zhao Qin's boat has regretted it again, so that after he gets the boat, he will not offend Zhao Qin too much.

"Ah Gong, I'm Ah Qin. Why, are you working the night shift tonight?"

"You said you didn't even want to come over for fun on weekends. I plan to buy a boat. Ask Brother Zhong if you have a weekend off. Come over and I'll take you out fishing. As we agreed, you'll pay for the fuel when I go out on the boat.

Hahaha, that's settled. By the way, I have something to ask you. Has anyone from our village come to your place to handle the ship transfer procedures in the past two days?

Okay, you can ask for me. I'll wait for your call. "

The current police station is a transition from the original border defense station, so it still handles some procedures for the maritime department. In a few years, this will no longer be possible. Ship transfers must go to the county maritime bureau.

After waiting for almost a few minutes, Jin Xiaogong's phone call came, telling him for sure that within a week, not only their village would not have it, but the entire town would have it.

After a few more words, Zhao Qin hung up the phone and felt completely relieved. As long as the ship had not been transferred, he was 90% sure that they would fix the matter.

Not only did he want to fix the problem this time, he also wanted to make it completely impossible to sell Lao Xue's boat.

After waiting for a while, Lao Xing came over and said, "Aqin, why are you asking for a drink so late?"

"Old Xing, sit down. Let's get a bottle of beer first. I know you like white beer, so I asked Ah He to buy it." Zhao Qin said as he stood up, went into the kitchen, took out two pairs of chopsticks and two bowls, and handed a The deputy gave Lao Xing.

"Anything is fine. It's good if you have wine to drink. I don't have to choose."

He put two pieces of braised vegetables in Lao Xing's bowl, handed him a bottle of beer, and then asked: "Old Xing, has anyone come to the village to issue a certificate in the past two days?"

The sale and purchase of ships required the village to issue a sales certificate, which Zhao Qin had not done before because of Lao Xue's lack of cooperation.

"If there was, I wouldn't have told you earlier."

Zhao Qin nodded. He believed in Lao Xing on this point. "Damn it, I'm still angry thinking about Lao Xue."

"Old Xue is indeed unreasonable in this matter. Ah Qin, you have been taking the right path during this period. I think you should not get into trouble yourself. You won't be in trouble."

Zhao Qin stopped talking about it and stopped mentioning it.

Lao Xing asked him again why he was eating so late. Zhao Qin told him about going to sell goods. He remembered something and asked curiously: "Old Xing, I saw Lin Yang's wife feeding a wild dog on that road twice. , what’s the situation?”

"Hey, that's not a wild dog. It was originally raised at home. It seems that it was raised when his wife got married. Later, someone beat him up and lame one of his legs. Old Lin wanted to beat him up for meat.

The dog ran away. Except for Lin Yang's wife, the dog would not come out. I also saw her feeding the dog two or three times. "

While the two were chatting, Lao Liu and Ah He walked in the door together, and they decisively ended the conversation.

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